
Greek and Latin authors

Results 3121 - 3140 of 3675

CICERO. Scripta quae manserunt recognovit C.F.W. Mueller. Partis II, vol. I-III: (I:) Orationes pro P. Quinctio, pro Sex. Roscio Amerino, pro Q. Roscio Comoedo. Div in Q. Caecilium, In C. Verrem. (II:) Orationes pro Tullio, Pro Fonteio, Pro Caecina, De Imperio Cn. Pompei, Pro Cluentio, De lege agraria, Pro C. Rabirio perd., In Catilinam, pro Murena, Pro Sulla, Pro Archia Poeta, Pro Flacco, cum Senatui gratias egit, Cum Populo gratias egit, De domo sua, De haruspicum responso. (III:) Orationes Pro Sestio, In Vatinium, Pro Caelio, De provinciis consularibus, Pro Balbo, In Pisonem, Pro Plancio, Pro Scauro, Pro C. Rabirio Postumo, Pro Milone, Pro Marcello, Pro Ligario, Pro rege Deiotaro, In M. Antonium Philippicas XIV. Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1901 - 1911. 3 volumes: CX,499; CXXXIV,541; CXXIX,568 p. Cloth. 17 cm (BT, Bibliotheca Teubneriana. Scirpta quae manserunt omnia partis II, vol. I/III) (Covers of volumes 2 & 3 worn at the extremes. Joint of lower ...

€ 40,00
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CICERO. Orationes selectae. Mit historischen, kritischen & erklärenden Anmerkungen von Anton Möbius. Für den Schulgebrauch neu bearbeitet von Gottl. Christ. Crusius. 1. Heft: Orat. p. Sexto Roscio Amerino und P. A. Licinio Archia Poeta. 5. Auflage. (Bound with:) 3. Heft: Oratio de imperio Pompeii s. pro Lege Manilia und pro Q. Ligario. 4. vielfach berichtigte Auflage. Hannover, Hahn'sche Hofbuchhandlung, 1846 - 1851. 2 volumes in 1: 98;110 p. Contemporary cloth. 22 cm (Both joints partly split. A few small old ink marginalia; paper yellowing)
Book number: 157967 Euro 24.00

Keywords: Cicero, Latin literature, Reden, antike altertum antiquity, orationes, römische Literatur, speeches

€ 24,00
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CICERO. Orationes Selectae XXI. Recogn. R. KLOTZ. Ed. 2a emendatior. Lpz., Tbn., 1883 - 1889. 2 vols. in 1: (III),283;270 p. Cl. (BT)
Book number: 008763 Euro 10.00

Keywords: Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Cicero, Lateinisch, Lateinische, Latin, Latin literature, Reden, ancient, classical philology, orationes, römische Literatur, speeches

€ 10,00
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CICERO. Orationes selectae XVIII. Ex. rec. C. HALMii. Ed. 2a cur. G. LAUBMANN. Pars 2. Bln., Wdm., 1899. 206 p. Wrs. (Mur., Sull., Arch., Sest., Mil., Lig., Deiot., Phil 1 & 2)(Back rep. with transparant tape)
Book number: 067885 Euro 5.00

Keywords: Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Cicero, Lateinisch, Lateinische, Latin, Latin literature, Reden, ancient, classical philology, orationes, römische Literatur, speeches

€ 5,00
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CICERO. Orationes selectae XVIII. Ex. rec. C. HALMii. Ed. 2a cur. G. LAUBMANN. Bln., Wdm., 1887 - 1899. 2 vols: 204;206 p. (Vol. 1: plain wrs., name cut from French title.; Vol. 2: h.cl., some pencil; fronthinge cracking)
Book number: 015049 Euro 8.00

Keywords: Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Cicero, Lateinisch, Lateinische, Latin, Latin literature, Reden, ancient, classical philology, orationes, römische Literatur, speeches

