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HESIODUS. De Werken en Dagen van Hesiodus. Naar het Grieksch in Nederduitsche verzen gevolgd door D.J. van Lennep. Tweede druk. Amsterdam, Bij P. Meijer Warnars, 1834. 8vo. XX (recte XXII); 62,(2 blank) p., 1 plate. Contemporary boards. 20 cm (Ref: Geerebaert 45,2; OiN p. 199) (Details: Fine copy. Title page completely engraved by the Dutch artist Philippus Velijn. The introduction numbers 20 pages, the Dutch translation in iambic verser 40 pages; notes on pages 41/62) (Collation: *2 (chi 1, the title, inserted between leaf *1 and *2), (2)*8, 1-4/8 (the last leaf, leaf 4/8 blank)) (Photographs on request)
Book number: 154228 Euro 80.00

Keywords: (Rare Books), Dichtung, Dutch imprints, Dutch translations, Greek literature, Greek mythology, Griechische Literatur, Hesiod, Hesiodus, Landwirtschaft, Poesie, agriculture, antike altertum antiquity, economy, griechische Mythologie, hexameter, poetry, Ökonomie
€ 80,00


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