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ROMAN INSCRIPTIONS OF BRITAIN, THE. Eds. R.G. Collingwood & R.P. Wright. Vol. II: instrumentum domesticum. Fasc. 8: graffiti on coarse pottery cut before and after firing, stamp on coarse pottery, addenda and corrigenda to fasc. 1-8. (RIB 2502-2505). Ed. by S.S. FRERE & R.S.O. TOMLIN. N.pl., Sutton, 1995. XII,165 p., ills., 8 pls. Hardb. 28 cm
Book number: 080071 Euro 31.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Britain, Britannia, Britannien, Inschriften, Keramik, Kunst, Latin epigraphy, Provincial Roman Archaeology, Provinzialrömische Archäologie, Roman history, ancient history, art, ceramics, classical, classical philology, graffiti, inscriptions, klassische, lateinische Epigraphik, pottery, römische Geschichte
€ 31,00


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