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POETARUM SCENICORUM GRAECORUM AESCHYLI SOPHOCLIS EURIPIDIS ET ARISTOPHANIS FABULAE SUPERSTITES ET PERDITARUM FRAGMENTA. Ex recensione et cum prolegomenis G. DINDORFii. Editio Quinta correctior. Ldn., Nutt, 1869. XV,58;127;14,172;376;232 p. Half green morocco. 29 cm (Cover scuffed; lower compartment of the back gone; front joint splitting; head of spine damaged; ink marginalia and underl. in the Choephoroi of Aeschylus, a few ink annotations in the Eumenides; armorial bookplate of J.L. Myres, dated oct. 1888 on inside frontcover) (Heavy book, may require extra shipping costs)
Book number: 111154 Euro 25.00

Keywords: Aeschylus, Aischylos, Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Aristophanes, Euripides, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Komödie, Sophocles, Sophokles, Tragödie, classical philology, comedy, tragedy
€ 25,00


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