
Old and Rare books

Results 161 - 180 of 441

HEINSIUS,D. Danielis Heinsii Poemata Latina et Graeca; Editio post plurimas postrema longe auctior. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Apud Joannem Janssonium, 1649. 12mo. (XII),666,(2 errata),(4 blank) p., frontispiece. Calf 13.5 cm 'Elegantly printed edition of Heinsius' collective neo-Latin & neo-Greek poetry' (Ref: STCN ppn 850068738; Cf. Willems 1613; Berghman 865; Rahir 2013; Ebert 9380; Brunet 3,84; Graesse 3,232; Ebert 9380) (Details: Back elaborately gilt, with 5 raised bands, and with a red morocco letterpiece in the second compartment. Boards with tripple fillet gilt borders, within which is another tripple fillet rectangle with cornerpieces. Marbled endpapers. Engraved frontispiece, depicting a kind of altar on which rests a shield with text; the altar is flanked by an angel and a girl; the angel tramples on a skeleton; above this scene soars a winged Fama, blowing two horns) (Condition: Joints slightly rubbed. Two ...

€ 290,00
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HEMSTERHUIS,T. & D. RUHNKEN.- LINDEMANN,F. Vitae duumvirorum Tiberii Hemsterhusii et Davidis Ruhnkenii. Altera ab eodem Ruhnkenio, altera a Dan. Wyttenbachio scripta. Olim in Germania iunctim repetitae nunc iterum editae. Accessit Elogium Ioannis Meermanni, auctore Constantino Cras. Curavit Fridericus Lindemann. Leipzig (Lipsiae), In Libraria Hinrichsiana, 1822. 8vo. 284 p. Contemporary dull stiff wrappers 22 cm (Ref: Graesse 6/1,191; Ebert 19587; Brunet 4,1457) (Details: Margins uncut) (Condition: Spine covered with a strip of brown paper. Boards worn. Paper yellowing and foxed) (Note: The honour of reviving the study of Greek in the Netherlands belongs to the Dutch classical scholar Tiberius Hemsterhuis, 1685-1766, who became professor Mathematics and Philosophy at the Athenaeum of Amsterdam at the age of 19. His great example was the English classical scholar Richard Bentley, 1662-1742 with whom he corresponded early in his ...

€ 100,00
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HEMSTERHUIS,T.- BERGMAN,J.Th. Elogium Tiberii Hemsterhusii, auctore Davide Ruhnkenio. Accedunt duae Richardi Bentleji epistolae ad Hemsterhusium. Vita Davidis Ruhnkenii, auctore Daniele Wyttenbachio. Cum praefatione et annotatione edidit Joannes Theodorus Bergman. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud S. & J. Luchtmans, Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Apud P. den Hengst et Filium, 1824. 8vo. (VIII),XLIV,(IV);532 p. Vellum 22 cm (Ref: Ebert 24055: 'Beste Ausgabe dieser beiden Meisterwerke'; Graesse 6/1,191 & 6/2,481; Spoelder p. 545, Dordrecht 2) (Details: Prize copy, but without the prize. Back and boards gilt, gilt coat of arms of Dordrecht in the centre of both boards. The last 230 pages contain the notes of Bergman) (Condition: Prize gone. Vellum age-toned, back soiled, red label in the 'second compartment' gone. Upper board slightly curved. Several marginal pencil annotations and some foxing) (Note: The honour ...

€ 250,00
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HEMSTERHUIS,T.- RUHNKEN,D. Elogium Tiberii Hemsterhusii auctore Davide Ruhnkenio. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Sam. et Joh. Luchtmans, Academiae Typographos, 1768. 8vo. 60,(4 blank) p. Contemporary paper wrappers 22 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 240927982) (Details: First edition. Margins uncut) (Condition: Cover worn. Right edge thumbed and slightly chipping. Paper yellowing) (Note: The honour of reviving the study of Greek in the Netherlands belongs to the Dutch classical scholar Tiberius Hemsterhuis, 1685-1766, who was appointed professor Mathematics and Philosophy at the Athenaeum of Amsterdam at the age of 19. His great example was the English classical scholar Richard Bentley, 1662-1742, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, with whom he corresponded early in his career. In 1705 Hemsterhuis was promoted to a professorship in Harderwijk, and in 1717 he was appointed professor of Greek at the University of Franeker. In 1740 he was ...

