
Old and Rare books

Resultaten 1 - 20 van 426

ZOSIMUS. Zôsimou Komêtos kai Apophiskosunêgorou Historia Nea. Zosimi Comitis ex Advocato Fisci Historia Nova. Ex recensione Friderici Sylburgii, cum latina interpretatione Ioannis Leunclavii, et Notis Variorum, accurante Christophoro Cellario. Editio tertia. Jena (Ienae), Sumtu Io. Felic. Bielkii, 1729. 8vo. (XXXVIII),670,(34 index) p. Calf. 18 cm (Ref: Not yet in VD18; Hoffmann 3,625; Brunet 5,1542: 'texte (...) amélioré et accompagné de bonnes notes'; Ebert cf. 24268: an edition 'welche sich durch theilweise Verbesserung des Textes, durch Abtheilung in Capitel und durch gute Auswahl der frühern Noten empfiehlt'; Graesse 6/2,519) (Details: Back with 5 raised bands. Title in red & black. Printed in 2 columns, Greek text with parallel Latin translation, notes at the bottom of the page) (Condition: Binding scuffed. Small ink inscription on the front endpapers. Paper of ...

€ 260,00

ZACCARIA,FRANCESCO ANTONIO. Istituzione antiquario-lapidaria o sia introduzione allo studio delle antiche latine iscrizioni in tre libri proposta. Roma, (In Roma), A spese di Venanzio Monaldini Mercante di Libri, nella stamperia di Giovanni Zempel, 1770. 8vo. XL,532 (recte 536) p. Contemporary boards. 23 cm (Ref: Brunet 6,2 nr.29897; Graesse 6/2,502, where the second edition of Venice 1793 is mentioned; Ebert 24208, also mentioning 1793) (Details: A contemporary cardboard binding in good condition. Engraved printer's device on the title, depicting a winged Fama who holds her trumpet; the motto reads: 'Utilitate Bonarum Artium'; at her feet marble fragments of inscriptions; from the trumpet hangs a banner with the initials of the proud sponsor Venanzio Monaldini. Facsimile inscriptions throughout. Short title in ink on the back) (Condition: Some wear to the extremes. Some slight foxing. French title inscribed by a contemporary hand. ...

€ 325,00

WYTTENBACH,D. Bibliotheca critica. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Apud Petrum Den Hengst, 1779 - 1808. 8vo. 12 parts in 3 volumes: I: (II),VI,131,(1 blank),(4 advertisement); (II),140; (IV),140; (II),140 p. II: XII,134; (II),140; (II),142; (II),152 p. III: (II),XIV,130; (II),140; (II),XXXVIII,179,(1 blank); LXXIV,224,(3),(1 blank) p. Half calf. 23 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 301147841; Graesse 6/2,481; Ebert 24057; Brunet 5,1487) (Details: Backs ruled gilt and with 5 raised bands. Red and green morocco shield in the 2nd and 3rd compartment) (Condition: Bindings worn, especially at the extremes) (Note: Daniel Albert Wyttenbach is today considered one of the most influential humanists of the 18th century. He was a worthy successor of the great scholars Hemsterhuis, Valckenaer and Ruhnken. 'Wyttenbach's academic fame and merits lie in the area of Greek philology as he is regarded as one of the founding fathers of ...

€ 350,00

WOUWER,J. Ioannis Wouweri Dies aestiva, sive De umbra paegnion. Una cum Iani Dousae F. in eandem declamatione. Editio postrema castigatior, & adjectionibus in fine locupletior. Oxford (Oxonii), Excudebat G. Turner Impensis Guilielmi Webb, 1636. 12mo. (XXVIII),156,(22 index),(2 blank) p. Later calf. 15 cm (Ref: ESTC S120326) (Details: Back with five raised bands, and elaborately gilt. Boards with blind double fillet borders) (Condition: Small pencil note on the front pastedown and the title) (Note: The German scholar Johann von Wowern, or Wower, or Wouwer, 1574/75-1612, son of a Dutch religious refugee, studied law at the university of Marburg, and went in 1593 to Leiden to continue his studies, especially classics, at the newly established university. There he stayed for five years and established relations with the Dutch scholars Meursius, Scriverius, Heinsius and Baudius, and also with Scaliger. The arch-enemy of ...

