VORLÄNDER,K. Geschichte der Philosophie. I. Band: Altertum, Mittelalter und Übergang zur Neuzeit. Lpz., Dürr, 1911. XII,368 p. (Pencil underl. & ann.; head & tail of spine chafed; rear flyleaf inscribed)
Book number: 028889 Euro 13.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Humanismus, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Philosophie, Renaissance, Theologie, classical philology, humanism, philosophy, theology
VORLÄNDER,K. Geschichte der Philosophie. (I. Band: Philosophie des Altertums und des Mittelalters. II. Band: Philosophie der Neuzeit. Lpz., Dürr, 1903. 2 vols: XI,292;VIII,539 p. Cl. 20 cm (Name on title; from the libr. of J. van der Waerden)
Book number: 091387 Euro 26.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Humanismus, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Philosophie, Renaissance, Theologie, classical philology, humanism, philosophy, theology
VOGLER,W. (Ed.) Das Kloster St. Johann im Thurtal. Eine Ausstellung des Stiftsarchivs St. Gallen, April/Mai 1985. St. Gallen, 1985. 303 p., ills. Hardb. 23 cm (This Benedictine monastery in the East of Switzerland was founded in 1150)
Book number: 087186 Euro 21.00
Keywords: Geschichte, Johann, Kloster, Literatur, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Mittellatein, Saint Gall, Sankt Gallen, Schweiz, Switzerland, convent, history, literature, medieval Latin
Vitalis van Savigny (+1122): bronnen en vroege cultus. Met editie van diplomatische teksten.
Amsterdam, Academische Pers, 1982.
489 p. Wrappers. 22 cm (Dissertation, VU Amsterdam)
Book number: 076308 Euro 14.00
Keywords: France, Frankreich, Geschichte, Literatur, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Mittellatein, Normandie, Normandy, Vital, Vitalis, history, literature, medieval Latin
VIRGOE,R. (Ed.) Illustrated letters of the Paston family. Private life in the fifteenth century. Ldn., MacMillan, 1989. 288 p., ills. Hardb. 24 cm (England)
Book number: 104250 Euro 16.00
Keywords: Engeland, England, Geschichte, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, history
Les oeuvres de François Villon. Les Lais, le Testament, poésies diverses, le jargon.
La Haye, A.A.M. Stols, 1942.
144,(8) p. Half vellum. 25 cm (Gilt lettering on the back and frontcover. Upper edge gilt. Printed in red and black. Colophon printed in red, black and blue. The right margin of the first leaf of each gathering is untrimmed. Number 144 of 325 copies printed on 'papier vélin de Hollande de la Papeterie G.H. Bührmann'. In a plain cardboard slipcase. The slipcase shows traces of use, but the book itself is in fine condition)
Book number: 156805 Euro 45.00
Keywords: Dichtkunst, French literature, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Poesie, französische Literatur, poetry
VÉZELAY.- MONUMENTA VIZELIACENSIA. Textes relatifs à l'histoire de l'Abbaye de Vézelay. Édités par R.B.C. HUYGENS. Turnhout, Brepols, 1976 -1980. 2 vols.: XLI,686,77 p., 4 plates. Wrs. 25 cm (CCCM 42)(Incl. the Supplementum Vizeliacensia II, published in 1980)
Book number: 113452 Euro 62.00
Keywords: Abtei, France, Frankreich, Geschichte, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, abbey, history
Concentrische cirkels. Modus, affect, sfeer en tijd in een middeleeuws muziektheoretisch gedicht.
N.pl., 2000.
281 p. Stiff wrappers (Dissertation University Utrecht)(Including the text of a anonymous didactic poem of 313 verses on medieval music, the Summula. The last 70 pages filled with the Latin texts of a great number of late medieval authors)
Book number: 151218 Euro 25.00
Keywords: Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Mittelalterliche Literatur, Mittellatein, Musik, Renaissaince, Summula, medieval Latin, medieval literature, mittellateinische Literatur
VERGILIUS.- SPENCE,S. Rhetorics of reason and desire. Vergil, Augustine and the troubadours. Ithaca, Ldn., Cornell Univ. Press, (1988). XVII,159 p. Cl.
Book number: 044044 Euro 16.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Augustine, Augustinus, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Spätantike, Vergil, Vergilius, Virgil, classical philology, late antiquity, troubadours
Universiteiten in de middeleeuwen.
Bussum, Fibula-Van Dishoeck, 1978.
