
Old and Rare books

Results 201 - 220 of 436

JUVENALIS. D. Iunii Iuvenalis Satirarum libri V. Sulpiciae Satira. Nova editio, cura Nicolai Rigaltii. Paris (Lutetiae), Ex officina Rob. Stephani, 1616. 12mo. (XL),126,(2 blank) p. 19th century half cloth. 13.5 cm 'The most important, most widely read, most influential classical poet throughout the 17th and 18th centuries' (Ref: Schweiger 2,503/04: 'Neue Recension, nach Handschriften. Die Noten sind kurz und von Werth. Sauber und nicht häufig'; Dibdin 2,154, on the editions of 1613-1616: 'These editions especially the latter, are classical and correct, and the type is beautiful'; Renouard, Robertus tertius, p. 202; Moss 2,158; Graesse 3,520; Ebert 11236) (Details: Back ruled gilt, boards marbled. Woodcut printer's Olive tree device of the Stephanus family on the title, motto: 'Noli altum sapere, sed time', in English 'Donot be high-minded, but fear'. (Epistola Beati Pauli ad Romanos 11,20) ...

€ 260,00
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JUVENALIS. D. Iunii Iuvenalis Aquinatis Satirae XVI. Recensuit et annotationibus instruxit Ernestus Guilielmus Weber, Weissenseas, Philos. Dr. et Professor Gymnasii Wimariensis. Weimar (Wimariae), In novo Bibliopolio, vulgo Landes-Industrie-Comptoir, 1825. 8vo. X,380,(2 corrigenda) p. Half calf 22 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,505: 'Neue Recognition des Textes. Ruperti's Text liegt zum Grunde. Die Interpunktion ist vereinfacht. Die schwierigen Stellen sind trefflich erläutert'; Graesse 3,521; Not in Spoelder p. 554, Enkhuizen) (Details: Prize copy of the Gymnasium of Enkhuizen, including the prize, printed on thick paper. Spine divided by double gilt fillets. Gilt lettered shield in the 'second compartment') (Condition: Binding worn at the extremes. Owing to a binder's error the pages in the 23rd and 24th gathering (from p. 353 to 376) have been mixed up, and 4 of those leaves have been bound double) (Note: The Roman ...

€ 160,00
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KIST,W. Gulielmi Kist, Oratio de voluptate animi ex diligenti veterum auctorum lectione capienda. Publice dicta Medioburgi A.D. X Iunii 1789, cum Historiarum et Eloquentiae Professionem in Illustri Athenaeo sollemniter auspicaretur. Middelburg (Medioburgi), Apud Petrum Gillissen et filium, 1789. 43 p. Sewn in contemporary marbled paper wrapper. 26 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 157807282) (Condition: Somewhat dog-eared. Frontcover loosening) (Note: The Dutch author and schoolmaster Willem (Gulielmus) Kist,1758-1841, studied in Leiden Latin and Greek under L.C. Valckenaer and D. Ruhnkenius. In 1779 he was appointed Conrector of the 'Scholae Latinae' in Breda. In 1784 he moved to the city of Middelburg, where he became Rector of the local 'Athenaeum Illustre'. His inaugural speech was entitled 'De calamitatibus, quae ex neglecta subolis educatione oriuntur et Patriae ruinam minantur'. (Medioburgi 1784) Three years later the ...

€ 80,00
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LABBAEUS,C. (Ed.) Cyrilli, Philoxeni aliorumque veterum Glossaria latino-graeca, & graeco-latina, a Carolo Labbaeo collecta & in duplicem alphabeticum ordinem redacta. Cum variis emendationibus ex MSS. Codd. petitis, virorumque doctorum castigationibus ac conjectaneis, his accedunt Glossae aliquot aliae latino-graecae ex iisdem Codd. MSS. quae nunc primum prodeunt. Praeterea veteres glossae verborum juris, quae passim in Basilicis reperiuntur, ex variis perinde Codd. MSS. Bibliothecae Regiae erutae, digestae, & notis illustratae ab eodem Carolo Labbaeo. (Edidit et praefationem adjecit Car. Du Fresne du Cange) (Bound with:) (Aegidius Bucherius) Aegidii Bucherii Atrebatis e Societate Iesu De doctrina temporum commentarius in Victorium Aquitanum, nunc primum post 1177 annos in lucem editum, aliosque antiquos Canonum Paschalium Scriptores, chronologiae Ecclesiasticae illustrandae ac stabiliendae utilissimos. Ad 1: Paris (Lutetiae Parisiorum), Cura ...

