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CAPELLE,A.G. VAN. Commentatio de Regibus et Antiquitatibus Pergamenis. N.pl., n.d. (Amsterdam, 1842) VIII,172 p., 1 plate with coins, 1 folding lithographed map. Contemporary blue stiff wrappers. 28 cm (Note: The Dutch schoolmaster Arend Gerard van Capelle, 1795-1852, was conrector, and later rector of the Gymnasium of Amsterdam, the precursor of the 'Barlaeus Gymnasium'. His dissertation of 1817 was on Hellenistic history, 'De Zenobia, Palmyrenorum Augusta'. He published also an edition of Terentius, 'P. Terentii Afri Comoediae quas ad fidem optimarum editionum denuo castigavit, illustravit, edidit Arentius Gerardus Van Cappelle', (Amsterdam 1838).
Book number: 152696 Euro 150.00

Keywords: (Oude Druk), (Rare Books), Asia Minor, Dutch imprints, Greek art and archaeology, Greek history, Hellenismus, Kleinasien, Pergamon, Pergamum, antike altertum antiquity, griechische Geschichte, griechische Kunst und Archäologie, hellenism
€ 150,00


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