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Geen afbeelding ingesteld
BIBLE. Bijbelsch Magazijn voor alle standen, ter verspreiding en bevordering van kennis der Heilige Schrift. Zamengesteld door Vaderlandsche leeraren. Twee druk. (Deel 1:) Het Oude Verbond. (Deel 2:) Het Nieuwe Verbond. Amsterdam, Bij G. Portielje & Zoon, 1864 - 1869. 6 parts in 2 volumes: 1242 p., illustrations. Half calf 27.5 cm (Backs with 4 raised bands. Marbled endpapers, 312 big steel engravings in the text. Both bindings are worn at the extremes. Rear joint of the first volume splitting, but strong and holding. Back of the second volume plasticized. Paper slightly yellowing) (Popular Bible translation into Dutch for a wider public. The richly illustrated stories of the bible were retold for a more general public by a number of Dutch ministers. Including a 20 page list of subscribers) (Heavy set, may require extra shipping costs)
Book number: 154042 Euro 90.00

Keywords: Altes Testament, Bibel, Bible, Dutch translations, Neues Testament, New Testament, Novum Testamentum, Old Testament, Vetus Testamentum
€ 90,00


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