
Old and Rare books

Results 21 - 40 of 426

ARNOBIUS. Arnobii Disputationum adversus gentes libri septem, recogniti & aucti. Ex bibliotheca Theodori Canteri Ultraiectini, cuius etiam notae adiectae sunt. Antwerpen (Antverpiae), Ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1582. 8vo. 285,(1 errata, & 2 blank) p. Tasteful modern half calf. 18 cm (Ref: Belg. Typ. 172; STC Dutch p. 14; Adams A1996; Voet 596 variant A; Sorgeloos 113; Dibdin 1,215: 'An excellent edition, in which the modesty and learning of its editor are successfully opposed to the rashness of his predecessor Gelenius' (in his edition of 1546); Ebert 1219; not in Brunet) (Details: Woodcut printer's device on the title. Red morocco letterpiece on the back. The binder used a broad strip of vellum as spine lining; this strip was probably cut from an old manuscript contract) (Condition: Name on the title. Very small tear near the right lower corner of the title. Occasional old ink underlinings on ca. 70 pages. Right margin ...

€ 750,00
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ARNOBIUS.- MEURSIUS,J. Ioannis Meursii Criticus Arnobianus tributus in libros septem. Item Hypocriticus Minutianus, & Excerpta MS. Regii Parisiensis. Editio altera, & melior. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex officina Ludovici Elzevirii, 1599. 8vo. (XX),167,(23)(1 blank) Vellum 16 cm (Ref: Dibdin 1,215: 'an indispensable work to peruse, for those who are curious in the learning of the author'; Willems 44; Rahir 26; Berghman 1283; Schoenemann 1,166/67) (Details: 5 thongs laced through both joints; colophon at the end: 'Lugduni Batavorum, Excudebat Ioannes Balduini. Anno 1599, mense Julio') (Condition: Short title in ink on the back; vellum somewhat soiled; 2 hardly noticeable pinpoint wormholes in the first 6 leaves; some foxing; name on front flyleaf erased, leaving a small hole) (Note: Arnobius, a teacher of rhetoric at Sicca Veneria in Numidia 'was suddenly converted to Christianity (ca. A.D. 295) ...

€ 600,00
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ARRIANUS. Arriani Nicomedensis Expeditionis Alexandri libri septem, et Historia Indica graec. et lat. cum annotationibus et indice graeco locupletissimo Georgii Raphelii. Accedunt Eclogae Photii ad Arrianum pertinentes cum lectionibus variantibus Dav. Hoeschelii, summaria librorum distincta & emendata, index rerum accuratissimus, nec non tabula geographica Expeditionis Alexandri. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Wetstenium, 1757. 8vo. XLVIII,637,(211) p., frontispiece, folding map of Europe and the Orient. Vellum 21 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 212310364; Hoffmann 1,377; Brunet 1,497; Dibdin 1,329: 'An excellent and commodious edition'; Moss 1,188; Graesse 1,227; Ebert 1236) (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. Frontispiece by I.K. Philips (in Greek letters), depicting an armed and winged Nike crushing 3 ennemies, a black African, an Asian and a European; in the air flies Fama with her trumpet. Title in red & black. Printer's ...

€ 350,00
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ATHANASIUS & BASILIUS. Athanasiou dialogoi e', peri tês hagias Triados. Basileiou logoi d' kata dussebous Eunomiou. Anastasiou kai Kurillou ekthesis suntomos tês orthodoksou pisteôs. Athanasii dialogi V, de sancta Trinitate. Basilii libri IIII, adversus impium Eunomium. Anastasii et Cyrilli compendiaria orthodoxae fidei explanatio. Ex interpretatione Th. Bezae. Foebadi, sive Foebadii liber contra Arianos. Quae Athanasii, Anastasii & Cyrilli sunt, & quae Foebadii, nunc primum eduntur. N.pl. (Geneva), Excudebat Henricus Stephanus, 1570. 8vo. (XIV),24;431,(1 blank) p. 18th century vellum 17.5 cm A collection of Trinitarian texts (Ref: GLN-2395; Hoffmann 1,387; Renouard, Estienne p. 133; Graesse 1,243; Butterweck, Athanasius Bibliographie, p. 64/65; Dibdin 1,196: 'scarce and estimable'; not in Brunet) (Details: Two morocco letterpieces on the spine. Boards with gilt borders. Marbled endpapers, ...

