GROSSGLOCKNER HOCHALPENSTRASSE, DIE. La route alpestre du Grossglockner. The Grossglockner alpine road., n.d. (1930th) 24 black and white plates, 6 p., 1 folding coloured survey map (Panoramakarte). Wrappers. Oblong 15x23 cm (Including a dried Edelweiss flower, which we found at the following photo: 'View from the Fuscher Wegscheid towards the Edelweiss Road'. It seems that the first owner of this booklet stepped out of his/her car, and picked an Edelweiss somewhere along this Edelweis Road; texts in German, French and English)
Book number: 116490 Euro 26.00
Keywords: Alpen, Alps, Austria, Edelweiss, Grossglockner, Österreich
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