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BERTOLINI,D.- Concordia e la X Regio. Giornate di studio in onore di Dario Bertolini nel centenario della morte. Atti del Convegno 22-23 ott. 1994. A cura di P. Croce Da Villa & A. Mastrocinque. Padova, Zielo, Libraria Padovana, 1995. 330 p., ills. Stiff wrs. 30 cm (B. is known for his excavation of Concordia, a Roman city between Triest and Venice)
Book number: 081108 Euro 23.00

Keywords: Antike, Antiquity, Classical art and archaeology, Concordia, Rom, Roman art and archaeology, Rome, klassische Archäologie
€ 23,00


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