
Old and Rare books

Results 41 - 60 of 426

BETOUW,J. IN DE. Annales Noviomagi, Oppidi olim Batavorum, hodie primariae Gelrorum Civitatis. Nijmegen (Noviomagi), (Ex typographia Ahasuëri van Goor filiique), 1790. 4to. (IV),244,(4 index) p. Contemporary wrapppers 22 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 190386835; Gheprint te Nymeghen 45.1) (Details: Uncut) (Condition: Wrappers chafed. Paper on the back gone. Paper of 9 gatherings browned. Waterstain, sometimes almost invisible, in the upper inner corner) (Note: The city of Nijmegen, in the Dutch province of Gelderland, is one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands. In the first century BC the Romans built a military limes-camp on a place of great strategic value because of the surrounding hills, which gave a good view over the Rhine valley. By 69 a village called 'Oppidum Batavorum' had formed near the Roman camp, where 'Legio X Gemina' was stationed. The settlement around the camp received in 98 A.D. Roman city ...

€ 60,00
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BEZA, MURETUS, JANUS SECUNDUS Theodori Bezae Vezelii Poemata. (Bound with:) Marci Antonii Mureti Juvenilia. (And:) Johannis Secundi Hagiensis Juvenilia. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), 1757. 12mo in 8 & 4 sheets. 3 volumes in 1: (IV),IV,124 p., a portrait of Beza; X,106 p., a portrait of Muretus; IV,3-156 p. Green morocco 16 cm (Ref: Brunet 1,239; Graesse cf 1,359, where we find the imprint Paris 1757) (Details: Green morocco; red morocco shield on the back; gilt floral decoration on the back; boards with gilt triple fillet borders; inside dentelles gilt; marbled endpapers; edges of the bookblock gilt; woodcut printers' mark of Joseph Gérard Barbou on all three titles, depicting an old man who stands in the shade of a vine-entwined elmtree. The motto is 'Non solus'. The 2 portraits have been etched by Fiquet) (Condition: Some wear to the extremes. A small bump in the bottom edge of the front board. Two tiny and ...

€ 280,00
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BONAMICUS, CASTRUCCIUS. Castruccii Bonamici De rebus ad Velitras gestis commentarius. Ad Trojanum Aquavivam Aragonium S.R.E. Principem Cardinalem Montis Regalis Archiepiscopum, et potentissimorum Hispaniarum, atque utriusque Siciliae Regum ad Pontificem Maximum, Sedemque apostolicam Legatum. Editio nova, auctior. Curante Cornelio Valerio Vonck. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Marcum Michaelem Rey, 1748. 8vo. XXIV,64 p. Vellum 21 cm (Ref: IJsewijn, Companion, 2nd ed. 1,66; Michaud, Biographie Universelle, 1854 p. 147) (Details: 2 thongs laced through the joints. Green morocco label on the back. Marbled endpapers. Title in red and black. Engraved printer's mark of the French refugee printer/publisher Marc Michel Rey on the title, depicting a beehive: motto 'ingeniosa assiduitate') (Condition: Binding slightly curved and age-toned. Tail of the spine chafed. Back and morocco shield somewhat rubbed. A few tiny pinpoint spots of ...

€ 200,00
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BONEFONIUS. Johannis Bonefonii Arverni carmina. London (Londini), Ex officina Jacobi Tonson, & Johannis Watts, 1720. 12mo XI,(1 blank),75,(1 blank) p. 19th century half morocco 15 cm (Ref: IJsewijn p. 135; Graesse 1,486; ESTC T72206) (Details: Gilt short title on the back; title in red & black; woodcut printer's mark on the title, showing all kinds of symbols of wisdom and science) (Condition: Lacking the last 8 pages; wear to the extremities; upper margin partly and lightly waterstained) (Note: The French Neo-Latin poet Jean Bonefons, or Johannes Bonefonius in Latin, (Clermont/Auvergne, 1554-1614) is the last great poet of the 'first great age of French Neo-Latin poetry'. IJsewijn calls him a 'belated Petrarchan singer'; (IJsewijn p. 135). Of the poets who followed the footsteps of the Dutch erotic poet Janus Secundus, he was one of the best known. They are often found together in later editions of erotic ...

