LYSIAS & ISOCRATES. The orations of Lysias and Isocrates, translated from the Greek; with some account of their lives; and a discourse on the history, manners, and character of the Greeks, from the conclusion of the Peloponnesian war, to the battle of Chaeronea, by John Gillies, LL.D. London, Edinburgh, Printed for J. Murray, and J. Bell, 1778. 4to. (XXXVI),CXXXV,(1 blank),498,(1 errata)(1 blank) p.; a portrait of Lysias & of Isocrates. Calf 28 cm (Ref: ESTC Citation No. T106138; Hoffmann 2,490 & 2,575: 'eine gute Übersetzung'; Ebert 10628 & 12573; Moss 2,119: 'faithful and masterly'; Brunet 3,1258: 'Traduction fidèle, et comme telle fort estimée; Graesse 4,315; Ebert 12573; Dict. of British Classicists 2,370/2) (Details: Back ruled gilt and with 5 raised bands. Red morocco shield with gold lettering in the second compartment. Small and fading gilt coat of arms on the boards, within a ...
LYDUS, JOHANNES LAURENTIUS. Joannis Laurentii Lydi Philadelpheni De Magistratibus reipublicae romanae libri tres, nunc primum in lucem editi, et versione, notis indicibusque aucti a Joanne Dominico Fuss. Praefatus est Carolus Benedictus HASE, codd. graec. et lat. in Bibliotheca Imperiali Parisiensi sub conservatore custos. Paris (Parisiis), Ex officina J.-M. Eberharti, Collegii Imperialis Franciae Typographi, 1812. 4to. (VIII),LXXXVII,(1 blank), 316 p. Contemporary boards. 28 cm (Ref: Hoffmann 2,510 (Laurentius); Brunet 3,880; Graesse 4,122; Ebert 12557) (Details: 1 of the 100 quarto copies, on wove paper and with broad margins. Gilt black shield on the back. Greek text with parallel Latin translation) (Condition: Binding scuffed. Back chafed and discoloured, and slightly damaged at the head. 2 library bookplates on the front pastedown. Some slight foxing) (Note: Johannes Laurentius Lydus was born in 490 AD at Philadelphia in ...
LYCOPHRON. LUKOPHRONOS TOU CHALKIDEÔS KASSANDRA. To skoteinon Poiêma; Kai eis auto touto ISAAKOU mallon de IÔANNOU TOU TZETZOU EXÊGÊMA. Lycophrois Chalcidensis Cassandra, obscurum poema ope XVI. codicum MSS. sanioribus subinde lectionibus restitutum, fideliori interpretatione exornatum, et accurata paraphrasi explicatum; cum Isaaci vel potius Johannis Tzetzae commentario. Ex postrema Oxoniensi editione ad fidem XIII. exemplarium bis mille ferme in locis emendato, notabiliter aucto, latine reddito, et illustrato. Accedunt fragmenta undique collecta, variantes lectiones, emendationes, et indices necessarii, studio et impensis Leopoldi Sebastiani. Roma, Apud Antonium Fulgonium, 1803. 4to. (IV),XL,416,210 p., frontispiece, 1 plate. Calf 29.5 cm (Ref: Hoffmann 2,569: 'Im Text des Lykophron liess der Herausgeber vieles unverbessert, obwohl er einiges trefflich verbesserte. Mehr leistete er in dem Commentar des Tzetzes, ...
LYCOPHRON. (First title:) LUKOPHRONOS TOU CHALKIDEÔS ALEXANDRA, to skoteinon poiêma, kai eis auto touto ISAAKIOU, mallon de IÔANNOU, tou TZETZOU EXÊGÊMA. (Second title:) Lycophronis Chalcidensis Alexandra, obscurum poema. Cum graeco Isaacii, seu potius Johannis Tzetzae commentario. Versiones, variantes lectiones, emendationes, adnotationes, & indices necessarios adjecit Johannes Potterus, A.M. & Collegii Lincolniensis Socius. Editio secunda, priori auctior. Oxford (Oxonii), E Theatro Sheldoniano, impensis Joannis Oweni, 1702. Folio. (XVIII, including a frontispiece & a title in Greek):183,(1 blank),(28 index),(2),(4),174,(17 index),(1 blank) p. Vellum 33 cm (Ref: ESTC Citation No. T107442; Hoffmann 2,569; Dibdin 2,209/210; Brunet 3,1248; Sandys 2,356; Graesse 4,309; Ebert 12546: 'This 2nd edition is particularly scarce') (Details: 8 thongs laced through the joints. Red morocco shield on the ...
