SPINOZA.- BERNARD,W. De filosofie van Spinoza en Constantin Brunner. Assen, v.Gorcum, 1977. XV,183 p. Pb.
Book number: 067092 Euro 15.00
Keywords: Dutch history, Dutch philosophy, Jews, Juden, Niederländische Philosophie, Spinoza, niederländische Geschichte
Zwischen Bewunderung und Entsetzen. Leibniz' frühe Faszination durch Spinoza's Tractatus theologico-politicus.
Delft, Eburon, 2001.
27 p. Stiff wrappers. 24 cm (Mededelingen vanwege het Spinozahuis 80)
Book number: 155358 Euro 6.00
Keywords: Humanismus, Philosophie, Spinoza, Theologie, humanism, philosophy, religion, theology
Locke, Spinoza and the philosophical debate concerning toleration in the early Enlightenment (c. 1670 -1750).
Amsterdam, KNAW, 1999.
19 p. Stiff wrappers. 24 cm (Mededelingen KNAW)
Book number: 155363 Euro 7.00
Keywords: Niederländische Philosophie, Spinoza, The Netherlands, enlightenment, philosophy, philosophy, religion
Spinoza or Pascal? Two views on religion.
Delft, Eburon, 2000.
16 p. Stiff wrappers. 24 cm (Mededelingen vanwege het Spinozahuis 76)
Book number: 155356 Euro 6.00
Keywords: Humanismus, Philosophie, Spinoza, humanism, philosophy, religion
SPINOZA.- ROOTHAAN,A.C.M. Vroomheid, vrede, vrijheid. Een interpretatie van Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus. Assen, V.Gorcum, 1996. 186 p. Stiff wrs.
Book number: 067093 Euro 19.00
Keywords: Dutch philosophy, Jews, Juden, Niederländische Philosophie, Spinoza
SPINOZA.- SIKKES,J.W.T.E. Spinoza. Leer en leven. Wassenaar, Servire, 1976. 197 p. Hardb.
Book number: 067091 Euro 7.00
Keywords: Dutch philosophy, Jews, Juden, Niederländische Philosophie, Spinoza
Spinoza herdacht. 1677 21 februari 1977.
N.pl. 1977.
72 p. Stiff wrappers 24 cm (Offprint 'Algemeen Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte', 69ste jrg. afl. 1) (9 articles on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Spinoza's death)
Book number: 155362 Euro 7.00
Keywords: Aufklärung, Philosophie, Spinoza, enlightenment, philosophy
SPINOZA.- SUCHTELEN,G. VAN. Benedictus de Spinoza. N.pl. n.d. 20 p., ills. Wrs.
Book number: 065612 Euro 6.00
Keywords: Dutch philosophy, Jews, Juden, Niederländische Literatur, Spinoza
SPINOZA.- VLOEMANS,A. De wijsbegeerte van Spinoza. Haar plaats in het Nederlandsche denken en haar beteekenis voor de wereldphilosphie. Amst., Wereldbibliotheek, 1932. 255 p. Cl.
Book number: 061723 Euro 11.00
Keywords: Antike, Antiquity, Neulatein, neolatin literature, neulateinische Literatur, philosophy, philosophy
Russell and Spinoza. Free thoughts on the Love of God.
Delft, Eburon, 1991.
20 p. Stiff wrappers. 24 cm (Mededelingen vanwege het Spinozahuis 65) (Ballpoint underlinings on 5 pages, some small marginal ballpoint notes)
Book number: 155357 Euro 5.00
Keywords: Humanismus, Philosophie, Spinoza, Theologie, humanism, philosophy, religion, theology
SPYRIDAKI,G. La Grèce et la poésie moderne. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1954. 167 p. Wrs. 20 cm (Uncut)
Book number: 078886 Euro 19.00
Keywords: Dichtkunst, Greek, Griechisch, Literatur, Neugriechisch, New Greek, Poesie, literature, poetry
STERN,A. Philosophy of history and the problem of values. Den Haag, Mouton, 1962. 248 p. Cl.
Book number: 006847 Euro 17.00
Keywords: Geschichte, Philosophie, history, philosophy
Dromen van een Arabische lente. Een Nederlandse diplomate in het Midden-Oosten. Zesde druk.
Amsterdam, Nieuw Amsterdam Uitgevers, 2011.
348 p. Paperback 21 cm
Book number: 151736 Euro 11.00
Keywords: Araber, Arabs, Islam, Nahe Osten, Near East, Orient
Von Friedrich Nicolai bis Thomas Mann. Aufsätze zur deutschen und vergleichenden Literaturgeschichte.
Groningen, J.B. Wolters, 1962.
376 p. Cloth 25 cm (Published on the occasion of the 75th birthday of the author. Essays on Robinson Crusoe, Robinsonaden, Lessing, Wieland, Goethe, 'Deutsche Klassik', A. W. Schlegel, Wilhelm Raabe, Schnitzler, Rilke, G. Hauptmann, Thomas Mann )
Book number: 154221 Euro 16.00
Keywords: German literature, deutsche Literatur
STOKS,F.- Ars ingenium. Studien zum Übersetzen. Festgabe für Frans Stoks zum sechzigsten Geburtstag. Amst., Holland Univ. Press, (1983). 309 p., ills. Wrs. 22 cm (Festschrift, essays in Dutch & German)
Book number: 090127 Euro 19.00
Keywords: translation, Übersetzung
Pre-Reformation Germany. Edited by Gerald Strauss.
London, MacMillan, 1972.
452 p. Hardbound. 22.5 cm (10 contributions by German specialists, translated into English) (Stratum Series, a series of fundamental reprints from scholarly journals and specialised works in European history) (Including dustjacket. Paper yellowing)
Book number: 158154 Euro 10.00
Keywords: Deutsche Geschichte, Deutschland, German history, Germany, Humanismus, Renaissance, humanism, reformation
Geschiedenis van de wiskunde. (Geheel herzien en uitgebreid)
Utrecht, Het Spectrum, 1990.
320 p. Paperback. 21 cm (Aula Paperback) (The first 100 pages on on math in the ancient world)
Book number: 159189 Euro 8.00
Keywords: Geschichte der Wissenschaft, Mathematik, history of science, mathematics
STURM,A.N. Primaire syntactische structuren in het Nederlands. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff, 1986. X,391 p. Stiff wrappers 24 cm (Diss., Nijmegen)
Book number: 116841 Euro 15.00
Keywords: Dutch linguistics, Grammatik, Niederländische Sprachwissenschaft, grammar
Problemen der literatuurwetenschap. Tweede druk.
Amsterdam, Polak & Van Gennep, 1966.
263 p. Cloth. 22 cm
Book number: 155761 Euro 8.00
Keywords: Dutch literature
STYAN,J.L. The dramatic experience. (A guide to the reading of plays). Illustrated with drawings by D. Gentleman. Cambr., CUP, 1965. 154 p., ills. Cl. 23 cm (Traces of sellotape on front flyleaf; small ink marks on 2 p.)
Book number: 112209 Euro 10.00
Keywords: Drama, Komödie, Theater, Tragödie, comedy, theatre, tragedy