LIVINGSTONE,R.W. (Ed.) The pageant of Greece. Oxf., Clarendon Press, (1953). XII,436 p.; 10 plates. Cloth 18 cm
Book number: 079230 Euro 10.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Aristoteles, Aristotle, Demosthenes, Dichtkunst, Geschichte, Greek history, Herodot, Herodotos, Herodotus, Homer, Homeros, Homerus, Komödie, Literatur, Plato, Plutarch, Plutarchus, Thucydides, Thukydides, Tragödie, Xenophon, classical philology, comedy, griechische Philosophie, literature, lyric poetry, lyrische Poesie, oratory, philosophy, tragedy
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