MOERIS ATTICISTES. MOIRIDOS ATTIKISTOU LEXEIS ATTIKÔN kai HELLÊNÔN kata stoicheion. Moeridis Atticistae lexicon atticum, cum Jo. Hudsoni, Steph. Bergleri, Claud. Sallierii, aliorumque notis. Secundum ordinem MSStorum restituit, emendavit, animadversionibusque illustravit, Joannes Piersonus. Accedit AILIOU HÊRÔDIANOU PHILETAIROS. Aelii Herodiani Philetaerus, e Ms nunc primum editus, item ejusdem Fragmentum e MSS. emendatius atque auctius. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Petrum van der Eyk et Cornelium de Pecker, 1759. 8vo. (IV),LXVI,(2),480,44 p. Half calf. 22 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 240337786; Brunet 3,1788: 'Bonne édition, dans laquelle le texte a été rétabli d'après des manuscrits'; Graesse 4,558: 'la meilleure édition'; Ebert 14181: 'The best edition. A new recension from MSS. and restored to its original order'; Neue Pauly 8, col. 343/4: still the ...
MINUCIUS FELIX. M. Minucii Felicis Octavius. Cum integris omnium notis ac commentariis, novaque recensione Jacobi Ouzeli. Cujus & accedunt animadversiones. Insuper Johannis Meursii notae. Et liber Julii Firmici Materni V.C. De errore profanarum religionum. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex Officina Hackiana, 1672. 8vo. (XLVIII),352,64,(29 index),(1 blank) p., frontispiece. Half calf, frontcover detached. 19.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 063021110; Schoenemann I,72; Graesse 4,534; Ebert 14107) (Details: Back with 4 raised bands. Marbled boards. Frontispiece engraved by G. Appelmans, depicting 3 men, Octavius, Minucius and Octavius Januarius, discussing in the shadow of a tree, which grows on the border of a river, behind them a statue of a naked male figure, a statue of Serapis, in the distance the city. This is an illustration of the crucial scene as told by Minucius at the end of the second chapter, where Minucius tells how his friend Caecilius, as ...
MINUCIUS FELIX. M. Minucii Felicis Octavius. Cum integris omnium notis ac commentariis, novaque recensione Jacobi Ouzelii, cujus & accedunt animadversiones. Accedit praeterea liber Julii Firmici Materni V.C. De errore profanarum religionum. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex officina Ioannis Maire, 1652. 4to. (38),44,(2),46,140,36,32,212,(23),56 p. Overlapping vellum 20.5 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 840085141; Breugelmans 1652:10B; Schoenemann I,71; not in Brunet; Graesse 4,534; Ebert 14107) (Details: Title in red & black. Engraved printer's mark on the title depicting a farmer stamping a shovel into the ground, he is flanked by a woman holding a cornucopiae, and a woman holding an ancre, above the head of the farmer the motto: 'fac et spera'. According to Breugelmans there are 2 issues of this edition: 1652:10A and 1652:10B; 10A shows on the title 3 lines printed red, and 10B (our copy) has 5 lines printed red; 10B also has 2 cancels ...
MEURSIUS,J. Ioannis Meursii Reliqua Attica; sive ad librum De populis Atticae Paralipomena. Liber singularis. Cui accedit Auctarium ex Itinerario (de Pagis Atticis) Jacobi Sponii. (Bound with:) Ioannis Meursii Theseus, sive de ejus vita rebusque gestis liber postumus. Accedunt ejusdem Paralipomena de Pagis Atticis, et Excerpta ex Jacobi Sponii Itinerario de iisdem pagis. (And with:) Ioannis Meursii Themis Attica, sive De legibus Atticis libri II. Ad 1 & 2: Utrecht (Ultrajecti), Apud Franciscum Halma, 1684. 3: Utrecht (Trajecti ad Rhenum), Apud Joannem vande Water, Joannem Ribbium, Franciscum Halma, 1685. 4to. 3 volumes in 1: 52,(8 index),40; (VIII),136,(12 index); (IV),152,(20 index) p. Vellum 20 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 066811074; STCN ppn 066811007; STCN ppn 840519370; Haitsma Mulier/Van der Lem 334u & 334t) (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. Short title calligraphed with black ink on the back. Title of 'Theseus' ...
