
Old and Rare books

Results 81 - 100 of 427

SECUNDUS, JANUS. Joannis Secundi opera. Paris (Parisiis), Sumtibus Societatis, 1748. 12mo. (II),382,(1 corrigenda) p., portrait. Vellum 14.5 cm (Ref: cf. Willems 1669) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. An engraved portrait on the title of the first love of Janus Secundus, Julia, locked within a kind of medallion and surrounded by 2 cornucopiae; the text reads: Vatis amatoris Iulia sculpta manu, i.e. a portrait sculped by the hand of the author; opposite the title is a full-page engraved portrait of Janus Secundus himself, holding in his hand the medal or medallion he made with the portrait of Julia; underneath the portrait a 4 line poem by his brother Hadrianus Marius) (Condition: Binding soiled. Old ownership entry on the first flyleaf. Outer margin of the portrait & the title thumbed. Paper yellowing) (Note: The Dutch neolatin poet Janus Secundus Nicolai Hagiensis, was born on the 15th of ...

€ 240,00
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SECUNDUS, JANUS. Iohannis Secundi Opera. Accurate recognita, ex museo P. Scriverii. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Franciscum Hegerum, 1631. (Colophon at the end: 'Impressa Lugduni Batavorum, in nova officina typographica Wilhelmi Christiani, 1631') 12mo. XXVIII,384 (recte 382),(1 colophon),(1 blank) p. Vellum. 13.5 cm 'The kissing poet' (Ref: STCN ppn 833698613; Brunet 5,257; Willems 1669; Graesse 6,339; Ebert 20786) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Short title in ink on the back. Engraved title with the portrait of the first love of the neolatin poet Janus Secundus, Julia, locked within a kind of medallion and surrounded by 2 cornucopiae; the text reads: 'Vatis amatoris Iulia sculpta manu', i.e. 'a portrait sculped by the hand of the author'. On p. *10 verso an almost full-page engraved portrait of Janus Secundus himself, holding in his hand the medal or medallion he made with the portrait of ...

€ 300,00
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SCALIGER,J.J.- Prima Scaligerana, nusquam antehac edita, cum praefatione T. Fabri. Utrecht (Ultrajecti), Apud Petrum Elzevirium, 1670. 8vo. (X),101,(1 blank) p. Modern half vellum 16 cm (Ref: Willems 1605: one of the few Elzevier-editions from Utrecht; Rahir 1782; Berghman 1339; Not in the 'Scaliger Collection', Smitskamp, Leiden 1993, only mentioned in the register, p. 128. Not in Brunet, Graesse or Ebert) (Details: Boards with marbled paper. Woodcut printer's mark on title, depicting a celestial sphere) (Condition: Small stamp on the title) (Note: The place of Josephus Justus Scaliger, 1549-1609, in the history of classical scholarship is royal. His preeminence is best understood from the entry which the French classicist Isaac Casaubon made in his diary after the death of this great man: 'Exstincta est illa seculi nostri lampas, lumen litterarum, decus Galliae, ornamentum unicum Europae'. His erudition was ...

€ 395,00
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SCALIGER,J.J.- HEINSIUS,D. Satirae duae, Hercules tuam fidem sive Munsterus Hypobolimaeus, et Virgula divina. Cum brevioribus annotatiunculis, quibus nonnulla in rudiorum gratiam illustrantur. Accessit his accurata Burdonum Fabulae confutatio, quibus alia nonnula hac editione accedunt. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1617. (Colophon at the end: 'Lugduni Batavorum, Typis Isaaci Elsevirii, anno 1617') 12mo. (XXIV),619 (recte 529),(20),(3 blank) p. Overlapping vellum 13 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 832983446; USTC 1028202; Willems 123; Rahir 99; Berghman 1329 Graesse 6/1, 273/274; Not in Smitskamp's 'The Scaliger Collection', but it does figure in its list of Scaliger editions, p. 120) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Manuscript title on the back. The first Elzevier edition in small format) (Condition: Vellum age-toned and soiled. Front hinge cracking. Front flyleaf worn and inscribed. Title ...

