TIBULLUS. Albii Tibulli Equitis Rom. Quae exstant, ad fidem veterum membranarum sedulo castigata. Accedunt notae, cum Variar. Lectionum libello, & terni Indices; quorum primus omnes voces Tibullianas complectitur. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Ex Officina Wetsteniana, 1708. 4to. (XX, including frontispiece),476,(73 index),(1 blank) p., 9 full page engravings. Calf. 23.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 186442033; Schweiger 2,1093; Graesse 6/2,157; Ebert 22968; Brunet 5,856) (Details: Back gilt and with 5 raised bands. Red shield in the second compartment. Edges dyed red. Marbled endpapers. Frontispiece engraved after a design of Joseph Mulder, by Willem (de) Broen, who is also the engraver of the 9 plates. The frontispiece shows left a shepherdess, probably Delia, Tibullus first love, and the subject of book I; she leans on a fountain, holding a staff; she reaches out towards a shepherd at the left, in the distance 3 nude women (the three Graces) dancing ...
TURSELLINUS,H. Horatii Tursellini Romani, Historiarum, ab origine mundi, usque ad annum, a Christo nato, 1598. Epitomae, libri decem. Cum brevibus notis, duplici item accessione, usque ad annum 1642, ac duplici indice. Editio ultima a quamplurimis mendis, nunc demum purgata. Utrecht (Ultrajecti), Apud Gulielmum vande Water, 1718. 8vo. (XVI),566,(74 index) p., frontispiece. Vellum 16.5 cm (Ref: cf. Graesse 6/2,216) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Boards blind tooled. Frontispiece engraved by P. Sluyter, probably depicting the Muse Clio, a winged woman with a quill in her hand and a laurel wreath on her head; she is visited by several allegorical figures, such as Father Time, and a naked woman with a palm branch (Victoria?) in her hand; in the background is Fama, who blows her horn. Title printed in red and black. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting Fama hovering above a city, the motto is: 'Pax artium ...
VAILLANT,J. Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum praestantiora a Julio Caesar ad Postumum et Tyrannos. Per Joannem Vaillant Bellovacum, Doct. Med. & Seren. Ducis Cenomanensium Antiquarium. Tomus primus: De Romanis aeris, seu Senatus consulto percussis. Editio tertia emendatior & plurimis rarissimis nummis auctior. Cui accessit Series numismatum Maximi Moduli nondum observata. Tomus secundus: De aureis et argenteis. Editio tertia plurimis rarissimis Regum & Urbium nummis ut & maximis & quinariis auctior. Cui accessere eorum omnium interpretationes. Paris (Lutetiae Parisiorum), Apud Joannem Jombert, 1694. 4to. 2 volumes: (XVI),256,(18 index); (VIII),397,(43 index) p. Early 20th century cloth. 20.5 (Ref: cf ISBN 304573108 (which has the impressum 'Amstelodami, apud G. Gallet, 1694'; cf. Ebert 23241; Graesse 6/2,234'; Brunet 5,1027) (Details: 2 frontispieces, the same, designed and engraved by the Amsterdam printmaker ...
VALCKENAER,L.C. Ludovici Caspari Valckenaer, Oratio de sacra Novi Foederis critice a literatoribus, quos vocant, non exercenda. Habita Kalendis Iuniis 1745 quum abiret Magistratu Academico. Franeker (Franequerae), Excudit Gulielmus Coulon, Illust. Frisiae Ordd. atque Eorumd. Academ. Typogr. Ord., 1745. 4to. (II),60,(X) p. Plain modern cloth 26 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 151528659; Gerretzen p. 208/09) (Details: Woodcut of the coat of arms of the province Frisia (Friesland) on the title. At the end a long laudatory poem of Johannes Daniel van Lennep, a student of Valckenaer, in Greek, and by Ernst Willem Higt, who studied theology in Franeker, in Dutch) (Condition: The lower margin of last pages slightly stained. Lower margin of last leaf frayed. Last leaf soiled) (Note: The Frisian scholar Lodewijk Caspar Valckenaer, 1715-1785, was a pupil of his fellow Frisian Tiberius Hemsterhuis, and after him the greatest Dutch classical scholar of ...