MEURSIUS,J. Ioannis Meursii Panathenaea, sive de Minervae illo gemino festo liber singularis. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1619. 4to. (VIII),48 p. Calf 18 cm (Ref: Wiilems 161; Rahir 131; Berghman 1977) (Details: Woodcut printer's mark on the title, depicting an eagle with spread wings on a pedestal; the bird holds in its beak a set of 7 arrows bound together; the motto reads: 'Concordia res parvae crescunt'; the bundle of arrows symbolizes The Dutch Republic of the Seven United Netherlands (also Provinces); since its foundation in 1588 the motto of the United Provinces was 'Concordia res parvae crescunt', in Dutch: 'Eendracht maakt macht', a still popular motto in the coat of arms of many countries. The saying was coined by the Roman historian Sallust. (Bellum Jugurthinum, caput 10)) (Condition: Binding very scuffed: leather on the back wearing away; scratches on the boards; front ...
MERULA,P. Pauli G.F.P.N. Merulae J.C. (...) Opera varia posthuma, De sacrificiis Romanorum, De sacerdotibus Romanorum, De legibus Romanorum, De comitiis Romanorum, De Praemiis etc. Romanorum. Juxta autographum cum amplissimo indice edita & recensita. Leiden (Lugd. Batavorum), Ex officina Petri à Meersche, Joannis de Vivié, 1684. 4to. (XV),(1 blank),144,(4 index),(1),(1 blank); 55,(1 blank),(1 index),(3 blank); 49,(1 blank),(3 index),(1 blank); 288,(4 index) p., frontispiece, portrait. Vellum 21 cm (Ref: STCN ppn 066935423; Graesse 4,501; Sandys 2,306) (Details: 6 thongs laced through the joints. Frontispiece by A. de Blois, it depicts an allegorical scene: in the centre a monument for Paul(l)us Merula, featuring a small bust of him surrounded by a laurel border; a winged Fama hovers on top, blowing her trumpet; left of the monument probably Rome, a woman in royal robe, crown on her head & scepter in her ...
MELA POMPONIUS. Pomponii Melae De situ orbis libri III. Cum notis integris Hermolai Barbari, Petri Joannis Olivarii, Fredenandi Nonii Pintani, Petri Ciacconii, Andreae Schotti, Isaaci Vossii, et Jacobi Gronovii. Accedunt Petri Joannis Nunnesii epistola de patria Pomponii Melae, & adnotate (sic!) in prooemium, atque quo priora capita libri I, et Jacobi Perizonii adnotata ad Libri I, capita septemdecim, curante Abrahamo Gronovio. Editio tertia. Leiden, (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Samuelem et Johannem Luchtmans, 1782. 8vo. (I, frontispiece),(XX),1081 (recte 1083),(54 index),(1 blank) p. Folding map. Vellum. 21.5 cm 'Prize copy' (Ref: STCN ppn 238030504; Schweiger 2,611/12; Ebert 13634; Graesse 5,403; Brunet 4,801; Dibdin 2,356; Spoelder p. 669, Schiedam 6) (Details: Prize copy, including the manuscript prize for Gerhardus Gelenius Brons. Back gilt. Boards with blind double fillet borders and gilt corner pieces, & the gilt coat of ...
MELA POMPONIUS. Pomponii Melae De situ orbis libri III. Cum notis integris Hermolai Barbari, Petri Joannis Olivarii, Fredenandi Nonii Pintiani, Petri Ciacconii, Andreae Schotti, Isaci Vossii, & Jacobi Gronovii. Accedunt Julii Honorii oratoris Excerpta Cosmographiae. Cosmographia falso Aethicum auctorem praeferens, cum variis lectionibus ex MS. Ravennatis Anonymi Geographia, ex MS. Leidensis suppleta, curante Abrahamo Gronovio. Leiden (Lugduni Batavorum), Ex officina Samuelis Luchtmans, 1722. 8vo. (LXXX),811,(36 index),(1 blank) p., frontispiece, folding map. Vellum 21 cm Prize copy (Ref: STCN ppn 238632024; Schweiger 2,611; Brunet 4,801; Dibdin 2,356; Graesse 5,402/403; Ebert 13632; Spoelder p. 683, Utrecht 3) (Details: Prize copy of the 'Gymnasium Hieronymianum' at Utrecht, without the prize. Gilt coat of arms of Utrecht within gilt borders on both boards. 6 thongs laced through the joints. The frontispiece, designed by H. van ...