€ 90,00
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BORRICHIUS,O. Olai Borrichii Cogitationes De variis latinae linguae aetatibus, & Scripto illustris Viri, Ger. Joann. Vossii De vitiis sermonis; Accedit ejusdem Defensio nomine Vossii & Stradae, adversus Gasp. Scioppium. (Bound with:) Olai Borrichii Analecta ad Cogitationes De lingua latina. Accedit appendix De lexicis latinis, & graecis, cum indice addendorum ad Fori Romani literam C. Copenhagen (Hafniae), Sumptibus Petri Hauboldi, Reg. Acad. Bibliop., 1675 & 1682. 4to. 2 volumes in 1: (XVI),314,(6 index); (IV),63,(1 blank);68 p. Contemporary blindstamped vellum. 21 cm (Ref: P.A. Hansen, 'A bibliography of Danish contributions to Classical scholarship', no. 1350, 1352 & 1413) (Details: 6 thongs laced through both joints. Short title in ink on the back. Blind ruled borders, with floral corner pieces. Title in red and black) (Condition: Vellum slightly soiled. Boards slightly curved. Paper of the first ...

€ 600,00
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BROUKHUSIUS,J. Jani Broukhusii Carmina. Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Apud Franciscum Halma, Academ. Typogr. Ordinarium, 1684. 12mo. (VIII),95,(1 blank) p. Vellum 16 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 84001225X; Oberlé no. 325) (Details: 3 thongs laced through the joints. Woodcut flowery ornament on the title) (Condition: Vellum age-toned and slightly scratched. Small dent in the spine. Front pastedown detached. Small inscription on the front flyleaf, and on the title, where someone wrote below 'Carmina' the word 'Quaerendo'. Paper slightly yellowing, some spots in the first leaves) (Note: This is the first edition of the neolatin poetry of the Dutch scholar/soldier Joan van Broekhuizen (Janus Broukhusius), 1649-1707, who during an adventurous life pursued his classical studies and poetry at leisure. His editions of Propertius (1702) and Tibullus (1707) laid the foundation for his reputation as a classical scholar. He was ...

€ 400,00
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BRÜCKE,E. Grundzüge der Physiologie und Systematik der Sprachlaute für Linguisten und Taubstummenlehrer. Wien, Gerold, 1856. (V),134 p., 1 folding lithographed table. Paper wrapper gone. 20 cm (Small bookplate of Robert Washington Oates on the verso of the title; See for Oates Wikipedia; see also Wikipedia for the importance of Ernst Wilhelm von Brücke; first edition of this classic on phonetics)
Book number: 160032 Euro 200.00

Keywords: (Oude Druk), (Rare Books), Aussprache, Phonetik, Physiologie, Sprache, Sprachwissenschaft, Taubstumm, Taubstummen, Taubstummensprache, Taubstummheit, deaf-mute, language, linguistics, muteness, phonetics, physiology, pronunciation, sign language

€ 200,00
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BUCHANANUS, GEORGIUS. Georgij Buchanani Scoti ad viros sui seculi clarissimos, eorumque ad eundem Epistolae. Ex Mss. accurate descriptae, nunc primum in lucem editae. London (Londini), Impensis D. Brown (ad Insigne Cygni Nigri extra Portam vulgo dictam Temple-Bar) & G. Taylor, 1711. (X),93 p. 20th century half brown morocco 17.5 cm (Ref: J. Durkan, 'Bibliography of Buchanan', Glasgow 1994, no. 271) (Details: Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting 2 black swans. Lacking the leaves A2 & A3, these leaves contain the dedication to John, Duke of Roxburgh, and are signed by one Ja(mes) Oliphant) (Condition: Binding slightly scuffed, paper slightly foxed; the verso of the last page, with an advertisement, has been glued to last flyleaf; without the last blank leaf. Lacking leaves A2 & A3 with the dedication. Small etched bookplate on the front pastedown) (Note: George Buchanan, 1506-1582, was a Scottish historian and humanist ...