VALERIUS FLACCUS. Caii Valerii Flacci Argonautica. Ioan. Baptistae Pii carmen ex quarto Argonauticon Apollonii. Orphei Argonautica, innominato interprete. Lyon (Lugduni), Apud Seb. Gryphium, 1548. 16mo. 308,(1 colophon),(1 blank) p. Limp vellum 11.5 cm (Ref: USTC 149936; Schweiger 2,1099, incorrect (See note): 'Nachdruck der Strassb. Ausg. Die Vorrede der Aldine u. die des Engentinus sind mit abgedr.'; Graesse 6/2 241; Ebert 23289; cf. Brunet 5,1045) (Details: Printed completely in italics. On the title the printer's mark of Sebastianus Gryphius, depicting a griffin, which mythological animal symbolizes courage, diligence, watchfulness, and rapidity of execution, used as a pun of his family name Gryph or Greif. From the claws of this creature hangs a big rectangular stone, symbolizing Constancy, beneath which hangs a winged globe, symbolizing Fortune. The motto is 'Virtute duce / comite fortuna', 'Virtue thy leader, ...
VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Valerii Maximi Dictorum factorum memorabilium lib. IX, cum I. Lipsii notis et indice uberrimo. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Apud Ioannem Ianssonium, 1647. 12mo. (XII),486,(26 index) p. Modern calf 14 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,1110; Graesse 6/2,245) (Details: 20th century new binding, antique style. Back with three raised bands. Gilt short title in second compartment. Marbled endpapers. Engraved title: a woman holding in her hands a balance scale and reins. Woodcut initials. Edges of the book-block dyed blue) (Condition: Back spotted. Title page thumbed. Lower margin of the blank front flyleaf damaged. A few small wormholes in the lower margin of the title page, outside the engraving. Two small wormholes near the gutter of the first 3 leaves, nibling at a few letters) (Note: The Roman historian Valerius Maximus, who lived during the reign of the emperor Tiberius, composed a manual of illustrative examples for ...
VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Valerii Maximi Libri novem Factorum Dictorumque Memorabilium; cum notis integris Henrici Loriti Glareani, Stephani Pighii, Justi Lipsii, Christophori Coleri, et Johannis Vorstii; necnon selectis aliorum observationibus; quibus accedunt emendationes ineditae Casparis Barthii, Francisci Guyeti et Marquardi Gudii. Item notae & observationes perpetuae Jacobi Perizonii, ut et Antonii Schultingii JCti & Antecessoris, Exercitatio ad Val. Max. lib. VII. cap. VII. De testamentis rescissis. Ad plurimorum MSS fidem opus recensuit, & notas adjecit Abrahamus Torrenius. Leiden (Leidae), Apud Samuelem Luchtmans, 1726. 4to. (XLIV),914 (recte 916),(183),(1 blank) p. Frontispiece. 19th century vellum. 26 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 240849671; Schweiger 2,1111; Brunet 5,1050: 'bonne édition'; Dibdin 2,522/23: 'one of the most valuable and best edited of the Dutch classics'; Moss 2,702; Graesse 6,2/245; Ebert 23333; ...
VARRO. M. Terentii Varronis, Pars librorum quattuor et viginti de lingua latina. Ex Bibliotheca Antonii Augustini. Rome (Romae), Apud Vincentium Luchinum, 1557. (Colophon at the end: Romae, Apud Antonium Bladium impressorem Cameralem, 1557) 8vo. (XXIV),211,(1 blank),(43 index),(1 blank),(99 index),(1 blank) p. Modern cloth 17 cm (Ref: EDIT16 CNCE 35852; Schweiger 2,1118; Brunet 5,1092; Graesse 6/2, 263; Ebert 23393) (Details: A vellum look-a-like cloth binding from ca. 1900. See for this date the provenance below) (Condition: Binding somewhat soiled. Both flyleaves browning. Title and last page dust-soiled. Small piece of the right upper corner of the first 2 leaves worn away. Blank right upper corner of 88 pages, somewhere in the middle of the book, cut off. Some foxing. A few allmost invisible pinpoint wormholes at the right edge of the first half. Some wormholes in the margin of 50 pages of the index, sometimes nibbling at a few ...