MEERMAN,J. Josia, Antoninus Pius en Hendrik IV met elkander vergeleeken. Eene verhandeling, voorgeleezen in de Maatschappij van Natuur- en Letterkunde, onder de Zinspreuk: Diligentia, in 's Graavenhaage op Dingsdag den 13 en 20 January 1807 door Mr. Johan Meerman, Heer van Dalem en Vuren. The Hague (In 'sGraavenhaage), By de gebroeders Van Cleef, boekverkoopers des Konings, en der Koninklyke Bibliotheek, 1807. 8vo. (IV),126,(2 stocklist) p. Half calf 20 cm (Ref: ) (Details: Back gilt and with 5 raised bands. Red morocco letter label) (Condition: Binding slightly worn at the extremes. The small piece of leather which should protect the right lower corner of the upper board has gone. Some small damage to the leather along the joint of the upper board) (Note: The Dutch Republic was between 1588 and 1795 a Confederation of the Seven United Provinces. This period ended with the French occupation in 1795. In this year the French established a ...
MAXIMUS TYRIUS. MAXIMOU TURIOU LOGOI. Maximi Tyrii Dissertationes. Ex interpretatione Danielis Heinsii. Recensuit & notulis illustravit Joannes Davisius, Coll. Regin. apud Cantabr. Socius. Cambridge (Cantabrigiae), Ex Officina Joann. Hayes, celeberrimae Academiae Typographi, 1703. 8vo. (XVI),435,(1 blank);(10 index),(2 blank) p. Vellum 20 cm (Ref: ESTC Citation No. T98323; Hoffmann 2,586: 'Diese Ausgabe übertrifft die früheren'; Dibdin p. 2,233: 'Foreign critics seem to consider Davies the best editor of Maximus Tyrius. (...) but it is to be regretted that Heinsius's notes are not given entire. At the bottom of each page some short critical and historical observations are given; and there are two very useful indexes'; Brunet 3,1552; Graesse 4,453; Ebert 13454: 'Die Anmerkungen sind theils kritisch, theils die Geschichte der Philosophie betreffend'; Spoelder p. 578, 's-Gravenhage 3) (Details: ...
MAXIMUS TYRIUS. V.C. Maximi Tyri Philosophi Platonici Dissertationes XLI. Graece. Cum interpretatione, notis, & emendationibus Danielis Heinsii. Accessit Alcinoi In doctrinam Platonis introductio ab eodem emendata: & alia ejusdem generis. Leiden, (Lugduni Batavorum), Apud Joannem Patium, Acad. Typogr., 1607. 8vo. 3 parts in 1: (XXIII),(1 blank),408; (12),411,(4),(1 blank); (159 unnumbered pages),(1 blank) p. Vellum 17.5 cm (Ref: Hoffmann 2,585; Schweiger 1,204; Dibdin 2,232; Graesse 4,453; Ebert 13450; Brunet 3,1552) (Details: Two thongs laced through the joints. Each part has its own title, the first is in red & black. Woodcut printer's mark of Paets on the titles, depicting a winged young woman who holds a scythe in her left hand and an opened book in her right arm) (Condition: Vellum age-toned and spotted. Tiny hole in the vellum of the lower board. Both pastedowns detached. Bookplate pasted on inside of the ...
