
Old and Rare books

Results 241 - 260 of 427

MEURSIUS,J. Ioannis Meursii Panathenaea, sive de Minervae illo gemino festo liber singularis. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1619. 4to. (VIII),48 p. Calf 18 cm (Ref: Wiilems 161; Rahir 131; Berghman 1977) (Details: Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting an eagle with spread wings on a pedestal; the bird holds in its beak a set of 7 arrows bound together; the motto reads: 'Concordia res parvae crescunt'; the bundle of arrows symbolizes The Dutch Republic of the Seven United Netherlands (also Provinces); since its foundation in 1588 the motto of the United Provinces was 'Concordia res parvae crescunt', in Dutch: 'Eendracht maakt macht', a still popular motto in the coat of arms of many countries. The saying was coined by the Roman historian Sallust. (Bellum Jugurthinum, caput 10)) (Condition: Binding very scuffed: leather on the back wearing away; scratches on the boards; front ...

€ 240,00
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MEURSIUS,J. Ioannis Meursii Reliqua Attica; sive ad librum De populis Atticae Paralipomena. Liber singularis. Cui accedit Auctarium ex Itinerario (de Pagis Atticis) Jacobi Sponii. (Bound with:) Ioannis Meursii Theseus, sive de ejus vita rebusque gestis liber postumus. Accedunt ejusdem Paralipomena de Pagis Atticis, et Excerpta ex v.cl. Jacobi Sponii Itinerario de iisdem pagis. (And with:) Ioannis Meursii Themis Attica, sive De legibus Atticis libri II. Ad 1 & 2: Utrecht (Ultrajecti), Apud Franciscum Halma, 1684. 3: Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Apud Joannem vande Water, Joannem Ribbium, Franciscum Halma, 1685. 4to. 3 volumes in 1: 52,(8 index),40; (VIII),136,(12 index); (IV),152,(20 index) p. Vellum 20 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 066811074; STCN ppn 066811007; STCN ppn 840519370; Haitsma Mulier/Van der Lem 334u & 334t) (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. Short title calligraphed with black ink on the back. Title of 'Theseus' ...

€ 600,00
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MINUCIUS FELIX. M. Minucii Felicis Octavius. Cum integris omnium notis ac commentariis, novaque recensione Jacobi Ouzelii, cujus & accedunt animadversiones. Accedit praeterea liber Julii Firmici Materni V.C. De errore profanarum religionum. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex officina Ioannis Maire, 1652. 4to. (38),44,(2),46,140,36,32,212,(23),56 p. Overlapping vellum 20.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 840085141; Breugelmans 1652:10B; Schoenemann I,71; not in Brunet; Graesse 4,534; Ebert 14107) (Details: Title in red & black. Engraved printer's mark on the title depicting a farmer stamping a shovel into the ground, he is flanked by a woman holding a cornucopiae, and a woman holding an ancre, above the head of the farmer the motto: 'fac et spera'. According to Breugelmans there are 2 issues of this edition: 1652:10A and 1652:10B; 10A shows on the title 3 lines printed red, and 10B (our copy) has 5 lines printed red; 10B also has 2 cancels ...

€ 350,00
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MINUCIUS FELIX. M. Minucii Felicis Octavius. Cum integris omnium notis ac commentariis, novaque recensione Jacobi Ouzeli. Cujus & accedunt animadversiones. Insuper Johannis Meursii notae. Et liber Julii Firmici Materni V.C. De errore profanarum religionum. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex Officina Hackiana, 1672. 8vo. (XLVIII),352,64,(29 index),(1 blank) p., frontispiece. Half calf, frontcover detached. 19.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 063021110; Schoenemann I,72; Graesse 4,534; Ebert 14107) (Details: Back with 4 raised bands. Marbled boards. Frontispiece engraved by G. Appelmans, depicting 3 men, Octavius, Minucius and Octavius Januarius, discussing in the shadow of a tree, which grows on the border of a river, behind them a statue of a naked male figure, a statue of Serapis, in the distance the city. This is an illustration of the crucial scene as told by Minucius at the end of the second chapter, where Minucius tells how his friend Caecilius, as ...