€ 1300,00
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ATHENAEUM ILLUSTRE.- A collection of dissertations: 1, Petrus Nieuwland: Dissertatio philosophico-critica De Musonio Rufo philosopho stoico. (Praeside D. Wyttenbachio, 1783) (Bound with:) 2, B.P. Van Wesele Scholten: Dissertatio philosophico-critica De Philosophiae Ciceronianae loco, qui est De Divina Natura. (Praeside D. Wyttenbachio, 1783) (&:) 3, B.P. Van Wesele Scholten: Dissertatio juridica De foedere Madritano, quod Franciscus I. Rex cum Carolo V. Imp. captivus fecit. (Praeside H.C. Cras, 1784) (&:) 4, Benjamin Petrus van Wesele Scholten: Dissertatio juridica inauguralis, Ad fragmentum Scaevolae, quod exstat in Leg. CII Princ. Dig. de Solut. et Liberat. (Praeside D.G. van der Keessel, 1785) (&:) 5, David Jacobus Van Lennep: Disputatio juris, sive ethico-juridica De loco Ciceronis qui est De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum. (Praeside H.C. Cras, 1793) (&:) 6, E.C. d'Engelbronner: Disputatio juris De loco Ciceronis qui est De Legibus. (Praeside H.C. Cras, ...

€ 280,00
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ATHENAGORAS & HERMIAS PHILOSOPHUS. Sancti Athenagorae Atheniensis Philosophi Deprecationem (vulgo Legationem) pro Christianis. Edidit M. Io.Gottlieb Lindner, rector Scholae Arnstadiensis. (Bound with:) HERMIOU PHILOSOPHOU DIASURMOS TÔN EXÔ PHILOSOPHÔN. Hermiae Philosophi Gentilium Philosophorum Irrisio. Cum adnotationibus Hier. Wolfii, Thomae Galei, Wilh. Worthii suisque. Graece in usum praelectionum separatim edidit Jo. Christoph. Dommerich, dialect. et philosoph. primae professor P.O. in Academia Helmstadiensi. Langensalza (Longosalissae), Sumptibus Io.Chr. Martini, 1774. Ad 2: Halle (Halae), Apud Carolum Hermannum Hemmerde, 1764. 8vo. 2 volumes in 1: XXXIV,238,(28 index); 108,(3),(1 blank) p. Late 19th century half cloth 17 cm (Ref: Ad 1: Hoffmann 1,400: 'Dem Text sind schätzbare Anmerkungen beigefügt'; Brunet 1,537; Graesse 1,245; Ebert 1322; Ad 2: Hoffmann 2,214; Brunet 3,117: 'Seule ...

€ 180,00
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AUCTORES LATINAE LINGUAE, IN UNUM REDACTI CORPUS. Quorum auctorum veterum & neotericorum elenchum sequens pagina docebit. Adiectis notis Dionysii Gothofredi I.C. Una cum indice generali in omnes auctores. Saint-Gervais-Les-Bains (S. Gervasii), Apud Iacobum Chouët, 1602. 4to. (VII),(1 blank) p; 1924 (recte 1926) columns, (1 blank) p.; (74 index) p., (2 blank) p.;106 (recte 74) columns. Overlapping vellum 26 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,1297; Graesse 1,250; Ebert 8793; Brunet 1,548/49) (Details: 7 thongs laced through the joints. The title page has woodcut architectural borders filled with floral motives and human figures, 2 reading men are flanking the title on each side, at the foot two naked athletes, at the top a tympanon. Woocut printer's device on the title, depicting an kind of Nehustan anchor, held by 2 hands emerging from a cloud; around the upperpart of the anchor coils a snake) (Condition: Vellum age tanned and ...

€ 420,00
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AUGUSTINUS. Sancti Augustini Episcopi Hipponensis & Ecclesiae Doctoris opuscula quaedam selecta. (...) Editio quarta. Brussels (Bruxellae), E typographia Francisci Vivien, 1662. 12mo. (XXIV),514,(2 blank) p. Vellum 12 cm (Ref: STCV:12911771; Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa 11822) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Short title in ink on the back. Marbled endpapers. Lacking the frontispiece) (Condition: Frontispiece removed. Paper yellowing) (Note: Aurelius Augustinus, 354-430 AD, bishop of Hippo, is undoubtedly the greatest and the most influential of the Church Fathers. He was trained in classical rhetoric and ancient philosophy, and 'left his distinctive mark on most aspects of western Christianity'. (...) Augustine's major works are landmarks in the abandonment of classical ideals. (OCD 2nd ed. p. 148) § The 'Opuscula Selecta' are: 'Epistola S. Augustini CV, ad Sixtum ...

