
Old and Rare books

Results 61 - 80 of 427

SUETONIUS. C. Suetonius Tranquillus, cum notis integris Jo. Bapt. Egnatii, Henrici Glareani, Laevini Torrentii, Fulvii Ursini, Isacii Casauboni, Jani Gruteri, Theod. Marcilii, Joannis Georgii Graevii, Caroli Patini, (qui ex numismatibus illustravit) & selectis aliorum curante Petro Burmanno, qui & suas adnotationes adjecit. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Janssonio-Waesbergios, 1736. 4to. 2 volumes: (IV, frontispiece & title),(XX),808;420,(2),(34 plates),202,(5 index numismaticum in Caroli Patini figuris & notis),(1 blank) p.; p. 421-492;(204 indices),(1),(3 blank) p. Brown morocco. 27 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 183108442; Schweiger 2,979/80; Dibdin 2,442/43: 'a very valuable edition'; Moss 2,632; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,459; Brunet 5,583; Graesse 6/1,523; Ebert 21937) (Details: Backs gilt and with 4 raised bands. Boards with gilt quadruple fillets. Marbled endpapers and edges. Frontispiece produced by W. Jong, it depicts Father ...

€ 340,00
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SUETONIUS. C. Suetonius Tranquillus, ex recensione Joannis Georgii Graevii, cum ejusdem animadversionibus, ut et commentario integro Laevini Torrentii, Isaaci Casauboni, & Theodori Marcilii, et cum notis ac numismatibus, quibus illustratus est a Carolo Patino. Accedunt notae selectiores aliorum. Editio tertia auctior & emendatior. Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Apud Guilielmum à Poolsum, 1708. 4to. 2 parts in 1: (XVI),829 (recte 807),(1 blank); 79,(4 index),(1 blank); 110,(153 index),(1 blank) p. Frontispiece. Vellum. 24 cm 'Prize copy with the manuscript prize' (Ref: STCN ppn 203443551; Schweiger 2,979; Ebert 21933; cf. Moss 2,631; cf. Dibdin 2,441; cf. Fabricius/Ernesti 2,458/59; Brunet 5,582; Spoelder p. 711, IJsselstein 2) (Details: Back with 5 raised bands. Binding gilt, and with the gilt coat of arms of IJsselstein on the boards. Including the prize. The frontispiece, dated 1703, depicts Suetonius at work at a ...

€ 390,00
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SUETONIUS. C. Suetonius Tranquillus, ex recensione Joannis Georgii Graevii, cum ejusdem animadversionibus, ut et commentario integro Laevini Torrentii, Isaaci Casauboni, & Theodori Marcilii, nec non selectis aliorum. Editio secunda auctior & emendatior. The Hague (Hagae-Comitis), Apud Johannem a Velsen; Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Typis Rudolphi a Zyll & Anthonii Schouten, 1691. 4to. 2 parts in 1: (XVI),822 (recte 800); 110,(153 index),(1 blank) p., frontispiece, 12 full-page engraved portraits of emperors, 1 folding plate showing an inscription. Half calf. 24.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 852709684; Schweiger 2,978; Ebert 21931; Moss 2,631; Dibdin 2,441; Brunet 5,582) (Details: Back gilt, and with a red morocco shield. Boards marbled. Frontispiece depicting Suetonius at work at a desk in the Pantheon. Woodcut printers' mark on the title, depicting 'Minerva Traiectina', who rests under an olive tree; a ribbon in the tree ...

€ 525,00
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SUETONIUS. Caji Suetoniii Tranquilli Opera, et in illa commentarius Samuelis Pitisci, quo antiquitates romanae, tum ab interpretibus doctissimis, Beroaldo, Sabellico, Egnatio, Ursino, Grutero, Torrentio, Casaubono, Marcilio, Boxhornio, Graevio, Babelonio etiam explicatae, tum ab illis neglectae, ex auctoribus indoneis permultis, graecis & latinis, veteribus & recentioribus, perpetuo tenore explicantur. Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Ex Officina Francisci Halmae, Academiae typographi, 1690. 8vo. 2 volumes: (XL, including frontispiece),932; (II),924 p., 12 engraved portraits, and 28 plates, of which 1 folding, and 1 double page. Vellum 20 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 833699237; Schweiger 2,978; Didbin 2,442; Moss 2,632; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,459; Graesse 6/1,523; Ebert 21930: 'Beste Ausgabe für die Suite 'cum notis variorum'') (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. Frontispiece by G. Hoet and T. Mulder, depicting 'Roma ...

