SALLUSTIUS. C. Crispi Sallustii Opera omnia quae exstant, cum commentariis integris Joh. Rivii, Aldi Manutii, Petri Ciacconii, Fulvii Ursini & Heliae Putschii, et selectis Jani Gruteri, H. Glareani, Cypr. à Popma, Ludov. Carrionis, Jani Douzae & aliorum. Accedunt huic editioni Jani Melleri Palmerii Spicilegia in eundem auctorem. Cum indice rerum & verborum locupletissimo. Editio novissima. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Ex officina Henrici & Viduae Theodori Boom, 1690. 8vo. (XXVIII)(including frontispiece), 596, (38) p. Vellum 20 cm Prize copy (Ref: STCN ppn 851959466; Schweiger 2,879; Dibdin 2,385: 'this is the best Variorum edition' and 'a valuable book'; Moss 2,560; Graesse 6/1,240; Ebert 20026: 'Eine der seltenste Ausgg. cum notis varior., und sehr gesucht'; Spoelder p. 490, Amst. 9) (Details: Prize copy, without the prize. Binding gilt. 7 thongs laced through the joints. Gilt coat of arms of ...
SALLUSTIUS. C. Salustius Crispus. Roomsche historie. Van de t'Zamenzweeringe van Catilina, en den oorlog met Jugurtha. Vertaelt door F.v.H. Rotterdam (Tot Rotterdam), By Fransois van Hoogstraeten, 1683. 12mo. (XVI),98,(2),196 p. Vellum 13 cm (Ref: Geerebaert 132,3; OiN 331; Schweiger 598; In NCC 5 copies) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Title printed in red and black) (Condition: Vellum slightly soiled) (Note: 'One of the most widely read and influential of Roman historians, along with Caesar, Livy, and Tacitus, Sallust (86-34 BC) has been studied, quoted, and imitated not only as a historian but also as a moral philosopher, political thinker, and stylist.' Until 1600 more than 200 editions of his work appeared. Sallust was used in the 16th and 17th century to support absolute theories of government. But, 'on the other hand, it was the republican Sallust, 'ennemy of tyrants,' whom John Milton admired and ...
SALLUSTIUS. C. Sallustii Crispi Opera, quae extant omnia: cum selectissimis Variorum Observationibus, et accurata recensione Antonii Thysii ICti. Leiden (Lugd. Batavorum), Apud Franciscum Hackium, 1649. 8vo. (XXXII),556;LII p. Overlapping vellum 19 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 840028938; Schweiger 2,878; Dibdin 2,385; Ebert 20018; Fabricius/Ernesti, Bibliotheca Latina, 1,243) (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. Engraved title, executed by R. a Persyn (Reinier van Persyn), depicting in the foreground the arrest of King Jugurtha in front of a triumph chariot; in the background battle scenes; on the upper part is depicted a seated Janus Bifrons, giving a throne to a king, and a sceptre to a soldier) (Condition: Vellum slightly spotted. Both pastedowns detached) (Note: 'One of the most widely read and influential of Roman historians, along with Caesar, Livy, and Tacitus, Sallust (86-34 BC) has been studied, quoted, and imitated not only as a ...
SALLUSTIUS. C. Sallustius Crispus, cum veterum Historicorum fragmentis. (Bound with:) Colloques d'Érasme, fort curieusement. Traduits de Latin en François, pour l'usage des amateurs de la langue . Ad 1: Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1634. Ad 2: Leiden (A Leyden), Chez Adrian Vingart, 1653. 12mo. 2 volumes in 1: vol. 1: (XVI),310,(34 index); vol. 2: (XII),360,(12 table) p. Overlapping vellum 13 cm (Ref: Ad 1: Willems 412, note: this is the second of the 3 reissues of this text in that year; Bergman 2115; Rahir 399; Schweiger 2,877: 'Sehr saubere u. gesuchte Ausg.'; Dibdin 2,384. Ad 2: Willems 1675, 'Annexes de la collection Elzevirienne': 'assez jolie édition. La traduction est de Samuel Chappuzeau'; Bergman 1357: 'édition fort jolie et d'une insigne rareté') (Details: Ad 1: Title engraved by Cor.Cl. Duysent. Woodcut portrait of Sallustius ...