170 p. Hardbound 21.5 cm (Including dustjacket)
Book number: 151445 Euro 19.00
Keywords: Universität, medieval history, mittelalterliche Geschichte, university
VERBEKE,G.- Images of man, in ancient and medieval thought. Studia Gerardo Verbeke ab amicis et collegis dicata. Ed. curaverunt F. Boissier ... praeside C. Laga. Leuven, Leuven Univ. Press, 1976. VIII,387 p. Cl. 25 cm (Festschrift; contrib. in French & English)(Symbolae A1)
Book number: 089829 Euro 41.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, ancient philosophy, antike Philosophie, classical philology
VENICE.- SOTHEBY. An apostolic mosaic from medieval Torcello, the property of the Representative Body of The Church of Wales. Lot 64 in the sale of European works of art, thursday 9th July 1987. (Catalogue entry by R. CORMACK). Ldn., Sotheby, 1987. 12 p., ills. Hardb. 27 cm
Book number: 108855 Euro 11.00
Keywords: Kunst, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Mosaic, Mosaik, Torcello, Venedig, Venice, art, byzantine archaeology, byzantinische Archäologie
VENICE.- DAMERINI,G. L'Isola e il Cenobio di San Giorgio Maggiore. Venezia, 1969. XX,273 p.; 103 pls. Cl.
Book number: 013661 Euro 16.00
Keywords: Antike, Archäologie, Kunst, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Venedig, Venice, archaeology, art
VARTY,K. Reynard, Renart, Reinaert, and other foxes in Medieval England: the iconographic evidence. Amst., Amst. Univ. Press, 1999. 353 p., ills. Hardb. 25 cm
Book number: 085330 Euro 33.00
Keywords: Englische, English, Fabel, Fox, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Mittelalterliche Literatur, Reinaert, Renard, Renart, Reynard, fable, medieval literature
VAN WETTER. Le droit romain et le droit germanique dans la monarchie Franque. Gand, 1899 - 1900. 2 vols. 87;66 p. Wrs. 23 cm
Book number: 059326 Euro 17.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, France, Francs, Franken, Frankreich, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Roman history, classical philology, law, römische Geschichte, römisches Recht
VAN MINGROOT,E. Sapientie immarcessibilis. A diplomatic and comparative study of the bull of foundation of the University of Louvain (Dec. 9, 1425). Leuven, Leuven Univ. Press, 1994. VI,329 p., ills., fold. plate in rear pocket. Stiff wrs. 25 cm (Mediaevalia Lovaniensia I,25)
Book number: 113523 Euro 39.00
Keywords: Geschichte, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Mittelalterliche Literatur, Mittellatein, University of Louvain, Universität von Löwen, history, medieval Latin, medieval literature
Middelnederlandse spraakkunst. Tweede, herziene en vermeerderde uitgave. I: Vormleer, & II: Klankleer.
Groningen, Antwerpen, J.B. Wolters, De Sikkel, 1949 - 1955.
2 volumes: XII,112; IX,124 p. Wrappers 24 cm (Cover of the second volume somewhat used) (Volume 2, 1949, in first edition)
Book number: 155570 Euro 18.00
Keywords: Dutch linguistics, Grammatik, Middle Ages, Middle Dutch, Mittelalter, Mittelniederländisch, Niederländische Sprachwissenschaft, grammar
VAN LOEY,A. Middelnederlandse spraakkunst. I: vormleer. vierde uitgave. Groningen, Antwerpen, Wolters, De Sikkel, 1964. XII,113 p. Wrappers 24 cm (Cover used and slightly stained)
Book number: 116838 Euro 9.00
Keywords: Dutch linguistics, Grammatik, Middle Ages, Middle Dutch, Mittelalter, Mittelniederländisch, Niederländische Sprachwissenschaft, grammar
VAN HOECKE,W. & A. WELKENHUYSEN. (Eds.) Love and marriage in the twelfth century. Leuven, Leuven Univ. Press, 1981. IX,305 p. Stiff wrs. 25 cm (Mediaevalia Lovaniensia I,8)
Book number: 113757 Euro 36.00
Keywords: Ehe, Geschichte, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Mittelalterliche Literatur, Mittellatein, history, marriage, medieval Latin, medieval literature
VAN BOSTRAETEN,H.Ch. Merovingische overblijfselen bewaard in de musea van de Oudheidkundige kring te St-Niklaas. Catalogus. N.d. 1966. 4to. 26 p. (Offpr. Annalen van de Oudheidk. kring van het Land van Waas, 69)(Name on title)
Book number: 061508 Euro 8.00
Keywords: Archäologie, Geschichte, Kunst, Low Countries, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, archaeology, art, history