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EURIPIDES. Tragoediae. Ad optimorum librorum fidem accurate editae. Tomus I & II. (Hecuba, Orestes, Phoenissae, Medea; Hippolytus, Alcestis, Andromache, Supplices, Iphigenia Aulidensis). Leipzig, Tauchnitz, 1828. 2 volumes in one: 496 p. Vellum 13.5 cm (Slightly foxed & some very faint and small waterstains; title page of second vol. browned)
Book number: 107941 Euro 21.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Tragödie, classical philology, tragedy
€ 21,00


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