€ 200,00
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MOERIS ATTICISTES. MOIRIDOS ATTIKISTOU LEXEIS ATTIKÔN kai HELLÊNÔN kata stoicheion. Moeridis Atticistae lexicon atticum, cum Jo. Hudsoni, Steph. Bergleri, Claud. Sallierii, aliorumque notis. Secundum ordinem MSStorum restituit, emendavit, animadversionibusque illustravit, Joannes Piersonus. Accedit AILIOU HÊRÔDIANOU PHILETAIROS. Aelii Herodiani Philetaerus, e Ms nunc primum editus, item ejusdem Fragmentum e MSS. emendatius atque auctius. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Petrum van der Eyk et Cornelium de Pecker, 1759. 8vo. (IV),LXVI,(2),480,44 p. Half calf. 22 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 240337786; Brunet 3,1788: 'Bonne édition, dans laquelle le texte a été rétabli d'après des manuscrits'; Graesse 4,558: 'la meilleure édition'; Ebert 14181: 'The best edition. A new recension from MSS. and restored to its original order'; Neue Pauly 8, col. 343/4: still the ...

€ 180,00
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MONTGOMERY, JAMES. The world before the flood, a poem in ten cantos; with other occasional pieces. Second edition. London, printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster-Row, 1813. 12mo. III-XVI;328,(1),(3 blank) p. Calf. 17 cm (Details: Back with 3 gilt raised bands; gilt title in second compartment; other 3 compartments with blindstamped palmette cornerpieces. Both boards with tenfold blindstamped fillet borders, within blindstamped floral borders, a blindstamped wave/flood pattern in the central panel) (Condition: Cover shows wear to the extremes. Lacking the half-title before the title, with the text: 'The world before the flood, with other occasional pieces') (Note: James Montgomery, 1771-1854, was a British poet, philanthropist and campainer for humanitarian causes. He achieved some literary fame with 'The wanderer of Switzerland' in 1806, against the annexation of that country by the French. The abolishment of ...

€ 90,00
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NEPOS. Cornelii Nepotis Vitae excellentium Imperatorum, observationibus ac notis commentatorum, quotquot hactenus innotuere, illustratae. Accesserunt huic editioni praecipuorum Graeciae Imperatorum icones aeri incisae; ut & index rerum & verborum praecedenti multo auctior & emendatior. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Ex Typographia P. & J. Blaeu, 1687. 8vo. (XXXII, including frontispiece),439,(XL),(1 blank) p. Vellum 20.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 101005326; Schweiger 2,299; Dibdin 2,245; Moss 2,319/20; Fabricius/Ernesti I,105: 'quae locupletissima est editio'; Graesse 2,270; Ebert 5262; Spoelder p. 593, Harderwijk 1) (Details: Nice prize binding, without the prize. 6 thongs laced through both joints. Back gilt. Boards with gilt double fillet borders, and corner pieces; coat of arms of Harderwijk on both boards. Engraved frontispiece, executed by J. Visscher, depicting Clio with a pen in her hand, she receives advice from Kronos, who holds his scythe, ...

€ 300,00
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NEPOS. Cornelii Nepotis Vitae excellentium Imperatorum, observationibus & notis commentatorum omnium, quotquot hactenus innotuere, illustratae. Accesserunt huic editioni praecipuorum Graeciae Imperatorum icones aeri incisae; ut & index rerum & verborum auctior & emendatior. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Prostant apud Wetstenios, 1707. 8vo. (XXXII, including frontispiece),439,(40 index),(1 blank) p. Modern half calf. 19 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 186438281; Schweiger 2,299; Dibdin 2,245; Moss 2,319/20; Fabricius/Ernesti I,105: 'quae locupletissima est editio'; cf. Graesse 2,270, ed. Keuchenius) (Details: The engraved frontispiece is dated 1704, and is executed by J. Visscher, depicting Clio with a pen in her hand, she receives advice from Kronos, who holds his scythe, Fama blows her trumpet. Small engraved illustrations on 12 p.) (Condition: Name on the blank margin of the frontispiece. Oval stamp on the title. Paper slightly ...