VELLEIUS PATERCULUS. C. Velleii Paterculi quae supersunt. Nicolaus Heinsius Dan. F. recensuit et castigationum libellum addidit. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1678. 12mo. (XXIV),115,(29 index);108,(12 addenda & index) p., engraved title. Vellum 14 cm Prize copy Gouda (Ref: Willems 1550: 'Des 5 éditions de Paterculus données par les Elzevier, celle-ci est la plus estimée. Elle présente un texte nouveau revu par N. Heinsius'; Berghman 2110; Rahir 1686; Schweiger 2,1128; Brunet 4,430: 'édition préférable'; Fabricius/Ernesti 2,20; Graesse 5,162; Ebert 23478; Prize copy: Spoelder Gouda 2, p. 568) (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. Back ruled gilt. Boards with double fillet gilt borders. Gilt coat of arms in the centre of the boards. Engraved title, it depicts Aeneas with his father Anchises on his shoulders, and holding the hand of his son ...
VELLEIUS PATERCULUS. C. Velleii Paterculi Quae supersunt ex Historiae Romanae voluminibus duobus, cum integris animadversionibus doctorum, curante Davide Ruhnkenio. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Samuel et Joann. Luchtmans, Academiae Typographos, 1779. 8vo. 2 volumes in 1: (II, frontispiece),(XXXII),CXXII,1262 (recte 1260),(99 index) p. Calf 21 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 241048281; Schweiger 2,1130: a long note, from which :'Sehr wichtige Ausgabe'; 'an offenbar corrupten Stellen nahm er Emendationen, fremde und eigene, auf'. 'Die Notae des Rhenanus und Burer liess er unverstümmelt unter dem Texte abdrücken und fügte ihnen seine Anmerkungen ... neue Emendationen .. hinzu'. 'Der zweite Theil enthält den vollständigen Apparat der Burmannischen Ausgabe'; Dibdin 2, 525: 'a very excellent edition'; The text is 'amended in many passages by the judgement of Ruhnkenius, and not according to the ...
VELLEIUS PATERCULUS. C. Velleii Paterculi Quae supersunt ex Historiae Romanae voluminibus duobus, cum integris animadversionibus doctorum, curante Davide Ruhnkenio. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Samuel et Joann. Luchtmans, 1779. 8vo. 2 volumes: (II, frontispiece),(XXXII),CXXII,1262 (recte 1260),(99 index),(1 blank) p. Half calf 21.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 241048281; Schweiger 2,1130: a long note, from which :'Sehr wichtige Ausgabe'; 'an offenbar corrupten Stellen nahm er Emendationen, fremde und eigene, auf'. 'Die Notae des Rhenanus und Burer liess er unverstümmelt unter dem Texte abdrücken und fügte ihnen seine Anmerkungen ... neue Emendationen .. hinzu'. 'Der zweite Theil enthält den vollständigen Apparat der Burmannischen Ausgabe'; Dibdin 2, 525: 'a very excellent edition'; the text is 'amended in many passages by the judgement of Ruhnkenius, and not according to the fanciful suggestions ...
VENERES BLYENBURGICAE, sive amorum hortus: in quinque areolas divisus & fragantissimis CXLVIII celeberrimorum poetarum flosculis refertus, opera Damasi Blyenburgy Batavi, H.F. (Part 1: Venerum Blyenburgicarum, sive Horti Amoris, areola prima: Ad amicam; 2: Areoloa secunda: Laudes; 3: Areola tertia: Ad se ipsum; 4: Areola quarta, Ad Venerem & Cupidinem; 5: Areoloa quinta: Ad animum, mentem, mortem et similia. Dordrecht (Dordraci), Ex typographia Isaaci Canini, impensis Davidis Episcopii, 1600. 8vo. 5 parts in 1: (XVI),865 (recte 871),(1 blank)(84 appendix) p. Contemporary limp overlapping vellum 16 cm (Ref: Brunet 1,982: 'Ce recueil de pièces érotiques est un des plus agréables que nous ayons en ce genre, mais il y manque nombre de morceaux qui auraient dû y figurer'; Graesse 1,444; Gay-Lemonnyer 3,1308) (Details: 2 thongs laced through the joints. Manuscript title on the back. Each part has its own ...