€ 325,00
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STRATENUS, PETRUS. Petri Stratini Iuris Cti Venus Zeelanda et alia ejus poëmata. C. Boyus I.C. collegit & edidit. The Hague (Hagae-Comitis), Ex officina Theodori Maire, 1641. 12mo. (XX),218,(2 blank) p. Vellum 15 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 85221460X; Oberlé no. 495; IJsewijn p. 152; Graesse 6,509; Brunet Supplément 2,699: 'Poésies fort rares') (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. Frontispiece, depicting the personification of the Dutch province of Zeeland, a half naked Venus Zeelanda, who floats in a boatlike shell; in her hands she holds a burning heart and an arrow; in the background the skyline of Goes, the birthplace of Stratenus; in the sky a soaring Amor, Venus' companion, who holds in each hand a medallion with a portrait of a young woman, called Chloe and Blonda. § Engraved portrait of Petrus Stratenus, with a 3 elegiac couplets by the editor C. Boyus; the portrait is probably ...

€ 200,00
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STRABO. Strabonis Geographicorum lib. XVII. Olim, ut putatur, a Guarino Veronensi ac Gregorio Trifernate latinitate donati, iam denuo a Conrado Heresbachio LL. doctore, Principisque Iuliacensis consiliario ad fidem Graeci exemplaris authorumque, qui huc facere videbantur, recogniti, ac plerisque locis deintegro versi. Item Epitomae eorundem decem & septem de Geographia librorum, nunc primum de Graeco sermone in Latinum conversae, Hieronymo Gemusaeo, D. medico & philosopho interprete. Basel (Basileae), Apud Ioan. Vualder, 1539. Folio. (LXXXVIII),549,(1 blank),(26 index) p. Calf 33 cm (Ref: VD16 S9347; Griechischer Geist aus Basler Pressen, 288; USTC 694729; Hoffmann 3,457/58; Ebert 21826; Adams S-1904; Graesse 6/1,506; Schweiger 1,304) (Details: Recently and expertly rebacked antique style: back with 6 raised bands & a morocco shield. Title with engraved architectural borders. Johann Walder's printer's mark on the title, it depicts a parrot ...

€ 1900,00
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STEPHANUS, HENRICUS. De latinitate falso suspecta, expostulatio Henrici Stephani. Lectori non metuenda in lat. metuenti./ Túne pudore taces, quia barbarus esse vereris?/ Eia, metum & linguam solue, Latinus eris./ Eiusdem De Plauti Latinitate Dissertatio, & ad lectionem illius Progymnasma. N.pl. (Geneva), Excudebat Henricus Stephanus, 1576. Small 8vo. (XVI),400 p. Modern vellum 15 cm An attack on Ciceronianism, the cult of the usage of Cicero as the only correct Latin (Ref: GLN-2585; Schreiber, Estiennes, n° 198; Brunet 2,1079; Graesse 2,507; Ebert 6974; Renouard p. 144: 1576,3) (Details: Printer's Olive tree device of the Stephanus family on the title, motto: 'Noli altum sapere', short for 'Noli altum sapere, sed time', in English 'Donot be high-minded, but fear'. (Epistola Beati Pauli ad Romanos 11,20) Edges dyed red) (Condition: Title slightly foxed; Old name on the title) ...

€ 900,00
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STEPHANUS BYZANTINUS. Stephanou Buzantiou Ethnika kat' epitomên. Stephani Byzantini Gentilia per epitomen, antehac Peri Poleôn, De urbibus, inscripta. Quae ex Mss Codicibus Palatinis ab Cl. Salmasio quondam collatis & Ms. Vossiano restituit, supplevit, ac Latina versione & integro commentario illustravit Abrahamus Berkelius. Accedunt collectae ab Jacobo Gronovio variae lectiones ex codice Ms. Perusino, & admixtae ejusdem notae. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Danielem Gaesbeeck, 1688. (Colophon at the end: Ex typographia Danielis à Gaesbeeck) Folio. (XVIII),772,(16 index). (VIII),(27),(1 blank) p. Contemporary marbled calf. 37 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 83342419X; Hoffmann 3,441; Brunet 5,531; Graesse 6/1 492; Ebert 21740) (Details: Back gilt and with 6 raised bands, gilt letter shield. Boards with gilt broad borders and rectangle. Marbled endpapers. 2 title pages, both printed in red and black. Woodcut ...