€ 90,00
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AUGUSTINUS. De Belydenisse van S Augustyn. (Nu onlanghs uyt het Latijn in het Duytsch overgeset door eenen Eerweerdigen P. der Societeyt Jesu) Antwerpen, ('t Antwerpen), By Frederick van Metelen, inde Warmoes-straet inde 4 Evangelisten, 1688. 12mo. (XV)(1 blank),365 (recte 363),(1),(4 blank) p. Calf 15 cm (Ref: cf. OiN 106; Not yet in STCV) (Details: Back gilt and with 5 raised bands. Gilt floral motives in the 4 compartments of the back. Engraved title, depicting Augustine leaning against a tree, in the sky 3 angels, one of them calling tolle lege, tolle lege. Printed in Gothic script) (Condition: Back rubbed; foot of spine slightly damaged; a few small wormholes visible in the frontcover; 5 pinpoint wormholes in first gathering, reduced in the second gathering to 3, and in the fouth to 2 wormholes, of which one is in the inner margin/gutter, sometimes nibbling at a letter. Front flyleaf removed. 3 names on the front pastedown) (Note: ...

€ 125,00
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AUSONIUS. Decii Ausonii Burdigalensis viri consularis varia opuscula dilegenter recognita. Basel (Basileae), Apud Valentinum Curionem, 1523. 8vo. (XVI),249,(3) p. Early 20th century half vellum 15.5 cm (Ref: VD16 A 4385; Schweiger 2,21: 'nicht ohne krit. Werth'; Fabricius/Ernesti 3,147) (Details: Title with large woodcut borders. Large printer's mark, designed by Hans Holebein, at the end; Holbein worked for Curio from 1521 till 1524. (Heitz/Bernoulli, 'Basler Büchermarken', Strassburg 1895, p. 67, illustration 102)) (Condition: Binding probably early 20th century. Damaged back restored with a strip vellum. Title slightly soiled, and its edges are somewhat thumbed, and its upper margin is somewhat cut short. Name on the title below the imprint. First gathering slightly waterstained. No flyleaves. Paper slightly yellowing) (Note: Decimus Magnus Ausonius of Burdigala (Bordeaux), ca. 310-394, was ...

€ 900,00
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AUSONIUS. D. Magni Ausonii Burdig. viri consularis opera. A Iosepho Scaligero, & Elia Vineto denuo recognita, disposita, & variorum notis illustrata (...) Adiectis variis & locupletissimis indicibus. (Geneve), Typis Iacobi Stoer, 1588. 16mo. 2 volumes in 1: (XXXII),350;247,(1 blank),(14 indices) p. 18th century calf, back recently and decently restored. 13 cm (Ref: GLN-3290; Schweiger 21; Graesse I,259; Smitskamp p. 118) (Details: Back with 4 raised bands, recently and expertly restored. Morocco shield with gilt lettering in second compartment. Boards with blind triple fillet borders. Elaborately blind tooled rectangles on both boards. Edges of the boards gilt, edges of the bookblock dyed red. Title within woodcut borders, right edge of the title slightly cut short. The second volume has a title of its own, it contains 'Iosephi Scaligeri Iul. Caes. F. Ausonianarum lectionum libri duo', to which have been added notes of ...

€ 920,00
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BADEN, TORCHILLUS. Torchilli Badenii Jac. fil. Roma Danica, harmoniam atque affinitatem linguae danicae cum lingua romana exhibens. Editio altera priore anni 1699 auctior et emendatior curante Torchillo Badenio pronepote. Copenhagen (Hafniae), Apud C. Steenium, 1835. 8vo. (IV),206 p. Contemporary blue boards 19,5 cm (Small Danish name in ballpoint on titlepage) (Note: Torkel Baden, or Torkil Baden, 1765-1849, 'studied at Göttingen and acquired an interest in art during his travels in Italy. He was professor at Kiel in Holstein (then part of Denmark) and (in 1804-23) at Copenhagen. His published works (such as his dissertation on Philostratus) were partly inspired by his interest in ancient art. He 'had read nearly all the Greek and Latin Classics', but the result of all this reading is inadequately represented in his edition of the Tragedies of Seneca. His edition of his grandfather's 'Roma Danica' brought him into feud ...