€ 425,00

WILLINK,D. Daniël Willinks Amsterdamsche Tempe, of de Nieuwe Plantagie. Begrepen in twee boeken. Nevens den Amstelstroom. Met kopere platen. De tweede druk. Amsterdam (Te Amsterdam), By Andries van Damme, Boekverkoper op 't Rokin bezuyden de Beurs, 1721. 8vo. (XL),127,(1 blank),(XII),36 p., frontispiece, 3 engraved plates and 2 text engravings. Vellum 19 cm (Ref: STCN p.p. 171375564) (Details: Nice copy; 5 thongs laced through both joints. Frontispiece, designed, executed and explained by J. Goeree; it shows several allegorical figures in a bucolic landscape (de Nieuwe Plantage); in the foreground sits 'Dichtkonst' (Poetry), listening to 'Zeede-leer' (Ethica), a woman who holds a bridled lion: 'Die Wyze Leermeestres die Leeuwen, fel en wreedt / Door haare lessen temt, en zacht te leyden weet / En hunnen woesten aart voorzigtig in kan tomen'; (p. A1 verso) on a pedestal in the center of the frontispiece rests the rivergod Amstel, ...

€ 300,00

WESSELING,P. Petri Wesselingii Dissertatio Herodotea ad Ti. Hemsterhusium V. C. (Bound with:) Petri Wesseling Probabilium liber singularis, in quo praeter alia insunt vindiciae verborum Joannis 'Et Deus erat verbum'. Ad 1: Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Apud Gisb. Tim. & Abrahamum a Paddenburg, 1758. Ad 2: Franeker (Franequerae), Ex Officina Wibii Bleck Bibliopolae, 1731. 8vo. 2 volumes in 1: (IV),215,(5 index); (VIII),398,(5 index),(1 blank) p. Vellum 20 cm (Ref: Ad 1: Hoffmann 2,247; Ebert 9549 ; ad 2 Ebert 23969) (Details: Two thongs laced through the joints. Short title in ink on the back. ad 2: woodcut printer's mark on title, depicting Athena and her owl under an olive tree, the motto is: 'Ne extra oleas', to be understood as 'Stay within the bounds of wisdom') (Condition: Vellum somewhat soiled. Front hinge cracked, but still hanging on one chord. Front pastedown detached. Upper margin of 1/3 ...

€ 180,00

WASSENBERGH,E. Bibliotheca Wassenberghiana, sive catalogus librorum qui studiis inservierunt viri clarissimi Everwini Wassenberghii, ordinis Leonis Belgici Equitis, Ling. gr. et antiq. gr. et ling. belg. in Academia Franekerana professoris quondam ordinarii. Quorum publica fiet distractio per Petrum den Hengst et filium, Bibliopolas Amstelaedamenses, Franekerae in aedibus defuncti, die 9 Junii sqq. MDCCCXXVIII, hora decima antemeridiana et tertia pomeridiana. Franeker (Franekerae), 1828. 4to. 205,(1 blank) p. 20th century plain cloth. 24 cm (Details: A few prices written in the margins) (Condition: Back and upper part of the frontcover faded. First and last leaf browning. 1 centimeter at the upper and lower edge of the title cut off, without loss of text. The title leaf, which was originally the frontcover and was once detached, has been reattached with a strip of paper) (Note: The Dutch classical scholar Everwijn (Everwinus) ...

€ 425,00

WALCH,J.E.I. Io. Ernest. Imman. Walchii De arte critica veterum Romanorum liber. Editio secunda auctior et emendatior. Jena (Ienae), Sumtu Io. Christoph. Straussii, 1757. 8vo. (VIII),236,(11 index),(1 blank) p. Vellum 17.5 cm (Ref: VD18 10328696) (Details: Manuscript title on the back. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, with the initials J.C.S. on a baroque escutcheon that leans against a bush) (Condition: Vellum age-tanned. Small name on the front flyleaf. Paper yellowing) (Note: Johannes Ernst Immanuel Walch, 1725-1778, studied classical and semitic languages at the University of Jena, and also natural science and mathematics. In 1750 be was appointed professor extraordinarius of theology, and in 1755 he became professor ordinarius of logic and metaphysics. In 1759 he exchanged this chair for a professorship of rhetoric and poetry. His main interest as a classical scholar was the exegese of the New Testament. As was ...

