

Resultaten 461 - 480 van 587

DUCROT,O. & T. TODOROV. Dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences du langage. Paris, Seuil, 1972. 470 p. Pocket
Book number: 065683 Euro 6.00

Keywords: Sprachwissenschaft, linguistics

€ 6,00

DRUBE,H. Zum deutschen Wortschatz. Historische und kritische Betrachtungen. München, Heimeran, 1968. 175 p. Hardb.
Book number: 066878 Euro 10.00

Keywords: Deutsch, German, Sprachwisenschaft, linguistics

€ 10,00

DRIEL,L.F. VAN. De zin van de vorm. Roorda's logische analyse en de algemene grammatica. Amsterdam, VU Uitgeverij, 1988. XIV,370 p. Paperback 24 cm (Dissertation, VU Amsterdam)
Book number: 155376 Euro 10.00

Keywords: Dutch linguistics, Grammatik, Niederländische Sprachwissenschaft, grammar

€ 10,00

DOORN,Th.H. VAN. Terminologie van riviervissers in Nederland. Assen, Van Gorcum, 1971. XII,447 p. Stiff wrappers 24 cm (Diss., Nijmegen)
Book number: 116850 Euro 17.00

Keywords: Dialekt, Dutch linguistics, Fischer, Fisherei, Fishereibetrieb, Niederländische Sprachwissenschaft, dialect, fisher, fishery

€ 17,00

DONKER,A. (Ed.) De dichter en de Muze. Verzen over dichten, gedicht, dichter, en dichterschap. N.pl., CPNB, 1984. 96 p., illustrations. Stiff wrappers. 21 cm (Boekenweekgeschenk 1964) (Name on the front flyleaf)
Book number: 156804 Euro 5.00

Keywords: Dichtkunst, Dutch literature, Niederländische Literatur, Poesie, poetry

€ 5,00

DOESBORCH, JAN VAN. De Novo Mondo. Antwerp, Jan van Doesborch (about 1520). A facsimile of an unique broadsheet containing an early account of the inhabitants of South America together with a short version of Heinrich Sprenger's Voyage to the Indies. Edited, with transcription and translation of the Latin text, and introduction by M.E. Kronenberg. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1927. VIII,35 pp., folding facsimile. Hardbound. 22.5 cm (No. 121 of 200 copies printed) (Binding and flyleaves browning. Foxed. Name on the front flyleaf)
Book number: 153643 Euro 38.00

Keywords: America, Amerika

€ 38,00

DIKKERS,S.J.E. Ironie als vorm van communicatie. Den Haag, Kruseman, 1969. 152 p. Stiff wrs. 24 cm (Diss.)
Book number: 075622 Euro 11.00

Keywords: Ironie, Irony

€ 11,00

DIJKMEESTER,H.J. Iets over het bestaan van de regtsmagt der dijkstoelen en heemraadschappen, door Mr. H.J. Dijkmeester, lid van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, dijkgraaf van Tiel en Sanctwijk. Tiel, Wermeskerken, 1836. 35 p. Wrs. 23 cm (Frontcover waterstained; the rest is in good condition)
Book number: 109617 Euro 16.00

Keywords: dijk, dijkbouw, dijken, heemraadschap, hoogheemraadschap, waterhuishouding, waterschap, waterstaat

€ 16,00

DIJKGRAAF,H. The library of a Jesuit Community at Holbeck, Nottinghamshire (1679). (Cambridge, LP Publications, 2003) XIV,374 p. Stiff wrappers. 25 cm (Dissertation, University Nijmegen)
Book number: 156817 Euro 25.00

Keywords: Bibliothek, English History, Jesuiten, Jesuits, englische Geschichte, library

€ 25,00

DICTIONAR ROMÂN-FRANCEZ. Dictionar Român-Francez. (Colectivul de autori: Elvira Balmus, Anca Georgescu-Fuerea, Zelma Kahane, Constantin Boranescu. Coordonator: Ana Canarache) Bucuresti, Editura Stiintifica, 1967. 688 p. Cloth. 21 cm (Cover slightly worn. Paper yellowing. Lower and right blank margin of the first half slightly warped, and faintly stained by moist)
Book number: 159619 Euro 12.00

