
Old and Rare books

Resultaten 1 - 20 van 424

(MAAS,J.F.) Manuel militaire, ou cayers détachés sur toutes les différentes parties de l'art de la guerre. Cayer I. sur les convois. Copenhagen (Copenhague), Leiden (Leide), Chez Elie Luzac, 1761. 8vo. X,(II),11-114,(4) p., 2 folding engraved tables. Calf 20.5 cm (Ref: M. van Vliet 'Elie Luzac (1721-1796', Nijmegen 2005, p. 153-54 & 571)) (Details: Back gilt, and with 5 raised bands. Brown morocco shield in the second compartment. Edges of the boards gilt, edges of the book dyed red. Marbled endpapers. Title in red and black. 2 folding maps depicting an imaginary landscape, with (1, 47x24 cm) 'Plan de la marche d'un convoy' and (2, 35x24) 'Plan de l'attaque d'un convoy') (Condition: Boards somewhat scratched and stained. Wee wormhole at the bottom of the back. Both pastdownes detached. Red ink stain on the front flyleaf. Edges of the first table thumbed, it also suffers from 3 tears of 6 cm on the folds) ...

€ 180,00

ADAGIA. PAROIMIAI HELLÊNIKAI. Adagia, sive proverbia Graecorum ex Zenobio seu Zenodoto, Diogeniano & Suidae collectaneis. Partim edita nunc primum, partim latine reddita, scholiisque parallelis illustrata ab Andrea Schotto Antverpiano, Soc. Iesu presbytero. Antwerpen (Antverpiae), Ex officina Plantiniana, apud viduam & filios Ioannis Moreti. 1612. 4to. (XX),702,(1 printers' device),(1 blank) p. Vellum. 25 cm (Ref: stcv: 6633561; Brunet 1,45; Graesse 1,17: 'Édition excellente des anciens parémiographes, avec des notes très utiles'; Ebert 87; Smitskamp, 'The Scaliger Collection', 172) (Details: The vellum the binder used, was once a manuscript leaf with 10 lines black text in Latin from different Psalms, and with black quadratic musical notation on red staves of five lines, for the Gregorian chant. The leaf must have measured ca. 30x40 cm. The neums look rather cursive. The height of the ...

€ 725,00

AESCHINES SOCRATICUS. AISCHINOU TOU SÔKRATIKOU DIALOGOI TREIS. Aeschinis Socratici Dialogi tres. De novo recensuit, vertit, et animadversionibus suis auxit Petrus Horreus G.F. Accedunt ad calcem Fragmenta & Indices copiosi. Leeuwarden (Leovardiae), Excudit Franciscus Halma, Ordinum Frisiae Typographus, 1718. 8vo. (XVI),181,(66 indices),(1 blank) p. Vellum. 21 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 15718997X; Hoffmann 1,29: 'der Herausg. besserte zwar vieles, war aber nicht sorgsam genug in Benutzung der früheren Ausgg.'; Dibdin 1,234; Brunet 1,75; Ebert 177; Schweiger 1,6: 'Selten'; Graesse 1,28) (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. Title in red & black. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, in its center a medallion of Constantine the Great, the motto reads: 'In hoc signo', short for 'in hoc signo vinces'; In a vision Constantine the Great heard these words, and saw in the sky a Cross, or the Greek ...

€ 260,00

AESCHYLUS. AISCHULOU, PROMETHEUS DESMÔTÊS, HEPTA EPI THÊBAIS, PERSAI, AGAMEMNÔN, EUMENIDES, HIKETIDES. Paris (Parisiis), Ex officina Adriani Turnebi Typographi Regij, 1552. 12mo. (VIII),1-211,(1) p. 18th century calf 16.5 cm (Ref: Wartelle p. 2. Hoffmann I,32: 'Eine schöne und seltene Ausgabe'. Dibdin 1,237: 'beautifully printed'. Moss 1,7: 'a beautiful edition'. Brunet I, 77. Graesse 1,29. Ebert 180. Gruys p. 31/46; Mund-Dopchie p. 45/83) (Details: Back with 5 raised bands, the compartments with gilt floral motives. Red morocco shield in the second compartment. Triple fillet gilt borders on both boards. Gilt inside dentelles. Bookblock with gilt edges. Marbled endpapers. Woodcut printer's mark on the title) (Condition: Some wear to the extremes of the binding. Some foxing. Marginal repairs in 3 leaves) (Note: The Greek tragedian Aeschylus, 525/4-456 B.C., is the ...