€ 725,00
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LACTANTIUS. Lucii Coelii Lactantii Firmiani Opera, quae extant omnia. Ad fidem codicum tam impressorum quam manu scriptorum recensita. Cambridge (Cantabrigiae), Ex Officina Johan. Hayes, Celeberrimae Academiae typographi, 1685. 8vo. (LXXX),589,(27 index) p. Modern calf antique style, second half 20th century. 17 cm (Ref: ESTC R2417; Brunet 3,736; Graesse 4,67; Ebert 11612) (Details: Back with three raised bands. Gilt short title in second compartment. Boards with double fillet blind borders, within which is a triple fillet rectangle with corner pieces. The Cambridge University, 'Alma Mater Cantabrigia', woodcut printer's device on the title with the University's motto: 'Hinc lucem et pocula sacra', 'From this place, we gain enlightenment and precious knowledge'. Woodcut initials. The tasteful antique style binding was made by 'Period Binders, Bath, England') (Condition: The boards ...

€ 450,00
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LAGOMARSINI, HIERONYMUS & JOSEPHUS IGNATIUS CHIABERGE. Hieronymi Lagomarsini e Societate Jesu Orationes, publice dictae Florentiae ab ipso auctore studiorum ibidem Praefecto. (And:) Orationes P. Josephi Ignatii Chiaberge, Societatis Jesu, addito Trivolsiensium litteratorum judicio. (Editio novissima) Augsburg, Innsbruck, (Augustae Vindelicorum & Oeniponti), Sumptibus Josephi Wolff, 1763. 4to. 2 parts in 1: 255 p. Calf 21 cm (Ref: Not yet in VD18; cf. VD18 14485788 for the 1752 edition of the first part; Backer Sommervogel 4,1367 & 2,1120) (Details: Binding elaborately and richly blind stamped with floral ornaments, oriental style. All edges gilt. Part 1: Lagomarsini (p. 1-128), part 2: Chiaberge (p. 129-255). The parts with the orations of Chiaberge opens with a half title) (Condition: Binding worn at the extremities, especially at the foot of the spine. A few small hardly visible wormholes in the foot of the spine, not ...

€ 180,00
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LAMPADIUS,J. Tractatus de Constitutione Imperii Romano-Germanici, auctore Iacobo Lampadio I.C. (Accessit eiusdem Discursus de Natura nummi, & interpretatio L. 2. C. 'de usucap. pro Hered'. Item Iacobi Augusti Thuani Germaniae descriptio ex eius lib. 2 Histor.) Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex officina Ioannis Maire, 1634. 24mo. 380 p., engraved title. Overlapping vellum 11 cm (Ref: Breugelmans p. 364, 1634:4) (Details: 2 thongs laced through the joints. Short title in ink on the back. The engraved title depitcts the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire on his throne, with his regalia. The lower part of the title is adorned by 7 coats of arms of German states) (Condition: Vellum age-tanned. Ink stain on the back. Small inscription on recto of front flyleaf. Upper margin of the title slightly stained, and showing an old ownership entry. A small stamp on the lower margin of the recto side of the second leaf. Four new ...

€ 200,00
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LAMPREDI,G.M. Saggio sopra la filosofia degli antichi Etruschi. Dissertazione istorico-critica di Gio. Maria Lampredi. Firenze, Appresso Andrea Bonducci, con licenza de Superiori, 1756. 4to. 83,(1 blank) p. Old plain grey paper wrapper. 24 cm (Ref: ) (Details: Title printed in red & black. Engraved coat of arms of the cavaliere Gaetano Antinori, the dedicatee, on the title. Uncut and with broad margins) (Condition: Title spotted and yellowing; a small paper repair in the upper margin of the second leaf) (Note: Etruscomania, or 'etruscheria' was an 18th century cultural movement. An obsessive curiosity about the origins, language, art, and customs of the Etruscans swept all over Europe, especially Italy, at the beginning of that century. It exploded with the publication of 'De Etruria Regali Libri Septem', 'Seven Books about Royal Etruria', of the Scottish historian Thomas Dempster, 1579-1625. It was the ...