€ 650,00
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SCALIGER,J.J. Illustriss. viri Iosephi Scaligeri, Iulii Caes. à Burden F. Epistolae omnes quae reperiri potuerunt, nunc primum collectae ac editae. Caeteris praefixa est ea quae est De gente Scaligera; in qua de autoris vita; & sub finem Danielis Heinsii De morte eius altera. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex officina Bonaventurae & Abrahami Elzevir, 1627. 8vo. (XXIV),887,(1 blank) p. Limp restored vellum 18 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 840010095; Willems 288; Berghman 1393; Rahir 253; Smitskamp Scaliger Collection 166; Graesse 6/2,289; Ebert 20438) (Details: Elsevier's printer's mark on the title, depicting an old man who stands in the shade of a vine- elmtree, symbolising the symbiotic relationship between scholar and publisher; the motto: 'Non solus', probably indicates the interdependency of publisher and scholar) (Condition: Binding recently restored antique style. Vellum soiled. Endpapers renewed. Old and small ownership entry on ...

€ 450,00
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SCALIGER,J.C. Iulii Caesaris Scaligeri viri clarissimi Poemata in duas partes divisa. Pleraque omnia in publicum iam primum prodeunt; reliqua vero quam ante emendatius edita sunt. Sophoclis Aiax Lorarius, stylo Tragico a Josepho Scaligero Iulii F. translatus. Eiusdem epigrammata quaedam, tum Graeca tum Latina, cum quibusdam e Graeco versis. N.pl. (Geneva), Apud Petrum Santandreanum (Pierre de Saint-André), 1591. 8vo. 3 parts in 1: (VIII),663,(1 blank); 336; 70,(1 errata),(1 blank) p. Calf, end 19th century. 17 cm (Ref: GLN-2264; USTC no. 450529; Smitskamp's 'The Scaliger collection' no. 147; cf. Brunet 5,179; cf. Graesse 6/289 & & 6,444; cf. Hoffmann 3,425; Ebert 20452) (Details: Nice binding. Gilt panelled back with 5 raised bands. Boards with triple fillet gilt borders and an oval gilt ornament. Edges of the boards and the turn-ins gilt. All edges gilt. Marbled endpapers. 'Veritas' woodcut printer's ...

€ 900,00
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SCALIGER,J.C. Iulii Caesaris Scaligeri viri clarissimi Poetices libri septem: I. Historicus, II. Hyle, III. Idea, IIII. Parasceue, V. Criticus, VI. Hypercriticus. VII. Epinomis. Ad Sylvium filium. Editio secunda. N.pl. (Geneva), Apud Petrum Santandreanum (Pierre de Saint-André), 1581. 8vo. (XXIV),945 (recte 949; p. 1-432, 431-462 459-945),(67 index) p. Half calf. 18 cm (Ref: GLN-2893; Graesse 6/1,289; Ebert 20450) (Details: Back gilt and with 4 raised bands. Santandrea's 'Veritas' printer's device on the title: a woman, the naked truth, seated on a cubus, holding a radiant sun in her right hand; in her left hand she holds an opened book and a palm leaf; her feet rest on the globe; the garland of fruit which surrounds her shows a ribbon with the text in Greek: 'Alêtheia Pandamatôr', i.e. 'Allmighty Truth) (Condition: Small hole at the junction of the spine and the joint near the foot of ...

€ 625,00
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SCALIGER,J.C. Iulii Caesaris Scaligeri viri clarissimi Poemata in duas partes divisa. Pleraque omnia in publicum iam primum prodeunt; reliqua vero quam ante emendatius edita sunt. Sophoclis Aiax Lorarius, stylo Tragico a Josepho Scaligero Iulii F. translatus. Eiusdem epigrammata quaedam, tum Graeca tum Latina, cum quibusdam e Graeco versis. (Volume I) N.pl. (Geneva), (Jacob Stoer for Gaspard de Hus), 1574. 8vo. (IV),663,(1 blank) p. Vellum. 18 cm (Ref: GLN-2523; USTC 450676; cf. Smitskamp's 'The Scaliger collection' no. 146; Brunet 5,179; Graesse 6/289; Ebert 20452) (Details: Back with 4 raised bands. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting two men who are planting and watering young trees; above them, in a cloud, the divine Tetragrammaton, a 4-letter Hebrew word, the name of the biblical God of Israel, Yahweh. § Printed in italics. Volume 1 only, containing the poetry of Julius Caesar Scaliger: ...

