
Greek and Latin authors

Resultaten 2301 - 2320 van 3614

HOMERUS.- BOWRA,C.M. Tradition and design in the Iliad. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1958. IX,278 p. Cloth. 22 cm (Including dustjacket)
Book number: 159748 Euro 28.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Dichtkunst, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Homer, Homeros, Homerus, Iliad, Ilias, Poesie, classical philology, epic, epos, poetry

€ 28,00

HOMERUS.- BOUGOT,A. Étude sur l'Iliade d'Homère. Invention, composition, exécution. Paris, Hachette, 1888. 8,577 p. Cl. 22 cm (Rebound; paper of the first 4 preliminary leaves brittle, resulting in marginal tears and a loosening title)
Book number: 107003 Euro 11.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 11,00

HOMERUS.- BLOM,J.W.S. De typische getallen bij Homerus en Herodotus, I: triaden, hebdomaden en enneaden. Nijmegen, Berkhout, 1936. XII,315 p. Wrappers. 24 cm (Dissertation, Nijmegen) (Cover slightly worn)
Book number: 154318 Euro 20.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Herodot, Herodotos, Herodotus, Homer, Homerus, Neun, Nummer, Sieben, classical philology, enneade, hebodmade, nine, number, seven, three, triade, trias, triple

€ 20,00

HOMERUS.- BLOM,J.W.S. De typische getallen bij Homerus en Herodotus, I: triaden, hebdomaden en enneaden. Nijmegen, Berkhout, 1936. XII,315 p. Wrappers. 24 cm (Dissertaton, Nijmegen)
Book number: 048019 Euro 24.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Herodot, Herodotos, Herodotus, Homer, Homerus, Neun, Nummer, Sieben, classical philology, enneade, hebodmade, nine, number, seven, three, triade, trias, triple

€ 24,00

HOMERUS.- BEYE,C.R. The Iliad, the Odyssey, and the epic tradition. Ldn., Melbourne, MacMillan, 1968. VIII,263 p. Hardb.
Book number: 056361 Euro 16.00

Keywords: Aeneid, Aeneis, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Homer, Homerus, Iliad, Ilias, Odyssea, Odyssee, Odyssey, classical philology, epic, epos

€ 16,00

HOMERUS.- BESSLICH,S. Schweigen - Verschweigen - Übergehen. Die Darstellung des Unausgesprochenen in der Odyssee. Heidelberg, Carl Winter, 1966. 154 p. Cloth. 24 cm (Revised edition of the dissertation Mainz, 1965)
Book number: 156420 Euro 36.00

Keywords: Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Homer, Homerus, Odyssee, Odyssey, classical philology

€ 36,00

HOMERUS.- BÉRARD,V. La résurrection d'Homère au temps des héros. Paris, Grasset, (1930). 257 p. Wrappers. 19 cm
Book number: 103207 Euro 9.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 9,00

HOMERUS.- BÉQUIGNON,Y. Homère, l'Iliade (illustrée). Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1945. 191 p.; ills. & pls. Wrs. (Paysages et images de l'Iliade)
Book number: 030376 Euro 16.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 16,00

HOMERUS.- BENICKEN,H.K. Studien und Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Homerischen Gedichte und ihrer Literatur. Das zwölfte und dreizehnte Lied vom Zorne des Achilleus in N Ksi O der Homerischen Ilias. Registerband. Innsbruck, Verlag der Wagner'schen Universitäts-Buchhandlunmg, 1884. p. 1313-1487. Boards. 21 cm (Register only: 'Register der Namen, Sachen, besprochenen und citierten Stellen')
Book number: 156494 Euro 12.00

Keywords: Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Homer, Homerus, Iliad, Ilias, antike altertum antiquity

€ 12,00

HOMERUS.- BEKKER,I. Homerische Blätter. Bonn, Marcus, 1863. VI,330 p. H.calf 22 cm (Back gilt; marbled boards)
Book number: 108324 Euro 82.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Greek linguistics, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Homer, Homerus, classical philology, griechische Sprachwissenschaft

€ 82,00

HOMERUS.- BECHTEL,F. Lexilogus zu Homer. Etymologie und Stammbildung homerischer Wörter. Halle, Max Niemeyer, 1914. 341 p. Half cloth. 23 cm (Rebound)
Book number: 159867 Euro 28.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Greek linguistics, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Homer, Homerus, classical philology, griechische Sprachwissenschaft

€ 28,00

HOMERUS.- BECHTEL,F. Lexilogus zu Homer. Etymologie und Stammbildung homerischer Wörter. Halle, Max Niemeyer, 1914. 341 p. Half cloth 23 cm (Head of spine worn)
Book number: 099944 Euro 26.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Greek linguistics, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Homer, Homerus, classical philology, griechische Sprachwissenschaft

€ 26,00

HOMERUS.- BAKKER,E.J. Linguistics and formulas in Homer. Scalarity and the description of the particle 'per'. Amsterdam, Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 1988. 313 p. Stiff wrappers. 22 cm (Dissertation, University Leiden) (2 short letters of Bakker attached in the gutter to the front flyleaf)
Book number: 159741 Euro 40.00

Keywords: Homer, Homerus, Partikel, Sprachwissenschaft, antike altertum antiquity, linguistics, particles

€ 40,00

HOMERUS.- AUTENRIETH,G. Homeric dictionary. (Translated with additions and corrections by R.P. Keep) Newburyport, Focus Publishing, n.d. XXI,337 p. 5 plates. Paperback. 21.5 cm (Reprint of the 4th English edition of 1886)
Book number: 159747 Euro 12.00

Keywords: Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Homer, Homerus, Wörterbuch, antike altertum antiquity, dictionary

€ 12,00

HOMERUS.- AURELIANUS,P. De verhouding van godsdienst en ethiek in Homerus. Nijmegen 1955. XIII,119 p. Wrappers (Diss.)
Book number: 044949 Euro 8.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Homer, Homerus, classical philology, religion

€ 8,00

HOMERUS.- ATCHITY,K.J. Homer's Iliad. The shield of memory. Carbondale etc., Southern Illinois Univ. Press, (1978). XV,352 p. Cloth 24 cm
Book number: 093276 Euro 70.00

Keywords: Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Homer, Homerus, Iliad, Ilias, classical philology

€ 70,00

HOMERUS.- (CODEX AMBROSIANUS). Studi Miscellanei 1. (Seminario di Arch. e Storia dell'arte Greca e Romana dell'Univ. di Roma). Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, (1961). 73 p., 24 pls., Wrs. 29 cm (Cover worn)(7 contrib. by Coarelli et alii)
Book number: 104487 Euro 25.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Homer, Homeros, Homerus, Kodex, classical philology, codex

€ 25,00

HOMERUS.- Homerus. (Themanummer Lampas). Lampas 5,5 (1972). ca. 65 p. Wrs. (2 essays by Sicking)
Book number: 062931 Euro 5.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 5,00

HOMERUS. Hymnes. Texte établi par J. HUMBERT. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1955. Wrs. (Budé)(Greek text only)
Book number: 058336 Euro 6.00

Keywords: Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Homer, Homerus, Hymnen, classical philology, hymns

€ 6,00

HOMERUS. Hymnes. Texte établi et traduit par J. HUMBERT. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1951. Wrappers. 20 cm (Budé)
Book number: 112949 Euro 10.00

Keywords: Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Homer, Homerus, Hymnen, classical philology, hymns

€ 10,00