€ 160,00
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HEPHAESTION. HÊPHAISTIÔNÔS ALEXANDREÔS EGCHEIRIDION PERI METRÔN KAI POIÊMATOS. EIS TO AUTO SCHOLIA. Hephaestionis Alexandrini Enchiridion de metris et poemate. Cum scholiis antiquis, et animadversionibus Joannis Cornelii De Pauw. Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Apud Melchior. Leonardum Charlois, 1726. (Colophon at the end: Trajecti ad Rhenum, Typis Petri Muntendam) 4to. (IV),188,(7 index),(1) p. Half calf 21 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 185828795; Hoffmann 2,203; Brunet 5,104; Graesse 3,243; Ebert 9451) (Details: Back, rebacked antique style, with 5 raised bands, and with a red morocco shield in the second compartment. The boards are original and are covered with marbled paper. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting the intertwined initials of M.L. Charlois. Edges dyed red) (Condition: Rebacked antique style. The paper on the boards is worn. Corners bumped. Upper margin of the first 2 leaves slightly waterstained) (Note: The ...

€ 475,00
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HERMANN,G. Godofredi Hermanni Opuscula. Volumina I-VII. Leipzig (Lipsiae), Apud Gerhardum Fleischerum & Apud Ernestum Fleischerum, 1827 - 1839. 7 volumes. Together 2825 p. Contemporary half calf. 23 cm (Calder/Kramer no. 1452: 'The standard edition of the Kleine Schriften of the Wortphilolog who so deeply influenced the young Wilamowitz') (Condition: Bindings rubbed. Lacking volume 8, which was published much later, in 1877. Occasionaly foxed, some pencil) (Note: Apart from being of exceptional importance, Hermann's opuscula is a great read; sometimes he prefigures Housman)(Photographs on request)
Book number: 156875 Euro 370.00

Keywords: (Rare Books), antike altertum antiquity, catbiografie

€ 370,00
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HERMOGENES. Hermogenis Tarsensis Philosophi ac Rhetoris acutissimi De arte rhetorica praecepta, Aphtonii item Sophistae praeexercitamenta, nuper in Latinum sermonem versa. A Natale de Comitibus Veneto. Basel (Basileae), Apud Petrum Pernam, n.d. (1560 according to VD16) 8vo. (XVI),(II),414,(2 blank),(29 index),(3 blank) p. 17th century limp vellum 18 cm (Ref: VD16 H 2470; Hoffmann 2,216; Ebert 9507) (Details: For the binding has been used a plain piece of parchment with faint traces ruling, never used for writing. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, it depicts a woman leaning on a staff and holding in her right hand a burning oil lamp. The meaning of this scene is explained on another version of Perna's printer's mark which bears the motto: 'Lucerna pedibus meis verbum tuum', which refers to Psalm 119, verse 105: 'Lucerna pedibus meis verbum tuum et lumen semitis meis'. (Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a ...

€ 475,00
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HERODOTUS. Herodoti Halicarnassei Historiae libri IX: et de vita Homeri libellus. Illi ex interpretatione Laurentio Vallae adscripta, hic ex interpretatione Conradi Heresbachii; utraque ab Henr. Stephano recognita. Ex Ctesia excerptae historiae. Apologia Henr. Stephani pro Herodoto. Accedit in hac editione Spicilegium Frid. Sylburgii, ad Henr. Stephanum virum clariss. Frankfurt (Francofurti), Apud haeredes Andreae Wecheli, 1584. 8vo. LXXII,592,(88) p. Pigskin 18.5 cm (Ref: VD16 H 2515. Weitere Nummern: VD16 C 6157, VD16 E 4005, VD16 H 2533; Hoffmann 2,236; Graesse 3,256; Ebert 9560, but see also 9542) (Details: Latin translation only. The binding of this book is important in the context of the cultural history of Lutheranism. The binding dates from the last 2 decades of the 16th century. The back has 4 raised bands. The boards are decorated with blind stamped triple fillet borders and a row consisting of floral motives and some tiny ...