€ 280,00
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SCALIGER,J.C. & "GIESSENER POETIK." Iulii Caesaris Scaligeri Viri Clarissimi, De causis linguae latinae libri tredecim. (Bound with:) Poetica Latina Nova, methodo perspicua tradita, commentariis luculentis declarata, exemplis tum veterum, tum recentiorum Poëtarum illustrata (...). Per Scholae Giessenae nonnullos Professores Philosophos. Ad 1: (Geneva), Apud Petrum Santandreanum, 1597. Ad 2: Giessen (Giessae Hassorum), Excedubat Nicolaus Hampelius, 1607. 8vo. 2 volumes in 1. Ad 1: (XXIV),451 (recte 455),(1 blank) p. Ad 2: (XV),393,(7) p. Overlapping vellum. 18 cm. - First edition of the Giessener Poetik - (Ref: Ad 1: GLN-3933; USTC 429694. Ad 2: VD17 23:295251P) (Details: 4 thongs laced through the joints. Woodcut printer's device on the title, Veritas: a woman, the naked truth, seated on a cubus, holding a radiant sun in her right hand; in her left hand she holds an opened book and a palm leaf; her feet rest on ...

€ 380,00
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SAXIUS,Chr. Christophori Saxii Tabulae Genealogicae, sive stemmata Deorum, Regum, Principum, Virorum illustrium, qui per id tempus, quod Varroni Mythicum dicitur, vel vixisse, vel populis, a se nominatis, ortum dedisse vulgo creduntur. Ad fidem Hesiodi, Apollodori, Hygini, & aliorum sic contexta, ut pervetus rerum memoria, civitatum diversarum, inprimis Graecarum propagines, scriptorumque annales, & poëtarum carmina probabiliter intelligi possint. Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Apud A. van Paddenburg, & J.M. van Vloten, n.d. (1783). (Colophon: 'Literis Reersianis, 1783') Folio. 27 double-page stemmata; 4 leaves. Modern boards. 41 cm (Ref: 195447107) (Condition: Tasteless modern binding. The back is soiled, and on it is written 'stemmata regum'. Book plate on the front pastedown. Small piece at the tip of the upper corner of the last leaf torn off) (Note: The German classical scholar Christoph Gottlob ...

€ 175,00
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SANNAZARIUS. Actii Sinceri Sannazarii Patricii Neapolitani Opera omnia, latine scripta, ex secundis curis J. Broukhusii. Accedunt Gabrielis Altilii, Danielis Cereti, & fratrum Amaltheorum carmina; vitae Sannazarianae, & notae Petri Vlamingii. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud viduam Gerardi onder den Linden, 1728. 8vo. (II),(XVI),(II errata),632,(20 index & errata) p., frontispiece, 1 engraved plate, 1 text engraving. Green vellum. 20 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 189042265; Brunet 5,127: 'Bonne édition'; Graesse 6/1,265; Ebert 20263) (Details: This book has 2 different title pages. This anomaly tell us about a publisher's death, and the efforts of his widow to continue the firm. The very first title, bound before the frontispiece, is printed in black, has no printer's mark, and shows the impressum: 'Amstelaedami, Apud Gerardum Onder de Linden, 1727'. The second title, bound after the frontispiece, is printed in ...

€ 350,00
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SANNAZARIUS. Actii Sinceri Sannazarii Neapolitani viri patricii, Opera latina omnia, & integra. Accedunt notae ad Eclogas, Elegias & Epigrammata. (Bound with:) Trium fratrum Amaltheorum, Hieronymi, Io. Baptistae, Cornelii Carmina. Editio secunda, plurimis in locis castigata. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Henricum Wetstenium, 1689. 12mo. 2 volumes in 1: (XXIV),238,(2 blank); (XII),132 p. Vellum. 15 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 842282777; Brunet 5,127; Graesse 6/1,265; Ebert 20262) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. 2 titles, printed in red and black, each with the same woodcut printer's mark on it, depicting a celestial sphere. After the preliminary pages of the first volume come Sannazaro's Latin poems, p. 1/158, followed by explanatory notes, p. 159/238. The second volume contains the Latin poetry of the Amalthei brothers) (Condition: Vellum age-toned, back soiled. Bookplate pasted on the front pastedown. Old ink ...