€ 540,00
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STATIUS. Opera omnia ex editione bipontina, cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, variis lectionibus, notis variorum, recensu editionum et codicum, et indice locupletissimo. London, Valpy, 1824. 4 volumes: IV, 2071; 264 p. Half calf. 26 cm (Ref: Graesse 6/1,481; Brunet 5,513) (Condition: Bindings scuffed. Some damage to the head & tail of the spines. Some small stamps) (Provenance: on the upper boards a small gilt stamp: a raised arm emerging from a crown, probably ringing a bell, below the crown the initials 'de J.v.E.') (Heavy set, may require extra shipping costs)
Book number: 115146 Euro 225.00

Keywords: (Oude Druk), (Rare Books), Altertumswissenschaft, Altphilologie, Antike, Antiquity, Dichtkunst, Lateinisch, Lateinische, Latin, Latin literature, Poesie, Statius, ancient, classical philology, poetry, römische Literatur

€ 225,00
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STATIUS. Publii Papinii Statii Sylvarum lib. V, Thebaidos lib. XII, Achilleidos lib. II. Notis selectissimis in Sylvarum libros Domitii, Morelli, Bernartii, Gevartii, Crucei, Barthii, J.F. Gronovii Diatribe. In Thebaidos praeterea Placidi Lactantii, Bernartii, etc., quibus in Achilleidos accedunt Maturantii, Britannici, accuratissime illustrati a Joanne Veenhusen. Leiden (Lugd. Batav.), Ex officina Hackiana, 1671. 8vo. (XXXII, including frontispiece),882,(30 index) p. Modern vellum. 21 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 840093780; Schweiger p. 965: 'Saubrer Abdr. des Gronovsch. Textes; mit guten Auszügen aus den Anmerkgg. früheren Erklärer, auch aus Gronov's diatribe. Ziemlich seltne Ausg.'; Dibdin 2,425: 'It is not only beautifully printed, ex offic. Hackiana, but is a very scarce, accurate, and valuable production'; Fabricius/Ernesti 2/336; Moss 2,613, praises its accuracy and its intrinsic merit; Brunet 5,512: 'assez ...

€ 260,00
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STATIUS. P. Papinii Statii Opera ex recensione et cum notis I. Frederici Gronovii. Amsterdam (Amsterodami)., Typis Ludovici Elzevirii, Sumptibus Societatis, 1653. 16mo. (VIII),424 p. Overlapping vellum 12 cm (Ref: This edition is 'the most significant stage in the evolution of the printed text of the Thebaid before the late nineteenth century.' (Berlincourt, Classical quarterly, 2016, 66 (1), p. 376-383); Willems 1166; Bergman 2139; Rahir 1189; Copinger 4491; Schweiger 2,965; Dibdin 2,424; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,335; Moss 2,612; Ebert 21682: 'mit grossem Scharfblick und nach guten Hülfsmitteln verbessert') (Details: Engraved title: a battle scene from the Thebaid, the city of Thebes is in the background, the poet in front) (Condition: Vellum slightly soiled. Small owner's inscription on the title) (Note: His fluent and highly polished verse brought the Roman poet Publius Papinius Statius, ca. A.D. 45-96, to the ...

€ 350,00
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STATIUS. P. Papinii Statii Opera ex recensione et cum notis I. Frederici Gronovii. Amsterdam (Amsterodami)., Typis Ludovici Elzevirii, 1653. 16mo. (VIII),424 p. Vellum 12 cm (Ref: This edition is 'the most significant stage in the evolution of the printed text of the Thebaid before the late nineteenth century.' (Berlincourt, Classical quarterly, 2016, 66 (1), 376-383); STCN ppn 852853726; Willems 1166; Bergman 2139; Rahir 1189; Copinger 4491; Schweiger 2,965; Dibdin 2,424; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,335; Moss 2,612; Ebert 21682: 'mit grossem Scharfblick und nach guten Hülfsmitteln verbessert'; Brunet 5,512) (Details: Engraved title: a battle scene from the Thebaid, the city of Thebes is in the background, the poet sits in front) (Condition: Vellum very slightly soiled. Occasional small verse numbers in the margins. A small tear in the outer margin of p. 49) (Note: His fluent and highly polished verse brought the Roman poet ...