MAUNDRELL,H. A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter, A.D. 1697. The sixth edtion, to which is now added an account of the author's journey to the banks of Euphrates at Beer, and to the country of Mesopotamia. With an index to the whole work, not in any former edition. By Hen. Maundrell, M.A. late fellow of Exeter Coll. and Chaplain to the factory of Aleppo. Oxford, Printed at the Theatre, for A. Peisley bookseller in Oxford, and W. Meadows bookseller in Cornhill, 1740. 8vo. (XI),(I),171,(1 blank) p., 9 folding plates, 6 full page plates, 3 text illustrations. Modern cloth 22 cm (Ref: ESTC Citation No. T100587; 'The library of Henry M. Blackmer II', London 1989, no, 214; Brunet 3,1542) (Details: Tasteful and simple modern binding with an gilt red morocco shield on the back. Engraving of the Sheldonian Theater on the title, executed by M. Cole. The first plate is a view on Aleppo. There are engravings of Mount Carmel and Tabor; 7 ...
MARTIALIS. M. Val. Martialis epigrammata demptis obscenis. Addidit annotationes & interpretationem Josephus Juvencius, e Societate Jesu. Venice (Venetiis), Apud Nicolaum Pezzana, 1736. 12mo. (X),685,(24 index) p. Vellum 15.5 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,599 mentions only the first edition of 1693) (Details: 2 thongs laced through cover. Latin text followed by a commentary in 2 columns) (Condition: Binding soiled. Lower corner bumped. Title dust-soiled) (Note: The Roman epigrammist Martial, ca. 41-104 A.D., embraced in his 14 books of epigrams 'many topics: flattery of social superiors, satire of man's foibles, eroticism'. (The Classical Heritage, Cambr. Mass., 2010, p. 565/66). Contemporaries valued his work for its frankness and wit. Later Renaissance authors mined his work and sparked a resurgence of Neo-Latin and vernacular epigrams throughout Europe. § Martial's obscenity created a dilemma for ...
MARTIALIS. M. Val. Martialis. Ex museo Petri Scriverii. Sumptibus Societatis. Amsterdam (Amstelodami), Typis Danielis Elzevirii, 1664. 24mo. 310,(2 blank) p. Calf 12 cm (Ref: Willems 1344, & 1448; Berghman 2096 & 2092; Rahir 1392 & 1535) In october 2013 it was reported in the 'Daily Mail online' that in a book just published, 'Mad about the boy' of Helen Fielding, 40 pages had been swapped with another title that was printed on the same day, Sir David Jason's autobiography. The Mail observes: 'The printers have had a Bridget moment. Only early editions of this new novel contain chunks of Sir David's book. A kind of error that would have left Bridget Jones herself feeling very embarrassed and resolving to try harder. Readers of the latest instalment of the hapless singleton's diary were astonished to discover Bridget's reflections on life and lover interrupted by 40 pages of Sir David Jason's ...
Les Incas, ou la destruction de l'Empire du Pérou.
Lyon, Chez Amable Leroy, 1810.
8vo. 2 volumes: (VI, including frontispiece),XLIV,290; (IV),349 p.; 11 engraved plates (including the frontispiece), 2 folding maps. Dull contemporary wrappers. 21,5 cm (Margins uncut. Paper on the back and covers partly worn away, resulting in some small holes. Partly foxed)
Book number: 160291 Euro 50.00
Keywords: (Oude Druk), 18. Jahrhundert, 18th century, France, French imprints, French literature, Mexico, enlightenment, französiche Literatur, historical novel, historischer Roman
MACROBIUS. Aur. Theodosii Macrobi & inlustris Opera. Ioh. Isacius Pontanus recensuit, & Saturnaliorum libros MS. ope auxit, ordinavit, & castigationes sive notas adiecit. Ad amplissimum virum Arnoldum Witfeldium Regni Daniae Cancellarium. Contenta hoc libro vide pagina sequenti, quibus accedunt I. Meursi breviores notae. Leiden, Ex Officina Plantiniana, Apud Franciscum Raphelengium, 1597. 8vo. (XVI),697,(55) p. Limp overlapping vellum. 17 cm (Ref: Schweiger 2,587: 'Eine englische Handschrift ist für die Verbesserung des Textes benutzt'; Ebert 12718: 'the notes are valuable'; Graesse 4,330) (Details: Printer's mark on the title: a pair of compasses, motto 'labore et sapientia') (Condition: Vellum soiled and wrinkled. A small piece of vellum has gone at the head of the spine. New leaf pasted on the front pastedown. Paper yellowing. Edges of the title slightly thumbed. Upper margin of ...