€ 240,00
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SALMASIUS,C. Claudii Salmasii Ad Johannem Miltonum responsio, opus posthumum. London (Londoni), Typis Tho. Roycroft, Impensis Jo. Martin (etc.), 1660. 12mo. (IV),304,(4 blank) p. Contemporary calf. 16 cm (Ref: ESTC Citation No. R203484; Wing (2nd ed.) S736; Ebert 14095) (Details: Double blind fillet on back and boards. Red shield with gilt lettering in the second 'compartment') (Condition: Binding scuffed(Photographs on request) . Head of the spine damaged. First pastedown detached, pastedown at the end removed) (Note: The English Civil War (1642-1651) was a series of armed conflicts between Parliamentarians and Royalists, who supported King Charles I. The war ended with a Parliamentarian victory in 1651. The climax of the Civil War was the trial and execution of King Charles I on January 30, 1649. The monarchy was replaced with a Republic form of government, first the Commonwealth of England (1649-1653), and then the Protectorate under the rule ...

€ 525,00
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SALMASIUS,C. Claudi Salmasii Viri Ill. Epistolarum liber primus. Accedunt de laudibus et vita ejusdem prolegomena. Accurante Antonio Clementio. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex typographia Adriani Wyngaerden, 1656. 4to. (VIII),72;294,(2 privilegium); 67,(3); 77,(3 blank) p. Overlapping vellum 24 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 840276850; Brunet 6,18777; Ebert 20119; Graesse 6/1,249) (Details: Nice and clean copy. Woodcut printer's device on the title, depicting a man who tries to clime a tree, the motto reads: 'Ardua quae pulchra', a variant of the wellknown Platonic Adagium of Erasmus 'Difficiliora quae pulchra'. (Adagia 1012,II,I,12) Beautiful engraved portrait of Salmasius, executed and engraved by J. Tangena and I. Snijderhoef. Woodcut initials. At the end of p. 294 has been pasted a slip with 15 lines of corrigenda) (Condition: Vellum age-toned. Back soiled) (Note: The French scholar Claude de Saumaise, latinized ...

€ 650,00
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SALMASIUS,C. Funus Linguae Hellenisticae, sive Confutatio exercitationis de Hellenistis et Lingua Hellenistica. Cui libet exequias ire Hellenisticae, i, licet. Ecce illa iam effertur. (And from page 281: 'Ossilegium Hellenisticae, sive Appendix ad confutationem Exercitationis De Hellenistica') Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex officina Ioannis Maire, 1643. 8vo. 390,(1 corrigenda),(1 blank) p. Vellum. 8vo. 16.5 cm. (Ref: Breugelmans 1643:10; Graesse 6,249; Berghman 704; Rahir 1920; Ebert 20118; Brunet 6, no. 10665; cf. Willems 558) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Woodcut printer's mark of Maire on the title, depicting a farmer who stamps a shovel into the ground; above his head the motto 'fac et spera'. Page 1-280: Funus Linguae Hellenisticae, page 281-390: Ossilegium Hellenisticae) (Condition: Vellum age-toned. One gathering foxed) (Note: The French scholar Claude de Saumaise, ...

€ 625,00
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SALLUSTIUS. Quae exstant opera. Paris (Parisiis), Typis J. Barbou. 1761. 12mo. (XXXVI),348 p., 3 plates (one of which is the frontispiece). Mottled calf 16 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,882; Graesse 6/1,241; Ebert 20036; Brunet 5,87) (Details: Back gilt, boards with triple fillet gilt borders. Endpapers marbled. Edges of the bookblock gilt. The plates, including the frontispiece, are designed by N. Cochin filius and executed by E. Fessard. The frontispiece depicts the elevation to the Pantheon of the author, the historian Sallustius. Woodcut printer's mark of the Barbou brothers on the title, it depicts in a central round medallion two flying pelicans (or storks), with one feeding the other; it symbolizes mutual help and brotherly love) (Condition: Binding shabby and scuffed, corners bumped. Inside good) (Note: 'One of the most widely read and influential of Roman historians, along with Caesar, Livy, and Tacitus, Sallust ...