€ 390,00
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SPIEGHEL,H.L. H.L. Spieghels Hartspiegel, in nieuwer Taal en Dichtmaat overgebracht door Mr. Willem Bilderdijk. Amsterdam (Te Amsterdam), By Ten Brink & De Vries, 1828. 8vo. (II),8,112,(2) p. Contemporary grey boards. 23 cm (Details: Engraving on the title, designed by Willem Bilderdijk and executed by Elizabeth Schmetterling; depicted are an ancre, a cross and a torch, in the center is a mirror with a heart on top, the 'hartspiegel' (mirror of the heart); a snake, coiling around the ancre, and going underneath the cross, bites in the hilt of the torch; the motto, placed left and right of the mirror, reads 'elk ... hem zelf', where the mirror stands also for the verb 'mirror'; the meaning of this constellation is explained by Bilderdijk at the end of the preface, where he ends: 'Ik sluit met de spreuk onzes Zeeuwschen Hoofddichters (Jacob Cats, 1577-1660) 'Elk spiegele hem-zelven'; Bilderdijk refers here to ...

€ 80,00
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SOPHOCLES. Tragédies grecques de Sophocle, traduites en françois, avec des notes critiques, & un examen de chaque piece selon les règles du Théatre. Par Monsieur D'Acier. Paris, Chez Claude Barbin, 1693. Small 8vo. Frontispiece, (X),324 p. Vellum 16.5 cm (Ref: Hoffmann 3,428; Schweiger 1,298; Moss 2,609; Ebert 21521; Graesse 6/1,447; cf. Neue Pauly Suppl. 2, p. 554 for the edition of 1692) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints.The frontispiece depicts the tragic poet, in the background a scene on a stage. Title in red and black. Prose translation of the Oedipus Rex and the Electra. At the end of each play ca. 60 pages filled with 'remarques') (Condition: Small inkstain on the frontcover) (Note: The French scholar André Dacier, 1651-1722, was the first Frenchman to translate a Greek tragedy in 120 years! The latest translated tragedy dates from 1573, an ...

€ 175,00
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SLEIDANUS,I. I. Sleidani De quatuor summis imperiis libri tres; Postrema editione hac accurate recogniti. Amsterdam (Amsterodami), Apud Ioannem Ianssonium, n.d. (between 1631 and 1664) 8vo. 309,(24),(1 blank) p. 12mo. Vellum 12 cm (Details: Back with 4 raised bands. Two thongs laced through the joints. Engraved title, depicting some mythological figures, and a small portrait of Alexander the Great) (Condition: Vellum age-toned. Front flyleaf gone. Three pinpoint holes on the rear joint. A small tear in lower margin of title, which is thumbed. Paper foxed, and with some brown stains. One old ink annotation) (Note: The German humanist, diplomat and historian Johannes Sleidanus (Sledanus, Sleidan), was born between 1506 and 1508 in Schleiden, (hence his name), a city South of Cologne. He is best known for his 'De statu religionis et reipublicae Carolo Quinto Caesare Commentarii', published in 1555, which made him the historian of ...

€ 175,00
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SILIUS ITALICUS. Caji Silii Italici Punicorum libri septemdecim. Cum excerptis ex Francisci Modii, novantiquis lectionibus, et Casp. Barthii adversariis, tum Danielis Heinsii crepundiis Silianis, et postumis notis Nicolai Heinsii, nunc primum editis, curante Arnoldo Drakenborch, cujus etiam annotationes passim additae sunt. Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Apud Guilielmum vande Water, Academ. Typogr., 1717. 4to. (XXXII),880,(26 index) p.; frontispiece, 8 plates. Calf 25 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 213091291; Schweiger 2,955; Dibdin 2,406: 'celebrated and elaborate edition'; Brunet 5,383; 'une des meilleurs éditions que l'on ait de ce poëme'; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,177: 'subiiciuntur copiosae et eruditae Drakenborchii ipsius observationes'; Graesse 6/1,405; Ebert 21230: 'sehr gesucht'; Spoelder Nijmegen 6, p. 657) (Details: Prize copy, without the prize. Back gilt, and a red shield in the second compartment. ...