LYCOPHRON. Lycophronis Chalcidensis Alexandra. Poëma obscurum. Ioannes Meursius recensuit, & libro commentario illustravit. Altera editio aucta & innovata. Accessit Iosephi Scaligeri Iulii Caes. F. versio centum locis emendatior. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex officina Ludovici Elzevirii. 1599. 8vo. (XVI),350,(18 index) p. Calf (19th century) 16 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 15153098; Willems 39; Rahir 25; Berghman 835; Hoffmann 2,569; cf. Smitskamp, The Scaliger collection, no.93 for the first edition of 1597; Brunet 3,1247-1248; Ebert 12543; Graesse 4,309) (Details: Back elaborately gilt with four ornamental lozenges. Brown shield in the second 'campartment'. Boards with a triple gilt fillet border, and gilt edges. Edges of the book block sprinkled. Marbled endpapers. The colophon on the last page reads: 'Lugduni Batavorum. Excudebat Ioannes Balduini. VIII. Kal. Maias. anno 1599') (Condition: Nice copy, some slight ...
LUCRETIUS. Titi Lucretii Cari De rerum natura libri sex. Accedunt selectae lectiones dilucidando poëmati appositae. (Curante Stephano Andrea Philippe). Paris, (Lutetiae Parisiorum), Typis Josephi Barbou, 1754. 12mo. XXXVI,288 p., frontispiece and 6 plates. Later half morocco. 17.5 cm (Ref: Gordon 504B; Ebert 12455; Brunet 3,1220; cf. Schweiger 2,576 for the ed. of 1744; Graesse 4,280) (Details: Nice copy. Red morocco, first half 20th century. Back with 4 raised bands, with gilt fillets and lettering. Marbled boards and endpapers. Thick paper, wide margins, untrimmed. Fine engraved frontispiece and plates designed by Frans van Mieris junior, engraved by Cl. Duflos for Coustelier in 1744, and used again by Barbou for this edition. For an explanation of these mythological plates see the bibliography of Gordon, p. 244. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting an old man who stands in the shade of a vine-entwined elmtree, symbolising the ...
LUCIANUS. LOUKIANOU SAMOSATEÔS HAPANTA. Luciani Samosatensis Opera. Cum nova versione Tiber. Hemsterhusii, & Io. Matthiae Gesneri, graecis scholiis, ac notis omnium proximae editionis commentatorum, additis Io.Brodaei, Io. Iensii, Lud. Kusteri, Lamb. Bosii, Hor. Vitringae, Ioan. de la Faye, Ed. Leedes aliisque ineditis, ac praecipue Mosis Solani & I.M. Gesneri. Cujus priorem partem summo studio curavit & illustravit Tiberius Hemsterhusius. Ceteras inde partes ordinavit, notasque suas adjecit Ioannes Fredericus Reitzius. (And:) Tib. Hemsterhusii Animadversionum in Lucianum Appendix. Ex schedis MSS. in Bibl. Lugd. Bat. servatis collegit, disposuit et edidit Jacobus Geel. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Sumptibus Jacobi Wetstenii, 1743. (And:) Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud S. et J. Luchtmans, Academiae Typographos, 1824. 4to. 3 volumes, plus 1 additional volume: (1:) (XII including title and frontispiece),LXXII,882 p., 1 plate. (2:) ...
LUCIANUS. LOUKIANOU SAMOSATEÔS HAPANTA. Luciani Samosatenis Opera. Ex versione Ioannis Benedicti. Cum notis integris Ioannis Bourdelotii, Iacobi Palmerii a Grentemesnil, Tanaquilli Fabri, Aegidii Menagii, Francisci Guieti, Ioannis Georgii Graevii, Iacobi Gronovii, Lamberti Barlaei, Iacobi Tollii & selectis aliorum. Accedunt inedita scholia in Lucianum, ex Bibliotheca Isaaci Vossii. (At the end: Scholia in volumen primum (& secundum) Luciani. Nunquam hactenus edita. Recensuit & notulas adjecit Johannes Clericus) Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Ex Typographia P. &. I. Blaeu, Prostant apud Wolfgang, Ianssonio-Waesbergios, Boom, a Someren, & Goethals, 1687. 8vo. 2 volumes: (XXIV),1060,(18 index),(2 blank); (IV),922,(26 index); (VIII),46,(2 blank);55,(1 blank) p., engraved frontispiece. Vellum 20 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 853061254; Hoffmann 2,537; Dibdin 2,193; Moss 2,262/3; Brunet 3,1207; Graesse 4,278; Ebert 12384) (Details: 6 ...
