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ROUS,F. Archaeologiae Atticae libri septem, dat is: Seve boeken van de oudheden van Attika, zijnde een beschrijving van des Stadts heerlijkheyt, stijl van regeering, verdeeling van volk, en van steden, vlekken, en plaatsen, die op den Atheenschen bodem lagen. Ook van hunnen godtsdienst, bygeloovigheyt, offerhanden, en jaar-rekeningen; mitsgaders een volstrekt verhaal hunner vierscharen, en een by-voegsel van de gewoontens, die in gebruyk waren by hun trouwen, begraven van dooden, gastmaalen, wichelaryen, en van diergelijke dingen meer. In 't Engels beschreven door Francis Rous, van Mortons (sic) Collegie tot Oxfort, en in 't Nederduyts gebragt door Henrikus van Rhenen, predik. tot Jutfaas. Amsterdam, By Hendrik en de weduwe van Dirk Boom, 1688. 8vo. (XII, including the frontispiece),759,(24),(1 blank) p. Vellum 16 cm (Details: 5 thongs laced through both joints. Frontispiece, it depicts four men with a turban on their head, discussing before a map of Attica. Woodcut initials throughout) (Condition: Vellum soiled. Name on frontispiece; 2 round stamps on title, One oval stamp on the verso of the title) (Note: Francis Rous (the Younger), 'born at Saltash in 1615, and educated at Eton and Oxford, where he matriculated on 17 October 1634, and was elected to a postmastership at Merton College the same year. He afterwards migrated to Gloucester Hall. About 1640 he settled in London, where he practised medicine until his death in or about 1643. He contributed to Flos Britannicus veris novissimi filiola Carolo et Maryse nata xvii. Martii (1636) and compiled Archaeologiae Atticae Libri Tres (1637 & 1645); third edition, with four additional books by Zachary Bogan, under the title Archaeologiae Atticae Libri Septem, Oxford, 1649, and frequent reprints, the last (9th) edition at London in 1688'. (Dictionary of National Biography volume 49, p. 317) (Provenance: On the frontispiece: 'H. Hofsnider'. Hofsnyder or Hofsnider (1671-1744) was a Dutch historian and book collector who published on the history of Groningen. (DBNL Repertorium van geschiedschrijvers in Nederland 1500-1800). § On the title 2 round stamps of 'Practizyns Societeit'. This Society still exists in Amsterdam. It's members are lawyers and jurists. § Also the name of 'L. Gaillard' on the title. We found one 'L. Gaillard' in the 'Staatsalmanak voor den jare 1826', Den Haag 1826, p. 386, who was a lieutenant-colonel in the Dutch army, and military commander of the city of Leuven. § On the verso of the title: 'Bibliotheek E. de Markas'. There was a lawyer of that name in the beginning of the 19th century in Amsterdam. He was a member of Arti et Amicitiae) (Collation: *6, A-3C8 (leaf 3C8 verso blank)) (Photographs on request)
Book number: 120402 Euro 525.00

Keywords: (Oude Druk), (Rare Books), Athen, Athens, Attica, Attika, Greek history, Greek religion, antike altertum antiquity, griechische Geschichte, griechische Religion
€ 525,00


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