

Results 61 - 80 of 587

BOUTENS,P.C. P.C. Boutens Verzamelde Werken. Derde deel: Bezonnen verzen; Hollandsche kwatrijnen; Achttien verzen; Tusschenspelen; Verspreide gedichten; Spel van Platoons leven; Alianora; Middelburgs overgang; Omar Khayyam; Sapfo; Lovize Labé; Oud-perzische kwatrijen. Haarlem, The Hague, Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, L.J.C. Boucher, 1951. 435,(1) p. Cloth 23.5 cm (P.C. Boutens. Verzamelde werken. Deel 3., No. 47 of 940 copies printed)
Book number: 152674 Euro 28.00

Keywords: Dichtkunst, Dutch literature, Dutch poetry, Nachleben, Niederländische Literatur, Plato, Rezeption, Sappho, poetry, reception

€ 28,00
Book info

BOUTENS,P.C. Lente-maan. Bussum, Uitgegeven door C.A.J. van Dishoeck, 1916. 70 p. Cloth 20 cm (Back and edges of covers faded; frontcover gilt)
Book number: 117419 Euro 9.00

Keywords: Boutens, Dichtkunst, Dutch literature, Niederländische Literatur, Poesie, poetry

€ 9,00
Book info

BOUTENS,P.C. Vergeten liedjes door P.C. Boutens. Zevende druk. Bussum, Uitgave van C.A.J. van Dishoeck C.V., 1944. (II),103 p. Half cloth 20 cm (Name and small bookplate on front flyleaf; a fold in last leaf; edges of both covers faded)
Book number: 117420 Euro 8.00

Keywords: Boutens, Dichtkunst, Dutch literature, Niederländische Literatur, Poesie, poetry

€ 8,00
Book info

BRANDPUNT VAN GELEERDHEID IN DE HOOFDSTAD, EEN. De Universiteit van Amsterdam rond 1900 in vijftien portretten. Redactie J.C.H. Blom, P,H.D. Leupen, P. de Rooy, T.J. Veen, L. Kooijmans. Hilversum, Amsterdam, Uitgeverij Verloren, Amsterdam University Press, 1992. 345 p., illustrations. Cloth. 25 cm (Including dustjacket)
Book number: 159403 Euro 15.00

Keywords: Amsterdam, Geschichte der Wissenschaft, Netherlands, Niederlanden, Wissenschaft, history of scholarship, science

€ 15,00
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BRANDS,M.C. 'History hits back'. Over de overschatting van woord en tekst: over de limieten van tolerantie. Derde P.C. Hooftlezing, uitgesproken op donderdag 9 december 1993 in de Aula van de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Amsteram, Vossiuspers AUP, 1995. 35 p. Wrappers. 21 cm (Feltpen marking on 1 p.)
Book number: 155342 Euro 5.00

Keywords: Dutch history

€ 5,00
Book info

BRÉAL,M. Essai de sémantique (Science des significations). 2e éd. revue. Paris, Hachette, 1899. 349 p. H.cl.
Book number: 062157 Euro 29.00

Keywords: Sprachwissenschaft, linguistics

€ 29,00
Book info

BROUWER,D. Gender variation in Dutch. A sociolinguistic study of Amsterdam speech. Dordrecht, Providence, Foris, 1989. 129 p. Wrs. 24 cm (Diss., Univ. Nijmegen; including a snapshot of the promotion)
Book number: 115780 Euro 15.00

Keywords: Dutch linguistics, Niederländische Sprachwissenschaft, dialect, dialect, gender

€ 15,00
Book info

BROUWER,J.J.F. Het kerkelijk jaar, met zijne liturgische tijden en voornaamste feesten. Leiden, Van Leeuwen, 1907. 372 p., 5 pls. Cl. 25 cm
Book number: 113456 Euro 13.00

Keywords: Liturgie, liturgy

€ 13,00
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BRUMMEL,L. Twee ballingen 's lands tijdens onze opstand tegen Spanje. Hugo Blotius (1534-1608), Emanuel van Meteren (1535-1612). Den Haag, Nijhoff, 1972. VII,190 p. Wrs. 24 cm
Book number: 105745 Euro 11.00

Keywords: Geschichte, Krieg, Low Countries, Netherlands, Niederlanden, Renaissance, Spain, Spanien, history, war