SA, MANUEL DE. Aphorismi confessariorum ex doctorum sententiis collecti, auctore Emanuele Sa Lusitano, doctore Theologo Societatis Iesu. Nunc accurate expurgati a Reverendiss,. P.M. Sacri Palatii Apost. Indicatis Doct. locis, annotationibusque per Andream Victorellum Bass. Theol. illustrati & aucti. Permissu Superiorum. Editio ultima prioribus correctior. Köln (Coloniae), Apud Ioannem Crithium, Sub signo Galli, 1612. 12mo. (IV),650,(14 indices) p. Overlapping vellum 14 cm (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Woodcut printer's mark of the Jesuit Order on the title) (Condition: Vellum age-tanned. All four ties gone. Outer edge of the first and last two leaves are slightly thumbed) (Note: The Portuguese Jesuit theologian and Biblical scholar Manuel de Sá, 1530-1596, (the latinized form is Emanuel Sa) has written three important works, which were repeatedly published in most European countries well into the ...
RUTILIUS LUPUS. P. Rutilii Lupi De figuris sententiarum et elocutionis libri duo. Recensuit et annotationes adjecit David Ruhnkenius. Accedunt Aquilae Romani et Julii Rufiniani de eodem argumento liber. Leiden (Lugdini Batavorum), Apud Samuelem et Joannem Luchtmans, 1768. 8vo. C,276,(15 index),(1 blank) p. Calf 20 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 238551075; Schweiger 2,859: 'Neue Recension. (...) Vorauf geht eine gehaltreiche historia critica oratorum graecorum'; Ebert 19633; Graesse 6/1,196; Spoelder p. 590, Haarlem 3) (Details: Prize copy, without the prize. Back divided with gilt fillets. Red shield on the 'second compartment'. Boards with gilt borders and gilt coat of arms of Haarlem. This title book contains, after the preface, in which Ruhnken has collected everything known with regard to Rutilius Lupus, an informative 'Historia critica oratorum graecorum' of 65 p. The commentary of Ruhnken to the text is extensive) ...
ROUS,F. Archaeologiae Atticae libri septem, dat is: Seve boeken van de oudheden van Attika, zijnde een beschrijving van des Stadts heerlijkheyt, stijl van regeering, verdeeling van volk, en van steden, vlekken, en plaatsen, die op den Atheenschen bodem lagen. Ook van hunnen godtsdienst, bygeloovigheyt, offerhanden, en jaar-rekeningen; mitsgaders een volstrekt verhaal hunner vierscharen, en een by-voegsel van de gewoontens, die in gebruyk waren by hun trouwen, begraven van dooden, gastmaalen, wichelaryen, en van diergelijke dingen meer. In 't Engels beschreven door Francis Rous, van Mortons (sic) Collegie tot Oxfort, en in 't Nederduyts gebragt door Henrikus van Rhenen, predik. tot Jutfaas. Amsterdam, By Hendrik en de weduwe van Dirk Boom, 1688. 8vo. (XII, including the frontispiece),759,(24),(1 blank) p. Vellum 16 cm (Details: 5 thongs laced through both joints. Frontispiece, it depicts four men with a turban on their head, discussing ...
ROSCIUS,LUCIUS VITRUVIUS. L. Vitruvii Roscii Parmensis Libetius primus, secundus et tertius: vel grammaticarum quaestionum libri tres. Genua (Genuae), 1547. (Colophon at the end: Apud Antonium Bellonum Taurinensem, 1542) Small 8vo. (XV),(1 blank); 235,(4 index),(1 blank) p. 18th century half calf. 15.5 cm (Ref: Edit 16 CNCE 54876: both title and colophon 1547; USTC 853565: both title and colophon 1542) (Details: Back gilt and with red shield. The colophon at the end mentions another year: 'Genuae, anno Domini 1542'. Edges dyed red) (Condition: Binding slightly chafed and worn. An old hand wrote on the title: 'Oratorii Parmetensis'. Some small and old ink annotations. White paper) (Note: Next to nothing is known about the Italian cleric and scholar Lucio Vitruvio Rossi, or in Latin Lucius Vitruvius Roscius. He was born ca. 1500, and was regular canon of the 'Congregazione Renana'. He wrote, besides this ...