€ 2600,00
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HESIODUS. HÊSIODOU ASKRAIOU ta heuriskomena. Hesiodi Ascraei quae extant. Daniel Heinsius interpretationem infinitis locis emendavit. Introductionem in Opera & Dies, in qua Hesiodi philosophia nunc primum exponitur, item notas, addidit. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex Officina Ioannis Patij, Iurati & Ordinarii Academiae Typographi, Prostant in Bibliopolio Commeliniano, 1613. 8vo. 2 parts in 1. (XXXVIII),(2 blank),1-204,(2, second title),205-312,(3),(3 blank) p. Vellum 18.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 059312521; Hoffmann 2,249; Graesse 3,263; Ebert 9599) (Details: 6 thongs laced through both joints. First title in red and black. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, it depicts Pallas Athena standing in an archway, at her feet the coat of arms of Leiden. Greek text with opposing Latin translation. The second part contains Heinsius' 'Introductio' and his 'notae, emendationes & observationes in Hesiodum') ...

€ 450,00
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HESIODUS. HÊSIODOU ASKRAIOU TA HEURISKOMENA. Hesiodi Ascraei quae extant. Ex recensione Johannis Georgii Graevii, cum ejusdem animadversionibus & notis. Accedunt notae ineditae Josephi Scaligeri et Francisci Guieti. (Bound with:) Johannis Georgii Graevii Lectiones Hesiodeae, ut & notae Josephi Scaligeri et Franscisci Guieti. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1667. 8vo. 2 volumes in 1: (XXXII),163,(9 fragmenta); (IV),183,8 (7 index & 1 errata),(1 blank) p. Vellum 16 cm (Ref: STCN 850625599; Neue Pauly, Supplement 2, p. 282: Hesiodus EF 10; Willems 1378; Berghman 830; Rahir 1439; Brunet 3,141; Graesse 3,263; Ebert 9603; Dibdin 2,34/35; Moss 1,470) (Details: Greek text and Latin translation. Boards with blind fillet border. First title printed in red and black. Woodcut printer's mark of Louis and Daniel Elzevier on both titles, both showing different versions of the Minerva type; they depict Minerva under ...

€ 350,00
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HESIODUS. Hesiodi Ascraei Quae exstant, ex recensione Joannis Georgii Graevii. Cum ejusdem animadversionibus & notis auctioribus. Accedit commentarius nunc primum editus Joannis Clerici, et Notae Variorum, scilicet Josephi Scaligeri, Danielis Heinsii, Francisci Guieti, & Stephani Clerici, ac Danielis Heinsii introductio in doctrinam Operum et Dierum. Nec non index Georgii Pasoris. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Apud G. Gallet, praefectum Typographiae Huguetanorum, 1701. 8vo. 2 volumes in 1: (XXVI),351,(1);(VIII),326 p., frontispiece, 2 folding plates. Vellum. 21 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 23618525X; Hoffmann 2,250; Brunet 3,141; Graesse 3,263; Ebert 9604: 'it is scarce and belongs to the series 'cum notis Variorum'; Dibdin 2,35; Moss 1,470/71) (Details: Greek text and parallel Latin translation. Boards with blind stamped decoration. Title printed in red & black. The frontispiece depicts a bucolic scene with group of nymphs, one of ...

€ 250,00
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HESIODUS. De Werken en Dagen van Hesiodus. Naar het Grieksch in Nederduitsche verzen gevolgd door D.J. van Lennep. Tweede druk. Amsterdam, Bij P. Meijer Warnars, 1834. 8vo. XX (recte XXII); 62,(2 blank) p., 1 plate. Contemporary boards. 20 cm (Ref: Geerebaert 45,2; OiN p. 199) (Details: Fine copy. Title page completely engraved by the Dutch artist Philippus Velijn. The introduction numbers 20 pages, the Dutch translation in iambic verser 40 pages; notes on pages 41/62) (Collation: *2 (chi 1, the title, inserted between leaf *1 and *2), (2)*8, 1-4/8 (the last leaf, leaf 4/8 blank)) (Photographs on request)
Book number: 154228 Euro 80.00

Keywords: (Rare Books), Dichtung, Dutch imprints, Dutch translations, Greek literature, Greek mythology, Griechische Literatur, Hesiod, Hesiodus, Landwirtschaft, Poesie, agriculture, antike altertum antiquity, economy, griechische Mythologie, hexameter, poetry, ...

