
Greek and Latin authors

Results 661 - 680 of 3684

SOPHOCLES.- PARLAVANTZA-FRIEDRICH,U. Täuschungsszenen in den Tragödien des Sophocles. Bln., De Gruyter, 1969. VI,111 p. Cl. 24 cm (Unters. zur antiken Lit. & Gesch. 2)
Book number: 091486 Euro 25.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 25,00
Book info

SOPHOCLES.- OPSTELTEN,J.C. Sophocles en het Grieksche pessimisme. Leiden, Sijthoff, 1945. XVI,226 p. Wrs.
Book number: 010119 Euro 10.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 10,00
Book info

SOPHOCLES.- OPSTELTEN,J.C. Humanistisch en religieus standpunt in de moderne beschouwing van Sophocles. Amst., NHUM, 1954. 49 p. Wrs. 23 cm (Med. KNAW)
Book number: 094511 Euro 5.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 5,00
Book info

SOPHOCLES.- NICOLAI,W. Zu Sophokles' Wirkungsabsichten. Heidelberg, Winter, 1992. 121 p. Stiff wrs. 19 cm
Book number: 081044 Euro 13.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 13,00
Book info

SOPHOCLES.- MÜLLER,A. Ästhetischer Kommentar zu den Tragödien des Sophokles. 2. neubearb. Aufl. Paderborn, Schöningh, 1913. 8,534 p. New plain wrs. 22 cm (Gothic letter)
Book number: 100261 Euro 17.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 17,00
Book info

SOPHOCLES.- MAIULLARI,F. L'interpretazione anamorfica dell'Edipo Re. Una nuova lettura della tragedia sofoclea. Pisa, Roma, IEPI, 1999. 19,482 p. Stiff wrs. 22 cm
Book number: 090846 Euro 43.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 43,00
Book info

SOPHOCLES.- LUCAS DE DIOS,J.M. Estructura de la tragedia de Sófocles. Madrid, Inst. 'Antonio de Nebrija', 1982. 425 p. Stiff wrs. 23 cm (Manuales y Anejos de 'Emerita' 34)
Book number: 112054 Euro 23.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Sophocles, Sophokles, Tragödie, classical philology, tragedy

€ 23,00
Book info

SOPHOCLES.- LAMPAS. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse classici. Jaargang 26 (1995), nr. 1: themanummer Sophocles' Electra. Muiderberg, Coutinho, 1993. 80 p. Wrappers. 23 cm (Articles by Van Erp Taalman Kip, Slings, Sicking, Bremer, Fisser)
Book number: 158898 Euro 7.00

Keywords: Electra, Elektra, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Sophocles, Sophokles, antike altertum antiquity, periodical

€ 7,00
Book info

SOPHOCLES.- KRAAN, G. VAN DER. Sophokles' Philoktetes. Opkomsten & afgangen. Een interpretatie. With a preface and English summary of conclusions. Doctoraalscriptie Griekse letterkunde, Guus van der Kraan. Amsterdam, Rozenberg Publishers, 2007. 94 p., portrait. Hardbound. 24.5 cm
Book number: 155766 Euro 24.00

Keywords: Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Philoctetes, Philoktetes, Sophocles, Theater, Tragödie, antike altertum antiquity, stage, theatre, tragedy

€ 24,00
Book info

SOPHOCLES.- KITTO,H.D.F. Sophocles, dramatist & philosopher. Three lectures delivered at King's College, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. London, OUP, 1958. (VIII),64 p. Hardbound. 19 cm
Book number: 159305 Euro 9.00

Keywords: Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Sophocles, Sophokles, Tragödie, antike altertum antiquity, tragedy

€ 9,00
Book info

SOPHOCLES.- KIRKWOOD,G.M. A study of sophoclean drama. With a new preface and enlarged bibliographical note. Ithaca, Lnd., Cornell Univ. Press, 1996. XVIII,308 p. Pb.
Book number: 071800 Euro 17.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 17,00
Book info

SOPHOCLES.- KAPSOMENOS,S.G. Sophokles' Trachinierinnen und ihre Vorbild. Eine literargeschichtliche und textkritische Untersuchung. Athens, Griechische Humanistische Gestellschaft, 1963. XII,123 p. Cloth. 24 cm
Book number: 158753 Euro 30.00

Keywords: Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Sophocles, Sophokles, Trachiniae, Tragödie, antike altertum antiquity, tragedy

€ 30,00
Book info

SOPHOCLES.- KAMERBEEK,J.C. Studiën over Sophocles. Amsterdam, Paris, 1934. (IX),132 p. Wrappers. 24 cm (Dissertation)
Book number: 098651 Euro 21.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 21,00
Book info

SOPHOCLES.- KAMERBEEK,J.C. Sophocles, dichter van de trouw. Leiden, Brill, 1976. 16 p. Wrappers. 24 cm (Valedictory lecture)
Book number: 079278 Euro 6.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 6,00
Book info

SOPHOCLES.- KAMERBEEK,J.C. Problemen van de eenheid en de zin van Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus. Amsterdam, NHUM, 1966. 24 p. Stiff wrappers. 24 cm (Mededelingen der KNAW)
Book number: 074721 Euro 5.00

Keywords: Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Oedipus Rex, Oedipus Tyrannus, Sophocles, Sophokles, antike altertum antiquity

€ 5,00
Book info

SOPHOCLES.- KAMERBEEK,J.C. Problemen van de eenheid en de zin van Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus. Amst., NHUM, 1966. 24 p. Wrs. 24 cm (Med. KNAW)
Book number: 051953 Euro 5.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 5,00
Book info

SOPHOCLES.- JONG,I.J.F. DE, & A. RIJKSBARON. (Eds.) Sophocles and the Greek language. Aspects of diction, syntax and pragmatics. Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2006. XIV,267 p. Hardbound. 24 cm (Mnemosyne Supplement 269; including a 10 p. vita of J.C. Kamerbeek, the esteemed commentator of Sophocles, by Jan Maarten Bremer)
Book number: 159879 Euro 85.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Sophocles, Sophokles, Tragödie, ancient, classical philology, tragedy

€ 85,00
Book info

SOPHOCLES.- HILL,M. Pennant Key-indexed study guide to Sophocles' Oedipus Rex and other plays. Philadelphia, Educational Research Assoc., n.d. (after 1966). 120 p. Wrs. 22 cm (Name on title)
Book number: 091662 Euro 7.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 7,00
Book info

SOPHOCLES.- GÜNTHER,H.-Chr. Exercitationes Sophocleae. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, (1996). 158 p. Wrs. 23 cm (Hypomnemata 109)
Book number: 108175 Euro 27.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Sophocles, Sophokles, classical philology

€ 27,00
Book info

SOPHOCLES.- GOTTHEIT UND MENSCH IN DER TRAGÖDIE DES SOPHOKLES. Vorträge von H. Diller, W. Schadewaldt, Albin Lesky. Darmstadt, WB, 1963. (VII),86 p. Cl. 22 cm
Book number: 112349 Euro 15.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Mythe, Sophocles, Sophokles, Tragödie, ancient, classical philology, myth, religion, tragedy

€ 15,00
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