€ 240,00

VOSSIUS,G.J. Latina grammatica. Ex decreto Illustr. D.D. Hollandiae Westfrisiae Ordinum in usum scholarum adornata. Multis quidem in locis Lud. Lithocomi verbis, quibus Scholae adsueverant, reservatis; sed erroribus, quibus scatebat, emendatis; inuitilibus refectis; pluribus, quae defierent, suppletis, & omnibus meliori ordine dispositis. Studio, atque opera Gerardi Joannis Vossii. Editio novissima, plurimis in locis castigatior prioribus, notis vero longe auctior. (Bound with:) Latina syntaxis, in usum scholarum Hollandiae & West-Frisiae, superiorum auctoritate, adornata. Passim quidem reservatis fere praeceptis & exemplis, Ludolffi Lithocomi; Sed plurimis repurgata ab erroribus, etiam superfluis omissis, additis necessariis, atque omnibus meliore ordine digestis. Opera Gerardo Jo. Vossii. (&:) Latina prosodia et artis metricae elementa, in usum scholarum Hollandiae, ac West-Frisae conscripta a Gerardo Jo. Vossio. Amsterdam ...

€ 390,00

VOSSIUS,G.J. (& I. VOSSIUS). Gerardi Ioannis Vossii Dissertationes tres de tribus symbolis, Apostolico, Athanasiano et Constantinopolitano. (Bound with:) Gerardi Ioannis Vossii Dissertatio gemina; una de Iesu Cristi genealogia; altera de annis, quibus natus, baptizatus, mortuus. (And:) Gerardi Joh. Vossi Chronologiae sacrae Isagoge, sive de ultimis mundi antiquitatibus, ac imprimis de temporibus rerum Hebraearum dissertationes VIII. (And:) Isaaci Vossii Castigationes ad scriptum Georgii Hornii de aetate mundi. Ad 1: Amsterdam (Amsterdami), Apud Iohannem Blaeu, 1642. Ad 2: Amsterdam (Amsterdami), Apud Iohannem Blaeu, 1643. Ad 3 & 4: The Hague (Hagae-Comitis), Ex typographia Adriani Vlacq, 1659. 4to. 4 volumes in 1: (VIII),93,(13),(2 blank) p. (XIX),43,(3),(1 blank), 69,(11) p. (VIII),132 p. (XXIV),48 p. Vellum 20.5 cm (Ref: Ad 1: STCN ppn 852560893; Rademaker no. 25. Ad 2: STCN ppn 852560826; Rademaker no. 26. Ad 3: STCN: ppn 852371721; ...

€ 380,00

VORSTIUS,J. De latinitate merito suspecta, Deque vitiis sermonis latini, quae vulgo fere non animadvertuntur, liber; quem alter, de latinitate falso suspecta, antecessit, auctore Johanne Vorstio. Editio nova auctior & cum indice. (Bound with volume 2:) De latinitate falso suspecta, deque Latinae Linguae cum Germanica convenientia liber, auctore Johanne Vorstio. Adjecti sunt plenissimi indices. Editio tertia priori correctior. Ad 1: Berlin (Berlini), Impensis Danielis Reichelii, bibliop. Typis Christophori Fleischeri, 1682. Ad 2: Berlin, (Berolini), Sumptibus Joh. Fried. Gleditschii, 1690. 8vo. 2 volumes in 1: (VIII),282 (recte 272);(8 index); (XII);298;(26 index) p. Vellum 17 cm (Ref: Ad 1: VD17 12:130206A; Ad 2: VD17 3:314302R) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Manuscript title on the back. Title in red and black) (Condition: Vellum soiled and spotted. Front flyleaf removed. Small name on the first title. Blank ...

€ 190,00

VONDEL,J. VAN DEN. J. v. Vondels Palamedes, of vermoorde Onnozelheit. Treurspel, met aenteekeningen uit 's Dichters mondt opgeschreven. Den derden druk merkelyk vermeerdert. (Bound with:) J. van Vondels Hekeldigten, met aenteekeningen, uit 's Dichters mondt opgeschreven, thans merkelijk vermeerdert. Verciert met koperen platen. Amersfoort, ('t Amersfoort), By Pieter Brakman, 1736. 4to. 2 volumes in 1: (IV),(XVI),82;(2),179,(5) p. Frontispiece and plates (see description below). Early 20th century half cloth. 19 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 271408340; Schuytvlot 471; Unger 18,143) (Details: 'Pieter Brakman' was a pseudonym of the bookseller Pieter van der Veer in Rotterdam. (See: Ton Jongenelen. 'De Keurdigten. Het levenswerk van Pieter van der Goes, boekverkooper.' In: Mededelingen van de Stichting Jacob Campo Weyerman. 27 (2004), p. 57-67. Online at the site of DBNL). § Volume 1 opens with a portrait of the ...

