
Middle Ages

Results 201 - 220 of 371

HEFELE,Ch.J. Histoire des Conciles d'après les documents originaux. (Continuée jusqu'en 1536 par J. HERGENROETHER). Nouvelle traduction française faite sur la 2e édition allemande corrigée et augmentée de notes critiques et bibliographiques. Paris, Letouzey & Ané, 1907 - 1952. 21 volumes. Together 15564 p. Wrappers. 25 cm (Lacking volume 10,2. Covers slightly worn. One cover worn; 3 volumes have a damaged back. Last gathering of volume IV,2 loose. Small traces of a label on the covers) (Heavy set, may require extra shipping costs)
Book number: 109499 Euro 320.00

Keywords: Concilie, Council, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Mittelalterliche Kirche, Trente, early christianity, frühes Christentum, medieval church

€ 320,00
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HEER,F. The medieval world. Europe 1100-1350. Ldn., Sphere Books, 1974. 432 p.; 16 pls. Pb. (Cover sl. worn)
Book number: 048861 Euro 8.00

Keywords: Geschichte, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, history

€ 8,00
Book info

HEER,F. Balans der middeleeuwen, 1100-1350. Amst., Meulenhoff, (1962). 328 p. Pb.
Book number: 021008 Euro 9.00

Keywords: Geschichte, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, history

€ 9,00
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HEALES,A. Easter sepulchres; their object, nature and history. Ldn., 1869. 4to. 48 p. engr. frontisp. H.calf (Head & tail of spine gone; cover worn; corners bumped)(On medieval archeology)
Book number: 043572 Euro 21.00

Keywords: Antike, Archäologie, Gräber, Kunst, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, archaeology, art, graves, religion

€ 21,00
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HAUG,W. Gottfrieds von Strassburg Verhältnis zu Thomas von England im Licht des neu aufgefundenen 'Tristan'-Fragments von Carlisle. Amst., KNAW, 1999. 19 p. Wrs. 24 cm (Med. KNAW)
Book number: 079302 Euro 6.00

Keywords: Bretagne, Carlisle, Dichtkunst, Englische, English, French, German literature, Gottfried von Strassburg, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Poesie, Thomas of England, Thomas-Tristan, deutsche Literatur, französische, poetry

€ 6,00
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HARTMANN,G. Die Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches. (2. Auflage) Wiesbaden, Marnix Verlag, 2010. 247 p. Hardbound 20.5 cm (Including dustjacket)
Book number: 154754 Euro 9.00

Keywords: Deutsche Geschichte, Deutschland, German history, Germany, Heiliges Römisches Reich, Holy Roman Empire, Mittelalter, medieval history, mittelalterliche Geschichte

€ 9,00
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HARTMANN SCHEDEL. Weltchronik. Kolorierte Gesamtausgabe von 1493. Einleitung und Kommentar von Stephan Füssel. Köln etc., Taschen, 2001. 680 p., illustrations. Suede leather binding with gilt lettering. 35x25 cm (Facsimile edition of the famous Nuremberg Chronicle, made from the copy in the Herzogin Amalia Bibliothek. It is also known as Schedelsche Weltchronik (Schedel's World Chronicle), published in 1493 in Nuremberg. This beautiful book contains also an introduction of 36 pages, and a commentary of 47 pages) (Heavy book, may require extra shipping costs)
Book number: 158078 Euro 70.00

Keywords: Cartography, Chronicle, Chronik, Deutsche Geschichte, Deutschland, German history, Germany, Karten, Kartographie, incunable, maps

€ 70,00
Book info

HAMPE,K. Ein ungedruckter Bericht über das Konklave von 1241 im römischen Septizonium. Heidelberg, Winter, 1913. 34 p. Wrs. (SHAW)
Book number: 040311 Euro 6.00

Keywords: Archäologie, Geschichte, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Rom, Rome, Septicodium, Septizodium, Septizonium, archaeology, history, medieval Latin

€ 6,00
Book info

HAMPE,K. Das Hochmittelalter. Geschichte des Abendlandes von 900 bis 1250. Münster, Köln, Böhlau, 1953. 451 p., pls. Cl.
Book number: 063063 Euro 26.00

Keywords: Geschichte, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, history

€ 26,00
Book info

HAMPE,K. Deutsche Kaisergeschichte in der Zeit der Salier und Staufer. 4. Aufl. Lpz., Quelle & Meyer, 1919. VIII,294 p. Hardb. (1024-1250)(Back damaged)
Book number: 058159 Euro 11.00

Keywords: Geschichte, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Salier, Staufer, history

