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VOSSIUS,G.J. Latina grammatica. Ex decreto Illustr. D.D. Hollandiae Westfrisiae Ordinum in usum scholarum adornata. Multis quidem in locis Lud. Lithocomi verbis, quibus Scholae adsueverant, reservatis; sed erroribus, quibus scatebat, emendatis; inuitilibus refectis; pluribus, quae defierent, suppletis, & omnibus meliori ordine dispositis. Studio, atque opera Gerardi Joannis Vossii. Editio novissima, plurimis in locis castigatior prioribus, notis vero longe auctior. (Bound with:) Latina syntaxis, in usum scholarum Hollandiae & West-Frisiae, superiorum auctoritate, adornata. Passim quidem reservatis fere praeceptis & exemplis, Ludolffi Lithocomi; Sed plurimis repurgata ab erroribus, etiam superfluis omissis, additis necessariis, atque omnibus meliore ordine digestis. Opera Gerardo Jo. Vossii. (&:) Latina prosodia et artis metricae elementa, in usum scholarum Hollandiae, ac West-Frisae conscripta a Gerardo Jo. Vossio. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Apud Joannem Janssonium, 1660. 3 volumes in 1. (VIII),175,(1 blank);176 p. Eighteenth century boards. 16 cm (Details: First title printed in red & black. Woodcut printer's mark on all 3 titles, depicting a farmer and a man with a Jacob's staff before his eye, between them a celestial sphere, above them Fama blowing 2 trumpets, motto: 'Vivitur ingenio', short for 'Vivitur ingenio, caetera mortis erunt', 'one lives on by the spirit, the rest shall belong to death') (Condition: Cover scuffed and worn at the extremities. First title dustsoiled, with an ownership entry on the blank upper margin; a very small spot (0.5x1 cm) on the title superficially worn away. 2 small biographic clippings neatly tipped in on the front pastedown. A few old ink underlinings. One marginal well succeeded paper repair. Library stamp on verso of title. Paper yellowed) (Note: This Latin grammar was commissioned in 1625 by the Provincal Governments of Holland and West-Frisia (Staten van Holland) for the use in local Latin schools in the Western part of the Dutch Republic. It was produced by the Dutch classical scholar Gerardus Johannes Vossius, 1577-1649, according to Sandys the greatest polyhistor of his age. In 1622 he was appointed professor of Eloquence at Leyden, and in 1631 he accepted the professorship of History at Amsterdam. His Latin grammar remained the standard grammar on Dutch schools untill the middle of the 19th century. In 1625 the 'Staten van Holland' decreed, that the same set of rules should apply to all public schools in their provinces. The schools should have the same order of classes and lessons, the same schedule, authors and exercises. It was decided that uniform schoolbooks, grammars and sound texts were needed. (E.J. Kuiper, 'De Hollandse 'Schoolordre' van 1625', Groningen, 1958, p. 80) The 'Staten of Holland' wanted to improve education at the Latin-schools, which prepared for the University, for the standard of education and discipline had got worse because of the Eighty Years' War. The grammar was first published in 1626, and found the next 2 centuries numerous new and revised editions. The first volume contains the latina etymologia, the second the latina syntaxis, the third the latina prosodia) (Provenance: Library stamp on verso of title: 'Grosherzogliche Bibliothek Neustrelitz'. 'Die 1796 gegründete Herzogliche, später Grosshezogliche Bibliothek Neustrelitz umfasste zunächt die private herzogliche Büchersammlung und enthielt 1829 etwa 50.000 Bände. Dieser Bestand wurde in den nächsten 50 Jahren kaum vergrössert. (...) Für 1875 werden sehr unsicheren Schätzungen - die Bibliothek war unterbesetzt - 60.000 bis 70.000 Bände angegeben, erst ab 1894 erhöht sich diese Zahl auf 100.000. Obwhol der Philologe Friedrich Latendorf (1831-1898) den Wert der Bibliothek für das geistige Leben des Landes immer wieder betonte (...) musste er feststellen, dass wichtige Werke fehlten, Disziplinen wie Medizin und Juristerei fast völlig vernachlässigt waren und der Bibliothek seit ihrer Gründung der Charakter des Zufälligen anhaftete' The schoolboy Heinrich Schliemann saw in the underpaid librarian Carl Andress, 'der offenbar kein abgeschlossenes Studium (Literatur, alte und neue Sprachen) besass', 'einer der gelehrtesten Männer Deutschlands'. (U. Hass-Zumkehr, 'Daniel Sanders: Aufgeklärte Germanistik im 19. Jahrhundert', Berlin/New York 1995, p. 307/08) The library had in 1920 132.000 volumes. In 1950 the library was 'aufgelöst und ihre Bestände auf acht Bibliotheken und Museen in Schwerin, Greifswald, Rostock und Berlin aufgeteilt worden. Mit dieser Aktion ging der betroffenen Region eine unersetzbare Quelle der kultur- und regionalgeschichtlichen Forschung verloren'. (B. Fabian, Handbuch der historischen Buchbestände in Deutschland (online)) (Collation: *8, A-L8 (leaf L8 verso blank); a-l8) (Photographs on request)
Book number: 120183 Euro 390.00

Keywords: (Oude Druk), (Rare Books), Grammatik, Latin linguistics, Prosodie, Schulbuch, Syntax, Vossius, antike altertum antiquity, grammar, lateinische Sprachwissenschaft, prosody, schoolbook, syntaxis
€ 390,00


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