€ 280,00
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LATINIUS, LATINUS. Latini Latinii Viterbiensis, Bibliotheca Sacra et Profana. Sive observationes, correctiones, coniecturae, & variae lectiones in sacros et profanos scriptores e marginalibus notis codicum eiusdem. A Dominico Macro Melitensi Cathedralis Viterbien. olim canonico theologo, sacrarumque Inquisit. & Indicis Congregat. Consultore, Protonotario Apost. ac Comite Palatino Collectae. Et nunc primum e Bibliotheca Brancaccia in lucem editae. Rome (Romae), Sumptibus Pontii Bernardon, Via Parionis sub signo Virtutis, 1677. Folio. 2 parts in 1: (X, including 2 portraits),(VIII),213,(3); 79(1) p. Vellum 33 cm (Ref: Graesse 4,119; Ebert 11760: 'scarce and philologically interesting') (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. Short title in ink on the back. Title in red & black. Signed woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting a woman in a landscape, she holds a book; the motto reads: 'Virtuti Fortuna ...

€ 425,00
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LATOMUS,J. Corsendonca, sive Coenobii canonicorum regularium Ordinis S. Augustini de Corsendoncq, origo et progressus, auctore Ioanne Latomo, Throni Mariani iuxta Herentaliam Coenobiarcha. Ioannes Hoybergius S.T.B.F. Prior Corsendoncanus nunc primum edidit, continuavit & notationibus illustravit. Quibus non solum multa quae ad Brabantiae Historiam pertinent, sed & variorum Coenobiorum origines e tenebris eruuntur. Antwerp (Antverpiae), Apud Hieronymum Verdussium, 1644. 8vo. (XVI),180,(28 index) p. Calf. 15 cm (Ref: Beledimar 962; In STCV; NNBW 2,787/88) (Details: Back gilt and with 5 raised bands. Morocco shield in the second compartment. Edges of the boards gilt. Marbled endpapers) (Condition: Binding slightly worn, especially at the extremes. Trace of a bookplate on the front pastedown) (Note: Johannes Latomus (Bergizomius) was born in the Dutch city Bergen op Zoom in 1520, he died in Antwerp in 1578 in the ...

€ 575,00
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LAUREMBERG, P. Het hernieuwde en verbeterde Acerra Philologica van P. Lauremberg. Dat is: zes honderd nutte en gedenkwaardige geschiedenissen, als ook zeer vermakelyke reden-kavelingen. Tot nut der lees-gierige jeugd, en een noodzakelyk onderwys tot bevordering der geleerdheid. Uit de beroemste zo Grieksche als Latynsche geschigtschryvers by een gesteld, en nu in beter order geschikt en uitgegeven door Joh. Hajenius S.S. Th.C. Amsterdam, By Nicolaas ten Hoorn, 1701. 8vo. (XII),778 (recte 772),(28) p. Contemporary vellum 18 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 180126784; cf. Graesse 4,122) (Details: A frontispiece, designed by I. Goeree and executed by C. Huibertz, depicting some mythological figures. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting a pedestal loaded with all kinds of symbols of the arts and sciences) (Condition: Vellum soiled, front joint partly split. Paper yellowing) (Note: 'Medieval education drew heavily from classical ...

€ 325,00
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LHOMOND,Ch.F. Élémens de la grammaire latine, à l'usage des colléges. Par Lhomond, professeur émérite en la ci-devant Université de Paris. 16e édition. Paris, De l'Imprimerie de J.-P. Jacob, à la librairie Économique, rue de la Harpe, ancien Collége d'Harcourt, no. 94, 1807. 12mo. 216,4 p. Vellum over boards. 17 cm (Details: The binder has covered the boards of this book with two strips of vellum of an old contract, or charter. The handwriting on it is cursive and illegible for a layman, but 6 signatures are clearly visible, 2 first names are legible, of one 'Charles' and 'Jacques') (Condition: After the titlepage, and before the beginning of the first chapter, 4 pages are missing. Probably a praefatio, or perhaps the 4 pages which have been bound at the end of the book. These 4 pages contain a stocklist of the titles available at the ...

