
Translations of Greek and Latin Classics

Resultaten 21 - 22 van 22

STATIUS. P. Papinio Stazio, tradotto da varii. (Bound with:) La caccia e la pesca di Oppiano, versione di A.M. Salvini. (And:) La Farsaglia di M. Anneo Lucano, tradotta da Chr. Boccella. Venezia, Antonelli, 1844 - 1845. 3 vols: in 1: 584;156;268 columns. H.calf 25 cm (Cover scuffed, especially at the edges. Front joint cracked. Head of the spine worn. Small wormhole in the lower margin of first 50 p., never reaching any text)
Book number: 115160 Euro 35.00

Keywords: Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Dichtkunst, Lateinisch, Lateinische, Latin, Latin literature, Lucanus, Oppianus, Pharsalia, Poesie, Statius, ancient, classical philology, römische Literatur

€ 35,00

TRAGEDIE GRECHE. Tradotte da G. VANGELISTI. Eschilo, I Persiani; Sofocle, Elettra; Euripide, Le Troiane. Pisa, Giardini, (1982). 234 p. Pb.
Book number: 011298 Euro 9.00

Keywords: Aeschylus, Aischylos, Altertum, Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Electra, Elektra, Euripides, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Perser, Persians, Sophocles, Sophocles, Tragödie, Troades, classical philology, persae, tragedy

€ 9,00