VERGILIUS. Publius Virgilius Maroos Wercken, vertaelt door J. v. Vondel. Amsterdam., By J. Roman, A. Lobedanius, J. Kouwe & J. Roman de Jonge, 1737. 4to. (XXX, including frontispiece & title),476 p. Contemporary paper covered boards 22 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 297005618; Geerebaert 143,7 does not mention this reissue of 1737; OiN 379) (Details: The frontispiece depicts scenes and props from the poetry of Vergil, and is engraved by 'C. de Putter 1736'. The copper plate for this frontispiece was cut by De Putter exactly after the frontispiece of the first edition of this translation, Leiden 1646. In 1660, and in 1696 the original plate was used again for the verse translations of Vergil of Vondel, but then under the name of the engraver T. Matham. Woodcut printer's mark on title, 2 ploughing oxen, motto: 'trahite aequo jugo') (Conditon: Binding worn and chafed. Wear to the extremes. Stamp and name on the title. Frontispiece ...
VERGILIUS. Vergilius Maro ex editione Nic. Heinsii & P. Burmanni. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Jac. Wetstenium, 1744. 12mo. (XXXII),328 p., engraved title. Vellum 12.5 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,1174; Graesse 6/2,342) (Details: Nice copy. Back ruled gilt, and with a green shield in the second compartment. The engraved title shows scenes from the work of Vergil. On the verso of leaf *2 an engraved portrait of Vergil, after a gem from the collection of Fulivius Ursinus. Clear typography, Latin text only) (Condition: Vellum age-tanned. Ownership inscriptions on the front pastedown and the front flyleaf) (Note: The Bucolics, Georgics and the Aeneid of the Roman poet Vergil, 70-19 BC, were already classic in antiquity. In the Middle Ages Vergil was also widely read. Of no other Latin author survive so many manuscripts as of Vergil. He never fell out of favour, and he did not need to be revived. He 'became a European classic, ...
VERGILIUS. Aeneas van Virgilius, in Nederduitsche verzen, door N.C. Brinkman, Wed. C. van Streek. Amsterdam, Ter Boekdrukkerij van P.E. Briët, 1815. 4to. Frontispiece, (VII),(1 blank); 688 p. Half calf 24.5 cm (Ref: Geerebaert 143,35; Not in OiN) (Details: Back ruled gilt. Engraved title, designed and executed by L. Portman, depicted is the Muse Terpsichore, who holds in her left arm a 'cithara', in her right hand she holds a laurel wreath, with which she crowns a bust of Vergil that stands on a pedestal. The translation is preceded by a 5 page verse dedication to William I, the new king of Holland. After each of the 12 books of the Aeneid follow a few pages with 'Aanteekeningen' (notes)) (Condition: Binding very scuffed. Back rubbed and chafed. Head of the spine damaged. Paper on the boards gone. Front endpapers and title slightly soiled. Tip of both corners of the title torn off. Lacking, as more copies, the 8 ...
Carmina. Breviter enarravit Philippus Wagner. Editio tertia, superioribus multo praestantior.
Leipzig, In Libraria Hahniana, 1861.
XXXII,471 p. Half calf. 22 cm (Note: Prize copy of the Gymnasium of Leiden. Including the printed prize awarded to J.A. Prins, at the occasion of his promotion to the 4th grade, dated 'a.d. IV Idus Septembr. 1866', and signed by the Rector W(illem) H(endrik) D(ominicus) Suringar, and 7 curators of the Gymnasium, among whom the famous classical scholar C(arel) G(abriel) Cobet, professor of Greek at the University of Leiden. The others are Van der Hoeven, Tollens, Rijke, Kuenen, Du Pui. One name is illegible) (Text & commentary in Latin) (Gilt coat of arms of Leiden at the foot of the spine) (Ref: Spoelder, p. 629, Leiden 8) (Condition: Back slightly worn. Bookplate on front pastedown. Foxed) (Photographs on request)
Book number: 156839 Euro 80.00 ...
