

Resultaten 181 - 200 van 686

CLAVIS PATRISTICA PSEUDEPIGRAPHORUM MEDII AEVI. Cura et studio Ioannis Machielsen. Turnhout, Brepols, 1990 - 2003. 5 volumes: XIX,1127;XXI,1212;XX,606 p. Cloth 25 cm (CPPM, new 1060 Euro) (Heavy book, may require extra shipping costs)
Book number: 152264 Euro 500.00

Keywords: Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Mittellatein, antike altertum antiquity, medieval Latin

€ 500,00

CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS. Le pédagogue. Texte grec, introduction et notes de Henri-Irénée Marrou, traduction de Marguerite Harl & Claude Mondésert. Paris, Cerf, 1960 - 1970. 3 volumes: 297;245; 241 p. Paperback. 20 & 19 cm (SC, Sources Chrétiennes, 70, 108 &158) (Paper of the first volume yellowing)
Book number: 157563 Euro 45.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Clemens Alexandrinus, Paedagogus, Paidagogos, Patristics, Patristik, Spätantike, classical philology, early christian literature, early christianity, frühchristliche Literatur, frühes Christentum, late antiquity

€ 45,00

CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS. Le protreptique. Introduction, traduction et notes de Claude Mondésert. 2e édition, revue et augmentée du texte grec. Paris, Cerf, 1949. Stiff wrappers. 20 cm (SC, Sources Chrétiennes, 2) (Paper yellowing, small tear in frontcover)
Book number: 109907 Euro 11.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Clemens Alexandrinus, Patristics, Patristik, Protrepticus, Protreptikos, Spätantike, classical philology, early christian literature, early christianity, frühchristliche Literatur, frühes Christentum, late antiquity

€ 11,00

CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS. Welcher Reiche wird gerettet werden? Übers. von O. STÄHLIN. Bearb. von M. WACHT. München, Kösel, 1983. 96 p. Hardb. (Label on title)
Book number: 068602 Euro 15.00

Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Clemens Alexandrinus, Greek literature, Klemens Alexandrinus, christian, christliche Literatur, early christianity, frühes Christentum, history

€ 15,00

CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS.- BOER,W. DEN. De allegorese in het werk van Clemens Alexandrinus. Leiden, Brill, 1940. (VIII),161 p. Cl. 25 cm (Diss.)
Book number: 101290 Euro 16.00

Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Clemens Alexandrinus, Greek literature, Klemens Alexandrinus, christian, christliche Literatur, early christianity, frühes Christentum, history

€ 16,00

CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS.- GUSSEN,P.J.G. Het leven in Alexandrië, volgens de cultuurhistorische gegevens in de Paedagogus (Boek II & III) van Clemens Alexandrinus. Assen, v.Gorcum, 1955. XV,140 p. Cloth 25 cm (Diss., Leiden)
Book number: 077547 Euro 18.00

Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Clemens Alexandrinus, Greek literature, Klemens Alexandrinus, christian, christliche Literatur, early christianity, frühes Christentum, history

€ 18,00

CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS.- KARAVITES,P. Evil, freedom, and the road to perfection in Clement of Alexandria. Leiden etc., Brill, 1999. XII,192 p. Cl. 24 cm (VCS 43)(Corrections with ink in the list of abbreviations, bibliography and footnotes)
Book number: 087088 Euro 67.00

Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Clemens Alexandrinus, Greek literature, Klemens Alexandrinus, christian, christliche Literatur, early christianity, frühes Christentum, history

€ 67,00

CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS.- LIANG,K.J. Het begrip deemoed in I Clemens. Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van de oud-christelijke ethiek. Utrecht, Kemink, 1951. 144 p. Wrs. 24 cm (Diss., Utrecht)
Book number: 076935 Euro 13.00

Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Clemens Alexandrinus, Greek literature, Klemens Alexandrinus, christian, christliche Literatur, early christianity, frühes Christentum, history

€ 13,00

CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS.- MONDÉSERT,C. Clément d'Alexandrie. Introduction à l'étude de sa pensée religieuse à partir de l'Écriture. Paris, Aubier, 1944. (V),278 p. Stiff wrappers. 23 cm (Paper yellowing)
Book number: 157243 Euro 18.00

Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Clemens Alexandrinus, Greek literature, Klemens Alexandrinus, christliche Literatur, early christianity, frühes Christentum

€ 18,00

CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS.- STENEKER,H. PEITHOUS DÊMIOURGIA. Observations sur la fonction du style dans le protreptique de Clément d'Alexandrie. Nijmegen, Dekker & v.d.Vegt, 1967. XXIV,174 p. Wrappers. 24 cm (Dissertation, Nijmengen; trade edition) (Graecitas Christianorum primaeva 3)
Book number: 115785 Euro 14.00

Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Clemens Alexandrinus, Greek literature, Klemens Alexandrinus, christian, christliche Literatur, early christianity, frühes Christentum, history

€ 14,00

CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS.- TENGBLAD,E. Syntaktisch-stilistische Beiträge zur Kritik und Exegese des Clemens von Alexandrien. Lund, Sundqvist & Emond, (1932). X,101 p. Wrappers. 24 cm (Cover worn)
Book number: 157146 Euro 22.00

Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Clemens Alexandrinus, Greek literature, Klemens Alexandrinus, christian, christliche Literatur, early christianity, frühes Christentum, history