LUCANUS. M. Annaei Lucani Pharsalia cum commentario Petri Burmanni. Leiden (Leidae), Apud Conradum Wishoff, Danielem Goetval et Georg. Jacob. Wishoff, fil.Conrad., 1740. 4to. (LII),735,(1 blank) (160 indices) p. Marbled calf. 26 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 239852117; Schweiger 2,565; Dibdin 2,186; Brunet 3,1200; Moss 2,242: 'A very excellent and critical edition, and by far the best which has yet been published'; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,147/48: 'ceteris praeferenda'; Ebert 12350; Graesse 4,273/74; Spoelder p. 642/3, Middelburg 4) (Details: Prize copy. Backstrip ruled in gilt. Red morocco shield on the back. Gilt coat of arms of Middelburg on both boards. Gilt palmette motifs along the borders of the boards. Title in red and black. On the title also a large engraving of a battle scene, the battle of Actium, designed by J. de Groot, and engraved by J. v.d. Spyk) (Condition: The back has been repaired expertly. The front flyleaf, with on it the ...
LUCANUS. M. Annaei Lucani Cordubensis Pharsalia, sive belli civilis libri decem. Cum scholiaste, hucusque inedito, et notis integris Henrici Glareani, Jacobi Micylli, Joachimi Camerarii, Hugonis Grotii &c. Et excerptis (...) aliorumque observationibus. Curante Francisco Oudendorpio, qui suas etiam adnotationes, & copiosos indices adjecit. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Samuelem Luchtmans, 1728. 4to. 2 volumes: (LXXIV),966 (recte 968);(CIVC, indices) p.; folding map. Vellum 26 cm 'A valuable edition, containing the ancient scholia, select notes of ancient and modern editors' (Ref: STCN ppn 238571637; Schweiger 2,564; Dibdin 2,186; Moss 2,242; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,146/47; Brunet 3,1200; Graesse 4,273; Ebert 12349) (Details: Backs with 5 raised bands. Boards blind tooled. Title in red and black. Luchtman's woodcut printer's mark on the title, it depicts Pallas Athena leaning on her shield, the aegis; the motto: ...
LUCANUS & PETRONIUS. Marci Annaei Lucani Pharsalia, eiusdem ad Calpurnium Pisonem poemation. Praemittitur notitia literaria studiis Societatis Bipontinae. Editio secunda auctior et emendatior. (Bound with:) T. Petronii Arbitri Equitis Romani Satiricon, cum supplementis Nodotianis. Accedunt veterum poetarum catalecta. Praemittitur notitia literaria studiis Societatis Bipontiae. Editio accurata. Ad 1: Zweibrücken (Biponti), Ex typographia Societatis, 1807. Ad 2: Zweibrücken (Biponti), Ex typographia Societatis, 1790. 8vo. 2 volumes in 1: XLVIII,277,(1 blank); XXXVI,252 p. Half calf 21 cm (Ref: Ad 1: Burkard p. 91/93; Schweiger 2,566; Dibdin 2,188: 'elegantly executed book'; Moss 2,243: 'a very neat and correct edition'; Ebert 12355; Graesse 4,274; Ad 2: VD18 11361557; Burkard 125/27; Schweiger 2,725; Dibdin 2,278: 'neat edition, and useful for presenting us with a valuable Notitia literaria'; Ebert 16527; Graesse ...
LONGINUS. Dionysius Longinus, De Sublimitate, ex recensione Zachariae Pearcii. Animadversiones interpretum excerpsit suas et novam versionem adiecit Sam. Fr. Nathan. Morus, Philos. Professor Lips. Leipzig (Lipsiae), Sumt. Hered. Weidmann et Reichii, 1769. 8vo. (II),XXXIV,288,(36 index) p. Half calf. 21 cm (Ref: VD18 10363009; D. St. Marin no. 50, citing De Tipaldo: 'This edition has also the Latin version, which is rightly considered a masterpiece' (...) An elegant and useful edition, superior to all earlier ones'; Hoffmann 2,527; Schweiger 1,190; Moss 2,226/227; Brunet 3,1152; Graesse 4,252; Ebert 12214: 'The notes, partly critical, are short, but valuable, and the translation is very succesful'; Dibdin 2,178/79) (Details: Backstrip gone. The engraved frontispiece depicts an orator lecturing in a library to students. Greek text with parallel Latin translation, notes at the bottom of the page) (Condition: Back ...