€ 80,00
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HESYCHIUS. HÊSUCHIOU LEXIKON. Hesychii lexicon, cum notis doctorum virorum integris, vel editis antehac, nunc auctis & emendatis, Hadr. Iunii, Henr. Stephani, Jos. Scaligeri, Claud. Salmasii, Jac. Palmerii, Franc. Guyeti, Godefr. Sopingii, Jo. Fungeri, Jo. Cocceji, Jo. Fred. Gronovii, Jo. Casp. Suiceri, Tanaq. Fabri, Corn. Schrevelii, Ed. Bernardi, etc., vel ineditis Henr. Valesii, Dan. Heinsii, Phil. Jac. Maussaci, Thom. Brunonis, Isaaci Vossii, Jo. Viti Pergeri, Thom. Munkeri, Marc. Meibomii, Jo. Verweji, etc., in primis Ludolphi Kusteri, Tiber. Hemsterhusii, Jo. Christian Biel, etc., praeter selectas Jo. Jensii, Dan. Wilh. Trilleri, Georg. D'Arnaud, Frid. Lud. Abresch, etc. Ex autographis partim recensuit, partim nunc primum edidit, suasque animadversiones perpetuas adjecit Joannes Alberti. Cum ejusdem prolegomenis et apparatu Hesychiano. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Samuelem Luchtmans, et Filium, 1746 - 1766. (volume 2: Apud S. and J. ...

€ 1050,00
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HIERAKOSOPHION. HIERAKOSOPHION. Rei Accipitrariae scriptores nunc primum editi. Accessit KUNOSOPHION. Liber de cura canum. Ex biblioth. Regia Medicea. (Hoc volumine continentur 'Demetrii Constantinop. de re accipitraria liber, a Petro Gillio latine redditus; Alius liber de re accipitraria, latine redditus ab eodem P. Gillio; Libellus de cura canum, latine versus ab Andrea Aurifabro Vratislavienssi medico; Epistola Aquilae Symmachi et Theodotionis ad Ptolemaeum regem Aegypti, de re accipitraria, catalanica lingua; De diversis generibus falconum, sive accipitrum (...) Ex libro incerti auctoris, De Natura Rerum; Jacobi-Augusti Thuani de re accipitraria libri III; Hier. Fracastorii Alcon, sive de cura canum venaticorum) (Edidit N. Rigault) Paris (Lutetiae), Typis Regiis excudebat C. Morellus, 1612. 4to. 3 parts in 1 volume: (XVI),278,(16 index),(2 blank); (XII),211,(1 blank);120 pages. 18th century mottled calf 23.5 cm. 'Editio princeps' of some ...

€ 3400,00
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HIPPOCRATES. Hippocratis Coi, Medicorum omnium facile principis, Liber secundus de morbis vulgaribus, difficilimus & pulcherrimus; olim a Galeno commentariis illustratus, qui temporis iniuria interciderunt, nunc vero pene in integrum restitutus, commentariis sex & latinitate donatus, Anutio Foësio Mediomatrico Medico authore. Ad Carolum Lotharingium, Lotharingiae Ducem illustrissimum. Basel (Basileae), 1560. (Colophon at the end: 'Excudebat Iacobus Parcus, expensis viduae M. Isingrinei, anno 1560, mense martio) 8vo. (LVI),501,(1 blank),(16) p. Pigskin over wooded boards. 17.5 cm 'Interesting text with an interesting provenance' (Ref: VD16 H 3797; Maloney & Savoie no. 369; not in Ebert, Graesse or Brunet) (Details: Back with 4 raised bands. The boards are decorated with blind stamped triple fillet borders and a row consisting of floral motives and some tiny portraits; the central panel of the boards shows palmet ...

€ 1900,00
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HISTORIA AUGUSTA. Historiae Augustae Scriptores Sex. Aelianus Spartianus, Iulius Capitolinus, Aelius Lampridius, Vulcatius Gallicanus, Trebellius Pollio & Flavius Vopiscus. Isaacus Casaubonus ex vett. libris recensuit, idemque librum adiecit emendationum ac notarum. Paris (Parisiis), Apud Ambrosium & Hieronymum Drouart, 1603. 4to. 2 volumes in 1: (XX),375,(1 blank),(55)(1 blank); 576,34,(2 blank) p. Overlapping vellum (Ref: Schweiger 2,384; Sandys 2,209; Fabricius/Ernesti. 'Bibliotheca Latina' 3,101/02; NP Suppl. 2, p. 298; Graesse 3,303; Ebert 9827) (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. 2 titles, the first is in red and black, the title of the second part is black only. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, a thisle within an oval banner a French and Latin motto, reading: 'Nul ne s'y frote' and 'patere aut abstine', 'let no one meddle', and 'bear of forebear'. 1 text engraving) (Condition: ...