€ 11,00
Book info

HAMEL,A.G. VAN. Een Iersch kettingsprookje. Amsterdam, NHUM, 1927. 15 p. Wrappers. 24 cm (Med. KNAW)
Book number: 062160 Euro 8.00

Keywords: Celts, Ireland, Irland, Kelten, Middle Ages, Märchen, fairy tales

€ 8,00
Book info

HALPHEN,L. Initiation aux études d'histoire du Moyen Age. 3e éd. revue, augm. et mise à jour. Paris, PUF, 1952. XV,205 p. Wrs.
Book number: 055155 Euro 9.00

Keywords: Geschichte, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, history

€ 9,00
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HALLER,J. Das Pabsttum. Idee und Wirklichkeit. Hamburg, Rowohlt, 1965. 5 vols. Together 1935 p. Pockets 19 cm (Until Johannes XXII, 1316-1334)
Book number: 076043 Euro 16.00

Keywords: Literatur, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Pabst, Pope, literature

€ 16,00
Book info

HALBERTSMA,H. Bijdrage tot de oudste geschiedenis van het Neder-Boornegebied. N.pl. n.d. 36 p., 4 pls., 1 fold. table. Wrs. (Offpr. De Vrije Fries 45, 1962)(Medieval Friesland)
Book number: 054830 Euro 6.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 6,00
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HAEFELE,H.F. Fortuna Heinrici IV imperatoris. Untersuchungen zur Lebensbeschreibung des 3. Saliers. Graz, Köln, Böhlau, 1954. 144 p. Wrs. 21 cm (diss., Zürich)
Book number: 092292 Euro 17.00

Keywords: Heinrich IV, Henry IV, Literatur, Medieval, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, literature Mittellatein

€ 17,00
Book info

GUMBERT,J.P. Die Utrechter Kartäuser und ihre Bücher im frühen fünfzehnten Jahrhundert. (Teildruck). Leiden, Labor vincit, 1972. XV,107 p. Wrappers. 22 cm (Dissertation, Leiden) (In 1974 G. published a revised and enlarged edition of this work)
Book number: 158117 Euro 14.00

Keywords: Carthusians, Karthäuser, Literatur, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, literature Mittellatein, medieval Latin

€ 14,00
Book info

GUMBERT,J.P. The Dutch and their books in the manuscript age. London, The British Library, (1990) 94 p., illustrations, plates. Paperback. 22 cm (The Panizzi Lectures 1989)
Book number: 158430 Euro 24.00

Keywords: Handschriften, Literatur, Low Countries, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Netherlands, Niederlanden, manuscripts, medieval Latin

€ 24,00
Book info

GRUUTHUSE-HANDSCHRIFT. Liederen en gedichten uit het Gruuthuse-Handschrift, uitgegeven voor de Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde te Leiden door K. Heeroma, met medewerking van C.W.H. Lindenburg. Eerste deel. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1966. (VIII),592 p. Cloth. 28 cm (All published, volume 2 never saw the light. Including a worn dustjacket and a mourning card for K.H. Heeroma, dated 21 november 1972) (Heavy book, may require extra shipping costs) (Wikipedia: The Gruuthuse manuscript is a medieval compilation, the oldest core of which is dated about 1395, while the youngest unfinished contributions date from around 1408. The manuscript is the only known source for a large number of Middle Dutch texts)
Book number: 159936 Euro 15.00

Keywords: Brugge, Dutch literature, Flandern, Flanders, Flemish literature, Gebet, Handschrift, Low Countries, Netherlands, Niederlanden, Niederländische Literatur, manuscript

€ 15,00
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GRÜNENFELDER,J., T. HOFMANN & P. LEHMANN. (Eds.) Die Burg Zug. Archäologie, Baugeschichte, Restaurierung. N.pl., 2003. 579 p., fold. table, ills. Hardb. 30 cm (SBKAM, Schweizer Beitr. zur Kulturgesch. und Arch. des Mittelalters, 28)
Book number: 083479 Euro 29.00

Keywords: Antike, Architektur, Archäologie, Kunst, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Schweiz, Switzerland, archaeology, architecture, art, religion

€ 29,00
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GRUNDMANN,H. Geschichtsschreibung im Mittelalter. Gattungen, Epochen, Eigenart. 3. Auflage. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1978. 91 p. Paperback 19 cm (Kleine Reihe) (Faint and unobjectionable fold on the right edge of the frontcover and first leaves)
Book number: 155152 Euro 9.00

Keywords: Geschichte, Historiographie, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Mittelalterliche Literatur, historiography, history, medieval literature

€ 9,00
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