PLAUTUS. Asinaria (And:) Aulularia (&:) Bacchides (&:) Cistellaria (&:) Curculio (&:) Epidicus (&:) Mercator (&:) Persae (&:) Poenulus (&:) Pseudulus (&:) Stichus (&:) Trinummus (&:) Truclentus. Ex recensione G. GOETZ & F. SCHOELL. Lpz., Tbn., 1896 - 1932.
13 vols. Stiff wrappers. 17 cm (BT)(Stamp on titles. Paper yellowing. Backcover of last volume damaged at the edges)
Book number: 115877 Euro 30.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Komödie, Latin literature, Plautus, classical philology, comedy, römische Literatur