€ 90,00
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BAÏF, L. DE. De vasculis libellus, adulescentulorum causa ex Bayfio decerptus, addita vulgari latinarum vocum interpretatione. Paris (Parisiis), Ex officina Roberti Stephani typographi Regii, 1543. (Colophon at the end: 'Excudebat Rob. Stephanus Typographus Regius, Parisiis, an. M.D.XLIII, XIII Cal. Oct.) 8vo. 52,(3 index),(1 blank) p. Half vellum (20th century) 17 cm (Ref: not in Renouard, 'Ann. de l'Impr. des Estienne', see however p. 58, 1543/12: 'Carolus Stephanus, De re Vestiaria, Vascularia et Navali, ex Bayfio. Addita vulgaris linguae interpretatione'; not in Brunet, Graesse, or Ebert) (Details: Printer's Olive tree device of the Stephanus family on the title, motto: 'Noli altum sapere', short for 'Noli altum sapere, sed time', in English 'Donot be high-minded, but fear'. (Epistola Beati Pauli ad Romanos 11,20) (Condition: The right upper corner of the first gathering ...

€ 800,00
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BARLAEUS, CASPER. Casparis Barlaei Antverpiani Poematum pars II: Elegiarum et Miscellaneorum carminum. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Apud Joannem Blaeu, 1646. 12mo. (VIII),576 p. Overlapping vellum 13 cm (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting a celestial sphere flanked by Tempus and Hercules, motto: 'Indefessus agendo'. This is the second volume of a two volume set. The first volume was published in 1645 by Blaeu, simply as 'Poemata') (Condition: Vellum age-toned. Old name on the title. Faint waterstain in the upper and lower margin of most quires.) (Note: When he was one year old the Flemish parents of the Dutch polymath, poet, theologian and historian Caspar Barlaeus, 1584-1648, had to flee Antwerp for the 'Spanish fury'. 'They settled in Zaltbommel, where his father eventually would become head of the Latin school. Caspar studied theology and ...

€ 200,00
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BARTHÉLEMY,J.J. Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grèce, dans le milieu du quatrième siècle avant l'ère vulgaire. 3e édition. Paris, Chez De Bure l'aîné, 1790. 8vo. 7 volumes: 1, XVI,248 p., 4 maps; 2, (IV),350 p., 13 maps & plates; 3, (VIII),332 p., 5 maps & plates; 4, (VI),339 p., 6 maps & plates; 5, (VI),336 p., 1 plate; 6, (VI),313 p., 1 map & 1 plate; 7, (II),78,(2),LXIV,CXXXIX p. In all, 4 & 27 folding plates & maps. Contemporary boards. 19.5 cm (Ref: Graesse 1,300; Brunet 1,674) (Details: Without the Atlas volume. Bindings in marbled paper. All spines ruled gilt, and with a light brown title label, and a dark blue small oval volume label. Small paper library label at the foot of the spines. Maps engraved by the French cartographer Jean Denis Barbié du Bocage, 1760-1825, who was a friend of the author Barthélemy. At this time he was attached, ...

€ 300,00
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BASILIUS MAGNUS. Basilii Magni Caesariensium in Cappadocia Antistitis sanctissimi Opera plane divina, variis e locis sedulo collecta & accuratione ac impensis Iodoci Badii Ascensii recognita & coimpressa, quorum Index proxima pandetur charta. (Paris), Prelum Ascensii), 1520. (At the end: 'Impressa sum impensis & recognitione Iodoci Ascensii ad Idus Novemb. Anni Dominici 1520') Folio. (X),178 leaves. 19th century half calf. 30 cm (Ref: BP16_104596; Hoffman 1,412; Renouard 2,145/6; Moreau 1511-1520: 2246; Graesse 1,306; USTC no: 145192) (Details: Back gilt, with a red morocco letterpiece. Marbled paper on the boards. The architectural border on the title-page, filled with fable animals, encompasses the printer's device of Josse Badius (Jodocus Badius or Josse Bade), which features a printing press. A sign reads: 'Prelum Ascensianum', or 'Press of Asse', since Badius was from the Flemish village of ...