€ 150,00
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NEPOS. Cornelius Nepos, perperam vulgo Aemilius Probus dictus, De vita excellentium Imperatorum. Diesen giebt nach Art seines Plinii und Horatii mit auserlesenen philologischen, moralischen u. historischen Anmerckungen, auf eine ganz neue nützliche und leichte Weise, nebst einer Vorrede und dienlichen Registern heraus M. Caspar Gottschling, Siles., Neustadt-Brandenb. Rect. und Bibliothec. Brandenburg, Zu finden bey Johann Ernst Wohlfelden, Buchhändlern. Gedruckt bey Christian Hallen, Kön. Preuss. privil. Buchh, 1729. 8vo. (XLVIII, including frontispiece),624 p. Vellum 17.5 cm (Ref: Not in Schweiger, Brunet, Ebert, Graesse; not yet in VD18) (Details: Nice copy. 5 thongs laced through both joints. Short title in ink on the frontcover. Frontispiece by Daniel Fincke, depicting the historian Nepos at work, while Mars and Athena keep guard. Title in red and black. Latin text on the upper half, and German commentary on the lower half of the page. ...

€ 375,00
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NEPOS. Cornelii Nepotis Vitae excellentium imperatorum, cum integris notis Jani Gebhardi, Henr. Ernestii & Jo. Andreae Bosii. Et selectis Andreae Schotti, Dionysii Lambini, Gilberti Longolii, Hieronymi Magii, Jo. Savaronis, aliorumque Doctorum; necnon Excerptis P. Danielis. Hisce accedit locupletissimus omnium vocabulorum index, studio & opera Jo. Andr. Bosii confectus, curante Augustino Van Staveren, qui & suas notas addidit. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Samuelem Luchtmans, 1734. (XVI including frontispiece),765,(187) p. Vellum. 21 cm 'Prize copy, with the prize' (Ref: STCN ppn 189887893; Schweiger 2,300/1; Dibdin 2,246; Moss 2,320; Ernesti/Fabricius I,107: 'Optima hodie et nitidissima est'; Graesse 2,271; Brunet 2,289; Spoelder p. 570, Gouda 4) (Details: 6 thongs laced through both joints. Back ruled gilt. Boards with double fillet gilt borders, and the gilt coat of arms of Gouda. Frontispiece, executed by J. ...

€ 290,00
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NEPOS. Cornelii Nepotis Vitae excellentium imperatorum, cum integris notis Jani Gebhardi, Henr. Ernestii & Jo. Andreae Bosii. Et selectis Andreae Schotti, Dionysii Lambini, Gilberti Longolii, Hieronymi Magii, Jo. Savaronis, aliorumque Doctorum; necnon Excerptis P. Danielis. Hisce accedit locupletissimus omnium vocabulorum index, studio & opera Jo. Andr. Bosii confectus, curante Augustino Van Staveren, qui & suas notas addidit. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Samuelem Luchtmans, 1734. (XVI including frontispiece),765,(187) p. Half calf 21.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 189887893; Schweiger 2,300/1; Dibdin 2,246; Moss 2,320; Ernesti/Fabricius I,107: 'Optima hodie et nitidissima est'; Graesse 2,271; Brunet 2,289) (Details: Back gilt and with 5 raised bands. Black morocco shield in the second compartment. Boards marbled. Margins preserved uncut. Frontispiece, executed by J. Visscher, depicting Clio with a pen in her hand, receiving advice from ...

€ 150,00
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NEPOS. Cornelius Nepos. De Excellentibus Viris, notis perpetuis ex Longolio, Lambino, Schotto, Boeclero, Buchnero, Bosio, Cellario, aliisque, ad modum Johannis Minellii illustratus. Adjecta sunt ejusdem Fragmenta collecta ab Schotto, et index selectissimus. Editio altera. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Joannem Haffman, 1746. 8vo. (XVI),411,(36 index),(1 blank) p. Vellum 16 cm (Ref: Not in Schweiger) (Details: Five thongs laced through both joints. Title in red & black. Engraved printer's device on the title, depicting Hermes and Athena, between them the fountain struck by Pegasus, it's motto: 'Ex hoc fonte licet cuique levare sitim') (Condition: Vellum soiled. 'Nepos' in curly ink letters on both boards. Some old ink annotations in the margins) (Note: This is a school edition with notes of the only surviving complete work of the Roman historian Cornelius Nepos, ca. 100-24 B.C., De excellentibus ducibus ...