VERHAAL VAN DE OUDE KERKGEBRUIKEN, of eene naaukeurige geschiedsbeschyving, bevattende hunne geboorte en aanwas, hoe zy ter Kerke ingeslopen, en langs welke trappen zy tot de bygeloovigheit zyn overgegaan. Door en geacht voorstander der rechtzinnige Leere en Kerk. Rotterdam, Gedrukt by Arnold Willis, 1725. 8vo. (LVI),170 p. Half calf 16 cm Anti-papist History of the Church (Details: Back ruled gilt, and with 4 raised bands. Woodcut ornament on the title. Edges dyed red. In Gothic script) (Condition: Binding scuffed, especially at the extremes. Head of the spine chafed, corners bumped) (Note: This anonymous anti-papist history of the church was first published in The Hague in 1629 as 'Traitté des cérémonies anciennes, ou Histoire contenant leurs naissance, & accroissement, leurs entrée en l'église, & par quels degrez elles ont passé iusques à la ...
VIGERUS,F. De praecipuis Graecae dictionis idiotismis. Auctore Francisco Vigero Rotomagensi. Leiden (Lugd. Batav.), Apud Danielem à Gaesbeeck, 1680. 12mo. (XVI),492;28,(88 index),(4 blank) p. Overlapping vellum 13 cm (Ref: Brunet 5,1216) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Manuscript title on the back. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting the entrance of a safe harbour; in the foreground a big wooden semaphore, the entrance is between 2 rocks on which 2 columns stand (the columns of Hercules?); in the distance 2 ships, ready to enter; the motto reads: 'Intelligentibus') (Condition: Vellum age-toned, and slightly soiled. Name on the front pastedown. A few old ink underlinings and 1 ink annotation by the first owner) (Note: The French Jesuit scholar and hellenist François Viger or Vigier, latinized as Franciscus Vigerus, was born in Rouen (Rothomagus) in 1590. He died there in 1647. ...
VOET,P. Pauli Voet, Gisb. Fil. Juris in Acad. Ultraject. Antecessoris, & Vianensis Camerae Senatoris De duellis, ex omni jure decisis casubus, liber singularis. Editione iterata auctus, et emendatus. Utrecht (Ultrajecti), Ex officina Johannis à Waesberge, 1658. 12mo. (VIII),384 p. Vellum. 14 cm (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting Pallas Athena under an apple tree, motto: 'Et flore et fructu') (Condition: Vellum soiled and spotted. Fading manuscript title on the back. Front flyleaf removed) (Note: The Dutchman Paulus Voet, latinized as Paulus Voetus, or Voetius, 1619-1667, was a jurist, classical scholar and philosopher. In 1640 he took his Magister's degree, and was appointed a year later professor extraordinarius of Metaphysics at the University of Utrecht. There he showed himself an opponent of the philosophy of René Descartes. In the ...
VOLLSTÄNDIGERE GRIECHISCHE GRAMMATIK, nach der Lehr-Ordnung der Lateinischen Märkischen Grammatik eingerichtet, mit königlichen Preussischen und Chur-Brandenburgischen Privilegio. Berlin, Zu finden bey Christoph Gottlieb Nicolai, privilegirten Buchhändler, 1730. Small 8°. (VIII),1244,(XXXVI index) p. Two folding plates. Contemporary half calf 17.5 cm (Ref: Not yet in VD18) (Details: Back ruled gilt. Boards marbled. Title in red and black. Two folding plates, one showing Greek MS abbreviations explained; the other shows a Greek inscription, the 'Inscriptio Sigea') (Condition: Binding scuffed. Head and foot of the spine worn and slightly damaged. Corners slightly bumped. Front endpapers with ownership inscriptions. Title with some brown stains. Paper yellowing. Internally fine) (Note: The Universität zu Berlin, or University at Berlin, was founded in 1810 by the liberal Prussian ...