The Rahmi Koç Collection, Inscriptions. Part 1, Grave monuments from the plain of Altintas.
Bonn, Habelt, 1978.
34 p., 6 plates. Wrappers. 27.5 cm (Offprint ZPE, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Band 28, 1978) (Early christian monuments from the plain of Altintas in the Turkish province Kütahya, the Tembris valley, on the upper reaches of the ancient Tembris, modern Porsuk river in ancient Phrygia) (Best wishes of the author on the frontcover)
Book number: 158958 Euro 8.00
Keywords: Asia Minor, Inschriften, Kleinasien, Phrygia, Phrygien, Skulptur, antike altertum antiquity, early christianity, frühes Christentum, graves, inscriptions, sculpture