€ 110,00
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NEPOS. Cornelii Nepotis Vitae excellentium Imperatorum, cum notis selelectis Boecleri, Bosii, Buchneri, Ernestii, Gebhardi, Heidmanni, Lambini, Loccenii, Longolii, Magii, Ravii, Savaronis, Schefferi, Schotti, nec non excerptis P. Danielis. Hisce accedit locupletissimus omnium vocabulorum, index, studio & opera J.A. Bosii. Suas notas addidit Augustinus van Staveren. Editio altera, longe auctior. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Sam. et Joan. Luchtmans, 1773. 8vo. (XXXII, including frontispiece),832,(176, index) p.; text-illustrations on 11 p. Vellum 22 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 238342476; Schweiger 2,302: 'vielfach verbesserte und bereicherte Ausgabe'; Dibdin 2,246: 'a very elaborate edition', 'It is in great repute'; Moss 2,320; cf. Ernesti/Fabricius I,107; Ebert 5273; Brunet 2,289; Spoelder p. 490, Amsterdam 9) (Details: Prize copy, including the printed prize. Back gilt. 6 thongs laced through both joints. Boards with gilt borders, ...

€ 200,00
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NEPOS. Cornelii Nepotis vitae excellentium imperatorum, quorumdam iconibus ornatae, et nonnullis animadversionibus partim criticis, partim historicis inlustratae ab Augustino van Staveren. Editio altera. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud S. et J. Luchtmans, 1793. 12mo. (XIV including frontispiece),434, (72) p.; 7 small engraved portraits in the text. Later half calf 12.5 cm (Ref: cf. Schweiger 2,302; cf Brunet 2,289) (Details: Back ruled blind and gilt. Marbled endpapers. Frontispiece, depicting Clio with a pen in her hand, she receives advice from Kronos, who holds a scythe, a winged Fama blows her trumpet. Seven small engraved portraits in the text) (Condition: Binding scuffed. Some pencil notes. Lower margin of the title cut short, with loss of part of the impressum) (Note: This is an edition with commentary of the only surviving complete work of the Roman historian Cornelius Nepos, ca. 100-24 B.C., 'De excellentibus ducibus ...

€ 750,00
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NICETAS CHONIATES. Della Historia di Niceta Coniate delle cose dell'Imperio di Costantinopoli libri VII. Ne' quali si contengono i fatti degl'Imperatori Greci, cominciando da Alessio Comneno doue lascia il Zonara, fin 'all'anno 1457 nel qual su presa quella Città da Mahomet Secondo. Con le postille a suoi luoghi dinotanti le cose di maggiore importanza. Et con molte altre cose utili & necessarie a Lettori. Venice (In Venetia), (Colophon at the end: Appresso Francesco Sansovino, 1562) 4to. 4 unnumbered leaves, 111 leaves. Vellum. 20.5 cm (Ref: Edit17 CNCE 31070; Hoffmann 2,634) (Details: 2 vellum thongs laced through the joints at the head & tail of the spine. Short title in ink on the back. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting man who lies on his back, and looks at the washing moon high in the sky. The text is printed in italics. Woodcut headpiece at the beginning of the dedication, preface ...

€ 1100,00
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OCELLUS. Betrachtungen des Ocellus von Lukanien über die Welt. Aus dem Griechischen in das Französische übersetzt und mit verschiedenen Abhandlungen über die wichtigsten Punkte der Hauptwissenschaft der Naturlehre und der Sittenlehre der Alten, die man als den zweyten Theil der Weltweisheit der gesunden Vernunft ansehen kann, begeleitet von dem Herrn Marquis d'Argens, Seiner königlichen Majestät in Preussen Kammerherrn, Mitglied der königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Direktor der philologischen Klasse. Aus dem Französischen des Herrn Marquis in das Deutsche übersetzt. Breslau, Verlegts George Gottlieb Horn, 1763. 8vo. 50,462 p. Restored half vellum 17 cm (Ref: Hoffmann 3,2; Ebert 14990; cf. Brunet 4,151 for the French edition of 1762; not yet in VD18) (Details: The binding is not original, but originating from an other book of approximately the same size. The vellum on the boards seems old, but the leather on the back is recent. The pastedowns are new ...