MACROBIUS. Macrobii Ambrosii Aurelii Theodosii viri consularis & illustris in Somnium Scipionis libri II. Eiusdem Saturnaliorum libri VII. Ex vetustissimis manuscriptis codicibus recogniti & aucti. (Edited by) Joach. Camerarius. Basel (Basileae), Ex officina Ioan. Hervagii, 1535. Cum privilegio Caesaris ad quinquennium. Folio. (XL),334,2 p. Vellum 30 cm (Ref: VD16 ZV 20513; Schweiger 2,586: the first mentioned copy with the privilegium and the corrections. 'Neue, schätzbare Recension von Joach. Camerarius, nach 2 Handschriften'. Dibdin 2,220: 'under the care of the celebrated Camerarius, and by the help of several important MSS. there was hardly a verse in the poets quoted but what received very considerable emendation. (...) A volume, thus intrinsically valuable, will not fail to find a purchaser at a reasonable price'; Ebert 12716; Graesse 4,330) (Details: Later vellum (18th century?). Brown morocco shield on ...
MABLY,G.B. DE. Observations sur les Romains. Par M. l'Abbé de Mably. Seconde édition revue & corrigée. Geneva (Genève), Par la Compagnie des Libraires, 1767. 12mo. VIII,(IV),426,(2 advertisements, errata) p. Contemporary mottled calf. 17 cm (Ref: Cioranescu 41169; Brunet vol. 6, 22934) (Details: Back tooled gilt with floral motives, and with a red morocco shield in the second compartment. Endpapers marbled) (Condition: Binding slightly worn at the extremes. Corners grazed. Paper yellowing) (Note: The Frenchman Gabriel Bonnot de Mably, 1709-1785, also known as Abbé de Mably, was a philosopher and historian of great repute in the 18th century, and a pioneer of the French Revolution. After a short career in diplomacy, he dedicated himself to literary and scholarly studies. He was a lifelong friend of the philosopher Rousseau, who tutored from 1740 to 1741 the two sons of his brother ...
LYSIAS & ISOCRATES. The orations of Lysias and Isocrates, translated from the Greek; with some account of their lives; and a discourse on the history, manners, and character of the Greeks, from the conclusion of the Peloponnesian war, to the battle of Chaeronea, by John Gillies, LL.D. London, Edinburgh, Printed for J. Murray, and J. Bell, 1778. 4to. (XXXVI),CXXXV,(1 blank),498,(1 errata)(1 blank) p.; a portrait of Lysias & of Isocrates. Calf 28 cm (Ref: ESTC Citation No. T106138; Hoffmann 2,490 & 2,575: 'eine gute Übersetzung'; Ebert 10628 & 12573; Moss 2,119: 'faithful and masterly'; Brunet 3,1258: 'Traduction fidèle, et comme telle fort estimée; Graesse 4,315; Ebert 12573; Dict. of British Classicists 2,370/2) (Details: Back ruled gilt and with 5 raised bands. Red morocco shield with gold lettering in the second compartment. Small and fading gilt coat of arms on the boards, within a ...
LYDUS, JOHANNES LAURENTIUS. Joannis Laurentii Lydi Philadelpheni De Magistratibus reipublicae romanae libri tres, nunc primum in lucem editi, et versione, notis indicibusque aucti a Joanne Dominico Fuss. Praefatus est Carolus Benedictus HASE, codd. graec. et lat. in Bibliotheca Imperiali Parisiensi sub conservatore custos. Paris (Parisiis), Ex officina J.-M. Eberharti, Collegii Imperialis Franciae Typographi, 1812. 4to. (VIII),LXXXVII,(1 blank), 316 p. Contemporary boards. 28 cm (Ref: Hoffmann 2,510 (Laurentius); Brunet 3,880; Graesse 4,122; Ebert 12557) (Details: 1 of the 100 quarto copies, on wove paper and with broad margins. Gilt black shield on the back. Greek text with parallel Latin translation) (Condition: Binding scuffed. Back chafed and discoloured, and slightly damaged at the head. 2 library bookplates on the front pastedown. Some slight foxing) (Note: Johannes Laurentius Lydus was born in 490 AD at Philadelphia in ...