ERASMUS.- ELTINK,I. Erasmus-Rezeption zwischen Politikum und Herzensangelegenheit. Dulce bellum und Querela pacis in deutscher Sprache im 16. und 17. Jahrh. Amst., Utrecht, APA, Holland Univ. Press, 2006. 12,483 p. Cl. 23 cm (Diss., Nijmegen)
Book number: 101328 Euro 46.00
Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Deutschland, Erasmus, Germany, Nachleben, Querela, Renaissance, reception
ERAS,V.J.M. Sloten en sleutels door de eeuwen heen., 1941. 175 p., ills. Cloth 27 cm (Cloth soiled) (This book is dedicated to Jacobus Lips, the founder of the Lock Factory Lips, by V.J.M. Eras, who was for many years an employee of Lips (managing director), and who was married to a daughter of Lips)
Book number: 116633 Euro 31.00
Keywords: Dutch history, Lips, Schlüssel, Tresor, coffer, keys, niederländische Geschichte, save, strongbox
ENTWISTLE,W.J. Aspects of language. Ldn., Faber & Faber, 1953. IX,370 p. Cl. 22 cm
Book number: 105546 Euro 16.00
Keywords: Sprachwisenschaft, linguistics
Philomela. Tragische opera in zes tafereelen en een metamorphose van Hendrik Andriessen. Tekst van Jan Engelman.
Amsterdam, Stadsdrukkerij Amsterdam, (1950)
38,(2) p. Wrappers 14 cm (Tekstboekje no. 34) (The libretto by Engelman for an opera composed by Hendrik Andriessen)
Book number: 151812 Euro 16.00
Keywords: Dichtkunst, Dutch literature, Niederländische Literatur, Poesie, poetry
Philomela. Teekening van C.F. Roelofsz.
Den Haag, A.A.M. Stols Uitgever, (1941)
3 p., illustration. Wrappers 25 cm (Orpheus no. 6) (First edition; this poem of 20 lines (4 stanza's) is not the libretto which Jan Engelman wrote for the opera Philomela composed by Hendrik Anddriessen)
Book number: 151148 Euro 9.00
Keywords: Dichtkunst, Dutch literature, Niederländische Literatur, Poesie, poetry
EMPORIUM. EMPORIUM, Rivista mensile illustrata d'arte e di cultura. Vol. LXV, Anno V, No. 387, Marzo 1927. Direzione e Amministrazione Istituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, Bergamo. Bergamo, 1927. 65 p. Numerous illustrations. Plates. Wrappers. 20 x 27 cm (Contributions: N. Zingarelli, 'Madonna Laura', P. Molmenti, 'Daniele Manin e la rivoluzione veneziana del 1848', U. Nebbia, 'La raccolta Franchetti e la Ca' d'Oro', Nezi,A., 'Sistemazioni urbane e questioni edilizie: Padova, il piano regolatore e la zona monumentale', et alia) (Cover somewhat worn, its edges chipping) (Note: Emporium was a famous illustrated Italian periodical of arts and graphic arts, printed in Bergamo by the Italian Institute of Graphic Arts. Founded in 1895, the publication continued until 1964. For many decades, the magazine was an important point of reference for Italian art. It was inspired by the English publication 'The ...
EMPORIUM. EMPORIUM, Rivista mensile illustrata d'arte e di cultura. Vol. LXV, Anno V, No. 386, Febbraio 1927. Direzione e Amministrazione Istituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, Bergamo. Bergamo, 1927. 80 p. Numerous illustrations. Plates. Wrappers. 20 x 27 cm (Contributions: Adriano Lualdi 'Nel primo centenario della morte di Beethoven', Jahn Rusconi 'I nuovi scavi di Pompei', Nunzio Vaccalluzzo 'La casa di Victor Hugo', Ettore Janni 'Il signore della Farnesina' et alia) (Cover somewhat worn, its edges chipping) (Note: Emporium was a famous illustrated Italian periodical of arts and graphic arts, printed in Bergamo by the Italian Institute of Graphic Arts. Founded in 1895, the publication continued until 1964. For many decades, the magazine was an important point of reference for Italian art. It was inspired by the English publication 'The Studio', an illustrated magazine of fine and applied art, ...
The Emerson Year-book. Compiled by J.P.