LONGINUS. DIONUSIOU LONGINOU PERI HUPSOUS HUPOMNÊMA. Dionysii Longini De Sublimitate commentarius, quem nova versione donavit, notis illustravit, & partim manuscriptorum ope, partim conjectura emendavit (additis etiam omnibus ejusdem auctoris fragmentis) Zacharias Pearce, A.M., Regiae Majestati a Sacris Domesticis etc. Editio secunda, notis & emendationibus auctior. London (Londini), Ex officina Jacobi Tonson & Joannis Watts, 1732. 8vo. XXXV,(I errata),301,(3 variae lectiones),(19 index),(1 blank) p. Calf. 20 cm (Ref: ESTC Citation No. T87458; Hoffmann 2,527: 'Pearce hat in dieser Ausg. viel verbessert'; D. St.Marin no. 44: 'a fine critical edition'; Dibdin 2,177/8: 'Bishop Pearce is rightly called by Harles, 'Longini Sospicator'; Brunet 3,1152: 'Cette édition a été revue par l'éditeur qui y a ajouté de nouvelles notes, et c'est d'après ce texte ...
LIPSIUS,J. Iusti Lipsii Epistolarum selectarum chilias, in qua I. II. III. Centuriae ad Belgas, Germanos, Gallos, Italos, Hispanos. IV. Singularis ad Germanos & Gallos. V. Miscellanea. VI. VII. VIII ad Belgas. IX. & X Miscellaneae Postumae. Epistolica institutio eiusdem Lipsii. Accessit in gratiam studiosae iuventutis, rerum aliquot insignium, & elegantissimarum similitudinum, quae in nonnullis epistolis occurrunt, index locupletissimus. (Geneva, Leiden or Cologne), Apud Franciscum Helvidium, 1611. 8°, (XVI),1078,(18) p. Full contemporary vellum with overlapping edges (Ref: VD17 12:646081U. VD17 is not sure about the place where this title was published. Mentioned are Cologne, Leiden and Geneva. GLN 15/16 offers a kind of solution: 'Cet 'Helvidius' qui signe au moins six éditions entre 1600 et 1622 est mystérieux. Ladresse genevoise a été ajoutée sur quelques rares exemplaires. ...
LIPSIUS,J. Iusti Lipsii De constantia libri duo. Qui alloquium praecipue continent in publicis malis. Quinta editio, melior & notis auctior. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Franciscum Raphelengium, 1591. 8vo. (XVI),119,(8),(1 blank) p. 18th century boards. 16 cm. 'Lipsius' De Constantia (1584) was a perfect answer to the sorrows of his time'. (Ref: STCN ppn 114587760; USTC 423043; cf. Brunet 3,1093; cf. Graesse 4,220) (Details: Plantin's woodcut printer's device on the title. The preliminaries contain a dedication to the council of Antwerp, and a laudatory poem by Janus Dousa on Lipsius. The last leaf of the preliminary pages is a cancel; on the verso of this cancel is a poem in Greek by B. Vulcanius. The index at the end is preceded by a one page prayer by Lipsius to thank God for the recovery of a long illness when he was 32) (Condition: Binding worn, especially on the ...
LIBRI DE RE RUSTICA. Scriptores Rei Rusticae Veteres Latini. E recensione Jo. Matth. Gesneri cum ejusdem praef. et lexico rustico. Praemittitur notitia literaria. Studiis Societatis Bipontinae. Editio accurata. Zweibrücken (Biponti), Ex typographia Societatis, 1787 - 1788. 8vo. 4 volumes: (II),CLVI,248; (II),566; (II),510; (II),369,(1 blank) p. Half vellum 22 cm (Ref: Not yet in VD18. Burkard p. 181/185; Schweiger 2,1307; Graesse 6/1,332; Ebert 20744) (Details: Nice set in 19th century half vellum. Backs gilt and with red morocco shields. Marbled boards. Engraved vignet on the first 3 titles) (Condition: Vellum slightly soiled. Some wear to the extremes. Some foxing. Joints of the first volume beginning to split. Very small hole in title of the 4th volume, the 'Lexicon Rusticum'. A bookplate on the front pastedowns) (Note: Vol. 1 contains Cato's 'De agri cultura' and Varro's 'De re rustica libri ...
