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KIST,W. Gulielmi Kist, Oratio de voluptate animi ex diligenti veterum auctorum lectione capienda. Publice dicta Medioburgi A.D. X Iunii 1789, cum Historiarum et Eloquentiae Professionem in Illustri Athenaeo sollemniter auspicaretur. Middelburg (Medioburgi), Apud Petrum Gillissen et filium, 1789. 43 p. Sewn in contemporary marbled paper wrapper. 26 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 157807282) (Condition: Somewhat dog-eared. Frontcover loosening) (Note: The Dutch author and schoolmaster Willem (Gulielmus) Kist,1758-1841, studied in Leiden Latin and Greek under L.C. Valckenaer and D. Ruhnkenius. In 1779 he was appointed Conrector of the 'Scholae Latinae' in Breda. In 1784 he moved to the city of Middelburg, where he became Rector of the local 'Athenaeum Illustre'. His inaugural speech was entitled 'De calamitatibus, quae ex neglecta subolis educatione oriuntur et Patriae ruinam minantur'. (Medioburgi 1784) Three years later the authorities of Middelburg made him lector of World History. He then delivered his speech: 'De barbariae tenebris, per Graecos Romanosque scriptores feliciter depulsis'. (Medioburgi 1787) In 1789 he received a call to a professorship at the University of Franeker, but he declined. To thank him the government of the city appointed him Professor of History and Eloquence of the 'Athenaeum Illustre', which he accepted with the speech 'De voluptate animi ex diligenti veterum scriptorum lectione capienda'. A Dutch translation was published in the same year: 'Redevoering over de beöeffening der oude schrijvers als een bron van wezenlijk genoegen'. In his sparetime and retirement Kist wrote a number of successful novels and character sketches. One of his best known is 'Ring van Gyges wedergevonden, of verzameling van Nederlandsche karakters'. (Haarlem 1805)) (Collation: pi2, A-E4, F2 (leaf F2 verso blank)) (Photographs on request)
Book number: 140029 Euro 80.00

Keywords: (Rare Books), Dutch imprints, Edukation, Greek literature, Griechische Literatur, Latin literature, Middelburg, Nachleben, Rezeption, antike altertum antiquity, education, receptie, reception, römische Literatur
€ 80,00


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