Keywords: French, Rumania, Rumänien, Wörterbuch, dictionary, französisch, lexicon

€ 12,00

DICKER,P. Ithaka. Een dooltocht van Kosovo naar Corfu. Roman. N.pl., Conserve, 2000. 151 p. Pb. 20 cm
Book number: 111915 Euro 10.00

Keywords: Greece, Griecheland, Ithaca, Ithaka

€ 10,00

DEVENTER,H. VAN.- A.J.M. LAMERS Hendrik van Deventer, Medicinae Doctor, 1651-1724. Leven en werken door A.J.M. Lamers, vrouwenarts te 's- Hertogenbosch. Assen, Van Gorcum & Comp., 1946. 267 p., plates. Cloth. 26 cm (See Van Deventer's article in Wikipedia. The Dutch medical doctor Hendrik van Deventer, 1651-1724, is best known as a gynacologist. He is considered one of the greatest physicians of his time. He was a specialist on rickets, called in Dutch the 'Engelse ziekte, or 'the English disease', but he was most of all a pioneer in the field of obstetrics. His most important publication 'Manuale Operatiën', being a new guide for midwives, stirred up a lot of controversy. He emphasized the importance of hygiene during delivery)
Book number: 157865 Euro 12.00

Keywords: Frauenforschung, Medizin, Obstetrik, medicine, obstetrix, women's studies

€ 12,00

DEVAUX,Ph. De Thalès à Bergson. Introduction historique à la philosophie européenne. Liège, Sciences et Lettres, 1955. 607 p. Wrs. 25 cm
Book number: 096675 Euro 39.00

Keywords: Philosophie, philosophy

€ 39,00

DEUTSCHE NATIONALBIBLIOTHEK.- Deutsche Bücherei, 1912-1962. Festschrift zum fünfzigjährigen Bestehen der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek. Redaktion H. Rötzsch, G. Hesse & H.-M. Plesske. Lpz., 1962. XXII,400 p., 47 illustrations on 35 plates. Cloth 30 cm (Heavy book, may require extra shipping costs)
Book number: 116638 Euro 15.00

Keywords: DDR, Deutsche Geschichte, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, German National library, German history

€ 15,00

DESCARTES.- LEEUWEN,E. VAN. Descartes' Regulae. De eenheid van heuristische wetenschap en zelfbewustzijn. Amst., VU Uitg., 1986. 370 p. Wrs. 24 cm (Diss.)
Book number: 077022 Euro 20.00

Keywords: Descartes, Philosophie, philosophy

€ 20,00

DELAFORTRIE,L. Viermaal Italië. Reisverhalen. Leuven, Davidsfonds, 1961. 250 p. 6 plates. Cloth. 20 cm
Book number: 155960 Euro 10.00

Keywords: Dutch literature, Italien, Italy, Niederländische Literatur, Reisen, travels

€ 10,00

DEDERICH,W. Erbe und Erneuerung. Reden und Aufsätze. Düsseldorf, Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1959. 155 p. Cl. 23 cm (Pädagogische Aufsätze)
Book number: 089831 Euro 10.00

Keywords: paedagogy, pädagogie

€ 10,00

DAWKINS,R. Een regenboog ontrafelen. (Over wetenschap, waanideeën end wonderen) Vertaald door H. Visserman. N.pl., Olympus, 2009. 304 p. Paperback. 21 cm (Original title 'Unweaving the rainbow')
Book number: 155755 Euro 9.00

Keywords: superstition

€ 9,00

DARMESTETER,A. La vie des mots, étudiée dans leurs significations. Paris, Delagrave, 1946. 212 p. Wrs. 19 cm
Book number: 089375 Euro 17.00

Keywords: Sprachwissenschaft, linguistics

€ 17,00

DALLA PALMA,G. Le strutture narrative dell' 'Orlando Furioso'. Firenze, Olschki, 1984. 233 p. Wrs. (Diss.)
Book number: 013662 Euro 11.00

Keywords: Ariosto, Italian literature, Italienische Literatur, Renaissance

€ 11,00