KAMERBEEK,J.C. De philoloog in Piëria's Hof. Zwolle, Tj. Willink, 1951. 19 p. Wrs. 23 cm (Inaug. lect.)
Book number: 084902 Euro 6.00
Keywords: Antike
KAMERBEEK,J.C. Aspecten van de tijd in de Griekse tragedie (Speciaal bij Aeschylus).
Amsterdam, NHUM, 1963.
14 p. Wrappers. 24 cm (Mededelingen KNAW)
Book number: 157041 Euro 5.00
Keywords: Aeschylus, Aischylos, Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Tragödie, Zeit, ancient, classical philology, time, tragedy
JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS.- STEIN,E. De woordenkeuze in het Bellum Judaïcum van Flavius Josephus. Amst., Paris, 1937. XI,142 p. Wrs. 25 cm (Diss.)
Book number: 099266 Euro 23.00
Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Geschichte, Greek, Jewry, Jews, Juden, Judentum, Literatur, Palestina, Palestine, griechische, history, literature
JONG,I.J.F. DE & J.P. SULLIVAN. (Eds.) Modern critical theory and classical literature. Leiden etc., Brill, 1994. VII,290 p. Cl. 24 cm (Mnem. Suppl. 130)
Book number: 112223 Euro 92.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Latin literature, ancient philosophy, antike Philosophie, classical philology, religion, römische Literatur
JONG,I. DE. Vertellers met een lijf. Een sondering van de geschiedenis van het Klassiek Griekse verhaal.
Amsterdam, KNAW, 1999.
25 p. Stiff wrappers. 24 cm (Inaugural lecture)
Book number: 112304 Euro 6.00
Keywords: Achilles Tatius, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Euripides, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Homer, Homerus, Leucippe & Clitophon, Narratologie, Odyssea, Odyssee, Odyssey, classical philology, narratology
JENKYNS,R. Three classical poets. Sappho, Catullus, and Juvenal. Ldn., Duckworth, 1982. IX,243 p. Pb. 23 cm
Book number: 099462 Euro 15.00
Keywords: Antike
The Attic orators, from Antiphon to Isaeus.
London, MacMillan, 1876
2 volumes. CXXXVIII,316;XV,481 p. Cloth 23 cm (Some wear to the extremes of the binding; traces of a removed bookplate on the front pastedown)
Book number: 152056 Euro 165.00
Keywords: Andocides, Antiphon, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Isaeus, Isocrates, Lysias, Oratores Attici, Rhetorik, antike altertum antiquity, oratory, rhetoric
JEBB,R.C. Schets der Helleensche of Grieksche letterkunde. Vrij bewerkt door H.C. MULLER. Amst., v.Looy, n.d. (after 1894). 237;IV p. Cl. 18 cm (Rebound)
Book number: 115323 Euro 7.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, classical philology
JEBB,R.C. Greek literature. Ldn., MacMillan, 1932. 163,(III) p. Cl. 16 cm (Whitaker 00280)
Book number: 095383 Euro 7.00
Keywords: Antike
JANSSEN,O. & A. GALAMA. Uit de Romeinse keizertijd. 's-Hertogenbosch, Teulings, 1951. 111 p. Wrs. (Collectanea Franciscana Neerlandica VI,3) (3 essays, on Claudianus, Ovidius & Claudius)
Book number: 023718 Euro 8.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Claudian, Claudianus, Claudius, Dichtkunst, Latin literature, Literatur, Ovid, Ovidius, Poesie, Principat, Roman history, classical philology, poetry, principate, römische Geschichte
JANSSEN,H.H. Latijnse letterkunde. 2e dr. N.pl., Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema, 1979. XIV,314 p. Pb. (Cover spotted)
Book number: 029550 Euro 6.00
Keywords: Antike
JANSSEN,H.H. Latijnse letterkunde. Haarlem, Bohn, 1956. XVIII,300 p. Hardb.
Book number: 030461 Euro 8.00
Keywords: Antike
JANSSEN,H.H. De kenmerken der Romeinsche dichtertaal. Nijmegen, Utrecht, Dekker & v.d.Vegt, 1941. 44 p. Wrs. (Inaug. lect.)
Book number: 013476 Euro 5.00
Keywords: Antike
Das Problem des klassischen und die Antike. Acht Vorträge.
Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1931.
X,128 p. Wrappers. 24.5 cm (Cover plasticized) (Lectures of Schadewaldt, Fraenkel, Stroux, Gelzer et alii)
Book number: 156934 Euro 20.00
Keywords: Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, antike altertum antiquity, classical philology
JACOBS,F. & F.W. DÖRING. (Klio der Römer, oder Auswahl aus den vorzüglichsten Geschichtschreibern Roms). Lateinisches Elementarbuch zum öffentlichen und Privat-Gebrauche. 3. Bändchen: 3. verb. Aufl. (mit erläuternden Anmerk.). Jena, Frommann, 1837. X,262 p. Calf 18 cm (Cover sl. soiled & worn at extremities; ex libris of John Mirehouse (1841)
Book number: 091733 Euro 26.00
Keywords: Antike
JACOB,F. Variarum lectionum specimen I. Posnaniae, 1826. 20 p. No wrs. 19 cm (Programm Gymnasium Posnan, total 51 p.)(Propertius, Grattius)
Book number: 107372 Euro 12.00
Keywords: Antike
JACOB,D.J. H ENOTHTA TOU CHRONOU STÊN ARCHAIA HELLÊNIKÊ TRAGÔDIA. SUMBOLÊ STÊ DIEREUNÊSÊ TÊS TRAGIKÊS TECHNIKÊS. Thessalonike, 1982. 355 p. Stiff wrappers 24 cm (The unity of time in Greek tragedy. A contribution to the study of the tragic technique. Dissertation, Thessaloniki; a 7 page summary in English)(Cover slightly worn; slightly dog-eared at the beginning)
Book number: 116028 Euro 15.00
Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Tragödie, classical philology, tragedy
JACHT, DE. (Themanummer Hermeneus). Hermeneus 66,5 (1994). ca 40 p.; ills. Wrs. 24 cm
Book number: 101405 Euro 6.00
Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Greek history, Jagd, Roman, ancient, griechische, hunting, römische Geschichte
ITINÉRAIRE D'UNE FABLE. Le loup et le chien. Lupus et canis. LUKOS KAI KUÔN. Proposé par: F. DACHY, Th. DEBRUX, P. PIETQUIN, & D. VANHAVRE. N.pl., n.d. (1991). 57 p. Spiral binding 30 cm
Book number: 085335 Euro 8.00
Keywords: Antike
ISTORIA LITERATURII LATINE. (Vol. I:) De la origini pîna la destramarea Republicii. Ed. IIa. Bucuresti, Ed. Didactica si Pedagogica, n.d. (after 1969). 573 p. Hardb. (From the beginning until 44 BC; vol. 1 of 4)
Book number: 030493 Euro 12.00
Keywords: Antike