€ 90,00
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LIBANIUS. Libaniou Sophistou Epistolai. Libanii Sophistae epistolae. Quas nunc primum maximam partem e variis codicibus, manu exaratis, edidit, latine convertit & notis illustravit Joannes Christophorus Wolfius. Accedunt in calce ejusdem Libanii epistolae a Francisco Zambicario olim Latine conversae & Cracoviae primum editae, heic autem integra propemodum centuria ex MS auctae. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Janssonio-Waesbergios, 1738. Folio: (XX),865,(1 blank) p. Vellum 42x27 cm 'The first comprehensive edition of the letters of Libanius, accompanied by a Latin translation' (Ref: STCN ppn 183220943; Brunet 3,1050; Hoffmann 2,522; Graesse 4,195; Ebert 11937) (Details: Back with 7 raised band. Boards blind tooled. Broad margins. Title in red and black. Engraved printer's mark on the title, depicting a mole, flanked by a seating Hermes and Athena; the motto is: 'vulgo caeca vocor, video sed acutius ipso', ...

€ 525,00
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LIBRI DE RE RUSTICA. Libri De Re Rustica a Nicolao Angelio viro consumatissimo nuper maxima diligentia recogniti & typis excusi, cum indice & expositione omnium dictionum. Catonis, Varronis, Columellae, Palladii quae aliqua enucleatione indigebant. Additis nuper commentariis Iunii Pompo. Fortunati in librum De cultu hortorum, cum adnotationibus Philippi Beroaldi. N.pl.(Florence), n.d. (Colophon at the end: 'Florentiae per heredes Philippi Iuntae, Anno Domini 1521, Die XXVIII. Mensis Septembris'), 1521. 4to in 8s. 2 parts in 1 volume: (XX),218 (recte 222);125 leaves. 19th century half vellum 22 cm. (Ref: Edit 16 28760; Schweiger 2,1305/06; Renouard, 'Annales des Imprimeries des Alde', 'Notice sur la famille des Iunte', p. XLVI; Adams S807; Ebert 20736; Brunet 5,246; Graesse 6/1,331) (Details: 19th century binding, with short title on the back and marbled boards. Good quality white paper. Some text diagrams. ...

€ 1100,00
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LIBRI DE RE RUSTICA. Methodus rustica Catonis atq. Varronis praeceptis aphoristicis per locos communes digestis a Theodoro Zvingero typice delineata & illustrata. Basel (Basileae), Petri Pernae opera atque impensa, n.d. (1567). 8vo. (XXIV),494,(2 blank),(22 index) p. Overlapping vellum 19 cm (Ref: VD16 C 1580; Schweiger 2,75) (Details: 2 thongs laced through the joints. Woodcut printer's mark on the title: a woman holding a oil lamp, motto: 'Verbum tuum lucerna pedibus meis'. (Psalm 119 verse 105) Occasional woodcut initials) (Condition: Vellum soiled and wrinkled. Small hole in the back and in the upper board. Front endpapers renewed in 19th century. 19th century annotations concerning Zwinger, Cato & Varro on the front pastedown and recto of the front flyleaf. Title slightly soiled. Small fold in right lower corner of the title. Small stain at the bottom of the title) (Note: Theodor Zwinger, 1533-1588, or Theodorus ...

€ 660,00
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LIBRI DE RE RUSTICA. Scriptores Rei Rusticae Veteres Latini. E recensione Jo. Matth. Gesneri cum ejusdem praef. et lexico rustico. Praemittitur notitia literaria. Studiis Societatis Bipontinae. Editio accurata. Zweibrücken (Biponti), Ex typographia Societatis, 1787 - 1788. 8vo. 4 volumes: (II),CLVI,248; (II),566; (II),510; (II),369,(1 blank) p. Half vellum 22 cm (Ref: Not yet in VD18. Burkard p. 181/185; Schweiger 2,1307; Graesse 6/1,332; Ebert 20744) (Details: Nice set in 19th century half vellum. Backs gilt and with red morocco shields. Marbled boards. Engraved vignet on the first 3 titles) (Condition: Vellum slightly soiled. Some wear to the extremes. Some foxing. Joints of the first volume beginning to split. Very small hole in title of the 4th volume, the 'Lexicon Rusticum'. A bookplate on the front pastedowns) (Note: Vol. 1 contains Cato's 'De agri cultura' and Varro's 'De re rustica libri ...