ROMANARUM INSCRIPTIONUM FASCICULUS. Cum explicatione notarum in usum juventutis. (Tironibus rei lapidariae studiosis ut posthabita barbarie quam in plerisque recentibus inscriptionibus eruditi fastidiunt, et nova epigrammata eleganter condere, et vetera interpretari recte discant. Angelus Josephi F. Cominus hunc inscriptionum fasciculum D.D.) Padua (Patavii), Excudebat Josephus Cominus, Superiorum permissu, 1774. 8vo. (XVI),222 p. Contemporary limp cardboard. 18.5 cm (Details: Cover still remarkably fresh; woodcut printer's device on title: a man digging for antique objects, Motto: 'Quidquid sub terra est in apricum profert aetas'; the inscriptions in the text are set in all kinds of capitals to make them look like real inscriptions; fresh paper) (Condition: small slip of paper pasted over a name on the title) (Note: Why the ICCU attributes this publication to Giovanni Domenico (or Giandomenico) Polcastro (1710-1787) is ...
ROBERTSON,W. Geschiedenis van Oud Griekenland, van de vroegste tijden af, tot dat het een Romeinsch wingewest werd. Naar den tweeden druk uit het Engelsch vertaald. Utrecht etc., A. van Paddenburg, W. Holtrop & C. van der Aa, 1780 - 1781. 3 volumes in 2: XIV,345,(1 blank); (IV),330; (IV),182;(19 index),(1 blank) p. Half calf. 23 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 261832115) (Details: Back ruled gilt, and with 5 raised bands) (Condition: Bindings worn & scuffed. Corners bumped. 2 small paper shelf numbers on the upper boards. 2 small oval stamps on the title) (Note: This is a translation into Dutch of the second edition of 'The History of Ancient Greece' (1778), by the Scottish historian and minister of the Church of Scotland, Reverent William Robertson, 1721-1793, who was a significant figure in the Scottish Enlightenment and also of the moderates in the Church of Scotland. One of his most notable works is his 'History of ...
RHOMAIDES,Ar. Panorama d'Athènes. Athens, Rhomaides Frères, 1890. Collotype, a diptych, mounted as a panorama, measuring together 28,5 x 98 cm. The grey photo backing board measures 47,5 x 119 cm. The print is signed in the right lower corner: 'Ar. Rhomaides'. In the left lower corner the title: 'Panorama d'Athènes'. (Note: At the left can be seen the building of 'The National Observatory of Athens', in the middle features the Temple of Theseus, and at the right, first the Old Royal Palace and then the Akropolis. The photograph was made by the Rhomaides Brothers ca. 1890. It provides a clear image of the city's structure at the time. § Interest in travelling to Greece has a long history, from the Roman times till today. The oldest existing Daguerrotypes of Greece were made in 1842 by the French artist and historian of Islamic architecture Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey'. (J. ...
RATRAMNUS. Ratramne, ou Bertram, pretre. Du Corps et du Sang du Seigneur. Avec une dissertation preliminaire, sur Ratramne, & une autre dissertation historique sur la vie & les ouvrages de cet auteur. Traduite de l'Anglois. Amsterdam, 1717. 12mo. 287,(1 blank) p. Mottled calf. 16.5 cm (Ref: Brunet 1,822; 3 copies in STCN; cf. Ebert 18665) (Details: Gilt back with a red morocco letterpiece. Marbled endpapers. Edges dyed red. Ttitle in red & black. The first 184 pages contain the two dissertations on Ratramnus, p. 185-287 contain the Latin text with an opposing French translation) (Condition: Corners slightly bumped) (Note: Ratramnus was a Benedictine monk of Corbie (+ 870). In 843/44 he wrote this work on request of Charles the Bald, in which he emphasises the figurative nature of the sacraments, and contradicted the doctrine of the transsubstantiation. He also goes under the name Bertram or Intramn. The book was ...
