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CAMERARIUS,J. Notatio figurarum orationis et mutatae simplicis elocutionis in apostolicis scriptis, ad perspiciendam de intellecto sermone, sententiam autorum, studio Ioachimi Camerarii Pabepergensis. Leipzig (Lipsiae), Edita in Officina Valentini Papae, 1556. 8vo. (XVI,368) p. Modern hardback. 16.5 cm (Ref: VD16 C 485; cf. Brunet 1,1513, he mentions only the edition of Leipzig 1572) (Details: Modern and modest binding; the second and last gathering of the introduction, 8 leaves, is missing; this last half of the introduction is added in photocopy. Some woodcut inititals) (Condition: Paper on the boards very superficially damaged. The second and third leaf of the first gathering are loose, the remaining leaves of this first gathering are loosening; the last gathering of the introduction is missing) (Note: The German classical scholar Joachim Camerarius was born in 1500 in Bamberg. He died in Leipzig in 1574. He held classical professorships at Nürnberg, Tübingen and Leipzig, and was one of the most significant representatives of Renaissance humanism in the Reformation. His interests were diverse and his productivity spectacular. 'His numerous editions of the Classics, without attaining the highest rank, are characterised by acumen en good taste'. In critical acumen Camerarius 'holds one of the foremost places among the German scholars of the sixteenth century'. (J.E. Sandys, 'A history of classical scholarship', N.Y., 1964, p. 266/67) He also wrote poetry, produced biographies of famous contemporaries, and wrote on church history, theology and paedagogy. His wrote his works for academic students, explaining matters of style, rhetoric and grammar. 'Der Ehrenplatz in seinem Werk gebührt seiner erstmal in 1552 in Basel gedruckten vollständigen Edition der plautinischen Komödien, welche in der Geschichte der neuzeitlichen Plautus-Philologie eine neue Phase inaugurierte'. (Neue Pauly, Suppl. 6, p. 195). In this 'Notatio figurarum orationis' we see Camerarius at work, this time on the 'Letters of the Apostles', which form a part of the 'New Testament'. Here he gives special attention to rhetorical and stylistic explanations of the text. In 1572 Camerarius published in Leipzig an augmented and revised edition. He added his 'notationes' on the remaining books of the 'New Testament', the 'Acts of the Apostles' and the 'Apocalyps'. The book seems to be rare. We found only a few copies in Germany, Austria and England in KVK) (Collation: Aa-8, (Lacking Bb8), A - Z-8) (Photographs on request)
Book number: 120040 Euro 525.00

Keywords: (Oude Druk), (Rare Books), Geschichte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft, Greek linguistics, Neues Testament, New Testament, Novum Testamentum, Rhetorik, antike altertum antiquity, griechische Sprachwissenschaft, history of classical scholarship, rhetoric, style
€ 525,00


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