€ 8,00
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CICERO. Opera omnia ex recensione J.A. ERNESTI, qui et notas suas adjecit. Vol. II,2: orationes: pro Flacco, pro Sulla, pro Archia poeta, ad Quirites post reditum, post reditum in Senatu, pro domo sua, ad. Pontif., de haruspicum responis, pro Plancio, pro Sextio, in Vatinium, pro Caelio, de provinciis consularibus, pro Balbo, in Pisonem, pro Milone, pro Rabirio Postumo, pro Marcello, pro Ligario, pro rege Deiotaro, Philippicae. Ldn., Priestley, 1819. 786 p. Calf 24 cm (Back with 4 raised bands & 2 green morocco shields; marbled endpapers; cover worn at extremes; sl. foxed; (Volume 2, part 2 of Opera omnia)
Book number: 103609 Euro 39.00

Keywords: Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Cicero, Lateinisch, Lateinische, Latin, Latin literature, Reden, ancient, classical philology, orationes, römische Literatur, speeches

€ 39,00
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CICERO. Orationes Selectae XI. Ex editione Teubneriana recentiore seorsum expressae. (Insunt or. Rosc. Com., Imp. Pomp., Cat., Arch., Lig., Deiot., Phil. I & II.). Lpz., Tbn., 1931. (II),212 p. Hardb. (BT)(St. on title)
Book number: 066686 Euro 5.00

Keywords: Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Cicero, Lateinisch, Lateinische, Latin, Latin literature, Reden, ancient, classical philology, orationes, römische Literatur, speeches

€ 5,00
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CICERO. Libri II de divinatione. Van inl., aant. en index nominum voorzien door D. HEERINGA. Leiden, Théonville, n.d. (1909). 178 p. Wrs. (Rebacked; pencil annotations)
Book number: 024134 Euro 7.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 7,00
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CICERO. LAMPAS. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse classici. Jaargang 26 (1993), nr. 2: themanummer Cicero. Muiderberg, Coutinho, 1993. 93 p. Wrappers. 23 cm (Articles by Leeman, Pinkster, Braet, Heesakkers, Guépin, Van Eemeren & Grootendorst)
Book number: 158894 Euro 7.00

Keywords: Roman history, antike altertum antiquity, periodical, römische Geschichte

€ 7,00
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CICERO. Oeuvres complètes. (Vol.) 20: Fragments, Ouvrages apocryphes. Traductions (...) revues par J.-P. CHARPENTIER. Paris, Garnier, (1902). XVI,504 p. H.cl. 19 cm (Latin text with French translation; 45 p. notes; rebound)
Book number: 115205 Euro 11.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Fragmente, Lateinisch, Lateinische, Latin, Latin literature, apocrypha, classical philology, fragmenta, fragments, römische Literatur

€ 11,00
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CICERO. Epistolarum selectarum libri tres, in usum scholarum curante C.F. NAGEL, qui animadversiones, et Belgicam interpretationem vocum & loquendi formularum difficilorum adjecit. Leiden, Honkoop, 1802. 161,12 p. Vellum 16.5 cm
Book number: 107926 Euro 44.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Briefe, Correspondence, Epistulae, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Letters, classical philology

€ 44,00
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CICERO. An Bruder Quintus, An Brutus, Brieffragmente, dazu Q. Tullius Cicero, Denkschrift über die Bewerbung. Lateinisch-deutsch ed. H. KASTEN. München, Heimeran, (1965). 340 p. Cloth. 18 cm (Tusculum)
Book number: 108623 Euro 31.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Briefe, Correspondence, Epistulae, Lateinisch, Lateinische, Latin, Latin literature, Letters, ancient, classical philology, römische Literatur

€ 31,00
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CICERO. Ausgewählte Briefe von M. Tullius Cicero. Erklärt von Friedrich Hofmann. Band 1: 7. Auflage besorgt von Wilhelm Sternkopf. Band 2: 3. Auflage, bearbeitet von Georg Andresen. Berlin, Weidmann, 1895 - 1898. 2 volumes in 1: VIII,305;VI,229,(1) p. Half cloth 20 cm (WmS, last editions) (Rebound)
Book number: 152240 Euro 31.00

