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FROM MYTH TO LOGOS. The human figure in Greek art (8th-6th cent. B.C.) Strozzi Palace, 16 September - 16 November 1986. DAL MITO AL LOGOS. La figura umana nell'arte greca (VIII-VI sec. a.C.) Palazzo Strozzi. 16 Settembre - 16 Novembre 1986. N.pl., 1986. 87 p., ills. Stiff wrappers 28 cm (In Italian and English; catalogue of an exhibition organized on occasion of '1986, Firenze, Capitale Europea della Cultura')
Book number: 116133 Euro 19.00

Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Greek art, Greek art and archaeology, Greek religion, Mythe, Mythologie, classical, classical archaeology, griechische Kunst, griechische Kunst und Archäologie, griechische Religion, klassische, klassische Archäologie, myth, mythology
€ 19,00


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