€ 775,00
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HISTORIA AUGUSTA. Historiae Augustae Scriptores VI. Aelius Spartianus, Vulc. Gallicanus, Julius Capitolinus, Trebell. Pollio, Aelius Lampridius, Flavius Vopiscus. Cum notis selectis Isaaci Casauboni, Cl. Salmasii & Jani Gruteri. Cum indice locupletissimo rerum ac verborum. Accurante Cornelio Schrevelio. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex officina Francisci Hackii, 1661. 8vo. (VI),997,(35 index) p., engraved title. Recently repaired calf. 19 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 840035284; Schweiger 2,385; Fabricius/Ernesti, 3,102; Graesse 3,304; Ebert 9831) (Details: Boards with blind double fillet borders; the boards have a blind triple fillet rectangle in the center, and on its corners 4 blind stamped 'fleur de lis'. Frontispiece, depicting the seated goddess Roma; she looks in despair at the capture and humiliation of the Roman emperor Valerianus I (the father of Gallienus) by the Sassanid king Shapur after the battle of Edessa (Syria) in 260 A.D. ...

€ 225,00
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(HOFFMANN, HEINRICH CARL GEORG). Teutsche Volks-Geschichten, aus dem ersten Jahrhundert vor und nach Christi unsres Heilands Geburt. Heidelberg, Bei Mohr & Winter, 1821. 8vo. VIII,342,(2 corrigenda) p., 10 engraved plates, 1 folding map. Hardbound. 24 cm (Ref: Holzmann/Bohatta IV, 10414 s.v. Volksgeschichten) An attempt of the Heidelberger 'Romantik' to build a national German character. (Details: Contemporary 'Pappband'. The 10 plates, mostly heroic scenes, were drawn by the author, 7 of which were etched by Bauch, and 3 by Schilbach. The map, which was also drawn by the author, is a lithography and shows boundaries in 7 watercolours) (Condition: Cover very worn at the extremities. Corners bumped. Head & tail of the spine damaged. Boards spotted. Partly foxed. Some pencil. Inscribed dedication on the front pastedown. A former owner has written in pencil on the title: 'Verf. Hoffmann, Heinr. Karl ...

€ 230,00
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HOMERUS. Homeri poetae clariss. Ilias. Interprete Lauren. Valla. N.pl. (Cologne), Eucharius Cervicornus excudebat, 1527. 495,(1 woodcut),32 (index) p. 20th century calf 16 cm (Ref: VD16 H 4663; Hoffmann 2,334; Not in Brunet, Graesse, Ebert & Moss) (Details: Very tasteful new binding in antique 16th century style, with 4 raised bands on the back, and a red shield in the second compartment. Title with woodcut borders, depicting in the lower part the adoration of Christ by the three Magi; the text of the title is flanked by 2 pillars; on the upper part two winged putti that flank a coat of arms; on the shield of it a kind of thornbush (thorns - antlers?); above the shield are the three crowns of the arms of the city Cologne. The woodcut at the end of the Ilias depicts Saint George killing the dragon) (Condition: The title is slightly soiled and its right margin and that of the last leaf are thumbed. A tiny and almost invisible hole ...

€ 1200,00
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HOMERUS. HOMÊROU ODUSSEIA. Homeri Odyssea. Eiusdem Batrachomyomachia, Hymni, aliaq.; eius opuscula, seu catalecta. Omnia graece & latine edita quam emendatissime. Cum praefatione, scholiis, & indice D. Giphanii. Strassburg, (Argentorati), Excudebat Theodosius Rihelius, n.d. (1572) 8vo. 827,(52 notes & index) (1 blank) p. Overlapping vellum 18 cm (Ref: VD16 ZV 22787; Hoffmann 2,317; Schweiger 1,157; Ebert 9960) (Details: Boards with blind-stamped double fillet borders; elaborate floral motive stamped in the center of the boards. Oval woodcut printer's device of Rihel on the title, depicting an emblematical representation of a winged and bare breasted Nemesis, holding in her right hand the reins, bid and bridle of a horse, and in her left a carpenter's square; Nemeis punishes excess. Greek text with opposing Latin translation. The German jurist and classical scholar of Dutch origin Hubertus (Obertus) Giphanius ...

€ 800,00
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