€ 1500,00

ALSTORPHIUS,J. Joannis Alstorphii J.U.D. Dissertatio philologica De lectis. Subjicitur ejusdem De lecticis veterum diatribe. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Joannem Wolters, 1704. 12mo. (XX),(4 blank),334,(2 blank),(22)(2 blank) p., 16 plates, most folding, 1 text engraving. Vellum. 14 cm (Ref: Brunet 6,29001; Welcome 2,37) (Details: Back with 4 raised bands, and a green morocco shield; 2 thongs laced through the joints; title in red & black; engraved printer's mark on the title, depicting a burning candle, the motto is 'aliis inserviendo cunsumor') (Condition: Waterstain in the margin of the first and last 2 leaves of the first gathering; 2 very small and hardly objectionable wormholes right on the front joint, not affecting any other part of the book. Small stamp of a coat of arms on verso of the title) (Note: The first large scale investigation on the subject of beds and litters of the Greeks and ...

€ 260,00

AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS. Rerum gestarum qui de XXXI supersunt, libri XVIII. Ope MSS. codicum emendati ab Henrico Valesio, & auctioribus adnotationibus illustrati. Necnon excerpta vetera de Gestis Constantini & Regum Italiae. Editio Posterior, cui Hadrianus Valesius, F. Lindenbrogii in eundem Historicum ampliores observationes, et collectanea variarum lectionum adjecit, ... emendavit, notisque explicuit. Paris, ex officina Antonii Dezallier, 1681. Folio. 2 parts in 1: (XXXII),34,676,(1),(1 blank); 100,(1),(1 blank),(13 index),(3 blank) p. Mottled calf. 33 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,3: 'Der Text ist mittelst der Colbertin Cod. verbess. u. die Noten v. Lindenbrog. u. Henr. Valesius vermehrt'; Dibdin 1,256; Brunet 1,237; Moss 1,38/39: 'the most magnificent edition of Ammianus'; Fabricius/Ernesti 3,161; Ebert 528; Graesse 1,104; cf. Neue Pauly, Suppl. 2, p. 35) (Details: Back gilt and with 5 raised bands. Red morocco letterpiece in ...

€ 750,00

AMMONIUS. AMMÔNIOU peri Homoiôn kai Diaphorôn lekseôn. De adfinium vocabulorum differentia. Accedunt opuscula nondum edita, Eranius Philo 'de Differentia Significationis'. Lesbonax 'de figuris grammaticis'. Incerti scriptores 'de soloecismo & barbarismo'. Lexicon 'de spiritibus dictionum, ex operibus' Tryphonis, Choerobosci, Theodoriti, etc. selectum. Ammonium, ope MS. primae editionis Aldinae, & aliunde, emaculavit & notis illustravit, reliqua ex codd. MSS. Bibliothecae Lugduno-Batavae nunc primum vulgavit Ludovicus Casparus Valckenaer. (Bound with:) Ludov. Casp. Valckenaer. Animadversionum ad Ammonium grammaticum libri tres. In quibus veterum scriptorum loca tentantur & emendantur. Accedit specimen scholiorum ad Homerum ineditorum, ex codice Vossiano Bibliothecae Lugduno-Batavae. Leiden (Lugduno Batavorum), Apud Johannem Luzac, 1739. 8vo. 2 volumes in 1: (VIII),XXXI,(3),264; ...

€ 490,00

ANTHOLOGIA LATINA.- Epigrammata et poematia vetera. Quorum pleraque nunc primum ex antiquis codicibus & lapidibus, alia sparsim antehac errantia, iam undecunque collecta emendatiora eduntur. Paris (Parisiis), Apud Nicolaum Gillium, sub trium Coronarum signo, 1590. (Colophon at the end: Parisiis, Excudebat Dionysius Duvallius typographus, 1589, mense Septembri) 12mo. (VIII),191,(1 blank); 491,(1 blank) p. Calf 13 cm. The first edition which bears any resemblance to what is now the Anthologia Latina (Ref: Schweiger 2,6 (under Anthologia Latina); Graesse 2,486; Ebert 6804: 'very scarce and interesting'; Brunet 2,1017: 'recherché et assez rare') (Details: Back gilt elaborately, and with 5 raised bands. Red morocco shield in the second compartment. Woodcut printer's mark on title, depicting within a wreath a scepter and three crowns, the motto is hic labor. Edges dyed red. At the end, between 2K ...

