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HOMERUS. Homer's Ilias. (Übersetzt) von Johann Heinrich Voss. (Bound with:) Homer's Odyssee. (Übersetzt) von Johann Heinrich Voss. Stuttgart, Augsburg, J.G. Cotta'scher Verlag, 1858 - 1860. Small 8vo. 2 volumes in 1: X,484;(IV),376 p. Cloth. 16 cm (Cover scuffed, head of the spine slightly damaged)
Book number: 155810 Euro 10.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Homer, Homeros, Homerus, Iliad, Ilias, Odyssea, Odyssee, classical philology
€ 10,00


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