
Greek and Latin authors

Resultaten 3261 - 3280 van 3605

TERENTIUS.- ARNOTT,G. Phormio Parasitus. A study in dramatic methods of characterization. Oxf. 1970. 25 p. Wrs. (Offpr. Greece & Rome, vol. XVII,1, 1970)
Book number: 015850 Euro 5.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 5,00

TERENTIUS.- BARSBY,J. Terence. The Eunuch, Phormio, the Brothers. A companion to the Penguin translation. Bristol, Bristol Class. Press, 1991. (VIII),199 p. Pb. 21 cm
Book number: 048595 Euro 11.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Komödie, Latin literature, Phormio, Terentius, Terenz, classical philology, comedy, römische Literatur

€ 11,00

TERENTIUS.- BARSBY,J. Terence. The Eunuch, Phormio, the Brothers. A companion to the Penguin translation. Bristol, Bristol Classical Press, 1991. (VIII),199 p. Paperback. 21.5 cm
Book number: 048596 Euro 11.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Komödie, Latin literature, Phormio, Terentius, Terenz, classical philology, comedy, römische Literatur

€ 11,00

TERENTIUS.- COURY,E.M. Terence, Bembine Phormio. A palaeographic examination. Michigan, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 1982. 141 p. Stiff wrappers. 27 cm (Including a facsimile edition of the Bembine Phormio with a parallel transcription, and a critical survey of the editions and textual studies)
Book number: 158340 Euro 65.00

Keywords: Kodex, Komödie, Latin literature, Paleographie, Phormio, Terentius, Terenz, Textkritik, antike altertum antiquity, codex, comedy, paleography, römische Literatur, textual cirticism

€ 65,00

TERENTIUS.- KARSTEN,H.T. Commenti Donatiani ad Terenti fabulas scholia genuina et spuria. Probabiliter separare conatus est H.T. Karsten. Volumen I: (Andria & Eunuchus). Leiden, A.W. Sijthoff, 1912. XXIII,281 p. Half cloth (Scholia to the Andria and Eunuchus. The last 45 p. are filled with 'adnotationes ad scholia' of Karsten on the scholia of the Andria and Eunuchus) (Volume 1 only, the second volume was published in 1913. Rebound. Binding worn & scuffed. Pencil marginalia)
Book number: 154299 Euro 40.00

Keywords: Andria, Eunuchus, Komödie., Terence, Terentius, Terenz, antike altertum antiquity, comedy, scholia

€ 40,00

TERENTIUS.- KUIPER,W.E.J. Two comedies by Apollodorus of Carystus. Terence's Hecyra and Phormio. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1938. (VII),101 p. Paper wrappers gone. (Mnemosyne Supplement 1) (Stamp on the title page, book-block in good condition)
Book number: 158244 Euro 12.00

Keywords: Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Komödie, Latin literature, Terence, Terentius, Terenz, antike altertum antiquity, comedy, römische Literatur

€ 12,00

TERENTIUS.- KUIPER,W.E.J. Two comedies by Apollodorus of Carystus. Terence's Hecyra and Phormio. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1938. (VII),101 p. Boards. (Mnemosyne Supplement 1) (Stain on front cover; back rep.)
Book number: 060698 Euro 17.00

Keywords: Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Komödie, Latin literature, Terence, Terentius, Terenz, antike altertum antiquity, comedy, römische Literatur

€ 17,00

TERTULLIANUS. Opera ad optimorum librorum fidem expressa curante E.F. LEOPOLD. Pars 2: Libri ad ritus et mores Christianorum pertinentes. Leipzig, Tauchnitz, 1839. 232 p. Wrappers. 19.5 cm (De oratione, de patientia, de baptismo, de poenitentia, ad uxorum, de cultu feminarum, de exhortatione castitatis, de monogamia, de pudicitia, de ieuniis, de virginibus velandis, de pallio)(Stamp on the frontcover and on the titlepage. Some foxing)
Book number: 156309 Euro 8.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Patristics, Patristik, Spätantike, Tertullian, Tertullianus, classical philology, early christian literature, early christianity, frühchristliche Literatur, frühes Christentum, late antiquity

€ 8,00

TERUGBLIK OP VIJF CENTRA VAN ANTIEKE CULTUUR. Ter gelegenheid van het 4e lustrum van het NKV. Door H.G. Beyen, E. Visser, M.J. Vermaseren, C.C. van Essen & J.A.G. van der Veer. Alkmaar, Ter Burg, 1958. 60 p.; ills. Cl.
Book number: 020802 Euro 6.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 6,00