€ 160,00

VOLNEY,C.F. Les ruines, ou méditation sur les révolutions des empires. 12e édition. On y a joint La loi naturelle. Paris, Bossange Frères, Libraires, 1822. XXV,(1 blank),383,(1 blank) p., engraved portrait, engraved frontispiece, 1 engraved plate, and 2 folding tables, showing a map of Europe, Africa & Asia, and a celestial map with the signs of the zodiac. Half calf 13.5 cm (Condition: Boards and corners somewhat scuffed. Some slight foxing) (Note: The French historian, philosopher and orientalist Constantin François de Chassebœuf de Volney, 1757-1820, is one of the founding fathers of the Black Athena theory. After a trip to the Middle East in 1782 he suggested that the ancient Egyptians were originally black Africans, and that the Egyptians of his time were mulats with mixed blood. 'Les anciens Égyptiens étaient de vrais Nègres de l'espèce de tous les naturels ...

€ 120,00

VOLLSTÄNDIGERE GRIECHISCHE GRAMMATIK, nach der Lehr-Ordnung der Lateinischen Märkischen Grammatik eingerichtet, mit königlichen Preussischen und Chur-Brandenburgischen Privilegio. Berlin, Zu finden bey Christoph Gottlieb Nicolai, privilegirten Buchhändler, 1730. Small 8°. (VIII),1244,(XXXVI index) p. Two folding plates. Contemporary half calf 17.5 cm (Ref: Not yet in VD18) (Details: Back ruled gilt. Boards marbled. Title in red and black. Two folding plates, one showing Greek MS abbreviations explained; the other shows a Greek inscription, the 'Inscriptio Sigea') (Condition: Binding scuffed. Head and foot of the spine worn and slightly damaged. Corners slightly bumped. Front endpapers with ownership inscriptions. Title with some brown stains. Paper yellowing. Internally fine) (Note: The Universität zu Berlin, or University at Berlin, was founded in 1810 by the liberal Prussian ...

€ 250,00

VOET,P. Pauli Voet, Gisb. Fil. Juris in Acad. Ultraject. Antecessoris, & Vianensis Camerae Senatoris De duellis, ex omni jure decisis casubus, liber singularis. Editione iterata auctus, et emendatus. Utrecht (Ultrajecti), Ex officina Johannis à Waesberge, 1658. 12mo. (VIII),384 p. Vellum. 14 cm (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting Pallas Athena under an apple tree, motto: 'Et flore et fructu') (Condition: Vellum soiled and spotted. Fading manuscript title on the back. Front flyleaf removed) (Note: The Dutchman Paulus Voet, latinized as Paulus Voetus, or Voetius, 1619-1667, was a jurist, classical scholar and philosopher. In 1640 he took his Magister's degree, and was appointed a year later professor extraordinarius of Metaphysics at the University of Utrecht. There he showed himself an opponent of the philosophy of René Descartes. In the ...

€ 190,00

VIGERUS,F. De praecipuis Graecae dictionis idiotismis. Auctore Francisco Vigero Rotomagensi. Leiden (Lugd. Batav.), Apud Danielem à Gaesbeeck, 1680. 12mo. (XVI),492;28,(88 index),(4 blank) p. Overlapping vellum 13 cm (Ref: Brunet 5,1216) (Details: 5 thongs laced through the joints. Manuscript title on the back. Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting the entrance of a safe harbour; in the foreground a big wooden semaphore, the entrance is between 2 rocks on which 2 columns stand (the columns of Hercules?); in the distance 2 ships, ready to enter; the motto reads: 'Intelligentibus') (Condition: Vellum age-toned, and slightly soiled. Name on the front pastedown. A few old ink underlinings and 1 ink annotation by the first owner) (Note: The French Jesuit scholar and hellenist François Viger or Vigier, latinized as Franciscus Vigerus, was born in Rouen (Rothomagus) in 1590. He died there in 1647. ...