€ 190,00
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BULWER LYTTON,E. De laatste dagen van Pompeji. Naar het Engelsch van E. Lytton Bulwer, schrijver van Eugenius Aram., Pelham, enz. Amsterdam, G.J.A. Beijerinck, 1835. 3 volumes: 289; 248; 249 p. Contemporary half cloth. 23 cm (Historical novel) (Details: All 3 title pages have the same engraving, designed by the Dutch artist Hendrik Breukelaar and executed by the engraver Philippus Velijn, who often worked together; depicted is a scene from the 9th chapter of the 3rd book, 'De spelonk der tooverheks', the meeting of Glaukus, Jone and a female slave with the witch in her cave; at her feet rest a fox and a viper) (Condition: Bindings slightly scuffed. Interior fine) (Note: The famous historical novel 'The Last Days of Pompeii' was first published in 1834. A Dutch translation followed soon. The name of the translator of the novel is however not known for the time being. The reviewer of this novel in the leading literary ...

€ 95,00
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BURMANNUS, PETRUS. Unum epistolium epistoliorum dulcissimorum dulcissimum, unius fidelissimi discipuli & olim scholaris ad suum magistrum. Copenhagen (Coppenhagae), 1706. 4to. (II),70 p. Modern boards. 22 cm 'Written cum maxima fractura capitis & labore' (Ref: STCN ppn 183625013; Knuttel 15549) (Condition: Paper browning. Edges of the title and second leaf chipped) (Note: The Roman author, orator and politician Cicero enjoyed his greatest glory during the Renaissance, 'when he became not only a historical figure and a writer but also the object of the literary cult known as Ciceronianism'. (The Classical Tradition, Cambr. Mass., 2010, p. 195) Petrach established Cicero as a uniquely powerful stylistic source and intellectual resource. 'In the later 15th century Humanists like Angelo Poliziano and Filippo Beroaldo began to widen the range of Latinity: they commented on and sometimes imitated Quintilian, ...

€ 190,00
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BURMANNUS, PETRUS. Catalogus rarissimorum & praestantissimorum librorum qui in thesauris romano, graeco, italico & siculo continentur, secundum nomina auctorum per alphabeti ordinem digestus. Leiden (Leidae), Apud Petrum vander Aa, Typographum Academiae, 1725. 8vo. (VIII),88 p. Vellum 20.5 cm (Details: Woodcut printer's mark on the title, it depicts Athena and Hermes, the motto is: 'Hac itur ad astra', borrowed from Seneca's 73th letter. The words that complete this saying are often forgotten: 'hac secundum frugalitatem, hac secundum temperantiam, hac secundum fortitudinem') (Condition: Vellum age-tanned. Some small wormholes in the gutter of the blank upper corner, sometimes nibbling at a letter. Pinpoint wormhole in the blank right margin) (Note: The Dutch classical scholar Pieter Burman, latinized as Petrus Burmannus, 1668-1741, was professor of History and Eloquence (Latin) at the University of ...

€ 290,00
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BUTTMANN,Ph. Lexilogus, or critical examination of the meaning and etymology of numerous Greek words and passages, intended principally for Homer and Hesiod. By Philip Buttmann, LL.D, late professor in the University of Berlin, and librarian of the Royal Library. Translated and edited with explanatory notes and copious indexes by J.R. Fishlake, late fellow of Wadham College, Oxford. Second edition, revised. London, John Murray, 1840. 8vo. XVI,597 p. Calf 22 cm (Details: Nice binding: Back with 5 raised bands and with gilt floral motives in the compartments.n Orange lettering label in the second compartment of the back. Boards with double fillet gilt borders; marbled endpapers; edges of the boards gilt, book block has marbled edges) (Condition: Some slight wear to the extremities; boards slightly scratched; blind stamp of 'W.J. Richards, Bookseller, High St. 104, Oxford' in the front flyleaf) (Note: Philipp Karl Buttmann, ...