€ 260,00
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SENECA.- GRONOVIUS,J.F. Joh. Fred. Gronovii Ad L. & M. Annaeos Senecas Notae. Amsterdam (Amsterlodami), Apud Ludovicum & Danielem Elzevirios, 1658. 12mo. (XXIV),490,(25 index),(1 blank) p. Overlapping vellum 14 cm (Ref: Willems 1228; Berghman 1280; Rahir 1257; Copinger 1974; Schweiger 2,912) (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. Woodcut printer's mark of Louis and Daniel Elzevier on the title, depicting Minerva under an olive tree. She holds a banner with the motto: 'Ne extra oleas', to be understood as 'Stay within the bounds of wisdom'. The Amsterdam Elseviers Louis and Daniel Elsevier produced more than 600 editions, and 256 of them have this motto 'ne extra oleas'. It seems more or less the equivalent of the printer's mark (a philosopher under an olive tree) and the motto of the famous French scholar/printer Robertus Stephanus 'noli altum sapere', 'Be not high-minded'. ...

€ 225,00
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SENECA. L. Annaei Senecae Tragoediae, cum notis integris Johannis Frederici Gronovii, et selectis Justi Lipsii, M. Antonii Delrii, Jani Gruteri, H. Commelini, Josephi Scaligeri, Danielis et Nicolai Heinsiorum, Thomae Farnabii aliorumque, itemque observationibus nonnullis Hugonis Grotii. Omnia recensuit, notas, animadversiones, atque indicem novum locupletissimumque adjecit; ipsum vero auctoris syntagma cum MS. codice contulit Joannes Casparus Schröderus. Delft (Delphis), Apud Adrianum Beman, 1728. 4to. (XXIV including frontispiece),(98),802,(214 index) p. Vellum 27 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 14155522X; Schweiger 2,941; Dibdin 2,399: 'a very elaborate and celebrated edition'; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,136/37; Brunet 5,286; Moss 579/80: 'its merits are highly and justly appreciated'; Graesse 6/1,359; Ebert 20942; Ter Meulen/Diermanse 540) (Details: Back with 6 raised bands. Boards with blind double fillet borders, and a blind stamped ...

€ 180,00
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SENECA. L. Annaei Senecae Opera quae extant omnia, a Iusto Lipsio emendata et scholiis illustrata. Editio quarta, atque ab ultima Lipsi manu. Aucta Liberti Fromondi scholiis ad Quaestiones Naturales, & Ludum de morte Claudii Caesaris, quibus in hac editione accedunt eiusdem Liberti Fromondi ad Quaestiones Naturales excursus novi. Antwerp (Antverpiae), Ex officina Plantiniana Balthasaris Moreti, 1652. Folio. (XVI),XXXVI,911,(1 blank) p.; portrait of Lipsius; engraved title; a bust of Seneca, and a plate of Seneca standing in a tub, both plates by C. Galle after Rubens. Calf 41 cm. (Ref: STCV: 6608951; Schweiger 2,902: 'Gesuchteste Ausgabe des Lipsius, aber nicht weiter als Wiederholung der von 1632'; Brunet 5,276/77: 'Édition estimée. Les 3 premières éditions, Antverpiae, ex off. Platiniana, 1605, 1615 et 1632 sont moins complètes.'; Dibdin 2,397: 'excellent notes of Lipsius'; ...

€ 950,00
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SENECA. L. & M. Annaei Senecae atque aliorum Tragoediae. Animadversionibus et notis marginalibus fideliter emendatae atque illustratae. Cum indice locupletissimo. Cura et industria Thomae Farnabii. Cum gratia & privilegio Sacr. Caesar. Majest. Frankfurt (Francfurti), Impensis Ioannis Stoeckle, Librarii ibid., 1625. 8vo. (XVI),481,(3),(58 index) p. Modern hardback 17 cm (Ref: VD17 23:284078M; Schweiger 2, 939/40; Graesse 6/1, 358/59; Ebert 20934; cf. Brunet 5,286) (Details: Second half 20th century binding. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting a man climbing a steep rock, on top of which sits an eagle on a nest; the motto: 'Nulla est via invia virtuti') (Condition: Title slightly soiled. Small name on the title. The blank upper margin of the title has been cut off and repaired with a strip of paper. Paper yellowing) (Note: The English classical scholar Thomas Farnaby, latinized as Thomas ...

€ 325,00
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