€ 750,00

ANTHOLOGIA POETICA. In usum Gymnasii Amstellodamensis. (Edidit R. Van Ommeren). Editio altera. Amsterdam, Den Hengst, 1804. 12mo. VIII,205 p. Vellum. 15 cm (Catullus' Epith. Pelei et Thetidos, Carmen nuptiale. Tibullus' Liber I, Elegia 1, 3, 7, Liber II, Elegia 1, 2, 5, Liber III, Elegia 1,2,3,5. Propertius' liber III, Elegia 1,2,3,5,7,9,16, liber IV, Elegia 3, 4,6,9,10,11. Ovid's Heroides 1,5,10,13 & 14; Amorum liber I, Elegia 15; liber II, Elegia 6, liber III, Elegia 9; Artis Amatoriae liber II, vs. 21-97, 123-143, liber tertius vs. 687-747; Fastorum liber I, vs. 539-583, liber II, vs. 83-119, 193-243, 381-425, 685-853, liber III, vs. 179-229; Artis Amatoriae liber I, vs 101-131, 527-565; Fastorum liber III, vs. 459-517, liber IV, vs. 419-618. Consolatio ad Liviam Augustam. Juvenalis' Sat. 8. Lucretius' liber I, vs. 272-330, liber II, vs. 1-60, 342-376, liber III, vs. 1037 et seqq., liber IV, vs. 548-598, vs. 958-1023, ...

€ 77,00

APICIUS. Apicii Coelii De opsoniis et condimentis, sive Arte Coquinaria, libri decem. Cum annotationibus Martini Lister, è medicis domesticis Serenissimae Majestatis Reginae Annae, et notis selectioribus, variisque lectionibus integris, Humelbergii, Barthii, Reinesii, A. van der Linden, & aliorum, ut & variarum lectionum libello. Editio secunda. Longe auctior atque emendatior. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Apud Janssonio-Waesbergios, 1709. 8vo. Frontispiece, (XXXVI),(II blank),277,(43 index) p. Contemporary vellum. 19.5 cm. (Ref: STCN 182901963; Schweiger 2,8; Ebert 792; Brunet 1,343; Graesse 1,160; J.D. Vehling (Apicius bibliography) no. 9) (Details: Frontispiece designed and engraved by J. Goeree, depicting a Roman kitchen, a staff of 5 is preparing a meal; on the work surface rests an anachronistic codex recipe book. The preliminary pages contain a dedication, a preface, M. Lister to the Reader, and 'Judicia et ...

€ 725,00

APOLLODORUS ATHENIENSIS. Apollodori Atheniensis Bibliothecae libri tres, et fragmenta. Curis secundis illustravit Chr.G. Heyne. (Bound with:) Ad Apollodori Bibliothecam observationes auctore Chr.G. Heyne. Göttingen, typis Henrici Dieterich, 1803. 8vo. 2 volumes in 1: LVI,468;400,(112 indices) p. Modern cloth. 21 cm (Ref: Hoffmann 1,199/200; Dibdin 1,272/72: 'universally admired'; Moss 1,64; Brunet 1,345: 'Édition la plus estimée') (Condition: Paper yellowing. Some slight foxing) (Note: Heyne thoroughly revised and corrected his first edition and commentary, which was published in 1782-1783. 'Heyne for the first time managed to purge the text from the many errors that had been brought in by Aegius. (...) But his most important contribution is certainly his copious and still useful exegetical commentary'. (M. Huys, '125 years of scholarship of Apollodorus the Mythographer', in ...

€ 110,00

APOLLONIUS RHODIUS. Apollonii Rhodii Argonauticorum libri quatuor. Edidit, nova fere interpretatione illustravit, priorum editorum notas praecipuas selegit, Sanctamandi nunquam prius editis nonnullas suas adjecit, necnon indices tres addidit, Joannes Shaw, A.M. Coll. Beatae Mariae Magdalenae apud Oxonienses socius. Oxford (Oxonii), E Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1777. 4to. 2 volumes. Volume 1: (XII),496,(1 errata),(1 blank) p.; Volume 2: (II),129,(1),(156 indices),(2 blank) p. Contemporary calf. 28 cm. (Ref: ESTC Citation No. T133192; Ebert 826; Graesse 1,164; Hoffmann 1,207/08; Dibdin 1,276/77; Moss 1,68) (Details: Backs gilt in a wave like pattern, and with 5 raised bands. A shield in the 2nd and 4th compartment. Marbled endpapers. Volume 1 contains the Greek text, followed by a Latin translation. Volume 2 contains the 'Scholia' (p. 1/99), 'Notae et Variae Lectiones', (p. 101/129), an index on the Scholia, and an 'index ...