LIBRI DE RE RUSTICA. Methodus rustica Catonis atq. Varronis praeceptis aphoristicis per locos communes digestis a Theodoro Zvingero typice delineata & illustrata. Basel (Basileae), Petri Pernae opera atque impensa, n.d. (1567). 8vo. (XXIV),494,(2 blank),(22 index) p. Overlapping vellum 19 cm (Ref: VD16 C 1580; Schweiger 2,75) (Details: 2 thongs laced through the joints. Woodcut printer's mark on the title: a woman holding a oil lamp, motto: 'Verbum tuum lucerna pedibus meis'. (Psalm 119 verse 105) Occasional woodcut initials) (Condition: Vellum soiled and wrinkled. Small hole in the back and in the upper board. Front endpapers renewed in 19th century. 19th century annotations concerning Zwinger, Cato & Varro on the front pastedown and recto of the front flyleaf. Title slightly soiled. Small fold in right lower corner of the title. Small stain at the bottom of the title) (Note: Theodor Zwinger, 1533-1588, or Theodorus ...
LIBRI DE RE RUSTICA. Libri De Re Rustica a Nicolao Angelio viro consumatissimo nuper maxima diligentia recogniti & typis excusi, cum indice & expositione omnium dictionum. Catonis, Varronis, Columellae, Palladii quae aliqua enucleatione indigebant. Additis nuper commentariis Iunii Pompo. Fortunati in librum De cultu hortorum, cum adnotationibus Philippi Beroaldi., n.d. (Colophon at the end: 'Florentiae per heredes Philippi Iuntae, Anno Domini 1521, Die XXVIII. Mensis Septembris'), 1521. 4to in 8s. 2 parts in 1 volume: (XX),218 (recte 222);125 leaves. 19th century half vellum 22 cm. (Ref: Edit 16 28760; Schweiger 2,1305/06; Renouard, 'Annales des Imprimeries des Alde', 'Notice sur la famille des Iunte', p. XLVI; Adams S807; Ebert 20736; Brunet 5,246; Graesse 6/1,331) (Details: 19th century binding, with short title on the back and marbled boards. Good quality white paper. Some text diagrams. ...
LIBANIUS. Libaniou Sophistou Epistolai. Libanii Sophistae epistolae. Quas nunc primum maximam partem e variis codicibus, manu exaratis, edidit, latine convertit & notis illustravit Joannes Christophorus Wolfius. Accedunt in calce ejusdem Libanii epistolae a Francisco Zambicario olim Latine conversae & Cracoviae primum editae, heic autem integra propemodum centuria ex MS auctae. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Janssonio-Waesbergios, 1738. Folio: (XX),865,(1 blank) p. Vellum 42x27 cm 'The first comprehensive edition of the letters of Libanius, accompanied by a Latin translation' (Ref: STCN ppn 183220943; Brunet 3,1050; Hoffmann 2,522; Graesse 4,195; Ebert 11937) (Details: Back with 7 raised band. Boards blind tooled. Broad margins. Title in red and black. Engraved printer's mark on the title, depicting a mole, flanked by a seating Hermes and Athena; the motto is: 'vulgo caeca vocor, video sed acutius ipso', ...
LHOMOND,Ch.F. Élémens de la grammaire latine, à l'usage des colléges. Par Lhomond, professeur émérite en la ci-devant Université de Paris. 16e édition. Paris, De l'Imprimerie de J.-P. Jacob, à la librairie Économique, rue de la Harpe, ancien Collége d'Harcourt, no. 94, 1807. 12mo. 216,4 p. Vellum over boards. 17 cm (Details: The binder has covered the boards of this book with two strips of vellum of an old contract, or charter. The handwriting on it is cursive and illegible for a layman, but 6 signatures are clearly visible, 2 first names are legible, of one 'Charles' and 'Jacques') (Condition: After the titlepage, and before the beginning of the first chapter, 4 pages are missing. Probably a praefatio, or perhaps the 4 pages which have been bound at the end of the book. These 4 pages contain a stocklist of the titles available at the ...