Josephi Fessler quondam Episcopi S. Hippolyti Institutiones Patrologiae, quas denuo recensuit, auxit, edidit Bernardus Jungmann.
Innsbruck, Sumptibus et Typis Feliciani Rauch (...) Fr. Pustet, 1890 - 1896.
3 volumes in 2: XXI,718; VI,447; X,711 p. Half calf. 21.5 cm (Backs ruled gilt, and with a red and green shield. Marbled edges. Bindings slightly worn. Lower corner of the first volume cracking)
Book number: 156278 Euro 85.00
Keywords: Patrologie, Patrology, antike altertum antiquity, early christian literature, early christianity, frühchristliche Literatur, frühes Christentum