€ 380,00

APPIANUS. Appianus Alexandrinus De bellis civilibus Romanorum. Cum libro perquam eleganti, qui Illyrius, et altero qui Celticus inscribitur. (Translated from the Greek into Latin by Petrus Candidus) (Venice), n.d. (Colophon at the end: Venetiis opera magistri Bernardini de Vitalibus, 1526, die quarto mensis Madii) 8vo. 372 unnumbered leaves. Modern overlapping vellum 14.5 cm (Ref: Hoffmann I,216; EDIT16: CNCE 2197; Graesse 1,169; cf. Ebert 849) (Details: Title within woodcut floral borders; short title on the back; good white paper. Latin translation only) (Condition: Good condition; old and small ownership entry on the title) (Note: Appianus, 2nd century AD, originating from Alexandria, gained Roman citizenship, and went to Rome. There he was a lawyer, and wrote his 'Roman History' in Greek (Rhômaïka). It treated the Roman conquests arranged ethnographically in 24 books. 'Loyal and honest, an admirer ...

€ 625,00

ARISTAENETUS. ARISTAINETOU EPISTOLAI. Aristaeneti Epistolae graecae. Cum latina interpretatione & notis. Altera editio emendatior & auctior. Paris (Parisiis), Apud Marcum Orry, via Iacobaea, sub signo leonis salientis, 1600. 8vo. (VIII),282,(2 animadvertenda),(4 blank) p. Limp vellum 18 cm (Ref: Hoffmann 1,239; Graesse 1,204; Ebert 1065) (Details: Among bibliographers and librarians there is confusion about the date of this book. The date on the title of this second edition of the letters of Aristaenetus is indicated as MVIC. We found in KVK (Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog) records of this title dated 1594, 1596 and 1600. 1594 is definitely wrong, for the Parisian printer Orry published the first edition of this title in 1595, indicated by him as MDLXXXXV, and he repeated it the next year, now with MDXXXXVI. The third edition was published in 1610, with the date MCX. As the second edition ...

€ 740,00

ARISTAENETUS. Aristaeneti Epistolae graecae cum versione latina et notis Josiae Merceri curante Joan. Cornelio de Pauw, cujus notae accedunt. Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Apud Hermannum Besseling, 1737. 4to. (XXIV),287,(1 colophon) p. Overlapping vellum 15.5 cm (Ref: Hoffmann 1,240; Schweiger 1,44; Dibdin 1,292; Fabricius, Bibliotheca Graeca, ed. 4a, Hamburg 1780, p. 696; Brunet 1,448; Ebert 1066; Graesse 1,204) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Title printed in red and black. Woodcut ornament on the title. Greek text with facing Latin translation, commentary on the lower half of the page. Edges dyed blue) (Condition: Vellum slightly soiled. Stamp and name on the front flyleaf. Small part of the right lower corner of the front flyleaf cut off, and renewed. Small shelf number in red ink on the title. Two stamps on the verso of the title) (Note: A survey of erotic motives in the literature of Greece and Rome. ...

€ 225,00

ARISTOPHANES. ARISTOPHANOUS KÔMÔiDIAI iá. Aristophanis comoediae undecim, graece & latine, cum indice paroemiarum selectiorum, et emendationibus virorum doctorum praecipue Josephi Scaligeri. Accesserunt praetera Fragmenta ejusdem ineditarum comoediarum Aristophanis. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex officina Joannis Maire, 1624. 12mo. (XXIV),935,(1),56 (recte 60) p. Contemporary boards 14 cm (Ref: Breugelmans 1624,2, with a note on the date, he suggests a date after 1626; Hoffmann 1,254, a very elaborate description; Dibdin 1,299; Smitskamp, The Scaliger Collection 5; Brunet 1,453; Moss 1,94: 'a beautiful edition'; Graesse 1,207; Ebert 1090) (Details: Greek text and Latin translation. Binding: marbled paper over boards. Back ruled gilt, and with a red letter label. Edges dyed red. Printer's device on the title: a shoveling farmer, above his head the motto 'fac & spera'. 6 woodcut initials) ...