€ 90,00
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SALLUSTIUS. Caii Crispi Sallustii Quae exstant, item epistolae de republica ordinanda, declamatio in Ciceronem et Pseudo-Ciceronis in Sallustium, necnon Jul. Exsuperantius de bellis civilibus, ac Porcius Latro in Catilinam. Recensuit diligentissime et adnotationibus illustravit Gottlieb Cortius. Accedunt fragmenta veterum historicorum, Constantius Felicius Durantinus de Conjuratione Catilinae, et index necessarius. Venice (Venetiis), Excudit Jo. Baptista Paschalius, 1737. 4to. XVI,948,150 p. Vellum 27 cm. An admirable edition (Ref: Leeman 235; Schweiger 2,881: 'schöner Nachdr. von Corte's Ausgabe'; Brunet 5,86; Dibdin 385/86; Moss 2,560; Fabricius/Ernesti 1,244/45: 'textus sine dubio optimus'; Graesse 6/1,241; Ebert 20030) (Details: Back with 6 raised bands. Short title in the second compartment. Blind tooled boards. Title in red and black, on it a baroque printer's mark engraved by 'Ant. Visentini j.', ...

€ 340,00
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SALLUSTIUS. C. Crispi Sallustii Opera omnia quae exstant, cum commentariis integris Joh. Rivii, Aldi Manutii, Petri Ciacconii, Fulvii Ursini & Heliae Putschii, et selectis Jani Gruteri, H. Glareani, Cypr. à Popma, Ludov. Carrionis, Jani Douzae & aliorum. Accedunt huic editioni Jani Melleri Palmerii Spicilegia in eundem auctorem. Cum indice rerum & verborum locupletissimo. Editio novissima. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Ex officina Henrici & Viduae Theodori Boom, 1690. 8vo. (XXVIII)(including frontispiece), 596, (38) p. Vellum 20 cm Prize copy (Ref: STCN ppn 851959466; Schweiger 2,879; Dibdin 2,385: 'this is the best Variorum edition' and 'a valuable book'; Moss 2,560; Graesse 6/1,240; Ebert 20026: 'Eine der seltenste Ausgg. cum notis varior., und sehr gesucht'; Spoelder p. 490, Amst. 9) (Details: Prize copy, without the prize. Binding gilt. 7 thongs laced through the joints. Gilt coat of arms of ...

€ 220,00
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SALLUSTIUS. C. Salustius Crispus. Roomsche historie. Van de t'Zamenzweeringe van Catilina, en den oorlog met Jugurtha. Vertaelt door F.v.H. Rotterdam (Tot Rotterdam), By Fransois van Hoogstraeten, 1683. 12mo. (XVI),98,(2),196 p. Vellum 13 cm (Ref: Geerebaert 132,3; OiN 331; Schweiger 598; In NCC 5 copies) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Title printed in red and black) (Condition: Vellum slightly soiled) (Note: 'One of the most widely read and influential of Roman historians, along with Caesar, Livy, and Tacitus, Sallust (86-34 BC) has been studied, quoted, and imitated not only as a historian but also as a moral philosopher, political thinker, and stylist.' Until 1600 more than 200 editions of his work appeared. Sallust was used in the 16th and 17th century to support absolute theories of government. But, 'on the other hand, it was the republican Sallust, 'ennemy of tyrants,' whom John Milton admired and ...

€ 225,00
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SALLUSTIUS. C. Sallustii Crispi Opera, quae extant omnia: cum selectissimis Variorum Observationibus, et accurata recensione Antonii Thysii ICti. Leiden (Lugd. Batavorum), Apud Franciscum Hackium, 1649. 8vo. (XXXII),556;LII p. Overlapping vellum 19 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 840028938; Schweiger 2,878; Dibdin 2,385; Ebert 20018; Fabricius/Ernesti, Bibliotheca Latina, 1,243) (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. Engraved title, executed by R. a Persyn (Reinier van Persyn), depicting in the foreground the arrest of King Jugurtha in front of a triumph chariot; in the background battle scenes; on the upper part is depicted a seated Janus Bifrons, giving a throne to a king, and a sceptre to a soldier) (Condition: Vellum slightly spotted. Both pastedowns detached) (Note: 'One of the most widely read and influential of Roman historians, along with Caesar, Livy, and Tacitus, Sallust (86-34 BC) has been studied, quoted, and imitated not only as a ...

€ 225,00
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