ZADOKS-JOSEPHUS JITTA,A.N.- Festoen. Opgedragen aan A.N. Zadoks-Josephus Jitta bij haar 70ste verjaardag. Groningen, Bussum, Tj. Willink, Fibula-v.Dishoeck, n.d. (After 1975). XV,700 p.; ills. Cl. 27 cm (Scripta Archaeologica Groningana 6) (Festschrift; most essays in English, German & French)(Traces of sellotape on both pastedowns) (Heavy book, may require extra shipping costs)
Book number: 073973 Euro 25.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Classical art and archaeology, Greek, Greek art and archaeology, Roman history, ancient history, griechische, griechische Kunst und Archäologie, klassische Kunst und Archäologie, römische Geschichte
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