New York, Dodge Publishing Co., n.d.
188 p. Bound in redish leather. 8.5x6 cm (Selections for every day in the year from the essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson) (All 3 edges gilt. Binding scuffed. Front flyleaf slightly damaged and thumbed) (See for the importance of the American essayist, lecturer, philosopher, abolitionist and poet Emerson his Wikipedia article)
Book number: 160294 Euro 8.00
Keywords: English literature, Philosophie, United States, englische Literatur, philosophy
Les mots français et les gallicismes dans le Hollandsche Spectator de Justus van Effen. Door Johannes Jacobus Becker Elzinga.
Leiden, Trap, 1923.
123 p. Wrappers 24 cm (Dissertation UvA) (Worn)
Book number: 154721 Euro 16.00
Keywords: 18. Jahrhundert, 18th century, Dutch linguistics, Dutch literature, Niederländische Literatur, Niederländische Sprachwissenschaft
ELWERT,W.Th. Französische Metrik. 2. Aufl. München, Hueber, 1966. 202 p. Pb. 21 cm
Book number: 101493 Euro 10.00
Keywords: French, Sprachwisenschaft, französisch, linguistics
ELLERT,G. Attila. Roman. Wien, Lpz., Speidel, (1937). 367 p. Cl. (Hist. novel)
Book number: 049381 Euro 13.00
Keywords: Historical novels (antiquity), Historische Romane (Antike)
De sleutel tot het boek. Een keuze van boeken uit vijf eeuwen.
Rijswijk, Ministerie van Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Cultuur, maart 1983.
30 p., illustrations. Stiff wrappers 24 cm
Book number: 153281 Euro 7.00
Keywords: Bibliothek, Geschichte der Wissenschaft, history of scholarship, library
EERD,I. VAN, & B. HERMES. (Editors)
Pluriform Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, Vossius Pers, AUP, 1998.
XIII,205 p. Paperback. 24 cm (9 essays)
Book number: 159404 Euro 8.00
Keywords: Amsterdam, Netherlands, Niederlanden
EDEL,D. Helden auf Freiersfüssen. 'Tochmarc Emire' und 'Mal y kavas Kulhwch Olwen'. Studien zur frühen inselkeltischen Erzähltradition. Amst., NHPC, 1980. 384 p. Wrs. 26 cm (Verh. KNAW)
Book number: 079031 Euro 21.00
Keywords: Celts, Kelten, Literatur, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, celtic, keltisch, literature
Edda. De leideren uit de 'Codex Regius' en verwante manuscripten. Vertaald uit het Oudijslands en van aantekeningen voorzien door Marcel Otten. Ingeleid door Kees Samplonius.
Baarn, Ambo, 1994.
XLIII,464 p. Cloth 22.5 cm (Including a somewhat worn dustjacket)
Book number: 151151 Euro 52.00
Keywords: Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Mythologie, mythology
ECO,U. Platon im Striptease-Lokal. Parodien und Travestien. München, Wien, Hanser, 1990. 170 p. Cl.
Book number: 065283 Euro 9.00
Keywords: philosophy, philosophy
ECO,U. Lector in fabula. »De rol van de lezer in narratieve teksten«. Amst., Bakker, 1989. 333 p. Pb.
Book number: 045062 Euro 10.00
Keywords: Literaturwissenschaft, literary criticism
DURRER,D. & W.J. VERDENIUS. De adem gods.
Amsterdam, NHUM, 1973.
24 p. Wrappers. 24 cm (Med. KNAW)
Book number: 079330 Euro 5.00
Keywords: Bibel, Bible
DURAND,B. Grammaire provençale. 3e éd. revue et corr. Aix-en-Provence, 1941. 162 p. Wrs.
Book number: 051608 Euro 19.00
Keywords: Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Mittellatein, Sprachwissenschaft, linguistics, medieval Latin
DUIVELSBEELDEN. Een cultuurhistorische speurtocht door de Lage Landen. Onder redactie van G. Rooijakkers, L. Dresen-Coenders & M. Geerdes. Baarn, Ambo, 1994. 443 p.; ills. Wrs. (17 essays; the first 100 p. on early christianity and MA)
Book number: 101349 Euro 17.00
Keywords: Geschichte, Low Countries, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Mittellatein, The Netherlands, die Niederlanden, history, medieval Latin