Keywords: Briefe, Cicero, Correspondence, Epistulae, Latin literature, Letters, Roman history, antike altertum antiquity, römische Geschichte, römische Literatur

€ 31,00
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CICERO. Brieven van Cicero. Een bloemlezing samengesteld en van aantekeningen voorzien door. D. Den Hengst & W. Kassies. Muiderberg, Dick Coutinho, 1985. 82 p. Paperback. 22 cm (20 letters, Latin text & notes)
Book number: 156193 Euro 8.00

Keywords: Briefe, Cicero, Correspondence, Epistulae, Latin literature, Letters, antike altertum antiquity, römische Literatur

€ 8,00
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CICERO. FREUND'S SCHÜLER-BIBLIOTHEK. Präparation zu Cicero's Werken. Zum Gebrauch für die Schule und den Privat-Unterricht. (Volume) XIX: Ausgewählte Briefe. Leipzig, Wilhelm Violet, n.d. (before 1900) 637 p. Half calf. 16 cm (Gothic letter. Cover scuffed. Stamp on the title. Paper yellowing)
Book number: 155808 Euro 10.00

Keywords: Briefe, Cicero, Correspondence, Epistulae, Latin literature, Letters, Roman history, antike altertum antiquity, römische Geschichte, römische Literatur

€ 10,00
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CICERO. Epistulae. Vol. 1. Epistulae ad familiares. Recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit Ludovicus Claude Purser. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1957. Cloth. 19 cm (OCT)
Book number: 159159 Euro 14.00

Keywords: Antike, Antiquity, Cicero, Latin literature, Letters, epistolae, epistulae ad familiares, römische Literatur

€ 14,00
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CICERO. Epistulae. Vol. 1. Epistulae ad familiares. Recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit Ludovicus Claude Purser. Oxford, Clarendon Press, n.d. (1935) Cloth. 19 cm (OCT)
Book number: 155515 Euro 13.00

Keywords: Antike, Antiquity, Cicero, Latin literature, Letters, epistolae, epistulae ad familiares, römische Literatur

€ 13,00
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CICERO. Opera, ad optimas editiones collata studiis Societatis Bipontinae. Volumen Septimum: (Epistulae ad Familiares I-XIII) Zweibrücken (Biponti), Ex typographia Societatis, 1781. X,505 p. Half calf. 19.5 cm (Ref: Burkert, 'Bibliographie der Editiones Bipontinae' p. 52) (Details: Back with 5 raised bands. Portrait of Augustus on the title, engraved by E. Verhelst. § Binding scuffed. Corners bumped. Upper part of the paper on the frontcover gone. § This 7th volume of a 13 volume set contains books I-XIII of the 16 books 'Ad Familiares', preceded by a 'continuatio' of the 'notitia literaria' of Fabricius on the letters of Cicero. The edition is based on Ernesti's edition, Halle 1773/77. The editor consulted also the edition of Lallemand (Paris 1768), the Aldines, editions of Lambinus and of Gruter. Latin text only)
Book number: 156285 Euro 25.00 ...

€ 25,00
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CICERO. Epistolae ad Diversos, ex editione Jo. Aug. Ernesti, cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus notis Variorum recensu editionum et codicum et indicibus locupletissmis accurate recensitae. Ldn., Valpy, 1830. 2 vols: 1177 p. H.cl. 23 cm (Opera VIII & IX) (Covers shabby; backs of both vols. damaged; name and stamp on title)
Book number: 108532 Euro 43.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Latin literature, Rhetorik, classical philology, rhetoric, römische Literatur

€ 43,00
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CICERO. Epistularum ad M. Brutum liber nonus, Pseudociceronis epistula ad Octavianum, fragmenta epistularum recogn. H. SJÖGREN. Lpz., Tbn., 1914. 72 p. Wrs. (BT)(Rebacked)
Book number: 067342 Euro 11.00

Keywords: Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Briefe, Brutus, Cicero, Epistulae, Lateinisch, Lateinische, Latin, Latin literature, Letters, ancient, classical philology, epistolae, römische Literatur

€ 11,00
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