THÉATRE COMPLET DES LATINS, comprenant Plaute, Térence et Sénèque le tragique, avec la trad. en français publ. sous la dir. de M. NISARD. Paris, Dubochet, 1844. XX,545,166,211 p. H.leather 26 cm (Back rubbed)
Book number: 074795 Euro 33.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Komödie, Latin literature, Plautus, Seneca, Seneka, Terentius, Terenz, Theater, Tragödie, classical philology, comedy, römische Literatur, theatre, tragedy

€ 33,00

THEMISTIUS. Themistii Orationes. (Edited with commentary by) W. DINDORF. Hildesheim, Olms, 1961. XVI,756 p. Cloth. 22 cm (Reprint edition Leipzig 1832)
Book number: 113920 Euro 62.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, classical philology

€ 62,00

THEMISTIUS.- BRONS,J.A. De woordkeuze in Themistius' redevoeringen. Bijdrage tot het onderzoek naar Themistius' bronnen en modellen. Nijmegen, Dekker & v.d. Vegt, 1948. XI,154 p. Wrappers. 24 cm (Diss.)
Book number: 047690 Euro 13.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Reden, Rhetorik, Spätantike, ancient, classical philology, late antiquity, rhetoric, speeches

€ 13,00

THEMISTIUS.- SCHENKL,H. Beiträge zur Textgeschichte der Reden des Themistios. Wien, Hölder, 1919. 89 p. Wrs. 25 cm (SAWW)
Book number: 090835 Euro 17.00

Keywords: Antike

€ 17,00

THEOCRITUS, BION, MOSCHUS. Die griechischen Bukoliker. Theokrit, Moschos, Bion. (Edited with introduction, text and parallel German translation, and commentary by) Hermann Beckby. Meisenheim am Glan, Verlag Anton Hain, 1975. 601 p. Boards. 22.5 cm (Beiträge zur Klassischen Philologie, 49) (Rebound)
Book number: 156687 Euro 70.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Bion, Bucolici, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Moschos, Moschus, Theocritus, Theokrit, classical philology

€ 70,00

THEOCRITUS. Theocritus. Edited with a translation and commentary by A.S.F. Gow. Cambridge, CUP, 1952. 2 volunmes: LXXXIV,257;(VIII),638 p.; 15 plates. Cloth. 24 cm (Heavy set, may require extra shipping costs)
Book number: 156627 Euro 190.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Theocritus, Theokrit, classical philology

€ 190,00

THEOCRITUS. A selection, Idylls 1,3,4,6,7,10,11 and 13. Edited (with introduction and commentary) by Richard Hunter. Cambridge, CUP, 1999. XI,308 p. Paperback. 20.5 cm (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics (Green and Yellows))
Book number: 159830 Euro 22.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Dichtkunst, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Hellenismus, Idylllen, Idylls, classical philology, epos, hellenism, poetry

€ 22,00

THEOCRITUS. Théocrite. Texte établi et traduit par Ph.-E. LEGRAND. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1953. Wrs. 20 cm (Budé; Bucoliques grecs, tome 1)(Some pencil)
Book number: 097888 Euro 13.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Bucolica, Dichtkunst, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Poesie, Theocritus, Theokrit, bucolic, bukolisch, classical philology, poetry

€ 13,00

THEOCRITUS. Idilli di Teocrito. A cura di F. Sbordone. Napoli, Libreria Scientifica Editrice, 1968. 96 p. Cloth. 25 cm (Rebound. Italian translation and notes. No Greek text)
Book number: 157503 Euro 14.00

Keywords: Bucolici, Dichtkunst, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Hellenistic poetry, Hellenistische Poesie, Italian translation, Poesie, Theocritus, Theokrit, antike altertum antiquity, poetry

€ 14,00

THEOCRITUS. Reliquiae. Recognovit et illustravit E.F. WUESTEMANN. Gotha & Erfurt, Hennings, 1830. 48,436 p. Boards. 21 cm (Cover worn; corners bumped; inscription on front flyleaf)
Book number: 103254 Euro 62.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Bucolica, Dichtkunst, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Poesie, Theocritus, Theokrit, bucolic, bukolisch, classical philology, poetry

€ 62,00

THEOCRITUS.- CHRYSSAFIS,G. A textual and stylistic commentary on Theocritus' Idyll XXV by G. Chryssafis. Amsterdam, J.C. Gieben, 1981. 289 p. Stiff wrappers. 22.5 cm (Including a Greek text) (Cover partly faded. Name on front flyleaf)
Book number: 156184 Euro 45.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Dichtkunst, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Poesie, Theocritus, Theokrit, classical philology, poetry

€ 45,00