€ 125,00
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CAESAR. C. Julii Caesaris De Bellis Gallico et Civili Pompejano, necnon A. Hirtii, aliorumque de Bellis Alexandrino, Africano, et Hispaniensi Commentarii, ad MSStorum fidem expressi, cum integris notis Dionysii Vossii, Joannis Davisii, et Samuelis Clarkii. Cura et studio Francisci Oudendorpii, qui suas animadversiones, ac varias lectiones adjecit. Leiden (Lugd. Bat.), Apud Samuelem Luchtmans, Rotterdam (Rotterodami), Apud Johannem Danielem Beman, 1737. 4to. 2 volumes in 1: (XXVIII, including a frontispiece),1035,(33 index) p., portrait of Caesar, 3 folding maps, and 10 (folding) plates. Calf 25 cm. <Fundamental> (Ref: STCN ppn 189161027; Neue Pauly, Suppl. 2 p. 129; Schweiger 2,46/47; Dibdin 1,363: 'An admirable and truly critical edition'; Brunet 1,1456/57; Moss 1,236; Fabricius/Ernesti 1,264; Graesse 2,8; Ebert 3282; Spoelder p. 642/43, Middelburg 4) (Details: Prize copy, without the prize. Backstrip adorned by gilt rolls. ...

€ 375,00
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CALLIMACHUS. Callimachi Hymni, epigrammata et fragmenta ex recensione Theodori J.G.F. Graevii, cum ejusdem animadversionibus. Accedunt N. Frischlini, H. Stephani, B. Vulcanii, P. Voetii, A.T.F. Daceriae, R. Bentleii commentarius, et annotationes viri illustrissimi Ezechielis Spanhemii, nec non praeter fragmenta, quae ante Vulcanius & Daceria publicarant, nova, quae Spanhemius & Bentleius collegerunt, & digesserunt. Hujus cura & studio quaedam quoque inedita epigrammata Callimachi nunc primum in lucem prodeunt. Utrecht (Ultrajecti), Apud Franciscum Halmam, Guilielmum vande Water, 1697. 8vo. 2 volumes: (XXXII),1-438; 369-496,(138); (16),758,(64 index) p., frontispiece, 6 engraved plates, and occasional engraved text illustrations. Vellum 21 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 833518089; Hoffmann 1,429: 'Vorzügliche Werth erh. diese Ausg. durch Spanheim's u. Bentley's Noten'; Dibdin 1,368/69: 'An excellent and erudite edition' and the scholar ...

€ 600,00
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CALLIMACHUS. Callimachi Hymni et Epigrammata. Ex recensione Io. Aug. Ernesti. Curavit Christophorus Fridericus Loesnerus. Leipzig (Lipsiae), Sumptibus Caspari Fritsch, 1774. (Colophon: Lipsiae, Ex officina Breitkopfiorum, 1774) 8vo. (II, portrait of Callimachus), 6,112,(30 index) p. Contemporary boards. 18.5 cm (Ref: VD18 10534695; Hoffmann 1,430; Dibdin 1,371; Moss 1,250; Graesse 2,18; Ebert 3347) (Details: Boards covered with marbled paper. Red shield on the back. Contains a praefatio, Greek text & a translation into Latin, and 6 p. of Variae Lectiones from a manuscript that Ernesti thought worthwile, and an index of 30 pages. Nice portrait of Callimachus, engraved by Sysang, as frontispiece. The German engraver Johann Christoph Sysang, 1703-1757, made this portrait for the Callimachus edition of Leipzig 1741, published by Breitkopf in Leipzig. The copper plate for this portrait was used again in this 1774 edition, which ...

€ 110,00
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CAMERARIUS,J. Notatio figurarum orationis et mutatae simplicis elocutionis in apostolicis scriptis, ad perspiciendam de intellecto sermone, sententiam autorum, studio Ioachimi Camerarii Pabepergensis. Leipzig (Lipsiae), Edita in Officina Valentini Papae, 1556. 8vo. (XVI,368) p. Modern hardback. 16.5 cm (Ref: VD16 C 485; cf. Brunet 1,1513, he mentions only the edition of Leipzig 1572) (Details: Modern and modest binding; the second and last gathering of the introduction, 8 leaves, is missing; this last half of the introduction is added in photocopy. Some woodcut inititals) (Condition: Paper on the boards very superficially damaged. The second and third leaf of the first gathering are loose, the remaining leaves of this first gathering are loosening; the last gathering of the introduction is missing) (Note: The German classical scholar Joachim Camerarius was born in 1500 in Bamberg. He died in Leipzig in 1574. He held classical ...

