HORATIUS.- BIRT,Th. Horaz' Lieder. Studien zur Kritik und Auslegung. Lpz., Quelle & Meyer, (1925). (VII),173 p. Cl. 23 cm
Book number: 087830 Euro 14.00
Keywords: Antike
HORATIUS.- BLOK,W.L. Woordkeus en stijlniveau van de 1e, 3e, 4e en 13e epode van Horatius. Rijswijk, 1961. 103 p. Wrs. (Diss.)
Book number: 008031 Euro 8.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Epode, Horace, Horatius, Horaz, Lateinisch, Lateinische, Latin, Latin literature, ancient, classical philology
Horace on poetry. The 'Ars Poetica'. (Volume 2)
Cambridge, CUP, 1971.
XXVI,563 p. Cloth. 24 cm (Introduction to manuscripts and editions, the Latin text, and commentary)(Including dustjacket. Small inscription on the front flyleaf. The edges of the bookblock foxed. Fold in the right margin of 9 leaves))
Book number: 156241 Euro 60.00
Keywords: Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Dichtung, Horace, Horatius, Horaz, Latin literature, Poesie, Poetik, antike altertum antiquity, ars poetica, classical philology, poetics, poetry, römische Literatur
Horace on poetry. The 'Ars Poetica'. (Volume 2)
Cambridge, CUP, 1971.
XXVI,563 p. Cloth. 24 cm (Introduction to manuscripts and editions, the Latin text, and commentary)(Including dustjacket; the edges of the bookblock foxed)
Book number: 150558 Euro 72.00
Keywords: Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Dichtung, Horace, Horatius, Horaz, Latin literature, Poesie, Poetik, antike altertum antiquity, ars poetica, classical philology, poetics, poetry, römische Literatur
HORATIUS.- BROUWERS,J.H. Horatius en Propertius over epiek en lyriek. Nijmegen, 1967.
180 p. Stiff wrappers 24 cm (Diss.)
Book number: 043700 Euro 10.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Horace, Horatius, Horaz, Latin, Latin Literatur, Latin literature, Lyrik, Propertius, Properz, classical philology, epic, epos lyric
HORATIUS.- BÜCHNER,K. Studien zur römischen Literatur. Band III: Horaz. Wiesbaden, Steiner, (1962). 178 p. Cl. 23 cm
Book number: 100130 Euro 26.00
Keywords: Antike
HORATIUS.- BUDDE,F. Commentatio de Horatii carmine XIV L.I. Koesfeld, 1828. 10 p. No wrs. 24 cm (Programm Progymnasium Coesfeld, total 17 p.)
Book number: 107319 Euro 10.00
Keywords: Antike
HORATIUS.- DERBOLAV,J. Weltanschauliche Fragen im Dichtwerk des Horaz. Lpz., 1942. 46 p. (Offpr. Neue Jahrbüchern, 1942)
Book number: 064831 Euro 8.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Horace, Horatius, Horaz, Latin literature, classical philology, römische Literatur
Ironie en humor in het eerste boek Epistulae van Horatius.
Leuven, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven , 1989.
X,87 p. Mimeograph 30 cm (Licentiaatsverhandeling)
Book number: 150901 Euro 21.00
Keywords: Antike, Dichtkunst, Epistulae, Horace, Horatius, Horaz, Latin literature, Poesie, antike altertum antiquity, poetry, römische Literatur
HORATIUS.- DETTMER,H. Horace: a study in structure. Hildesheim etc., Olms, 1983. XXVII,573 p. Stiff wrs. 21 cm (Altertumswiss. Texte & Studien 12)
Book number: 108203 Euro 36.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Horace, Horatius, Horaz, Latin literature, classical philology, römische Literatur
HORATIUS.- DOBLHOFER,E. Horaz in der Forschung seit 1957. Darmstadt, WB, 1992. 13,205 p. Pb. 21 cm (EdF)
Book number: 100275 Euro 15.00
Keywords: Antike
From a Sabine jar. Reading Horace, Odes 1.9.
Chapel Hill, London, University of North Carolina Press, (1992).
XVIII,159 p. Cloth. 22.5 cm (On the Soracte ode)
Book number: 071710 Euro 21.00
Keywords: Horace, Horatius, Horaz, Latin literature, Odae, Oden, Odes, antike altertum antiquity, römische Literatur
HORATIUS.- ENK,P.J. Horatius als dichter en levenskunstenaar. (And:) G. VAN DER LEEUW. Horatius in dezen tijd. (Twee redevoeringen bij de Horatius-herdenking 1935). Groningen, Noordhoff, 1935. 35 p. Wrs.
Book number: 014194 Euro 5.00
Keywords: Antike
Untersuchungen zu den Odenschlüssen bei Horaz. Meisenheim, Hain, 1976. XII,157 p. Wrappers. (Beitr. zur Klass. Philologie, 77) (Trade ed. of the diss. Köln 1975)
Book number: 062231 Euro 16.00
Keywords: Antike
HORATIUS.- FLEIG,P. & L. WOHLEB. Römische Metrik. Einführung in die lyrischen Masse des Horaz und Catull. Bielefeld, Lpz., Velhagen & Klasing, 1926. 24 p. Wrs. 22 cm (Cover sl. worn; name on title; Gothic letter)
Book number: 115674 Euro 9.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Catull, Catullus, Horace, Horatius, Horaz, Latin literature, Metrik, classical philology, metrics, römische Literatur
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1963.
14,464 p. Cloth. 24 cm
Book number: 107751 Euro 31.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Horaz, Latin literature, classical philology, römische Literatur
Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1967.
Darmstadt, WB, 1967. XV,540 p. Cl. (St. on title)
Book number: 070333 Euro 26.00
Keywords: Antike
Horace, Epodes and Odes. A new annotated Latin edition by Daniel H. Garrison.
Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1991.
XVII,397 p. Paperback. 23 cm (Volume 10 in the Oklahoma Series in Classical Culture) (Somewhat used. Front flyleaf loose. Scansion in pencil in a number of odes. Some pencil notes)
Book number: 159882 Euro 9.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Dichtkunst, Epoden, Horace, Horaz, Latin literature, Oden, Odes, Poesie, classical philology, epodes, poetry, römische Literatur
HORATIUS.- GIESEBRECHT,A. Epistola ad E.R. Langeum. (Quid de Augusto Horatium sensisse arbitrarer). Prenzlau, 1829. 9 p. No wrs. 21 cm (Programm Gymnasium Prenzlau, total 21 p.)
Book number: 107316 Euro 10.00
Keywords: Antike
HORATIUS.- GRUPPE,O.F. Aeacus. Ueber die Interpollationen in den roemischen Dichtern. Mit besonderer Ruecksicht auf Horaz. Bln., Reimer, 1872. VIII,616 p. Plain wrs. 23 cm
Book number: 097480 Euro 39.00
Keywords: Antike