Terug naar: History of Classical Scholarship
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KLUSSMANN,R. Bibliotheca scriptorum classicorum et graecorum et latinorum. Die Literatur von 1878 bis 1896 umfassend. Leipzig, Riesland, 1909 - 1913. 4 vols: VIII,708; 450; 508; 389 p. Wrappers 23 cm (2 volumes have plain wrappers, the other 2 covers are shabby and slightly damaged; this work needs a binder) (Heavy book, may require extra shipping costs)
Book number: 090502 Euro 52.00

Keywords: Geschichte der klassischen Philologie, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Latin literature, antike altertum antiquity, history of classical philology, römische Literatur
€ 52,00


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