€ 22,00

CLEMENS ROMANUS. Épître aux Corinthiens. Introduction, texte, traduction, notes et index par Annie Jaubert. Paris, CERF, 1971. 276 p. Paperback. 19.5 cm (SC, Sources Chrétiennes, 167) (Stamp on the verso of the title)
Book number: 069575 Euro 19.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Clemens Romanus, Patristics, Patristik, Spätantike, classical philology, early christian literature, early christianity, frühchristliche Literatur, frühes Christentum, late antiquity

€ 19,00

COLUMBANUS.- SMIT,J.W. Studies on the language and style of Columba the younger (Columbanus). Amst., Hakkert, 1971. 263 p. Wrappers. 25 cm (Dissertation) (C. ca. 543-615, founder of Luxueil & Bobbio)(Cover slighlty worn; paper on head of spine slightly damaged)
Book number: 095601 Euro 29.00

Keywords: Bobbio, Columban, Columbanus, Geschichte, Ireland, Irland, Literatur, Luxueil, Middle Ages, Mittelalter, Mittellatein, Sprachwissenschaft, history, linguistics, literature, medieval Latin

€ 29,00

CYPRIANUS. Des Bischofs Cyprian von Karthago Hirtenschreiben aus der Zeit der Bedrängnis. Eingeleitet und übertragen von B. STEIDLE. Freiburg, Herder, 1940. 86 p. Wrs. 19 cm (Cover worn)
Book number: 104910 Euro 9.00

Keywords: Altertum, Antike, Antiquity, Kirchengeschichte, church history, early christian literature, early christianity, frühchristliche Literatur, frühes Christentum

€ 9,00

CYPRIANUS. Scripta quaedam. Recensuit J.N. BAKHUIZEN VAN DEN BRINK. Ed. altera recogn. Den Haag, Daamen, 1961. 80 p. Wrs. 19 cm (Cover sl. worn)(Ad Donatum, De Catholicae Ecclesiae Unitate, De lapsis)
Book number: 076561 Euro 7.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Cyprianus, Kyprian, Patristics, Patristik, Spätantike, classical philology, early christian literature, early christianity, frühchristliche Literatur, frühes Christentum, late antiquity

€ 7,00

CYPRIANUS. Opera omnia. Recensuit et commentario instr. G. HARTEL. Vol. 1 & 2. N.Y., Johnson Repr., n.d. 2 vols: (6),842 p. Plain wrappers 22 cm (CSEL III,1/2)(Repr. Wien 1868/71; lacking vol. 3) (Plain temporary paper binding)
Book number: 100228 Euro 62.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Cyprianus, Kyprian, Patristics, Patristik, Spätantike, classical philology, early christian literature, early christianity, frühchristliche Literatur, frühes Christentum, late antiquity

€ 62,00

CYPRIANUS. Libri Ad Donatum, De dominica oratione, De mortalitate, Ad Demetrianum, De Opere et Eleemosynis, De bono patientiae, et De zelo et livore. Ad codicum MSS. vetustissimorum fidem recognovit et adnotatione critica instruxit J. Georgius Krabinger. Tübingen, Henricus Laupp, 1859. 320 p. Wrappers. 21.5 cm
Book number: 157268 Euro 28.00

Keywords: Cyprianus, Kyprian, Patristics, Patristik, Spätantike, early christian literature, early christianity, frühchristliche Literatur, frühes Christentum, late antiquity

€ 28,00

CYPRIANUS. Epistularium. (Epistulae 58-81). Ad fidem codicum summa cura selectorum necnon adhibitis editionibus prioribus praecipuis edidit G.F. DIERCKS. Turnhout, Brepols, 1996. 355 p. Wrs. 26 cm (CCSL 3 C; Opera pars III,2)
Book number: 101759 Euro 67.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Cyprianus, Kyprian, Patristics, Patristik, Spätantike, classical philology, early christian literature, early christianity, frühchristliche Literatur, frühes Christentum, late antiquity

€ 67,00

CYPRIANUS. Epistularium. Prolegomena, codices, editiones, indices cura et studio G.F. DIERCKS. Praecedit Dissertatio biographica/chronologica de Cypriani vita ac scriptis quam composuit W.G. CLARKE. Turnhout, Brepols, 1999. 293 p. Cloth. 25 cm (CCSL 3 D; Opera pars III,3, p. 679-963; Chapter 1, p. 679-709, contains 'Cyprian, a brief biography'; 'Chronology of the letters'; chapter 2, p.711- 833, 'Les manuscrits'; chapter 3. p. 835-919, 'Les éditions'; at the end indices: 'Index locorum Sacrae Scriptura' and an 'Index scriptorum', and a 'Bibliographia selecta)
Book number: 101102 Euro 80.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Cyprianus, Kyprian, Patristics, Patristik, Spätantike, classical philology, early christian literature, early christianity, frühchristliche Literatur, frühes Christentum, late antiquity

€ 80,00

CYPRIANUS. Correspondance. Tome I. Texte établi et traduit par le chanoine Bayard. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1945. Wrappers. 20 cm (Budé) (Paper yellowing)
Book number: 111012 Euro 8.00

Keywords: Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Antike, Antiquity, Briefe, Correspondence, Cyprianus, Epistulae, Lateinisch, Lateinische, Latin, Letters, Spätantike, classical philology, early christian literature, early christianity, frühchristliche Literatur, frühes Christentum, late antiquity

€ 8,00