€ 1500,00
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BECK,M.F. Monumenta Antiqua Judaica, Augustae Vindel. reperta, & enarrata, cum Mantissa III. Monum. vetustorum Roman., operis Velseriani de antiquis Monum. August. appendice quadam. Studio Matthiae Friderici Beckii. Augsburg, (Augustae Vindel.), Apud Viduam Theoph. Goebelii, Typis Koppmayerianis impressa, 1686. 8vo. 62,(2) p., 2 engraved plates. Modern marbled boards. 16 cm (Ref: VD17 1:060593L) (Details: Title in red and black. Occasional Hebrew texts and inscriptions. Two engraved plates of two sides of the four-sided Roman monument of one Aelius Montanus Haederanus found in Augsburg, and erected in the garden of the Aedes Peutingeriana; good quality paper) (Condition: Two plates depicting two sides of the four-sided Roman monument have been removed) (Note: The German orientalist Matthias Friedrich Beck, 1649-1701, studied in Jena oriental languages and literature. In 1672 he received a stipendium from the city of ...

€ 225,00
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BENEDICTUS. Den regel van den Heyligen Vader Benedictus, Abt ende Patriarch der Monincken in den Westen. Nieuws over-geset uyt het Latijn in de Nederduytsche tale, door eenen Religieus van de Abdije van S. Salvator, der Ordere van Cisteaux. Tweeden druck. Antwerp ('t Antwerpen), By de Wed. vander Hey, op de Meir, in den H. Geest. Met Approbatie, n.d. (ca. 1768) 12mo. 150,(6) p. Calf 12.2 cm (Ref: A. Welkenhuysen, 'Benedicti Regula belgice, over bibliografie van Benedictus-vertalingen en oude drukken van de 'Regel' in het Nederduits', in Zetesis, Album amicorum, door vrienden en collaga's aangeboden aan Prof. Dr. E. de Strycker, Antw., Utrecht, 1954, p. 396-415, especially p. 412-415; Bibl. Cath. Neerl. Impr. 1954, p. 469, no. 1528'; not yet in STCV) (Details: Back with 3 raised bands. Gilt floral motive in the 4 compartments. Engraved printer's mark on the title, depicting the radiant dove of ...

€ 260,00
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BEROALDUS, PHILIPPUS. Varia Philippi Beroaldi opuscula in hoc Codice contenta. * Orationes: praelectiones; & Praefationes: & quaedam mithicae Historiae Philippi Beroaldi. * Item Plusculae Angeli Politiani; Hermolai Barbari atque una Iasonis Maini ad serenissimum Maximilianum invictissimum Rhomanorum imperatorem Oratio. * Epigrammata ac ludicra quaedam facilioris musae carmina eruditissimi viri Philippi Beroaldi ab Ascensio nuper eludicata: nunc demum coimpressa & eo ordine disposita, ut maxime moralia sint omnium prima. * L. Coelii Lactantii Firmiani pia Nenia verbis Christi domini crucifixi, sua in nos beneficia commemorantis. * Item Phi. Beroaldi de septem sapientium sententiis Libellus. * Eiusdem Symbola Pythagorae moraliter explicata. * De optimo statu, & de foelicitate. * Declamatio Philosophi medici & oratoris. * Declamatio ebriosi, scortatoris & aleatoris. * Oratio autem proverbialis caeteris apposita est. N.pl. (Basel), n.d. (1513) ...

€ 1900,00
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BERONICIUS. P.J. Beronicii Georgarchontomachia, caeterorumque ejus carminum sylvula; quorum prius carmine belgico secutum. Boeren- en overheids-stryd, en de overige gedichten van P.J. Beronicius, welkers eerste in Nederduitsche vaarzen is nagevolgd door J.B. Waar by gevoegd is het zonderling leven des dichters; een goed aantal van Nederduitsche aanteekeningen; en een keurig zestal van fraaije koperen platen. Te Goes & Middelburg, Bij Jacobus Huysman & Jeroen van de Sande, J.z., 1766. 8vo. XX,178 p. Modern half vellum 22 cm (Ref: Best source: C.J. Krijger, 'P.J. Beronicius Boeren- en Overheidsstryd, 1673'. Doctoraal scriptie 1986, Reliable: Winkler Prins 6e dr., vol. 3, p. 777; also important: Sizoo, Hermeneus 8 (1936) p.17/21; uncritical: Van der AA 2,442/45; NNBW 8,88) (Details: Tasteful antique style binding, with a red morocco shield on the back. Frontispiece & six scenes on three plates by Simon Fokke. The ...

€ 250,00
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