
Ancient History

Results 801 - 820 of 1259

MOSSÉ,C. (Ed.) La Grèce ancienne. (Paris), Seuil, (1986). 313 p. Pocket (Essays by Garlan, L. Robert et alii)
Book number: 045531 Euro 5.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Greece, Greek history, Griechenland, ancient, classical philology, griechische Geschichte

€ 5,00
Book info

MOSSÉ,C. La femme dans la Grèce antique. Paris, Albin Michel, (1983). 190 p. Paperback 21 cm
Book number: 153523 Euro 14.00

Keywords: Frauen, Frauenforschung, Greek history, antike altertum antiquity, griechische Geschichte, women, women's studies

€ 14,00
Book info

MOSSÉ,C. La Grèce archaïque d'Homère à Eschyle. VIIIe - VIe siècle av. J.-C. (Paris), Seuil, (1984). 187 p. Pocket
Book number: 045530 Euro 5.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Greece, Greek history, Griechenland, ancient, classical philology, griechische Geschichte

€ 5,00
Book info

MOSSÉ,C. Histoire d'une démocratie: Athènes. Paris, Seuil, 1971. 190 p.; ills. Pocket
Book number: 007056 Euro 5.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Athen, Athens, Greece, Greek history, Griechenland, ancient, classical philology, griechische Geschichte

€ 5,00
Book info

MOSSÉ,C. Histoire des doctrines politiques en Grèce. Paris, PUF, 1969. 128 p. Pocket (Que sais-je?)
Book number: 041881 Euro 5.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Athen, Athens, Greece, Greek history, Griechenland, ancient, classical philology, griechische Geschichte

€ 5,00
Book info

MOSSÉ,C. Der Zerfall der athenischen Demokratie, (404-86 v. Chr.). Zürich, München, Artemis, 1979. 264 p. Pocket.
Book number: 010969 Euro 7.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Athen, Athens, Greece, Greek history, Griechenland, ancient, classical philology, griechische Geschichte

€ 7,00
Book info

MÜHL,M. Die antike Menschheitsidee in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung. Lpz., Dieterich, 1928. 144 p. Wrappers. 23 cm (Das Erbe der Alten, 14)(Back slightly damaged)
Book number: 077935 Euro 19.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Greek history, Philosophie, ancient history, classical philology, griechische Geschichte, philosophy

€ 19,00
Book info

MULLER,H.J. The uses of the past. Profiles of former societies. New York, Oxford University Press, 1957. XIV,394 p. Paperback (A Galaxy Book) ("Fourth Galaxy printing 1963")
Book number: 049358 Euro 10.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Greece, Greek, Griechenland, Roman history, ancient, classical philology, griechische, römische Geschichte

€ 10,00
Book info

MÜLLER,I. VON, & A. BAUER. Die griechischen Privat- und Kriegsaltertümer. 2. umgearbeitete und sehr vermehrte Auflage. München, Beck, 1893. VIII,502 p., 4 & 12 plates. Half cloth 25 cm (HdA IV,1,2)
Book number: 104650 Euro 29.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Greek, Krieg, Roman history, ancient history, classical philology, griechische, römische Geschichte, war

€ 29,00
Book info

MÜLLER,R. (Ed.) Kulturgeschichte der Antike, 1: Griechenland. Mit 82 Textillustrationen und 169 Abbildungen, davon 25 mehrfarbigen, auf 112 Kunstdrucktafeln. 3. unveränderte Auflage. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1980. 534 p., illustrations, plates. Cloth. 24.5 cm (Including a slightly worn dustjacket)
Book number: 157658 Euro 20.00

Keywords: Greece, Greek history, Griechenland, Hellenismus, antike altertum antiquity, griechische Geschichte, hellenism

€ 20,00
Book info

MULLER,S. De civitates van Gallië. Amst., Müller, 1898. 4to. 79 p.; 2 fold. maps. (Verh. K(N)AW) Wrs.
Book number: 044980 Euro 6.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Gallia, Gallien, Gaul, Roman history, classical philology, römische Geschichte