€ 375,00
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LIPSIUS,J. Iusti Lipsii De constantia libri duo. Qui alloquium praecipue continent in publicis malis. Quinta editio, melior & notis auctior. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Franciscum Raphelengium, 1591. 8vo. (XVI),119,(8),(1 blank) p. 18th century boards. 16 cm. 'Lipsius' De Constantia (1584) was a perfect answer to the sorrows of his time'. (Ref: STCN ppn 114587760; USTC 423043; cf. Brunet 3,1093; cf. Graesse 4,220) (Details: Plantin's woodcut printer's device on the title. The preliminaries contain a dedication to the council of Antwerp, and a laudatory poem by Janus Dousa on Lipsius. The last leaf of the preliminary pages is a cancel; on the verso of this cancel is a poem in Greek by B. Vulcanius. The index at the end is preceded by a one page prayer by Lipsius to thank God for the recovery of a long illness when he was 32) (Condition: Binding worn, especially on the ...

€ 660,00
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LIPSIUS,J. Iusti Lipsii Epistolarum selectarum chilias, in qua I. II. III. Centuriae ad Belgas, Germanos, Gallos, Italos, Hispanos. IV. Singularis ad Germanos & Gallos. V. Miscellanea. VI. VII. VIII ad Belgas. IX. & X Miscellaneae Postumae. Epistolica institutio eiusdem Lipsii. Accessit in gratiam studiosae iuventutis, rerum aliquot insignium, & elegantissimarum similitudinum, quae in nonnullis epistolis occurrunt, index locupletissimus. N.pl. (Geneva, Leiden or Cologne), Apud Franciscum Helvidium, 1611. 8°, (XVI),1078,(18) p. Full contemporary vellum with overlapping edges (Ref: VD17 12:646081U. VD17 is not sure about the place where this title was published. Mentioned are Cologne, Leiden and Geneva. GLN 15/16 offers a kind of solution: 'Cet 'Helvidius' qui signe au moins six éditions entre 1600 et 1622 est mystérieux. Ladresse genevoise a été ajoutée sur quelques rares exemplaires. ...

€ 600,00
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LONGINUS. DIONUSIOU LONGINOU PERI HUPSOUS HUPOMNÊMA. Dionysii Longini De Sublimitate commentarius, quem nova versione donavit, notis illustravit, & partim manuscriptorum ope, partim conjectura emendavit (additis etiam omnibus ejusdem auctoris fragmentis) Zacharias Pearce, A.M., Regiae Majestati a Sacris Domesticis etc. Editio secunda, notis & emendationibus auctior. London (Londini), Ex officina Jacobi Tonson & Joannis Watts, 1732. 8vo. XXXV,(I errata),301,(3 variae lectiones),(19 index),(1 blank) p. Calf. 20 cm (Ref: ESTC Citation No. T87458; Hoffmann 2,527: 'Pearce hat in dieser Ausg. viel verbessert'; D. St.Marin no. 44: 'a fine critical edition'; Dibdin 2,177/8: 'Bishop Pearce is rightly called by Harles, 'Longini Sospicator'; Brunet 3,1152: 'Cette édition a été revue par l'éditeur qui y a ajouté de nouvelles notes, et c'est d'après ce texte ...

€ 370,00
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LONGINUS. Dionysius Longinus, De Sublimitate, ex recensione Zachariae Pearcii. Animadversiones interpretum excerpsit suas et novam versionem adiecit Sam. Fr. Nathan. Morus, Philos. Professor Lips. Leipzig (Lipsiae), Sumt. Hered. Weidmann et Reichii, 1769. 8vo. (II),XXXIV,288,(36 index) p. Half calf. 21 cm (Ref: VD18 10363009; D. St. Marin no. 50, citing De Tipaldo: 'This edition has also the Latin version, which is rightly considered a masterpiece' (...) An elegant and useful edition, superior to all earlier ones'; Hoffmann 2,527; Schweiger 1,190; Moss 2,226/227; Brunet 3,1152; Graesse 4,252; Ebert 12214: 'The notes, partly critical, are short, but valuable, and the translation is very succesful'; Dibdin 2,178/79) (Details: Backstrip gone. The engraved frontispiece depicts an orator lecturing in a library to students. Greek text with parallel Latin translation, notes at the bottom of the page) (Condition: Back ...

€ 90,00
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