€ 11,00
Book info

BRUNOT,F. La pensée et la langue. Méthode, principes et plan d'une théorie nouvelle du langage appliquée au Français. Paris, Masson, 1922. XXXVI,953 p. H.calf
Book number: 060046 Euro 35.00

Keywords: Sprachwissenschaft, linguistics

€ 35,00
Book info

BÜCH,B. & P. DROST. Plinius Pinguïn. Een kinderroman. Amsterdam, Contact, 1990. 119 p. Hardbound 22 cm
Book number: 153383 Euro 11.00

Keywords: Dutch literature, Niederländische Literatur

€ 11,00
Book info

BUCK,H. DE. Bibliografie der geschiedenis van Nederland. Utrecht, Hes, 1979. XX,713 p. Cl. (Repr. ed. Leiden 1968)
Book number: 012752 Euro 40.00

Keywords: Bibliographie, Geschichte, Low Countries, Netherlands, Niederlanden, bibliography, history

€ 40,00
Book info

BUCK,H. DE. Bibliografie der geschiedenis van Nederland. Samengesteld in opdracht van het Nederlands Comité voor Geschiedkundige Wetenschappen. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1968. XX,712 p. Cloth. 25 cm
Book number: 020322 Euro 17.00

Keywords: &handbibliotheek, Bibliographie, Dutch history, Holland, Low Countries, Netherlands, Niederlanden, bibliography, niederländische Geschichte

€ 17,00
Book info

BURCKHARDT,C.J. Kleinasiatische Reise. Basel, Schwabe, (1948). 114 p. Hardbound 19.5 cm (Including dustjacket)
Book number: 116471 Euro 8.00

Keywords: Asia Minor, German, Kleinasien, Schweizerische Literatur, Swiss literature, deutsche

€ 8,00
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BUREN,P. VAN. Comparatives and linguistic theory. (With special reference to the localist hypothesis of language). N.pl. 1979. 2 vols: 437 p. Wrs. 30 cm (Diss., Edinburgh)
Book number: 081727 Euro 16.00

Keywords: Sprachwissenschaft, linguistics

€ 16,00
Book info

BURKERT,W. Creation of the sacred. Tracks of biology in early religions. Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, Harvard University Press, 1996. XII,255 p. Cloth 23.5 cm (Ballpoint underlinings on 4 pages)
Book number: 151258 Euro 21.00

Keywords: Kult, Mythologie, antike altertum antiquity, cult, myth, mythology, religion, ritual

€ 21,00
Book info

BURSTON,W.H. Principles of history teaching. Ldn., Methuen, (1972). 219 p. Pb. (Occ. pencil underl.)
Book number: 045498 Euro 8.00

Keywords: Bildung, Geschichte, education, history

€ 8,00
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BUUREN,L. VAN. The indispensable foundation of linguistic study. Bloemendaal, 1990. 183 p. Wrs. 24 cm (Diss.)(On English & Dutch)
Book number: 080471 Euro 9.00

Keywords: Sprachwissenschaft, linguistics

€ 9,00
Book info

BYRON,M. A day with Robert Burns. By May Byron. London, Hodder & Stoughton, n.d. (48) p., 6 colour plates. Hardbound 21 cm (Back and boards gilt, colour portrait of Burns on the frontcover. Cover somewhat faded and worn at the extremities, some foxing) (The British writer and poet Mary Clarissa 'May' Byron (née Gillington) 1861-1936, wrote a 'series of biographies, describing the day-to-day lives of various artists. Her series Days with the Great Composers, Days with the Great Authors, Days with the Great Poets, and Days with Victorian Poets were published under a number of different pen names: her birth name, M. C. Gillington; her married name, May Byron; and her pseudonym, Maurice Clare. (...) May Byron's biographies were generally well-received, though some critics could not tell if they were first hand or fiction based on research. The books went on to inspire others, and her biography A Day with Shakespeare (written under ...

€ 10,00
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CALCAR,W. VAN. Over comparatief- en vergelijkingszinnen. Assen, v. Gorcum, 1971. XII,459 p. Cl. 24 cm (Diss., trade ed.)
Book number: 080468 Euro 12.00

Keywords: Sprachwissenschaft, linguistics

€ 12,00
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