€ 6,00
Book info

MÜNZER,F. Römische Adelsparteien und Adelsfamilien. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1963. X,437 p. Cloth. 22.5 cm (Reprint Stuttgart 1920)
Book number: 158268 Euro 46.00

Keywords: Adel, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Roman history, ancient history, classical philology, römische Geschichte

€ 46,00
Book info

MURECINE TABLETS.- BOVE,L. Documenti di operazioni finanziarie dall' archivio dei Sulpici. Tabulae Pompeianae di Murécine. Napoli, Liguori Editore, 1984. VIII,194 p. Stiff wrappers 22 cm
Book number: 117814 Euro 41.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Epigraphik, Inschriften, Murecine, Pompei, Pompeii, Pompeji, Roman history, classical philology, epigraphy, inscriptions, römische Geschichte

€ 41,00
Book info

MURRAY'S CLASSICAL ATLAS FOR SCHOOLS. Edited by G.B. Grundy. London, John Murray, 1959. XXIII p., 14 double-page maps. Hardbound 35 cm
Book number: 155395 Euro 20.00

Keywords: alte Geschichte, ancient history, antike altertum antiquity, atlas

€ 20,00
Book info

MURRAY'S HANDY CLASSICAL MAPS. Graecia. Edited by G.B. Grundy. (Including) Index. London, John Murray, n.d. (ca. 1903) 7 (index) p., 2 folding maps, 47x60 cm, in red cloth binding. 24 cm (The maps are mounted on cloth and also bound in a cloth case) (Binding worn, back damaged. Wear to the edges of the maps. Upper and lower edge of the maps somewhat discoloured by some slight waterstaining. Some wear to the folds. Tear of 4 cm in one of the folds of the second map, the South)
Book number: 155158 Euro 30.00

Keywords: Greece, Griechenland, alte Geschichte, ancient history, map

€ 30,00
Book info

MURRAY'S HANDY CLASSICAL MAPS. Italia and Sicilia. Edited by G.B. Grundy. (Including) Index. London, John Murray, n.d. (ca. 1903) 11 (index) p. Two folding maps, 47x60 cm, in red cloth binding. 24 cm (The maps arew mounted on cloth and also bound in a cloth case) (Back slightly damaged. Some wear to the folds of the maps)
Book number: 155159 Euro 30.00

Keywords: Italia, Italien, Italy, Sicilia, Sicily, Sizilien, alte Geschichte, ancient history, map

€ 30,00
Book info

MUTH,R. Olympia. Idee und Wirklichkeit. Innsbruck, 1979. 42 p. Wrs. (Innsbrucker Beitr. zur Kulturwiss., 20)
Book number: 065268 Euro 8.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Greece, Greek history, Griechenland, Olympia, ancient, classical philology, griechische Geschichte, religion

€ 8,00
Book info

MYLONAS,G.E. Ancient Mycenae. The capital city of Agamemnon. Ldn., Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1957. IX,201 p.; 87 ills. on 48 pls. Cl. (Cover stained; interior good)
Book number: 073281 Euro 21.00

Keywords: Antike, Antiquity, Bronze Age, Classical art and archaeology, Greece, Greek art and archaeology, Griechenland, Mycenae, Mykene, griechische Kunst und Archäologie, klassische Archäologie

€ 21,00
Book info

MYLONAS,G.E. Ancient Mycenae. The capital city of Agamemnon. Ldn., Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1957. IX,201 p.; 87 ills. on 48 pls. Cl. 24 cm (Some pencil)
Book number: 104636 Euro 26.00

Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Greece, Greek art and archaeology, Griechenland, Mycenae, Mykene, bronze age Bronzezeit, classical, griechische Kunst und Archäologie, klassische

€ 26,00
Book info

MYLONAS,G.E. Mycenae. A guide to its ruins and its history. 6th ed. Athens, Athenon, 1977. 80 p.; ills., 5 fold. tables. Stiff wrs. 21 cm
Book number: 115540 Euro 9.00

Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Bronze Age, Bronzezeit, Greece, Greek art and archaeology, Griechenland, Mycenae, Mykenai, Mykene, classical, griechische Kunst und Archäologie, klassische

€ 9,00
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