HORATIUS, OVIDIUS, STATIUS. The works of Horace, transl. by FRANCIS, consisting of his Odes, Satires, Epistles and Art of Poetry. Also the works of Ovid, transl. by GARTH &c., containing Metamorphosis, Epistles, Amours, Art of Love, Remedy for love, and Art of beauty. Likewise Lewis's transl. of Statius. Ldn., Doig & Stirling, 1816. VI,886 p. H.calf 25 cm (Back gilt, boards & edges marbled; cover scuffed, title foxed; of Statius the Thebaid only)
Book number: 115148 Euro 77.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Horace, Horatius, Horaz, Latin literature, Ovid, Ovidius, Stace, Statius, classical philology, römische Literatur