€ 430,00

ARISTOPHANES. ARISTOPHANOUS PLOUTOS. Aristophanis comoedia Plutus. Aiecta sunt scholia vetusta. Recognovit ad veteres membranas, variis lectionibus ac notis instruxit, et scholiastas locupletavit Tiberius Hemsterhuis. Harlingen (Harlingae), Ex officina Volkeri van der Plaats, 1744. 8vo. (XXIV),484,(25 index),(3 blank) p. Vellum 20 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 15383420X; Hoffmann 1,260; Dibdin 1,306; Moss 1,97/98; Brunet 1,456: 'édition estimée'; Ebert 1099; Graesse 1,208) (Details: Greek text accompanied by scholia and commentary. Short title in ink on the back) (Condition: Vellum age toned and soiled. Small paper label pasted on the back. Front joint partly split. Paper yellowing. Pinpoint wormhole in the lower part of the first 130 p., sometimes nibbling at a letter) (Note: Of the Greek comic playwright Aristophanes, ca. 455-385 BC, born in the radical democracy of Athens, survive 11 plays. In a less free society ...

€ 160,00

ARISTOTELES. ARISTOTELOUS ÊTHIKÔN NIKOMACHEIÔN biblia deka. Aristotelis De moribus ad Nicomachum libri decem. Ita Graecis interpretatione recenti cum Latinis coniunctis, ut ferme singula singulis respondeant: in eorum gratiam, qui Graeca cum Latinis comparare volunt. Heidelberg (Heidelbergae), 1560. (Colophon: 'Heidelbergae, Excudebat Lodovicus Lucius, Universitatis typographus, Anno salutis humanae 1560, Mense Septembri) 8vo. (VIII),567(recte 571),(1 colophon),(4 blank) p. Contemporary blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards. 17.5 cm (Ref: VD16 A 3403; Hoffmann 1,291; Schweiger 1,52; cf. Dibdin 1,326 & Moss 1,126 for the edition of 1555; cf. Graesse 1,212; Cranz, A bibliography of Aristotle editions, 1501-1600, no. 108.398; J. Lewis, 'Adrien Turnèbe (1512-1565), a humanist observed', Genève, 1998, p. 127/28) (Details: Nice contemporary pigskin over wooden boards. Back with 3 raised bands. ...

€ 1000,00

ARISTOTELES. Aristotelis Politicorum libri octo ex Dion. Lambini & Pet. Victorii interpretationibus puriss. graecolatini, Theod. Zvingeri Argumentis atque Scholiis, Tabulis quinetiam in tres priores libros illustrati, Victorii commentariis perpetuis declarati, Pythagoreorum veterum Fragmenta politica, a Io. Spondano conversa & emendata. Index rerum & verborum pleniss. Basle (Basileae), Eusebii Episcopii opera ac impensa, 1582. Folio. (XX),623,(12 index),(1 printer's mark) p. Modern calf 35.5 cm (Details: Nice copy, bound in modern full (red)brown calf, with 5 raised bands on the back. Spine short title in gilt: 'ARISTOTELIS / DE REPVBLICA'. Text in three columns, with the Greek in the centre flanked by the Latin translations of Piero Vettori and Denys Lambin respectively on each side. Large printer's woodcut device to the title and last page, depicting a bust of 'Hermes triceps' (three-headed Hermes) on a pillar; ...

€ 1700,00

ARISTOTELES. ARISTOTELOUS PHUSIKÊS AKROASEÔS BIBLIA TH'. Aristotelis Stagiritae, Peripateticorum Principis, Naturalis auscultationis libri VIII. Jul. Pacius a Beriga cum Graecis excusis quam scriptis codicibus accurate contulit, Latina interpretatione auxit, & commentariis analyticis illustravit. Adiectus est geminus index: alter librorum, tractatuum & capitum: alter rerum & verborum in toto opere memorabilium. Frankfurt (Francofurti), Apud heredes Andreae Wecheli, Claudium Marnium & Iohannem Aubrium, 1596. 8vo. (XXIV),992 (recte 984) p. Vellum. 17 cm. <Important edition of the Physics, one of Aristotle's principal works> (Ref: VD16 A 3554; Hoffmann 1,286: 'Durch d. Vergleich v. Heidelb. Mss. hat d. Ausg. krit. Werth'; Cranz, 'A bibliography of Aristotle editions, 1501-1600', no. 108.745'; cf. Neue Pauly, Supplementband 2, p. 73 where Pacius' edition of the complete ...

€ 975,00