€ 525,00
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CAPELLE,A.G. VAN. Commentatio de Regibus et Antiquitatibus Pergamenis. N.pl., n.d. (Amsterdam, 1842) VIII,172 p., 1 plate with coins, 1 folding lithographed map. Contemporary blue stiff wrappers. 28 cm (Note: The Dutch schoolmaster Arend Gerard van Capelle, 1795-1852, was conrector, and later rector of the Gymnasium of Amsterdam, the precursor of the 'Barlaeus Gymnasium'. His dissertation of 1817 was on Hellenistic history, 'De Zenobia, Palmyrenorum Augusta'. He published also an edition of Terentius, 'P. Terentii Afri Comoediae quas ad fidem optimarum editionum denuo castigavit, illustravit, edidit Arentius Gerardus Van Cappelle', (Amsterdam 1838).
Book number: 152696 Euro 150.00

Keywords: (Oude Druk), (Rare Books), Asia Minor, Dutch imprints, Greek art and archaeology, Greek history, Hellenismus, Kleinasien, Pergamon, Pergamum, antike altertum antiquity, griechische Geschichte, griechische ...

€ 150,00
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CASAUBON,I. Isaaci Casauboni De Satyrica Graecorum Poesi, & Romanorum Satira libri duo. In quibus etiam poetae recensentur, qui in utraque poesi floruerunt. (Accedit: Cyclops Euripidae latinitate donata, a Q. Septimo Florente Christiano) Paris (Parisiis), Apud Ambrosium & Hieronymum Drouart, 1605. 8vo. (XVI),356,(2 addenda),(2 blank),38,(2 blank) p., 1 text engraving. Restored full calf 17 'Casaubon produced the first critical survey of literary history in his 'De Satyra Graecorum Poesi & Romanorum Satira', which has gone through many editions and can fairly be called a model of its kind'. (Wilamowitz) (Ref: Brunet 1,1613/14; Ebert 3628) (Details: Binding tastefully and expertly restored, antique style. Back with 4 raised bands. The remains of the original gilt back skillfully attached to the spine. An engraving of an ancient gem on p. 67) (Condition: Title slightly spotted; paper slightly yellowing) ...

€ 700,00
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CATO. Dionysii Catonis Disticha de moribus ad filium. Cum notis integris Scaligeri, Barthii, Daumii; scholiis atque animadversionibus selectis Erasmi, Opitii, Wachii; et metaphrasi graeca Planudis et Scaligeri. Quibus accedunt Boxhornii dissertatio, et Henrici Cannegieteri rescripta Boxhornio de Catone; nec non Joan. Hild. Withofii Dissertationes binae de distichorum auctore et vera illorum lectione. Recensuit, suasque adnotationes addidit Otto Arntzenius. Editio altera auctior & emendatior. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Ex officina Schouteniana, 1754. 8vo. LXXVI (including frontispiece),578,(36 index),(2 blank) p. Contemporary vellum. 21 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 191502472; Schweiger 2,70: 'Der Herausgeber hat seine eigenen Anmerkungen sehr vermehrt'; Brunet 1,1668; Graesse 2,82; Ebert 3736: 'A new recension from MSS. and old editions') (Details: 6 thongs laced through both joints. Boards with gilt borders and corner pieces; gilt ...

€ 280,00
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CATO. Dionysii Catonis Disticha de moribus ad filium, praeter sedulam variantis lectionis per omnia conlationem, lectissimis etiam adornata flosculis poeticis, una cum singulis adposita distichis, binorum quoque versuum, idiomatum vero diversorum, interpretatione quincuplice. Adjecta sunt lemmata Catoniana, suis quaeque restituta distichis. (And:) Historia critica Catoniana, per singulorum seriem consuetam, Dionysii Catonis Distichorum ex ordine deducta. Cui praemittuntur Maximi Planudis Metaphrasis Graeca, cum castigationibus Josephi Scaligeri in eamdem perpetuis: itemque Desiderii Erasmi concinna expositio. Adnexae sunt (...) Barthii, Opitii, Daumii, Wachii, Boxhornii, Cannegieteri, Withofii & Arntzeniorum fratrum animadversiones selectae. Addita quoque ad calcem Distichorum cuique nova paraphrasis. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Franciscum Houttuyn, 1759. 8vo. 2 volumes, in different bindings: Volume 1, vellum & 21 cm: XVI,348 p., 5 engraved ...

€ 425,00
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