€ 150,00

VERHAAL VAN DE OUDE KERKGEBRUIKEN, of eene naaukeurige geschiedsbeschyving, bevattende hunne geboorte en aanwas, hoe zy ter Kerke ingeslopen, en langs welke trappen zy tot de bygeloovigheit zyn overgegaan. Door en geacht voorstander der rechtzinnige Leere en Kerk. Rotterdam, Gedrukt by Arnold Willis, 1725. 8vo. (LVI),170 p. Half calf 16 cm Anti-papist History of the Church (Details: Back ruled gilt, and with 4 raised bands. Woodcut ornament on the title. Edges dyed red. In Gothic script) (Condition: Binding scuffed, especially at the extremes. Head of the spine chafed, corners bumped) (Note: This anonymous anti-papist history of the church was first published in The Hague in 1629 as 'Traitté des cérémonies anciennes, ou Histoire contenant leurs naissance, & accroissement, leurs entrée en l'église, & par quels degrez elles ont passé iusques à la ...

€ 225,00

VERGILIUS. Carmina. Breviter enarravit Philippus Wagner. Editio tertia, superioribus multo praestantior. Leipzig, In Libraria Hahniana, 1861. XXXII,471 p. Half calf. 22 cm (Note: Prize copy of the Gymnasium of Leiden. Including the printed prize awarded to J.A. Prins, at the occasion of his promotion to the 4th grade, dated 'a.d. IV Idus Septembr. 1866', and signed by the Rector W(illem) H(endrik) D(ominicus) Suringar, and 7 curators of the Gymnasium, among whom the famous classical scholar C(arel) G(abriel) Cobet, professor of Greek at the University of Leiden. The others are Van der Hoeven, Tollens, Rijke, Kuenen, Du Pui. One name is illegible) (Text & commentary in Latin) (Gilt coat of arms of Leiden at the foot of the spine) (Ref: Spoelder, p. 629, Leiden 8) (Condition: Back slightly worn. Bookplate on front pastedown. Foxed) (Photographs on request)
Book number: 156839 Euro 80.00 ...

€ 80,00

VERGILIUS. Aeneas van Virgilius, in Nederduitsche verzen, door N.C. Brinkman, Wed. C. van Streek. Amsterdam, Ter Boekdrukkerij van P.E. Briët, 1815. 4to. Frontispiece, (VII),(1 blank); 688 p. Half calf 24.5 cm (Ref: Geerebaert 143,35; Not in OiN) (Details: Back ruled gilt. Engraved title, designed and executed by L. Portman, depicted is the Muse Terpsichore, who holds in her left arm a 'cithara', in her right hand she holds a laurel wreath, with which she crowns a bust of Vergil that stands on a pedestal. The translation is preceded by a 5 page verse dedication to William I, the new king of Holland. After each of the 12 books of the Aeneid follow a few pages with 'Aanteekeningen' (notes)) (Condition: Binding very scuffed. Back rubbed and chafed. Head of the spine damaged. Paper on the boards gone. Front endpapers and title slightly soiled. Tip of both corners of the title torn off. Lacking, as more copies, the 8 ...

€ 90,00

VERGILIUS. Vergilius Maro ex editione Nic. Heinsii & P. Burmanni. Amsterdam (Amstelaedami), Apud Jac. Wetstenium, 1744. 12mo. (XXXII),328 p., engraved title. Vellum 12.5 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,1174; Graesse 6/2,342) (Details: Nice copy. Back ruled gilt, and with a green shield in the second compartment. The engraved title shows scenes from the work of Vergil. On the verso of leaf *2 an engraved portrait of Vergil, after a gem from the collection of Fulivius Ursinus. Clear typography, Latin text only) (Condition: Vellum age-tanned. Ownership inscriptions on the front pastedown and the front flyleaf) (Note: The Bucolics, Georgics and the Aeneid of the Roman poet Vergil, 70-19 BC, were already classic in antiquity. In the Middle Ages Vergil was also widely read. Of no other Latin author survive so many manuscripts as of Vergil. He never fell out of favour, and he did not need to be revived. He 'became a European classic, ...

€ 120,00