€ 490,00
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OPUSCULA MYTHOLOGICA, PHYSICA ET ETHICA. Graece et latine. (Edita per Thomas Gale). Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Henricum Wetstenium, 1688. 8vo. (XXIV including frontispiece),752,(8 index) p. Calf 21 cm. 'Prize copy' (Ref: STCN 842221603; Willems p. XCIII, Rahir 2861; Hoffmann 3,367 & 3,2 & 3,36 & 3,95 & 3,331 & 3,345 et alibi; Brunet 4,198: 'bonne édition'; Graesse 5,31; Ebert 8053; this kind of prize not in Spoelder, Haarlem) (Details: Prize copy, including the printed prize. Texts printed in 2 columns, Greek text with opposing Latin translation. Back ruled gilt, red shield in 'second compartment'. Boards with gilt floral borders. The frontispiece by G. de Lairesse depicts a seated woman, who is writing in a book; she might be Erato, the Muse of epic poetry, but also of philosophy. Behind her stands a half naked woman holding a palm leaf; a small radiant new moon rises just above ...

€ 425,00
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OROSIUS. Pauli Orosii presbyteri Hispani Adversus paganos historiarum libri septem, ut et Apologeticus contra Pelagium de arbitrii libertate. Ad fidem MSS. et praesertim cod. Longob. antiquiss., Bibliothecae Florentinae Mediceae S. Laurentii, adjectis integris notis Franc. Fabricii Marcodurani et Lud. Lautii, recensuit suisque animadversionibus nummisque antiquis plurimis illustravit Sigebertus Havercampus. Leiden (Lugdini Batavorum), Apud Gerardum Potvliet, 1738. 4to. (XXXVIII),634,(30 index) p. Calf 25.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 238889998; Schweiger 2,622: 'Neue Recens. der Geschichtsbücher nach 11 Hdschr. u. älteren Ausgg.'; Schoenemann p. 502/3: 'quae ad Historiae illustrationem spectant docte ubique apposita sunt, ut nihil ex hac parte desiderari possit'; Brunet 4,237: 'Édition la meilleure que l'on ait de cet auteur, elle est peu commune et très recherchée'; Ebert 12256; Graesse 5,52) ...

€ 250,00
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OVIDIUS. P. Ovidii Nasonis Opera omnia, in tres tomos divisa, cum integris notis Nicolai Heinsii D.F., lectissimisque Variorum notis. Quibus non pauca, ad suos quaeque antiquitatis fontes diligenti comparatione reducta, accesserunt, studio Borchardi Cnippingii. (Volumen 1) Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Ex typographia Blauiana, Sumptibus Societatis, 1683. 8vo. (XVI),832,(14 index),(2 blank) p., One portrait of Ovid. Vellum. 20 cm (Volume 1 of 3) (Ref: STCN ppn 852573480; Schweiger 2,631: 'Bloss Wiederholung der Ausgabe von 1670'; Brunet 4/272: 'Cette édition est belle, et les notes en sont plus et mieux choisies'; Dibdin 2,267/8: 'Yet (of the Variorum editions) that of 1683 is perhaps the general favourite'; Graesse 5,70; Ebert 15368; Rahir 2784, 'Annexes de la Collection Elzevirienne') (Details: Volume 1 of 3 only. One engraved portrait of Ovid. Engraved frontispiece, depicting the Judgment of Paris; ...

€ 90,00
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OVIDIUS. Alle de werken van Publ. Ovidius Naso. Het derde deel: bestaande in Klaag-brieven, Brieven uit Pontus, Almanak, Vloek tegen Ibis, Nooteboom, Troost-dicht aan Livia, 't Blanketsel. In de Nederlandse taale overgebracht door Abraham Valentyn. Met verklaaringen, en uitleggingen verrijkt door Lud. Smids M.D. Amsterdam (t'Amsteldam), By Pieter Mortier, Boekverkooper, 1701. 4to. (VIII),334,(40 index) p., frontispiece; 26 engraved plates. Vellum. 29 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 843242159; Schweiger 2,685; Geerebaert 122,26,b; OiN 273) (Details: Large paper copy. Third volume of 3 only. Back with seven raised bands. Boards blind stamped. The frontispiece, made by J. Goeree and J. van Vianen, depicts Ovid in despair being sent into exile by the emperor Augustus. Engraved plates of gods & goddesses and the like in the translation of the Fasti.) (Condition: Vellum age-toned, soiled & spotted. Paper partly yellowing. ...

€ 150,00
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