(RAPIN,R.) Observationes in poëmata Homeri et Virgilii, e Gallico latine redditae. (Jano Broukhusio interprete). Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Apud Franciscum Halma, Academ. Typogr. Ordinarium, 1684. 12mo. 128 p. Contemporary calf 17 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,1247; Hoffmann 2,377; A. Grafton, The classical tradition, Cambr. Mass., p. 496) (Details: Gilt back with 5 raised bands, and a small red morocco shield in the second compartment, reading: 'Obs. in Hom. & Vir. Woodcut of two winged putti on the title) (Condition: Back rubbed, gilt fading away. 1 lower corner bumped. Old bibliographic inscription on the verso of the front flyleaf) (Note: René Rapin (Renatus Rapinus), 1621-1687, was a French Jesuit, who earned his fame as a Neolatin and French poet, and was called 'the second Theocritus'. Rapin also distinguished himself with his critical essays. Alongside Boileau he set forth the neo-classic canon of his age. ...
QUINTILIANUS. M. Fabii Quintiliani Institutionum oratoriarum libri duodecim, summa diligentia ad fidem vetustissimorum codicum recogniti, ac restituti. Novae huic editioni adiecit Fabianarum notarum spicilegium subcisivum Daniel Pareus Phil. Fil. Accesserunt etiam Quintilianorum declamationes. London (Londini), Typis E.G. Impensis R. Whitakeri, 1641. 8vo. 2 parts in 1: 569,(6 index),(1 blank); 722,(2 blank); (58 index),(2 blank) p. Modern half vellum 18 cm 'Practical, humane, fascinating, still of signifance'. (Ref: ESTC Citation No. R16191; Schweiger 2,839; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,273; cf. Graesse 5,527 for the edition Franktfurt 1629 with exact the same title) (Details: Back with 3 raised bands) (Condition: Endpapers renewed. Old ownership entries, and some small notes on the title. Paper yellowing. Right lower corner of 3/4 hardly visibly waterstained. Small hole in the blank margin of p. 13/14) (Note: The Roman orator ...
PYTHAGORAS.- JÖCHER,Chr.G. De Pythagorae methodo philosophiam docendi disserit, atque ad Orationem memoriae Ridelianae sacram die XXV Novemb. A.R.S. MDCCXLI in Auditorio Philosophico, hora IX habendam, invitat Christ. Gottlieb Ioecher, Academiae H.T. Rector, et ordinis philosophici exdecanus. (Lipsiae), Breitkopf (literis Breitkopfianis), 1741. 4to. 12 p. Paper wrappers gone. 19.5 cm (Ref: NDB 10,452; not yet in VD18) (Condition: The original green paper wrapper has been removed) (Note: Invitation of the Rector of the University of Leipzig Christian Gottlieb Jöcher to attent a meeting in the 'Philosophicum Auditorium', in memory of 'Georgius Ridelius von Leuenstern und Seyfersdorf'. (p. 12) ADB/NDB does not know him. In Worldcat we found invitations to such meetings to commemorate Ridelius in 1713, 1728, 1732, 1733 & 1748. Ridelius had established a fund for scholarships for students from his own region. ...
PRUDENTIUS. Aurelii Prudentii Clementis V.C. Opera. Ex postrema doct. virorum recensione. Amsterdam (Amsterodami), Apud Guiljel. Janss. Caesium (Blaeu), 1625. 12mo. 261,(1 blank) p. Vellum. 11.1 cm Horatius Christianus (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Engraved title, it depicts a huge Christian warrior who makes mincemeat of heathens and heretics. There in no introduction, only the text) (Condition: Some small spots on the boards. The edges of the front flyleaf are thumbed and show 2 tears. Upper edge of first leaves slightly thumbed. Very tiny hole in inner margin of the title) (Note: The Roman poet Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, born 348/49, died after 405 A.D., of Spanish origin, was besides a man of letters also an industrious public servant. He was a fervent Christian, who had not cut himself off from the culture of the ancient world. 'He regarded the pagan literature and art not as things to be rejected ...
