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BORRICHIUS,O. Olai Borrichii Cogitationes De variis latinae linguae aetatibus, & Scripto illustris Viri, Ger. Joann. Vossii De vitiis sermonis; Accedit ejusdem Defensio nomine Vossii & Stradae, adversus Gasp. Scioppium. (Bound with:) Olai Borrichii Analecta ad Cogitationes De lingua latina. Accedit appendix De lexicis latinis, & graecis, cum indice addendorum ad Fori Romani literam C. Copenhagen (Hafniae), Sumptibus Petri Hauboldi, Reg. Acad. Bibliop., 1675 & 1682. 4to. 2 volumes in 1: (XVI),314,(6 index); (IV),63,(1 blank);68 p. Contemporary blindstamped vellum. 21 cm (Ref: P.A. Hansen, 'A bibliography of Danish contributions to Classical scholarship', no. 1350, 1352 & 1413) (Details: 6 thongs laced through both joints. Short title in ink on the back. Blind ruled borders, with floral corner pieces. Title in red and black) (Condition: Vellum slightly soiled. Boards slightly curved. Paper of the first volume browned) (Note: The grammarian, scientist and physician Ole Borch, latinized as Olaus Borrichius, 1626-1690, was one of the most important Danish philologists of the 17th century. This polymath was appointed professor of Philology, Botany and Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen in 1666. He corresponded with the Dutch scholar Johann Gerhard Vossius and the German controversionalist Caspar Schoppius. In 1660 Borrichius published 'De lexicorum Latinorum jenunitate (...) dissertatio', which is a kind of supplement to Vossius' 'De vitiis sermonis'. In 1675 appeared Borrichius' 'Cogitationes de variis latinae linguae aetatibus', in which he corrects Scioppius' division in periods of latin literature (golden, silver, bronze, iron) that the German scholar had suggested. The book contains also a defence of Vossius against Scioppius. Vossius' 'De vitiis sermonis', (Amsterdam 1645) met with a condemnatory judgement of Scioppius. He wrote several letters to Vossius, in which he offered to send him one of his works. The Amsterdam professor Vossius answered the letters, but also asked his son Isaac, who was on his Grand Tour in Italy, to pay Scioppius a visit. Isaac fulfilled the request of his father, and wrote back, that he strongly had the impression that Scioppius suffered from some kind of mental illness. Then Vossius broke off the correspondence. Scioppius was a controversionalist by profession and in 1647 appeared at Venice and Ravenna his attack 'In viri clarissimi Gerardi Iohannis Vossii libro De vitiis sermonis animadversiones', in which Scioppius criticised Vossius for a number of inaccuracies in his 'Antibarbarus'. It was a comment that one could expect from the man who even criticised Cicero for the barbarisms in his work. The attack was reissued in Amsterdam in 1660 en 1666. In 1675 Borrichius published also a 'Dissertatio de causis diversitatis linguarum', on the origin of language, and in 1679 a literary history 'Conspectus praestantiorum scriptorum Latinae linguae'. Between 1683 and 1687 he published a topography of ancient Rome, 'De antiqua Urbis Romae facie', which work was incorporated in volume 4 of Graevius' Thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum' (1694-1699)) (Collation: a-b4; A-2R4; pi2, A-Q4, R2) (Photographs on request)
Book number: 130032 Euro 600.00

Keywords: (Oude Druk), (Rare Books), Ciceronianismus, Latin linguistics, Vossius, antike altertum antiquity, ciceronianism, lateinische Sprachwissenschaft
€ 600,00


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