PRUDENTIUS. Aurelii Prudentii Clementis, Viri Consularis, rerum divinarum, religionis Christianae, iuris item civilis & militaris peritia excellentis, opera. Lyon (Lugduni), Apud Ioan. Tornaesium et Guil. Gazeium, 1553. 8vo. 519,(1 blank) p. Contemporary pigskin over wooden boards. 13.5 cm Prudentius hat sich in der lyrischen, in der epischen und in der didaktischen Poesie versucht und allenthalben Grosses geleistet (Bardenhewer) (Ref: Cartier, 'Bibliographie des éditions des De Tournes' no. 258; Graesse 5,467; Ebert 18063) (Details: Contemporary pigskin over wooden boards. Back with 3 raised bands. Boards decorated with a row of blind-tooled rolls, comprising floral motives and 10 portraits in medallions; there are 2 kind of portraits, of 'Iusticia' and of 'Lucrecia'; Iusticia holds what looks like a disk before her face, and Lucrecia stabs herself in the breast with a dagger. If this disk, which is ...
PROPERTIUS. Sex. Aurelii Propertii Elegiarum libri quatuor. Ad fidem veterum membranarum curis secundis Jani Broukhusii sedulo castigati. Accedunt terni indices, quorum primus omnes voces Propertianas complectitur. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Rod. & Gerh. Wetstenios, 1727. 4to. (XXXII, including the frontispiece), 489,(1),(109 indices),(1 blank) p. Contemporary calf. 24 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 18661859X; Schweiger 2,830; Dibdin 1,384: 'very valuable'; Moss 1,274: 'A good edition, containing a valuable and useful commentary'; Graesse 5,460: 'belle édition'; Ebert 18028; Brunet 4,904/05: 'Édition assez recherchée'; Fabricius/Ernesti 1,435) (Details: Back gilt and with 5 raised bands. Brown morocco shield in the second compartment. Frontispiece designed and executed by J. Mulder, it depicts a Roman Emperor in a chariot; he is leading a triumph; in front of him the wives of his conquered ...
POUQUEVILLE,F.Ch.H.L. Grèce, par M. Pouqueville, membre de l'Institut (Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres), ancien Consul Général de France au Levant. Paris, Firmin Didot Frères, 1835. 8vo. (IV),448 p., 112 engraved plates, 2 folding maps. Contemporary hardback. 22 cm (Details: Original decorated brown and blue publisher's binding) (Condition: Cover slightly worn at the extremities. Partly foxed, especially the first 80 p.) (Note: We quote Ioli Vingopoulou's article on this book, which is to be found on the website of the Aikatirini Laskaridis Foundation, 'Travellogues, Travellers, views; Places - Monuments - People; Southeastern Europe - Eastern Mediterranean, Greece - Asia Minor - Southern Italy, 15th - 20th century': 'François-Charles-Hugues-Laurent Pouqueville (1770-1838) was a French physician, diplomat, writer, and ardent Philhellene. He was born in ...
PORTUS, AEMILIUS. LEXIKON DÔRIKON HELLÊNORRÔMAIKON, hoc est Dictionarium doricum graecolatinum, quod totius Theocriti, Moschi Syracusani, Bionis, Smyrnaei, & Simmiae Rhodii variorum opusculorum accuratam, & fidelem interpretationem continet, cum verborum & locutionum in his observatu dignarum descriptione, quae Doricae linguae proprietates, & regulas supra nominatorum poetarum exemplis illustratas, & confirmatas demonstrat. Novum opus a M. Aemylio Porto, Francisci Porti Cretensis F. in antiquiss. & celeberr. Heydelberg. Acad. ordin. linguae Graecae professore, nunc primum in lucem emissum. Frankfurt, Ex Officina Paltheniana sumtibus heredum Petri Fischeri, 1603. 8vo. 276 unnumbered leaves. 18th century red morocco. 19.5 cm (Ref: VD17 12:129968D; Brunet 4,833; Ebert 17828; Graesse 5,421) (Details: Back elaborately gilt with floral motives in the compartments, and with 5 raised bands. Boards with an elaborate wide gilt floral border. Inside gilt dentelles. Edges ...